Racism-phobia, a dangerous scourge

New articles in 4Racism.org

4Racism.org will argue the radical notion that "Racism" (as defined by Anti-Racists) is something positive & worth striving for, that Racism is Love #RacismIsLove #4Racism!

Anti-Racists are the real "Racists", intolerant Bigots convinced of their own moral superiority over so called racists and bigots, who oppose race blindness, who  incite riots, hate and violenceand even propose to exterminate Whites.

Anti-Racism manipulates media, changes voting outcome, causes world financial crises (yes, read 4Racism), destroys cities and countries, and more.

Thus we must own the insult "Racist". We must reclaim (=reappropriate) the terms "Racist" and "Racism".


Politically incorrect google search. Main stream media results are filtered out.
The results focus on alternative media. Try to search your home town, for example. Must try!

    4Racism is expanding regularly with new articles.

  1. Regression towards mediocrity (Regression towards the mean)
    a) another incontrovertible mathematical proof for heredity of IQ and heredity of the black white IQ gap and 
    b) explanation why children of bright Blacks tend to be much less bright than their parents. and tend to drift back into lower social classes
  2. Equality dogma: all races are equal.
    Equality BETWEEN and WITHIN Races is the center piece of Anti-Racism. Often called Universalism or Egalitarianism.
  3. Universalism or Egalitarianism:
    Universalism "insists on the universal nature of mankind. This leads to the belief that all racial-ethnic groups and cultures are equal, and even to a belief in the uniform human potential of all individuals.
  4. Corporal Punishment Saves Lives and Schools
    Old fashioned corporal punishment – or tried and proven segregation by performance and disciplinary behavior – could save dysfunctional multicultural schools.
  5. Swiss High Schools admit only brightest 20%. Average Students need not apply.
    Swiss High School is specifically for those who plan to study at the University. Traditional Swiss education has three tracks. Elementary, intermediate, and college. The Swiss do not suffer from the idea that 80% of the population should be among the top 20%. Switzerland has the highest paid an highest qualified work force in the world
  6. Racism reduces rape
    Rape prevention and prosecution are hampered by fear of being called racist. Rotherham, Telford, Swedish schools, ..
  7. Black Privilege
    Quota jobs without passing entry exams, allowed to use racial slurs like cracker or N-word, to be racist, to riot and loot with impunity, & much more
  8. Black Thugs Matter: Glorification of Felons
    Many popular famous rich Blacks athletes, singers are felons. (National Felons’ League".  Famous "victims" of white police violence resisted and attacked police
  9. Subprime crisis’ cause: mandatory affirmative housing loans
    Racism could have saved both the world economy from subprime meltdown, and saved Blacks from bankruptcy. Anti-Racist affirmative housing rules forced banks to give mortgage loans to unqualified minorities. Blacks did not need to fulfill the same tried-and-proven loan prerequisites as whites.
  10. East Asians, the model minority (IQ ~ 105)
    (East) Asians have higher IQ, income, educational attainments, lower criminality than Whites, in spite of "discrimination".. Koreans, Japanese, Chinese don’t fit PC narrative about discrimination’s harms
  11. Jewish Nobel Prize Overrepresentation
    Jews are 100 times over-represented among Science Nobel Prize winners, richest people in America, politicians, lawyers. Cause: high Ashkenazi (mean) IQ of 115.
  12. Victim classes rank ordered: Muslims and Blacks trump Women and Gays
    Muslim homophobes or Black rapists do not fit the PC narrative

Wait, there is more! This article continues! Continue reading “Racism-phobia, a dangerous scourge” »
Racism-phobia, a dangerous scourge
» continues here »

Black and minority crime: Much worse than racist statistics claim

Black crime much worse than statistics indicate

"Snitches get stitches", witness intimidation, Black under-reporting of crime (shot spotter), Bronx Juries, Hispanics criminals counted as "White" statistically increase white crime and decrease black crime statistics. This is due to anti-racist manipulation and fear of racism.

    The systematic denial of non-white crime is shocking.


Political correctness successfully distorts the data.

  1. White criminality gets inflated:
    1. Non-white offenders are counted as "whites". Arabs, Turks, and Hispanics help increase the crime statistics for Whites, thus diminish the ratio (Black crimes)/(White crimes). Watch all the mestizo and mulatto Hispanic "white" criminals in the picture to the right. Further down we will show this in more detail)
  2. Black crime rate statistics get reduced.
    1. High crime cities, countries, neighborhoods underreport most crimes. Using Shots potter, the New York Times reports that neighbors called police only 10 percent of the time guns were fired in a high-crime area of San Francisco. In Oakland, 22 percent of gunshots prompted 9-1-1 calls. 
    2. Witness intimidation ("Snitches get stiches"): In ghettos, prisons, and other high crime areas there are no witnesses, no one would dare to risk his life by informing courts and police.
    3. Anti-Racist government mandates reduce black and other "minority" crime:
      1. police and officials in Rotherham refused to pursue crime reports by white underclass girls against Muslim rapists. (Rotherham)
      2. press codes, governments mandate to avoid prejudice, thus hide black and Muslim and "minority" crime (see also white pixelation)
      3. Obama actually mandated all races in schools to have equal quotas of discipline and police reports.
      4. Bronx Juries refuse to convict clearly guilty Blacks, out of racial solidarity or "anti-racism"
      5. Such government refusal to prosecute crimes is a crime in itself ("Strafvereitelung im Amt" in German)
    4. In mass riots by Blacks, (or Muslims, Hispanics, and yes occasional leftist or Hooligans), tens of thousands of crimes happen. Every threat to police, every stone thrown, every push, shove, punch, spit, or stick stroke against police or civilian constitutes ONE instance of crime. 99% are not prosecuted. [a,b]
      1. Wholesale discount 1 (# of perpetrators reduced): In large scale group crimes, most perpetrators not prosecuted. In large or small scale riots and lootings by mostly Blacks, only a minute percentage of the criminal perpetrators are arrested and tried. Imagine in the Los Angeles riots, in Ferguson riots, in 20 person scuffles at police arrests everyone arrested who throws a stone, shoves a policeman, enters a looted store, …..
      2. Whole sale discount 2:(# of crimes per offender, multiple offenses by one criminal): In a high speed car chase, every red light or stop signal run is one crime. In a 6 hour looting spree, one rioter steals multiple items in multiple stores. S/he breaks multiple windows, defers multiple blows on multiple police personnel or civilians, throws many stones on many people. If prosecuted at all, s/he will be tried for only a few of those transgressions.
        In peaceful low crime white neighborhoods, 5 single acts of crime result in 5 police reports.  One single high crime Black who commits 300 robberies is tried for 5 of them.  60 000 crimes perpetrated by 1000 usually black people committing 10 thefts and 50 acts of violence each like stone throwing, punches, shoves, lead to, maybe, 50 arrests and prosecutions.

Black crime statistics very high

Black crime statistics even worse

Black crime is wildly out of proportion.

US statistics show that Blacks commit 7-8 times more homicides than Whites. Depending on location and offense, black crimes at 3 to 98 times the white offending rate

East Asians (Japanese, Korean, Chinese) commit even less crimes. .

Details at Black crime statistics very high


For shootings the race differences are much bigger than for homicide.  Black shootings seem less deadly. Could it be bad marksmanship?

Wait, there is more! This article continues! Continue reading “Black and minority crime: Much worse than racist statistics claim” »
Black and minority crime: Much worse than racist statistics claim
» continues here »

Falsified racial crime statistics: Black criminals defined as Whites


Black crime much worse than statistics indicate

“Snitches get stitches”, witness intimidation, Black under-reporting of crime (shot spotter), Bronx Juries, Hispanics criminals counted as “White” statistically increase white crime and decrease black crime statistics. This is due to anti-racist manipulation and fear of racism.


Falsified racial crime statistics: Black criminals defined as whites

I suggest that readers look at Morales and Nieto on Wisconsin`s sex offender registry. Morales is clearly a mestizo. Nieto is a pure (or almost pure) Amerindian. He could have worked as an “extra” in Mel Gibson`s movie Apocalypto. And given Morales` wiry hair and Nieto`s dark skin, duskier than Obama`s, it`s possible that one or both of them could be 5-10% black. As Steve Sailer has noted, the average Mexican is 5% black.


Gregario Morales

Juan Nieto

But according to the registry, both are “white”.


[…I opened the pages and saw the mug-shots of some 50-60 “Hispanic” sex offenders, all defined as “white”, although very few were of pure Spanish descent. Most were mestizos, usually with their Indian genes dominant, and a large minority were pure Amerindians, “zambos”, mulattos, or of pure or almost pure African descent.

For example:

Marcelino Rivera

Look at Marcelino Rivera, a black man with a huge “Afro”,convicted of first-degree sexual assault. Take a look at Juan Villegas, alias Audelett Lopez, another black man convicted of first-degree sexual assault.

Juan Villegas

Look at Heriberto Rivera, another black defined as “white”and convicted of first-degree sexual assault of a child.

Wait, there is more! This article continues! Continue reading “Falsified racial crime statistics: Black criminals defined as Whites” »
Falsified racial crime statistics: Black criminals defined as Whit…
» continues here »

4Racism.org: Proudly reclaim the title "Racist"

4Racism.org shows that the fear of being called "racist" is very deadly and harmful. Anti-Racism, like the war against "racist" cops, causes thousands of deaths.


So the excess American death toll in 2015 and 2016 from Obama’s war on cops was a little larger than the 4,424 combat fatalities from Bush’s war in Iraq. [takimag]

This fear of being "racist" has to be completely abolished and actually be inverted to pride. The policy of Anti-Racism must be inverted, to proud Racism. "I am not a racist, but …" is not enough.


Finished and published pagesracism-is-love2 at 4Racism.org

  1. More to follow soon, always check back here ………..
  2. Profiling Is Wrong No Matter HOW Right It Is—As Ex Drug Dealer And Thug Jay-Z Explains
    Blacks who have a criminal history still are upset when rightfully profiled and suspected of being a criminal.
  3. School Books to offend no minority: "Language police" (Diane Ravitch)
    American school books are all gender and race balanced.  No stereotypical roles are allowed. No women in the kitchen, ..
  4. Black crime much worse than statistics indicate
    Snitches get stitches, witness intimidation, Blacks don’t ot report crime (shot spotter), Bronx Juries, ,Hispanics criminals counted as "White" increase white crime statistics
  • Hoaxes: Anti-racist lies:
    We demonstrate hundreds of hoaxes, of anti-racist outrage about  alleged racist crimes that turn out to be untrue.. 

  • Black Homicide rates Censored, deleted statistics:
    US government censors actually removed existing statistics pages from the web. We put them back.

  • White Genocide #1:
    Europans in Europe don’t have the rights of Tibetans, nor of indigenous people, to have their culture, religion, and biological diversity preserved.
  • White Genocide quotes #2
    “The white man was created a devil, to bring chaos upon this earth.” Malcolm X , 1953 speech. // "The white race is the cancer of human history.”
  • Indigenous White Genocide #3:
    United Nations Rights for Indigenous People to maintain religion, culture, territory, biological diversity not applied to Europans
  • White population shrinkage world wide Genocide #4
    28% of the world population in 1950, Whites are projected to fall to only 9.8% of the population by 2060. By 2050, whites will be a minority in both the U.S. and their indigenous homeland of Europe.
  • Profiling Is Wrong No Matter HOW Right It Is—As Ex Drug Dealer And Thug Jay-Z Explains:
    A self confessed rapist is shocked when a "racist" white women gets scared when he enters her elevator.
  • Europeans: What Europeans Can Learn from Black/White US issues:
    US data about low IQ high crime populations serves as an analogy to fill in for lacking European data.
  • Racist Father: Don’t Date Blacks!: Blacks have more domestic violence, spousal murder, STD, pathological culture, regression towards the mean, children don’t look like mother or grandfather,
  • Truth Revolt: Sept. 11: Defy gag orders, tell truth
    The federal election in Germany (Sept 24 2017 [a]).can still be turned around, if the voter is told the full TRUTH about immigrant crime and violence.Police, judges, school teachers, parents, refugee aides, statisticians, physicians, tell the truth!.
  • "Nazis" have no human rights:
    "Nazi" is weaponized, like "Racist". Even Trump is called "Nazi" in attempts to shut him up. "Is it OK to punch a Nazi?" asks the New York Times affirmatively.
  • We Used to Shoot Looters #1:
    Deterring crime, mayhem, arson, and war can be an act of#RacismIsLove #4Racism love . Deterring violence with credible threats of government violence means protection of innocent victims, and even of potential rioters.
  • We Used to Shoot Looters #2:
    Now we give them “space.” The riots, looting, and arson in Baltimore are yet another case of what began as a demonstration against alleged police misconduct but turned into violence. It was not political protest. People who want better treatment from the police don’t set fire to retirement homes, try to break into ATM machines, or burn down drug stores. 
  • Copyleft Copyright:
  • Code of Silence: ::
    Conspiracies to hide the truth about racial differences, black and immigrant crime, etc. The Silence Must be Broken. This systematic coverup is the foundation of leftist brain washing, the foundation of anti-racist policies, the reason why mis-led citizens vote for leftist pro-immigration, pro-affirmative action left-racist policies and parties
  • Prison Rape avoided by segregation:
    Segregation can prevent frequent hateful rapes& sex slavery of despised white minority prisoners.

  • Politically incorrect Google search (PIG):
    Must try.  Skip the lying main stream media and search only alternative web sites.
  • Disclaimer: Don’t believe me, believe science data:
    Don’t believe anything we say. Believe the evidence you verify
  • William Shockley, inventor of transistor, was racist
    Physics Nobel laureate William Shockley, inventor of the transistor and (probably) the founder of Silicon Valley [10] pointed "out that to blame all the failures of black people on racism was a misdiagnosis of the problem" [12]. Shockley was reviled for suggesting various well meant "racist" research projects to the National Academy of Science [12]. 
  • James Watson’s Inquisition #2:
    James D. Watson, perhaps the most distinguished living American scientist, has now been kicked to the curb by the Cold Spring Harbor genetics laboratory he rescued and rebuilt over the last 40 years for making politically (but not scientifically) incorrect statements about African IQs.
  • James Watson Racist:
    Nobel James Watson Top 20 most influential Americans of all times, top 100 Person of all times, was socially and scientifically destroyed for a well meaning comment about race differences.
  • Racism saves lives:
      Crime rates increase because highly efficient police strategies get outlawed ("Stop and frisk", racial profiling)
  • Free speech is already dead in Europe
    : Europe has institutionalized legal repression, punishment for free speech and state censorship,
  • Politically incorrect Google search (PIG):
    A Google Search that yields the juicy interesting search results instead of boring Main Stream Media lies! Try it to believe it!
  • Reappropriate Racist. Reclaim Racism:
    Own the insult "Racist" with acceptance and pride
  • Love: Racism is Love
  • Could It Be Time To Allow only White Men The Vote?:
    Debunking the outragous racially biased Left-Racist andAnti-White article "Could It Be Time To Deny White Men The Franchise?" Using the technique of Flipping Race to show inequality
  • Sports: sex differences:
    Women’s world record speeds are consistently under 90% of men’s record speed
  • Racism Saves Lives:
    Main Index page 4Racism.org. Summary!
  • Wait, there is more! This article continues! Continue reading “4Racism.org: Proudly reclaim the title "Racist"” »
    4Racism.org: Proudly reclaim the title "Racist"
    » continues here »

    Daniel Holtzclaw: BLM and Feminazis Unite, Railroad White Policeman

    Daniel Holtzclaw, a white policeman, raping disadvantaged black criminal women. The perfect PC narrative. This stacks all odds against him.  The usual anti-racist race mongers

    Daniel Ken Holtzclaw (born December 10, 1986) is a former Oklahoma City Police Department patrol officer who was convicted in December 2015 of multiple counts of rape, sexual battery, forcible oral sodomy, and other charges.[6]

    Of the thirteen women whom Holtzclaw assaulted, several had criminal histories such as drug arrests; all of the women were black.[7] According to the police investigators, Holtzclaw used his position as an officer to run background checks to find information that could be used to coerce sex.[2] During the trial, the defense questioned the victims’ credibility during cross-examination, bringing up their criminal records.[8] However, the prosecution argued that victims were deliberately chosen by Holtzclaw for this very reason.[9]

    Holtzclaw pleaded not guilty to all charges. On December 10, 2015, an all-white jury convicted him on 18 of 36 charges, and on January 21, 2016, he was sentenced to 263 years in prison.[10][11][12] [Wikipedia]

    holtzclaw-cry36 charges of rape, that must be true. Backed by DNA evidence. One DNA evidence in one case caused the jury to lend credence to all other cases.  Who would defend such a slime bag, he must be guilty. Dozens of women can not lie. 

    Actually, multiple unproven uncorroborated accusations can all be wrong. Add to that jury intimidation, jury misinformation, shoddy falsely explained DNA evidence.

    According to Michelle Malkin, police hunted for accusers, and picked especially drug addicts, prostitutes and convicted felons. Investigators strongly suggested to potential victims what the crime was, forgave blatant errors like "victims" describing tall Caucasian Holtzclaw as short and black. Witnesses were still believed after being found blatantly lying. They did not tell the jury that at least one of the witness was convicted of perjury, that many witness stories were so outlandish and blatantly false that they had to be dropped.  While Wikipedia claims that feminists and race activists were not active, Michelle Malkin shows photos of Black Panther activists in full military garb inside the court room and says Jury was exposed to screams "give him life" from street protesters.

    CRTV: Daniel in the Den | The truth about Holtzclaw (Parts 1 and 2)

    The most recent evidence for prosecution misconduct and Holtzclaw’s innocence.


    When there is a common hysteria, and a fishing expedition for accusers and witnesses, many false accusers can surface. It has happened before.

    Wait, there is more! This article continues! Continue reading “Daniel Holtzclaw: BLM and Feminazis Unite, Railroad White Policeman” »
    Daniel Holtzclaw: BLM and Feminazis Unite, Railroad White Policema…
    » continues here »

    Racist Nobel Prize Winners (4Racism.org)


    Computer/electronics and genetics are the most revolutionary inventions of our time. The founders of electronics, and of genetics were both racists.

    Maybe the most inventive creative scientific minds of our times are right? Maybe the founder of genetics has the qualification to speak about genetic differences?

    The truth is racist!?


    1. William Shockley, inventor of transistor, was racist
      Physics Nobel laureate William Shockley, inventor of the transistor and (probably) the founder of Silicon Valley [10] pointed "out that to blame all the failures of black people on racism was a misdiagnosis of the problem" [12]. Shockley was reviled for suggesting various well meant "racist" research projects to the National Academy of Science [12]. 
    2. europe-for-everybodyJames Watson’s Inquisition #2:
      James D. Watson, perhaps the most distinguished living American scientist, has now been kicked to the curb by the Cold Spring Harbor genetics laboratory he rescued and rebuilt over the last 40 years for making politically (but not scientifically) incorrect statements about African IQs.
    3. James Watson Racist:
      Nobel James Watson Top 20 most influential Americans of all times, top 100 Person of all times, was socially and scientifically destroyed for a well meaning comment about race differences.



    Finished and published pages in 4Racism.org

    Wait, there is more! This article continues! Continue reading “Racist Nobel Prize Winners (4Racism.org)” »
    Racist Nobel Prize Winners (4Racism.org)
    » continues here »

    Own the insult: "Racist". Reappropriate Racism.

    Reclaim "Racist"! The provocative thesis of 4Racism.org is that Racism saves lives and thus we need to proudly accept the label "Racist".

    Instead of whining "I am no racist but …..", radically accept the insult!

    Racism saves lives:
      Crime rates increased in because highly efficient police strategies get outlawed ("Stop and frisk", racial profiling). They increased further because of BLM (Black Lives Matter) in 2016, 2017.


    Reappropriation means "taking a derogatory term and owning it with pride" ("owning an insult")

    Reappropriation or reclamation is the cultural process by which a group reclaims terms or artifacts that were previously used in a way disparaging of that group […]


    "Racist" has been weaponized
    and must be defused

    • Racist Dog

      Racist Dog

    • Only Whites can be Racist

      Only Whites can be Racist

    Calling someone "racist" ends any discussion and dispute.  "Racism" accusations end political discussions about immigration, affirmative action quotas. The "racism" weapon can even shut up Nobel prize winning scientists for good.

    Reclaim "Racist"

    • The fear of being stigmatized as "racist" ‘haters" paralyzes people and prevents us from stating scientific truths, from promoting the policies that best help all people of all races, from voting for politicians and parties that pursue such humane goals.

    Continue at 4Racism: Own the insult: "Racist". Reappropriate Racism.

    4Racism.org: Racism is Love, Racism Saves Lives, The Scientific Truth is Racist

    4Racism.org is FOR Racism. Another Neo-Nazi Hate site?

    No, 4Racism claims that Anti-Racists are the real Racist Haters

    • Anti-Racists treat people differently by the color of their skin.
    • Anti-Racist de-policing and promotion of race riots cause grave harm to Black Lives.
    • Anti-Racist ideology is anti-scientific, patently false theory and thus causes grave policy errors.
    • "Shut up, This is Racist" is not a scientific argument


    0) Racism: a Virtue to Reclaim?!

    4Racism.org will argue the radical notion that "Racism" (as defined by Anti-Racists) is something positive worth striving for, that Racism is Love #RacismIsLove #4Racism!

    • The fear of being called racist (Racism-phobia) corrupts social science research, paralyzes media and police, hampers public safety, harms minorities, leads astray politicians and manipulates the voting public.



    Reclaim "Racist"

    • The fear of being stigmatized as "racist" ‘haters" paralyzes people and prevents us from stating scientific truths, from promoting the policies that best help all people of all races, from voting for politicians and parties that pursue such humane goals.
  • To extirpate the horrible consequences of misinformed anti-racist policies, the derogatory term "Racist" must be reclaimed as virtuous  and owned with pride.

  • Racism (as defined by the anti-racists) is beneficial to Blacks, Minorities, to all.

    We have no option but to propose to reappropriate "Racist" and "Racism" as a positive, beneficial terms.


    Racism is Love #RacismIsLove #4Racism

    Anti-Racists causes immense damage in lives  and outright deaths, even to the minorities they purport to protect.

    As enlightened people of the 21st century we believe that policy and voting decisions should be based on scientific truth, not on false Anti-Racist ideology.

    We must drop patently false anti-racist beliefs and brainwashing,  halt Science Fraud, employ the generally recognized Scientific Method



    We dream of an enlightened, scientific, truth-loving #RacismIsLove #4Racism society that will create a better world than anti-racists’ medieval dogmatism with its factually wrong world view.

    • Anti-racist anti-scientific⇓ denial of racial differences leads to disastrous policy mistakes⇓. This anti-racist denial of science facts is as deadly as the denial of the germ theory of disease in the 19th Century [3, 4, 5]


    Read more at 4Racism.org