Women tennis players get the same pay for less work (fewer shorter sets), lower performance (women are chanceless against any male top 500 player), less productivity (they have fewer spectators that pay less). In other words, women’s equal prize money gets subsidized by the performance of the males. Equal prize money actually leads to Wimbledon top 10 women getting higher pay then men. Women play shorter games, thus they have time to make extra money in more games, like doubles. Women also tend to get more sponsor money. ESPN
Feminists manage to interfere in free market pricing of wages and prizes and enforce excessive pay for women.. Free market admission prices are lower for a spectator’s seat in women’s finals.
Venus Williams, the defending champion and three-time winner, said the women simply want to be treated equally.
"This is not just about women’s tennis but about women all over the world," she told BBC Radio before Wimbledon’s announcement. "At Wimbledon we would like to have equal prize money to prove that we are equal on all fronts." 2
The same Venus Williams that was annihilated by #203 in the men’s ranking! Such demagoguery . If women are "equal on all fronts", why do women need separate categories? Let them play against men, and whoever wins gets the prize.
Human-Stupidity Analysis: women get same pay for lower productivity
We are absolutely dumbfounded how the world has been brainwashed that women should get the same money for lower productivity, less work, lower performance.
Feminist success is admirable. The suffragettes got the vote without the draft. Today women get quotas for executive jobs but no quotas for death row.And now. equal pay for less work. Women world-wide receive about twice as much pension money as they deserve: they contribute less and receive more then men.
WIMBLEDON, England (AP) — After years of holding out against equal prize money, Wimbledon bowed to public pressure Thursday and agreed to pay women players as much as the men at the world’s most prestigious tennis tournament. 4

Feminists exert public pressure to get women undeserved "equality" for unequal work.
We are stunned how undeniable, but politically in-correct, facts get covered up by academic research, politicians and the press. We had to search hard to find hard data on gender differences, on real competitions between men and women.
Women: inferior players
One might perfectly say that a top class women tennis player should get the same money as an equally strong male player. Women’s #1 champions are chanceless against the Top 500 men. #203 ranked man totally annihilated both Williams sisters in one afternoon. So why should the top ranked women be paid more then the male # 500 that plays better then she does, and who gets no prize whatsoever? ` When female player Chris Evert-Lloyd was at her peak, she said her brother who played low level college tennis beat her (authoritative source for this, anyone?)
We suspect that maybe women champions are chanceless against the top 10 000 male players. They are just to embarrassed to try. It sure would make an interesting project for college research or a TV series: Top 10 female Tennis Players against the #5 man of Stanford University. It would be a serious blow to feminist equality claims, if the #1 ranked woman champion loses against the #15 ranked man of an average College. Political correctness has a vested interest to hide such facts. Interestingly, women can not even compete with men in chess or snooker, where physical prowess is of no importance.
Women: shorter duration play
So if fewer spectators pay to see females play compared to the men, and broadcasters tolerate the women’s game rather than actively promote it, then how can they justify the equal prize money that some of them — most notably the Williams sisters — lobbied so forcefully for? […]
Should women’s finals be according to the same rules as men’s finals?
Because as top female player Jelena Jankovic whined last week at the prospect of playing best of five: ‘What, you want to drive us into oblivion?’
So, we want the same money because we’re women. But we don’t want to do the same work. Because we are women.
But only a sexist pig would point out that absurdity, of course.”
Venus Williams feminist political message
I believe that athletes — especially female athletes in the world’s leading sport for women — should serve as role models. The message I like to convey to women and girls across the globe is that there is no glass ceiling. My fear is that Wimbledon is loudly and clearly sending the opposite message…. 5
In other words: If women, unjustly, get equal money for unequal work in sports, then it sends a message for women to get equal money for unequal work in the work place.
The pay gap lie
Similarly, the so called pay gap in the work place is a lie, which unfortunately is repeated even by the Barrack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Warren Farrell has proved that the pay gap is due to women’s work choices and that, due to affirmative action, women earn MORE for same work.
70 year olds, children, midgets, featherweights, handicapped: justice and equality for all
Let us get equal prize money for the children’s tennis champion, the over 70 year old master’s champions (they spent 60 years training, and thus should get bigger prizes), the handicapped people’s special Olympics champion. After all, they are all champions! One should not discriminate by age or handicap! And of course, the featherweight boxer should get the same prize money as the heavy weight champion of all categories. What about a midget category in basket ball? Why should midgets get paid less then Michael Jordan?
Wait, there is more! This article continues! Continue reading “Women’s tennis: higher pay for weaker play, less work, less spectators, less advertising dollars” »
Women’s tennis: higher pay for weaker play, less work, less …
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