A woman won the 2013 Asics LA Marathon ahead of all men, won $ 50000 gender challenge. What’s the catch?


In a surprising and inspiring race, a female first-time marathon runner won the 2013 LA Marathon.

Aleksandra Duliba, a 27-year-old woman from Belarus, was the first runner, male or female, to cross the finish line Sunday, KTLA reports.    Aleksandra Duliba, LA Marathon 2013 Record-Breaking Winner, Was A First-Time Marathoner

Isn’t it great. We knew it: women are superior to men in sports. It is only the patriarchy stops holding them back.

Aleksandra Duliba of Belarus wins the 2013 Asics LA Marathon women’s race in her marathon debut with a time of 2:26:05 to beat the men and claim the $75,000 Asics challenge in Santa Monica Sunday morning March 17.   source

This is well deserved.

She earned $75,000 for her victory, $25,000 as the top women’s finisher and a $50,000 bonus for beating the top men’s finisher.  Huff post

She won the "gender challenge".  The first to cross the finish line, proving female superiority. She should get a Million.

2013 LA Marathon: Erick Mose finishes 2nd overall

Erick Mose of Kenya finished first in the men’s competition with a time of 2:09:43, outrunning his fellow countryman Julius Keter in the final mile of the the marathon. Aleksandra Duliba won the overall competition  Universalsports

Great. At least a man in second place.

What a cheat!

The were given women an 18:35 head start and Duliba ran the race 16:36 behind the men.  source


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How to Kill your Husband! A Tutorial. (Susan Falls’ Licence to Kill) .

Australian court affirms licence to kill as Susan Falls, another "battered woman" walks free after execution-style murder of her husband

On 4th March 2006, Claire Margaret McDonald gasped and burst into tears as a Victorian Supreme Court jury found her not guilty of the execution style murder of her husband, Warren John McDonald.

The court was told that McDonald had donned camouflage gear and lay in wait with a high-powered rifle for her husband to approach. She fired six shots, mortally wounding her husband.

McDonald successfully used the "battered woman syndrome" defence, claiming she had suffered years of abuse at the hands of her husband.

Within days, Queensland woman, Susan Falls, having probably read the media reports of Heather McDonald’s stunning acquittal, decided to execute her allegedly abusive husband in the same fashion, in what prosecutors would describe as a cunning, calculated murder.


Women need to know how to exercise their rights to kill their husbands.


1) Inform yourself through case studies.

Learn from others. How did others kill their husbands? What did they do to get away with it?  

  • Rita Graveline, Susan Falls, Mary Winkler. See also Nicole Ryan.
  • [Defending Battered Women on Trial] by theorist Elizabeth Sheehy
  • Go ahead, shoot your sleeping husband! It’s not murder!
  • A Century of Husband-Killing (149)

    Make sure you do your killing in the right jurisdiction. Australia is excellent. You might consider murder tourism: Travel to a country that is most favorable to husband execution.

    Women can learn from other successful murderesses. A certain amount of intelligence and cunningness is needed to pull it off. Like everywhere in life, low IQ people get discriminated against and might actually have to do do time in prison.


    2) Think up stories how your husband abused you.

    Absolutely no proof is needed, You may invent anything you wish. Read journals, books, crime stories to fertilize your fantasy.

    The press, the jury they will lap it up. No matter how trivial (husband was unfaithful, in the case of Lorena Bobbitt) or absurd (Susan Fall’s Husband held a raffle to decide who he would kill). Your dead husband will not be around to contradict you. If he is still around (Nicole Ryan), the court  will not call the husband to ask him

    Of course, if you can provoke your husband enough so witnesses see him lose his temper, or if you can file an unfounded police report accusing him of domestic violence, that would make an even better defense.


    3) Kill your husband

    Kill your husband ten-fold. Stab him dozens of times with a butcher knife, shoot him many times point blank in the head. Hours later, shoot again. Don’t worry. Shooting your groggy, drugged, half dead husband once more is self defense.

    Only males are subject to normal self defense laws that require you to be in instant danger, with no other way out.

    As a woman you have the right to pre-meditate, plan, buy murder weapons, get accomplices, even invite the kids to watch you shooting dad.

    You can choose if you call police and tell the truth, of if you first dump the corpse and keep police busy trying to find a lost husband. Be creative!


    4) Cry tears. Keep repeating the abuse stories. Get a good lawyer

    You may never ever fail and falter for a second to be sure to avoid conviction. Crying tears of fear is the key.

    Here it is useful if you are really crazy and paranoid, if you really believe in the serious threat to your life.  If not, you must be  a good actress.

    Nobody will ask you why you did not simply walk out, take the kids, go to a woman’s shelter.  Not even after you drugged him into profound sleep. Or why you could not put up a camera to record the constant violence and then put him in jail. Battered woman syndrome theory did this all for you: It postulates that women (and only women) don’t see the simple non-violent exit, rather they see no other way out then to kill.


    5) Keep his money, all family assets, children.

    Your hard work will be rewarded. If you picked a good, hard working husband, your killing him will be rewarded with all his worldly goods.

    Courts also know that it for the good of the children to stay with the murderess of their father. Even if they were witnesses to the murder. The girls will be prepared to imitate their mother, once they get married.

    More women would kill their husbands, if they knew about the financial rewards.

    If your husband does not have many assets, get a divorce with life long alimony, enforced by debtor’s prison and thus avail yourself of a life long slave labor. A dead husband has no more income that courts can hand over to you. So instead of killing, you may be better off to accuse your of domestic violence and child abuse, get a restraining order and subsequent divorce.


    6) Earn further money through interviews and books.

    Other killers have to give the proceeds to relatives of their victims. Spouse killing gives you all his property, and you may keep the proceeds of any book deals. Make sure you always cry tears, repeat abuse stories over and over. Do not show glee and happiness about your successful crime.


    7) Repeat with your next husband (?)


    Susan Falls "self defense" case details

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    Go ahead, shoot your sleeping husband! It’s not murder!

    Many women fail to conveniently kill their sleeping husbands, because they are unaware that shooting or knifing the sleeping husband is an act of courageous self defense.

    Human-Stupidity wants to enlighten women about their rights to kill. Thus more women will be unafraid to plan and execute their husband’s demise.

    It does not matter that your husband is a sweet, docile hen-pecked wimp. Just claim you were battered. YOU WILL BE BELIEVED.

    A more tender hearted woman should be aware of the convenient option to slice off a philandering man’s penis with total impunity, like Lorena Bobbitt.  

    False rape or trumped up domestic violence accusations are an option for the spineless and faint hearted who still don’t have the courage to use a gun or knife on a sleeping man.


    Thankfully, in the name of feminist EQUALITY, men do not have an option to plead "nagged man’s syndrome", or violation of honor to escape their just punishment for slapping or shoving their wife.

    Battered women’s “moral courage,” Sheehy writes in her book, “deserves our respect. “When women kill to save their own lives, they assert that they matter, that their lives count — even more than the lives of their abusers.”

    In the book [Defending Battered Women on Trial].Elizabeth Sheehy asserts:

    While very few women kill abusive men who are asleep or passed out, it’s “unfair” to charge them with first degree murder, Sheehy argues. “It’s not fair to characterize it as the most heinous form of murder, because it may be their own route to survival.” 
    Source: Battered women morally entitled to kill abusers, U of O professor asserts


    Short stint in jail for woman who killed her partner by cutting off his penis. 

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    Go ahead, shoot your sleeping husband! It’s not murder!
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    Make fatherhood a man’s choice! Like a sperm donor, not forced to pay

    (A) Financial abortion, reproductive rights for men have been discussed by MRA’s, but usually rejected by feminists.

    We will see that some feminists actually propose that men should have reproductive rights other then be forced to pay up for unintended consequences for sex.

    (B) Further down we will also discuss the strange logic: If the father kills the fetus, it is murder. If the mother kills the fetus, it is reproductive rights.  See here, here, here, here and hereWhen is it illegal to make reproductive choices for others? When you’re a man


    Make fatherhood a man’s choice!

    The burden of pregnancy will never be fair. Child support can be — but men need to have a chance to opt out

    Over the past fifteen years, some feminists have argued that ending the current child support system is an important social issue. In the October 19, 2000 issue of Salon,Cathy Young argued that women’s freedom to choose parenthood is a reproductive right men do not have but should. Her article, “A Man’s Right to Choose,” identifies abortion rights and adoption as options that allow women greater sexual freedom than men when a sexual encounter results in conception.  While there are alternatives to parental responsibility for women, for men, “in the eyes of the law, it seems that virtually no circumstances, however bizarre or outrageous, can mitigate the biological father’s liability for child support.”

    Amen!   Even if mother cheated, lied, or raped: father always pays child support.

    Kerrie Thornhill’s article “A Feminist Argument Against Child Support” in the July 18, 2011 issue of Partisans picks up this point, arguing that where birth control and safe abortion are legally available, choosing a sexual encounter should be a different choice than choosing to be a parent. She offers a three-step replacement for the current child support system. First, Thornhill writes that “when informed of a partner’s pregnancy, a man should get a single, time-sensitive opportunity to choose fatherhood.” Second, by accepting, a man would assume all the responsibilities of fatherhood, but by declining he would legally be no different than a sperm donor.

    Great suggestion. If a man wants no financial responsibility, he gets treated like a sperm donor. This is a great way to put it.Though it still begs the question if it was not best, in the interested of the well being of the child, if the man could contribute, visit, as he wishes.


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    Same prize money for half the time of weaker play. "Equality" at Wimbledon’s final.

    Marion Bartoli won the women’s final after 81 minutes. It took 190 minutes for Andy Murray to win the men’s final. That was after a 283 minutes semi final game.

    81 minutes to win 2 set women’s final, 190 minutes for 3 set men’s final. Same prize money for half the work. As usual.

    Women fought for "EQUALITY" in tennis: They get the same prize money as men for less sets in shorter time with weaker play and lower ticket prices.

    1. less sets (2 instead of 3 minimum)
    2. much shorter time
    3. of course, much weaker game. The 203 seeded man wiped 2 top 10 seeded women off the court in one afternoon game.Human Stupidity reported. Of course, there is no doubt that Murray would wipe Bartoli off the court playing left handed.
    4. and lower entrance money: anyone please tell me how much the tickets were to the men’s game vs. the woman’s game this year?
    5. Women usually have more time at hand to play doubles, thus finally earning more money then the men.

    But thus is modern politically correct EQUALITY. Same outcome for vastly different performance.

    The wait ended Saturday when Bartoli defeated Sabine Lisicki, 6-1, 6-4, in 81 minutes to win Wimbledon.  NYT

    Women lose to men in chess, darts, snooker, tennis,  math contests, spelling bees, Wikipedia participation, patent applications, and, amazingly can not even compete in cooking.

    Fire fighters are hampered by quota women who don’t have the strength to carry an injured comrade, to wrestle a ladder, or to break a door.

    But society needs quota women for "equality". Equal outcome for unequal performance. Roy Baumeister and others explained, why men have higher variance at all traits, even in those where they have same mean performance. Men are over-represented at the top, and at the bottom  (in prison, on death row, work accidents, homelessness, suicide and life span)

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    Same prize money for half the time of weaker play. "Equality&…
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    Dangerously incompetent fire fighters, weakened by gender quotas, dumbed by racial quota nonsense

    Political correctness‘ quota nonsense gives us firefighters that are too weak to carry an injured person and too dumb to read maps and street signs. Gender and racial quotas are equally harmful, unjust, and outright dangerous.

    firefighter--300x450Feminist gender "equality" sets fire fighters’ physical standards lower, so the average woman can pass.  Safety be damned.

    Political correctness‘ racial equality dogma gives us low iq and low education firefighters who can not read and reason adequately. Testing for 10th grade reading and logic abilities discriminates against Blacks (race and iq), so the basic literacy, logic and iq test has to be scrapped to force more black firemen into the New York fire department.  (Judge orders millions paid in NYC firefighter bias case).  (Women’s suit highlights differences in city, suburban firefighter tests)

    Sorry, ladies, but I want a fireman

    Currently, there are just 32 women in the FDNY, a number based less on discrimination than on the biological fact that the vast majority of women are not built to carry 100 pounds of gear. And yet, that’s not good enough. […]

    "I have a family," another fireman said. "I can’t count on a 110-pound female to carry me out of a burning building."

    Maybe it’s me. But if I were to be caught in a fire, I’d feel a lot safer in the arms of a 6-foot man than those of a 5-foot girl.

    You can’t choose the one who will rescue you. You can weaken the pool. And that is something this city can’t afford in the name of "diversity."

    Human-Stupidity Analysis

    Unfortunately, MRA (men’s rights activists) are unaware that male gender quotas are quite similar to racial quota issues. What is falsely perceived as discrimination is to be remedied.

    Once gender and racial differences are being recognized as true, one can find true alternative solutions:

    • really hire and pay by merit would be the best solution
    • if there is a desire to institute quotas, compensate weaknesses with extraordinary skills. Those who underperform at IQ and aptitude tests will only be hired if they strongly over-perform at physical tests, and are aware that they will not be apt for leadership positions.  Women who underperform in brute strength of lifting heavy weights may compensate with extremely high scores in speed, endurance, IQ.

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    Dangerously incompetent fire fighters, weakened by gender quotas, …
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    Only 1% Michelin starred restaurants have women chefs: discrimination? or women can’t cook?

    michelin-europeOne woman among the finest 106 three star restaurant chefs. Anne Sophie Pic was groomed by both a 3 star father and grandfather. Only 10 women overall earned stars, among approximately 2500 Michelin starred restaurants.

    Glass ceiling in cooking?

    Are women prevented from cooking? Prevented from opening their own restaurant to make it to fame?  Or does Michelin’s female director discriminate against women in their rating?  How does the evil patriarchy prevent women from becoming a top cook?

    Most woman in the world, but not many men, learn how to cook. So it can not be for lack of female practitioners. It is alleged, but in no way proven, that dearth of female practitioners is the cause of lack of female success in chess, snooker, darts. In tennis the reason is probably the lack of athletic prowess in women, which does not prevent women from earing more in Wimbledon tennis, and for getting promoted as firemen (ahem firefighters) with equal pay in spite of lowered standards in physical fitness which hampers woman’s capacity to lug victims out of harm’s way.

    Anyone who can name a field where women out-do men in the very top echelon, please speak up in the comment section.

    The Michelin guide selects the best kitchen chefs, the best cooks in the world.

    The guide awards one to three stars to a small number of restaurants of outstanding quality. One star indicates a "very good cuisine in its category", a two-star ranking represents "excellent cuisine, worth a detour," and three stars are awarded to restaurants offering "exceptional cuisine, worth a special journey". A three-star Michelin ranking is rare. As of late 2009, there were 26 three-star restaurants in France, and only 81 in the world. Michelin Guide  | Wikipedia 

    foodWomen are actually moving up, from total insignificance to a scant percent. This improvement could be due to some affirmative action or rating biased in favor of women. Or do modern women work harder, work like men? (See Warren Farrell).

    A record 10 women chiefs at starred restaurants in latest Michelin guide

    But women began to challenge male dominance in the industry with a record 10 female head chefs at starred restaurants, up from six last year.

    The guide’s editor, Derek Bulmer, said: "For the first time we are seeing women reach the top jobs in starred restaurants. Ten years ago we would not have seen this.

    "If it continues at the same rate it’s no longer going to be the male dominated industry that it traditionally has been."

    720px-Normal_Distribution_PDF.svgWe will see if women will out-perform men as chefs in the remote future.

    Male variance is greater

    Evolution equipped men with larger variance on almost all traits like intelligence and math ability 2 3 4.  This is due to the fact that in the EEA almost all women, but only the top men procreated and had offspring. So men (red curve in graph) take greater risks and are thus over-represented on the top (CEO, Nobel prize, world champions, and top cooks) and on the bottom (homeless, retarded, criminal). Compared to women (blue curve) that cluster towards the middle.

    This is why quotas on the top are inherently unjust, in spite of the world’s politicians having been brain washed by feminist ideology. Interestingly, even in Norway, where women have mandatory 40% quotas on company boards, these board elect CEOs that are mostly male.

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    Brazilian congress plans heavy fines to companies whenever a woman gets paid less then a man

    Even in countries with Latin machismo like Brazil, feminism is almost unopposedly changing laws to unjustly benefit women at the detriment of men. They even have slut walks in Brazil on 4th of July in São Paulo.

    The Brazilian congress is examining the bill 6.393/2009. If passed into law, companies will be fined retroactively every time a woman earning less than a man. The fine is five times the pay difference observed throughout the entire employment period.
    The retroactive effect is one of the absurdities that inhabit that bill. Another is the direction of the fine to the affected employee. […]And the men? What will they say this measure? What can they do if your salary is lower than that of a woman? 
    Salários: interferência indevida – JOSÉ PASTORE  Wages: improper interference (Translation)

    This is the opinion of a reasonable blogger, published in today’s newspaper "O Globo". . He worries that companies lose discretion to reward performance and differentiate pay. Probably, he thinks, the result will be that nobody gets a raise, everyone gets the base salary for his profession. So nobody can feel discriminated against.

    feminista-conceicao-sampaioOf course, feminists and politicians think differently.

    Mrs. Conceição Sampaio estimates that as a woman qualifies for and enters the job market she wins autonomy and thus can also change the statistics of crimes against women." […] The domestic violence, according to Mrs. Conceição, has always been an important issue and will remain so, but the quest for empowerment and independence of women is also important.

    The MP emphasizes the approval of Law project No. 6.393/2009, of congressman Marcal Filho (PMDB / MS), which establishes fines to combat the difference in pay between men and women in Brazil.
    "Many advances have been achieved, but we still have inequality in the Brazilian labor market. People need to get paid for what they do. This is important. And the Legislature could not stay out of this discussion, "said the councilor.


    According to president of ALEAM State Representative Richard Nicholas (PSD), the public hearing is extremely important, because in addition to recognizing the importance of women in the labor market, since they already occupy  various management positions, it shows that progress is needed. Ricardo Nicholas points out that there are data showing that women in the same work as men still receive a lower salary. "It is necessary to fight this," emphasizes Nicholas.
    The President of the Legislative adds that women have distinguished themselves not only the sensitivity but also for their skill, dedication and discipline. And he recalled that the woman has more than one work shift. "She has the business and also works part to take care of family, children, home. Our tribute is for women to be placed increasingly on the labor market, with the certainty of having the same rights, "he said.


    1. Example how to calculate the fine: suppose the man earns $ 3300, the woman earns $ 3000 monthly. For 5 years of work, the difference would be 5 * 12 * $ 300 multiplied by 5 for the fine:  $ 90 000.
    2. Women having more days off, maternity leave, pension subsidized by menWarren Farrell explains the reasons for the so called pay gap.
    3. In divorce and separation, women will inherit government subsidized real estate property, decrees Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff
    4. Brazil has special laws against domestic violence against women and children 2 3 and special police stations for crimes against women.