- We want to save you (the sex worker). And if you don’t want to be saved, you will be punished.
- Are women prostituting themselves out of free choice? Does a nurse work long night shifts out of free choice? Or because she needs to pay the rent.
- It is illegal to buy temporary sexual services. What about clients that come for 20 years, outlasting several marriages?
- It is illegal to pay sex with money, or drugs. So if "paying" sex with a few drinks is illegal, then almost all sex is illegal prostitution.
- Landlords are obliged to kick out prostitutes, lest they will be charged with pimping
- even roommates can be charged with pimping, so sex workers MUST work alone, reducing safety.
- grown-up children who live for free with their mother, while studying, can get convicted for pimping.
- clients can not call police if they suspect trafficking or pimping. They would be accused of a crime if they called police
A Swedish sex worker on absurdity of Swedish prostitution laws
We discuss only
the impediments for responsible adults to decide about their own work and fate. The serious issues of teenage sexuality are not even mentioned. For example, in many countries one can have sex with a 16 year old. But if one gives her money, it becomes a felony.