Did Zimmerman kill Martin in self-defense? There are some indications that he may not have, but others that he may have. So I ask myself what makes sense. I doubt Zimmerman is just a crazy loon who likes killing people, so I think it’s most likely that Martin, a 6’2″ or 6’3″ football player, was beating his old, out of shape ass, and that’s why he shot him. Blurry video won’t discount this. I’m basically making the same judgment I did with the DSK case. Did it make any sense that DSK would rape that slut? Hell no! So it didn’t happen.
There is one major difference: We knew that Dominique Strauss-Kahn is a highly respectable, intelligent, successful man that had his act together and does not act irresponsibly and irrationally.
We don’t know that much about George Zimmermann. He might be a bit loony or out of control. But, the main suspicion is that Zimmermann might have “irritated” Trayvon Martin which prompted Trayvon Martin to righteously attack who Martin perceived as a racist.
Which murderer would first call police, then hunt down and shoot an innocent boy, and, in spite of being an armed aggressor, get seriously maimed, nose broken, back of head banged onto concrete slabs.
Press media’s lies, deceit about George Zimmermann trial

- Why George Zimmermann is guilty of murdering Trayvon Martin (NOT)
- Dershowitz: Zimmerman Special Prosecutor Angela Corey Should Be Disbarred Must See!
- More proof of George Zimmermann’s self defense and innocence. A book review.
- George Zimmermann cannot have a fair trial, due to unchecked black intimidation, black violence, black racism, and biased press
- Jose Baez: Evidence ‘so weak’ in George Zimmerman case
- FBI refuses to release the details of their investigation (probably because these details favor George)
- What I learned from the Zimmerman trial “Blacks adamantly assert that black kids have a right to beat up anyone they perceive as following them.”
See my more recent posts on George Zimmermann. (click on link)
Omitted evidence
Trayvon Martin’s school record of multiple 10 day suspensions for probably criminal behavior, possession of burglary tools and jewelry was not elucidated.11Nor his text messages about fighting
Nor have we seen any attempt to discuss the time line, to explain how Trayvon Martin got killed at a location he had passed hundreds of seconds earlier. Trayvon Martin had plenty of time to go home, but he chose not to. Instead he and George Zimmerman had their deadly encounter near Zimmerman’s car, where they had been hundreds of seconds earlier. 22 23 23 [wikipedia timeline]
Proponents of political correctness distort the truth. We must not defend racial profiling nor mention a long list of black criminality which is a multiple of white violent criminality. IN a similar case, witnesses confirmed that Black youth DeAndre Felton was killed in clear self defense.
We don’t know for sure, cannot jump to definite conclusion (I wrote in 2012. Now in July 2013 we actually can be pretty sure. In a show trial, the only “evidence” against George Zimmerman stem from deposition of Trayvon Martin’s parents (who reversed themselves after first declaring that the voice screaming for help was NOT their son) and Trayvon Martin’s girl friend who perjured herself several times.
And Trayvon Martin’s criminal behavior in school was not raised in court.
So I keep warning. We can not be so sure of George Zimmermann’s innocence. But we can be sure of the press and the black opinion makers being biased and too quick to condemn Zimmermann and to call for his lynching (New Black Panthers)
Now I could be wrong, maybe Zimmerman instigated things, but I doubt he HIT Martin first, so Zimmerman isn’t totally to blame either way. Also note that there’s a tinge of anti-gun rhetoric in all this, they want to take away our right to bear arms and defend ourselves, which is an essential right.
Source: all quotes from an author that wants to be unnamed
Presumptive right to violent “retaliation” in case racial profiling or racist slurs
There is a possibility that Zimmermann instigated the fight, by being a bit harsh or unfriendly. By the usual narrative that gives a black boy the right to whoop his white (?) or Hispanic ass. Whereupon Zimmermann would have to defend himself.
Now the second question is, did Zimmerman target Martin because he was black? And this answer is clearly no. The media simply wishes to paint the narrative that a “white” (Zimmerman is actually Hispanic and Jewish, not of the supposedly evil Caucasian group) killed a poor innocent black child who in the picture in the media looks 12 years old –
Manipulative use of photos to manipulate public opinion
Yes, the photo manipulation is eerie. Can’t the media find any other photos then Trayvon Martin when he is 14 (or actually you can find slide shows with photos where he is 5, or where he carries 2 year old babies). What about a photo from 2012 or 2011? How come the media will not publish any of these? And why does it show mug shots of George Zimmermann? And call him white, even though in the US “Hispanic” is a racial term, a socially defined “race”. Isn’t race supposed to be socially constructed anyway?
actually he was a 17 year old 6’2″+ football player who clearly had some muscle strength, wore a thug disguise (hoodie etc.) in a neighborhood that had been repeatedly robbed, probably was a thief and talked like a thug, hell his pictures were even doctored to make him look more innocent and angelic.
Right. How old is this boy? 13? 12? Sure not 17 years old!? Why do they keep showing these photos below? and only these photos below? Were above photos used, the impression would be quite different.
Now there still are rumors that some or all above Trayvon photos are fake. Which would leave open the question: Can nobody in the world, even his own family, locate any photos of Trayvon Martin from the last 3 years? Or are they all thuggish so they hide them?
How come Trayvon could not out-run Zimmermann?
And how come that tall trained football player could not outrun the fat out of shape older Hispanic? So he was cornered and had to whoop him? or got attacked by a law abiding neighborhood citizen who was fast enough to outrun and catch the football player. Why could Trayvon not just have run home? Is this gated community so huge that he could not run home quick enough?
There always is this unspoken assumption that Trayvon Martin has the right to physically attack and whoop George Zimmermann just for the sin of him being a racist, for the sin of racial profiling.
So the biggest issue is that the liberal media is demonizing Zimmerman and whites (even though he’s not white) to spread racial hatred against whites and promote white liberal guilt, and they are endangering the lives of Zimmerman doing so, as are the marchers who have rushed to judgment demanding Zimmerman be arrested, presuming he’s guilty just like they do those accused of rape. This is a lynching. Anyway Zimmerman didn’t realize the guy was black until later, and he had full rights to suspect a guy dressed in a hoodie at night in that neighborhood. Had nothing to do with his race. Zimmerman isn’t a racist. Just like you had to question everything you hear in the media about DSK during his false rape fiasco, you have to question everything you hear in the media about this case. They keep coming up with new shit about how Zimmerman wasn’t injured, Zimmerman wasn’t the one screaming, police reports were changed, blah, blah, blah, they keep coming up with more excuses to find Zimmerman guilty. Where was this evidence before? Nowhere. It’s only here because people are buying into the hysteria that Zimmerman the evil white guy who isn’t white killed some poor innocent black “child” because he was black. The hateful anti-white anti-male liberals don’t give a shit about the truth anymore than they did during Duke Lacrosse, in fact I’m sure the case has a lot of parallels, that would be the one to compare to, but I’m not super-familiar with it myself.
Testimony of neighbor who saw Trayvon on top of Zimmermann who yelled for help (Video)
The above witness statement stems from a resident witness, out of his house, early on. As we use common sense, this is much more credible then later unknown witnesses that suddenly say the opposite. But, we have to weigh all sides to be sure.
- So #1: Zimmerman probably killed Martin in self-defense, which is his right.
I agree but feel compelled to repeat
We don’t know for sure, cannot jump to definite conclusion
So I keep warning. We can not be so sure of George Zimmermann’s innocence. But we can be sure of the press and the black opinion makers being biased and too quick to condemn Zimmermann and to call for his lynching (New Black Panthers)
- #2: Zimmerman definitely didn’t kill him because he was black,
If anything it was started by racial profiling, which is illegal but statistically justified. And Trayvon’s likely outrage and “justified retaliation” attack. It really is very unlikely that Zimmermann hunted down Trayvon. But there could have been some mutual taunting and escalating.
Blacks calling for vigilante “arrest” and lynching remains unopposed and unpunished
- #3: The media and liberals are making this guy’s life a living hell, just the same as if he had been falsely accused of rape, think of what he’s going through,
- #4: The New Black Panther Party has threatened his life and Spike Lee tweeted the wrong address and endangered some old folks (probably white), why the fuck aren’t they arrested?
This of course is scandalous. Black idols and Black organization calling for vigilante harassment or worse for George Zimmermann. The rule of law is not enough for them. Isn’t the case getting investigated? Is he a flight risk? He only is a risk for being murdered. And we keep saying: what will they apprehend him for? Police does not want him. So black activists will “arrest” George Zimmermann in order to lynch him.
- Open letter to AG Holder: Investigate New Black Panthers for criminal conspiracy
- Rush to judgment on George Zimmerman reminiscent of mob behavior
- Why are ‘racial justice’ advocates silent on other 17-year-old?
- Gun Talk Radio: I discussed the Trayvon Martin shooting on Sunday with host Tom Gresham.
“Where there is no justice, there will be no peace. Soon the law of retaliation may very well be applied,” the Nation of Islam’s Louis Farrakhan tweeted ominously. 9
Blacks calling for lynching of probably innocent whites is perfectly ok.
Basically it’s all a bunch of bullshit designed primarily to push the “whites are evil, blacks are victims” narrative, which allows the elite to get the black vote more easily, since blacks can blame all their ills on whites,
Curiously, as Obama’s political base in “stand your ground”-free Chicago* prepares for a Trayvon Martin march today, the names of last weekend’s 10 dead/49 wounded [only in Chicago] seem destined for obscurity. Evidently these lacked an important exploitable factor. 9
From crime statistics, we can be sure that Blacks are over-represented among the culprits in these cases. And nobody cares. Only about this one case.
just like women blame all their ills on men, and so they feel no remorse when the law advantages them, affirmative action for example. And this hatred by blacks against whites results in things like prison rape, 10 as well as all the other black-on-white truly racially motivated violence the media completely ignores (there are some links I provided). “Racism perpetrated against white inmates by black inmates is indicated to be the single causal factor in prison rape. Both quantitative and qualitative data indicate a prevalence of predominantly black rapists and white victims nationwide for the last 40 years. Literary evidence shows ‘black racism’ to be the common denominator in most prison sexual assaults and rapes of predominantly white inmates.”
All quotes from an un-named friend and colleague.
Press media’s lies, deceit about George Zimmermann trial
Blacks adamantly assert that black kids have a right to beat up anyone they perceive as following them.
You learn the Martial Arts discipline from the training, the more discipline you have to the Martial
Art the very best you become. This may be a very subconscious area for a lot of people and they are likely to start working harder and concentrating more without realising.
The respect comes from the sparring, the harder you hit someone the
harder they are going to hit you back, the more you respect that fighter the more
they will respect you.
The critical moments in this difficult case remain, as the author has noted, speculative. It is worth thinking about, however, and the mediay firestorm has all the marks of a railroading. In any case, one item that I have not seem looked at in this is the conversation between Martin and his girlfriend. One item has struck me: she told him to run away. I am thinking that this might have helped to motive Martin to do just the opposite, in order not to take a “girly” approach, more or less. Sorry if that seems sexist of something, but perhaps you get the idea. She says, “run away”, because he says someone is following him. He doesn’t want to that as it seems wimpy. This may have played a role in his mindset at that time. It is intersting to note, in light of this, that both Martin and Zimmerman were on cell phones, and both had recommendations to either not follow or run away. Both went against this advice, and neither was really binding advice. Some have argued that Zimmerman was compelled to do what 911 (non emergency from what I can glean), but that doesn’t appear to be the case, nor was “we don’t need you to do that” a more forceful order such as “do not intervene, police are on the way.”
In any case, this seems to warrant some thought.
Dear Admin,
Thank you for responsible, honest, and reasonable journalism. I appreciate how you placed the “standard” opinions and then compared them to the known facts. This, in itself, shows how out of hand it’s becoming with some trying to paint a different situation than what actually happened.
Certain words of our vocabulary has been dismissed or twisted throughout this case. These words are: responsible, honesty, reasonable.
Lets start with the first, responsible. Throughout this case, there have been many irresponsible articles. Many seem to be “planned” to illicit certain actions. Some seem for nothing more than political gain. Nonetheless, only one form of this word has been used, responsibility. The media, and only certain groups, want to lay complete responsibility of this tragedy on the one who’s only crime was his will to live. It seems the old adage “Innocent until proven guilty” has been forgotten. No matter the evidence, no matter the witnesses or even the 911 tapes Zimmerman will have been tried and found guilty in the media. It doesn’t help matters when we have such irresponsibility coming from the White House. Not only from lower offices like Holder but from the one who claims to be our President himself.
Now we’ll look at the next one, honesty. This word seems as lost on the masses as the first. Starts with the media purposely editing the 911 tape to turn this into a racial agenda. Where’s the honesty in admitting their mistake? To pretend the public is naive to believe that it was unintended. Then to fabricate the “discipline” of a producer. Honesty has long been gone in journalism. Then what about the honesty of the evidence that has been shown to the public? People see what they wish to see, not what is provided. When the facts are so blatant as to smack you in the face, we hear it was evidence “never before reviled”. We don’t hear maybe people made a jump to judgment. Again, people run to justification for their opinion. We are also expected to believe the statement of a girlfriend who “heard it all” and came forward 23 DAYS later, over that of the witness who SAW it and was interviewed THEN. Where is her honesty in searching for the truth in the death of her boyfriend? On this word I could continue to include Angela Corey, Obama and others with their want for political gain.
On to the last one, reasonable. This word seems lost on the adults, young and old alike. We as reasonable adults are expected to take reasonable evidence and come to a reasonable conclusion. This isn’t what’s happening. Reasonable adults are ignoring any of the facts that doesn’t fit their agendas. They make unwarranted assumptions all to force an issue. They’re using unsuitable photos of both parties involved for the sole purpose of making a statement. A jury on this case would be expected to come to a reasonable conclusion on the evidence. If we did that, Zimmerman would be walking free unbound.
We can use all three of these words on one important individual in this case, Angela Corey. The reason Zimmerman is in a jail cell. She ignored her responsibility to find justice. Oh she is diligently looking for justice for the “sweet parents” of Martin, but what about justice for Zimmerman? Isn’t it her DUTY to assure justice is found for all? Isn’t it part of an oath she took? In her affidavit, responsible, honesty and reasonable are three words that can not describe this life altering document. This document is so inept and unprofessional it warrants disbarment. She feels responsible for Trayvon, but not George. You’d be hard pressed to find any honesty in her affidavit. She made assumptions and statements not based on facts but on opinions and those of the public. Reasonable is also no way reflective of this document. It is outrageous and intolerable what this lie of a document has done to a man who’s only crime was wanting to live.
If we, as reasonable adults, look at the evidence of this case, we can come to no other conclusion but Trayvon Martin was killed as a result of his inexcusable assault on another. If you use personal social exposure, watch the news, see the unprovoked attacks on Whites by Black assailants, you know this guy had a problem with someone watching what he was doing. This is especially true if the one watching was a non-Black.
You came to a conclusion that I had made in the beginning. “But Trayvon was probably an aggressive angry black male with rage who would not cooperate easily.” The ONLY ones who would disagree with this is the Black community. The only reason they would is denial.
Ok, so there are four words.
Justice is not only blind, it has now been bound. Bound by the mob mentality and those who enable it.
We have truly taken one step closer to an Orwellian society.
Anonymous believes that he is making valid points when he has no credible evidence George Zimmerman acted in self-defense. No one alive knows the exact nature of the encounter except Zimmerman but there is actually an eye witness that contradicts his story of calmly talking to Trayvon and walking back to his car.
Instead the eye witness claims Zimmerman was shouting angrily at Trayvon before a fight broke out in the grass resulting in Trayvon being shot and killed shortly after screaming for help.
The available evidence and Zimmerman’s history of violence highly suggests he was the aggressor. He was the one with the gun, Trayvon was the one screaming for help and Trayvon is the one who ended up shot dead because a vigilante decided to racially-profile him and confront him armed with a gun while he was minding his own business walking home from the store with candy.
quite possible, but absolutely not certain. We wish we had more of the evidence to clarify things.
But can your story explain Zimmermann’s injuries? Also can it explain why Trayvon did not make it home safely but chose to hang out elsewhere?
And if the stories are true that Trayvon was caught with what looks like burglary tools, and stolen jewelry, and he punched a bus driver, then he looks like a violent dangerous guy.
Now whoever punches school bus drivers really is way off the wall.
Again, I know, must issues unfortunately are not totally clear just from the information we have.
First off what confirmed injuries does Zimmerman have? There are reports he did have a mark on the back of his head but I have not seen proper photos nor a report on the nature of any injuries he had on him.
Trayvon didn’t make it home safely because he was killed by George Zimmerman. You keep asking why he didn’t just run home. I haven’t seen the neighborhood to determine how far he was from home but Zimmerman reportedly followed him in a car. Trayvon was talking on his headset to his girlfriend telling her someone was following her. She told him to run and he said he would just walk fast. We know the reason he got home is because he was killed. Everything else about what he was doing at night aside from coming home with candy for a Basketball game is speculation.
I investigated your other claims and can find no credible source on Trayvon punching a bus driver. If he did that surely it would have been reported to police. This claim is being attributed to a twitter message on Trayvon’s account but I have seen no pictures nor identification of who claimed he hit a bus driver.
The Miami-Dade Police Department does have records of Trayvon being suspended from school for graffiti, having his back pack searched which showed that he had women’s jewelry and a large screwdriver in his backpack. He says a friend gave him a jewelry. The police say the jewelry does not match any searched of missing jewlery and there are no reports of Trayvon committing burglary.
So baring all of that in mind there is still no credible evidence of Trayvon having a history of violence and still confirmation of Zimmerman assaulting a police officer and being fired from a job as a bouncer for being too aggressive one of the reports of which involved him throwing a girl at a house party and causing her to be injured.
I never claimed Trayvon to be a boyscout but Zimmerman is clearly a deranged man who has a reputation for violent fits of rage
Liberals think following someone is a crime
Liberals think asking someone a question is a crime
Liberals think assault is the proper response if you are a victim of following or question-asking
Liberals think preemptive attacks are perfectly fine as long as a black person does it
Liberals think defending one’s self from assault is a crime
Liberals think an overweight asthmatic has a clear advantage in a fight over a tall teenage athlete
Liberals think 911 telephone operators have the authority to issue legally binding orders to the general public
Liberals think that being a drug dealer isn’t a negative character element
Liberals think calling a drug dealer a drug dealer is a character assassination
Liberals think the validity of facts is dependent on whether or not the facts fit their personal narrative
Liberals think disagreeing with the narrative makes you a racist and automatically invalidates your opinion
Liberals think it’s more likely for a group of cops and paramedics to lie on reports than it is for a black person to be aggressive
Liberals think the above is true even when the black person in question has a history of illegal acts
Liberals think that stealing property and selling drugs is perfectly normal teenage behavior
Liberals think “It’s not mine, a friend gave it to me” is a reasonable explanation for why a male has female jewelry in his backpack
Liberals think that if someone doesn’t look like bloody ground beef in a grainy video, they obviously weren’t attacked
Liberals think that said grainy video outweighs testimony and reports of police and medical professionals
Liberals think they can make better medical determinations from said grainy video than first responders could make at the scene
Liberals think justice is best determined by knee-jerk emotional reactions instead of careful investigation
Liberals believe hearing Trayvon screaming is so horrible, until they realize it was Zimmerman screaming
Liberals have no problem with the use of young innocent pictures of Trayvon Martin being used and an old mugshot of George Zimmerman being used as the standard unbiased pictures in this situation
Sincerely, Anonymous.
Anonymous thinks that by making up stuff about liberals he’s making a legitimate point.
Checkmate and in just one statement.
Admin I’m going to address some of your points in this summary of my position on the topic.
Currently George Zimmerman is in police custody as he has been arrested and will be charged with second degree murder. Earlier you protested Zimmerman’s arrest based on what you feel is unjust persecution by the media. The media’s coverage of this case is completely irrelevant to the legality of an arrest.
This is a homicide. If police have probable cause to make an arrest then the arrest is lawful. The arrest in this case was made after a review of the evidence.
As spectators of the case we can not make any objective judgments about what happened. Without witnessing the incident ourselves or seeing it on video no one can say what took place. Only the witnesses have any credible insight in to what happened. So aside from that judgment of the situation should be based on the evidence presented.
What this really boils down to is whether or not George Zimmerman acted in self-defense. If the jury concludes that he did he will be acquitted. If they don’t he will be convicted of second degree murder.
We’ve talked about all of the evidence at length and you have given your opinions. What I believe is most significant to this story is that George Zimmerman was advised NOT to pursue Trayvon Martin and did so armed with a gun. He initiated an encounter simply by doing that. The 911 call clearly indicates he had the mind of a vigilante and he exclaimed that he didn’t want Trayvon to get away even though he did not witness him committing a crime.
Since we weren’t there we don’t know what the nature of the encounter was. We can only speculate. If you are going to speculate on who initiated the physical altercation between them that led to Trayvon’s death the best thing to look at is the reputation of each individual.
Trayvon Martin does not have a history of violence. He has had a few non-violent disciplinary incidents in school but no history of committing a violent crime. Your photos on your blog of Trayvon sticking up his middle finger looking like a gangbanger don’t convince me that he is any more prone to violence.
Georges Zimmerman on the other hand does have a history of violence. He was charged with assaulting and resisting police officers only a few years ago and got fired from a job as a bouncer for house parties because he was too aggressive. A co-worker described him as a Jekyll and Hyde type of person who came off as a nice guy most of the time but when angered was prone to snap with violent rage. He specifically describes an incident where he tried to restrain a drunk girl at a party and ended up picking her up and throwing her across the room. That and the police officer assault are clear evidence of a person who does not control their anger well.
Now look at both people from baring in mind their reputation and what they were doing on this night. Trayvon was walking back home from the store minding his own business. Zimmerman was following him in his car, reported him to police and in the conversation called Trayvon an “asshole” and possibly a racial slur (“coon”) before disregarding direct advice of the dispatcher not to follow him.
When considering those facts I do not believe that Zimmerman approached Travyon calmly, went back to his car and got sucker punched. The person I heard on that 911 call sounded like a man on a mission. He sounded like someone who was completely fixated on the individual he was reporting to place and was not going to let him get away without know why he was there and what he was doing.
Aside from the girlfriend’s testimony we now have a recent interview with another eye witness who says she heard the altercation between Zimmerman and Trayvon from her window before she called 911 when the fight broke out. According to this witness who was interviewed by CNN she could not make out what was being said but it was clear that there was an argument. She could hear both voices but the deeper older voice was louder and more aggressive. She says what she saw of the encounter happened entirely in the grass and that from the distance it looked like the bigger man was on top when the gun shots happened. She also states that she heard the yells for help and they sounded like the screaming of a young person.
That testimony not only contradicts Zimmerman’s account of being beaten up on the sidewalk but also his claim that he walked away from Trayvon before he was assaulted. According to this witness he was arguing angrily and aggressively with Trayvon before fighting in the grass some distance away from the side walk.
You can listen to that interview here:
Baring all of that in mind I think the evidence and witness accounts strongly suggest that Zimmerman’s testimony is not truthful. It’s more likely he was the aggressor and he shot Trayvon during the fight.
Now why did he shoot him? Zimmerman claims Trayvon reached for his gun and threatened to kill him with it for threatening to kill him. That sounds very unlikely. How did Trayvon know he was carrying the gun on him in the heat of battle? It was dark and unless Zimmerman had a holster that clearly revealed he was carrying a gun it’s unlikely Trayvon knew he was armed until Zimmerman pulled the gun out himself. Forensic analysts of the 911 audio claim Zimmerman was not the one screaming for help. The voice sounds very high to me and was silenced by the gun shots. So one can either believe Zimmerman was screaming for help while aiming and shooting a gun or Trayvon was screaming for help because he knew he was about to be shot.
Taking all of this information into account I think Zimmerman both initiated the conflict and made the decision to kill Trayvon to end the conflict. Did he do it in a fit of rage? Maybe. Maybe he was using the gun to demand Trayvon stop resisting him. Trayvon screamed for help and was shot dead. What we know is that he used the gun to shoot Trayvon by Zimmerman’s own admission.
One interesting detail that I mentioned earlier that further challenges Zimmerman’s account is the report that Trayvon’s hands show no signs of having been in a fist fight. You mentioned earlier Admin that punching someone would not necessarily cause bruising to the hands. If it’s a single punch perhaps not. It depends on where you punch your opponent.
But repeated blows to the face, especially from a mounted position where you are putting your body weight into the punches would cause bruising to someone fighting without gloves. In combat sports like Boxing and Mixed Martial Arts gloves are worn to protect the hands from damage by the impact of one’s fist against the opponents skull. Bone on bone contact of the fists to the face is like punching hard wood. If you’ve never been in a fight punch yourself in the jaw lightly or leg lightly and see how your hand feels. In MMA especially fighters often fracture their hands from punching because there is less padding in the gloves.
Trayvon would absolutely have to have bruised his hands significantly if he was beating on Zimmerman the way Zimmerman described. If you want to see what someone fighting in a life or death struggle looks like when they hit someone look up Ronald Goldman’s hands. I recently viewed a TV special about the OJ Simpson murder case and they show severe bruising on Goldman’s hands from punching his attacker. Goldman knew Karate and fought for his life. That’s what someone’s fists look like if they are hitting someone as hard as they can repeatedly. It scrapes the skin and causes bruising if you hit someone very hard.
To break Zimmerman’s nose and pound him repeatedly in the face to the point that Zimmerman had to yell for help Trayvon simply had to have damaged his own hands in the process. If the funeral parlor director is telling the truth forensic analysis of Trayvon’s body can be done to determine that he did not attack someone with his fists prior to his death.
Since there are multiple accounts of a struggle on the ground I suspect that it was really more of a wrestling match. Perhaps Zimmerman grabbed Trayvon or shoved him when he did not answer his questions. Trayvon resisted in self-defense, they grappled in the grass, Zimmerman by this point was angered that he was being resisted pulled out his gun. Trayvon cried in terror for help and was shot in cold blood.
After Zimmerman had a chance to calm down he did what he felt he had to do to avoid murder charges. He lied and claimed the whole altercation was self-defense. That’s just my opinion based on the totality of evidence that has been made public.
We will see what comes out of the trial.
Admin I really don’t have time to respond to all of your comments as alot of it is speculation blended with ranting but I will respond to this….
“But Trayvon was probably an aggressive angry black male with rage who would not cooperate easily.”
This is a blatantly racist comment. On what basis do you assume that Trayvon was PROBABLY aggressive and angry with rage? He doesn’t have a record of violent criminal behavior. Ironically Zimmerman does. And are aggressive angry BLACK males somehow a special case from any one else who is angry and aggressive?
How is that not a racist comment?
“Finally, everyone knows there will be serious riots, looting, burning, killing, if Zimmermann gets acquitted. This shows how violent prone Blacks are. And a good law abiding middle class Black like EgalitarianJay probably knows that too and probably moved out of the worst neighborhood into some safer community.”
I take offense to this. You don’t not know me and you don’t know my background. I was born into a Middle class family and have lived in middle class neighborhoods and towns all my life. If some Black people riot that is unfortunate and I discourage such behavior but no amount of violent protest could compare to the level of violence Black people have been the victim of at the hands of angry White mobs, White racist hate groups and White on Black police brutality that happens every day in this country.
The reason this case is sensationalized is because it opens up old wounds of racial-profiling and police trying to cover up crimes. We don’t have all of the facts yet. What we know for certain is that a neighborhood Watchmen pursued a a teenage boy who was minding his own business not witnessed committing any crimes and within minutes after a 911 call to report him as a suspicious person that teenager was shot and killed by a man who until recently was not arrested.
The police didn’t do their job. The parents had to press hard to get this man arrested and charged with second degree murder. There is plenty of evidence that has been released for a trial. The claims of Mr. Zimmerman are highly suspect in my personal opinion however given that this is a homocide there is certainly good reason to make an arrest and press charges. George Zimmerman will get his day in court to defend himself against the charges and one way or another justice will be served. That is the way it should be.
Admin you have been respectful to me for the most part but you clearly have an axe to grind in regards to this case. Your posts are highly politically motivated with a bias towards the accused and tainted by racist sentiment towards Black people in general.
That cannot be denied as the racist comments are right there for all to see.
This man should have been arrested from the beginning, charged at the very least with second degree murder and the evidence against him presented in court where if he pleads not guilty he has a chance to tell his side of the story.
Your apologetic defense of this man is ridiculous. You’ve done more than suggest his side of the story is plausible but defended Zimmerman as more credible than Trayvon when it comes to how he may have handled the situation without a logical basis to do so other than racial prejudice. All this other stuff about Blacks rioting, media selecting certain pictures, Black Panthers putting out a bounty on Zimmerman etc. is irrelevant to the credibility of Zimmerman’s defense for his actions as well as his guilt or innocence.
What I object to is you making suggestions about the story that don’t fit the evidence available or cannot be confirmed and further making racist comments and insinuations about the victim which are completely uncalled for.
Why doesn’t a reporter draw a map of the location of Zimmermann’s car and the location of the corpse? Plus the path of Zimmermann’s car, his walk, Trayvon’s path and the shortest path from the convenience store to home.
If Trayvon was killed near Zimmermann’s car, then it looks like Trayvon was hunting down Zimmermann. If Trayvon was loitering far from the path to his destination, or was near his destination and chose not to go there, that at least raises questions.
Maybe they don’t want to show evidence favoring Zimmermann? Or it is sloppy reporting? Can’t such information be obtained in police records?
Or did police fail to obtain all this evidence and thus complicate the finding of truth. Or did police fail to collect such evidence because Zimmermann’s innocence was proven by eyewitness testimony, and his injuries.
A map has been made. No reason has been stated why the press hasn’t published it yet. The map does show that Martin would’ve had to backtrack to attack Zimmerman. Maybe because it shows doubt that Zimmerman attacked Martin could be the reason.
It appears that Martin died approx. 300 feet from Zimmermans car. It also shows that Martin would have had an unobstructed, clear path to his residence after where it is known Zimmerman had lost sight of Martin and was stationary for over a minute and a half on the phone to the 911 dispatcher. I believe it wasn’t reported because it favors Zimmerman AND it’s sloppy reporting. (and it shows the truth)
Let me pose another question. Where is the Skittles and tea Martin supposedly purchased? It was not seen at the scene or mentioned in the police reports. There is evidence Martin purchased these items per the 7-11 surveillance tapes. They were not, however, at the scene. Did Martin go home and then return to confront Zimmerman? What did happen to these items?
This just further supports Zimmerman’s statement that Martin attacked him.
George Zimmermann can probably prove his innocence by 1-2 eyewitness accounts, forensics on his injuries. Also by reconstruction of his and Trayvon’s path (if the evidence has been taken and not lost), and voice forensics on 911 tapes. Or the tapes can prove his guilt.
a) why did Trayvon not get home as quick as possible. Note it was not his home but his father’s girl friend’s home. We would need a map of the community, and his path. But I wonder if the community is that big that he can not make it home
b) it is hard to check, but as a neighborhood watch man Zimmermann hopefully knows how to behave and identify himself.
c) if you THINK someone is a predator, you still are not allowed to bash him. Again, I know this needs to be checked.
This is being said everywhere:
a) the dispatcher said “we don’t need you to do that”. He did not clearly ORDER him to stop
b) the police dispatcher has no RIGHT to be obeyed
c) it seems Zimmermann actually DID obey and stopped following and then was followed and attacked. Again, it is good to check this if possible. I wish there was a map of the compound and a reconstitution of the path of Zimmermann and Trayvon.
Here we have an disagreement.
Just met an old lady that was chided as rancid white milk (sorry for the bad translation) and was totally unaware that she could have filed charges for racist attacks.
Even if he had used a slur, there is a LONG way to being a vigilante killer and attacker. And it looks he has not used any serious slur.
Now it is perfectly possible that Trayvon turned off his phone before punshing Zimmermann. If Trayvon got punched, on the other hand, the punch would still be heard before the phone fell. Now the only witness is the girl friend who might doctor her testimony after the fact.
maybe inadmissible evidence. Also quite likely he gets into rage when unjustly physically attacked and not the type the runs around looking for trouble and accosting people. Again, no total certainty, of course. More facts might be useful.
I hope we can have HONEST forensics about this.
Starting with the question “does one punch leave traces on a fist”? If so, all Karate fighters must have clear traces on their fists after every training. I suppose that most punches don’t leave traces on the fist.
it is relevant. If Trayvon was a habitual burglar, troublemaker, if he really punched a school bus driver, then it would be likely for him to have behaved suspiciously and treated Zimmermann like he treated the school bus driver.
Facts need to be cross-checked, of course.
more likely he was approached by a concerned citizen who never abused a legal gun in years, who hopefully gave a satisfying reply after asked who he was.
Again, Trayvon could have answered: “I am going home to address xxx” and all would have been solved. But Trayvon was probably an aggressive angry black male with rage who would not cooperate easily.
The whole case is not so much about Zimmermann but about race and hate.
Nobody makes any ruckus about the thousands of white men killed by blacks. Nobody dares say that black men, statistically, are quite suspicious for being criminal, including attacking whites with no or light provocation. Reason for being careful and suspicious, not reason for attacking or shooting them unless in self defense.
Also it is totally shocking that a possible racial slur of Zimmermann would be relevant for hate crime prosecution. But a bounty of $ 10k does not bother anyone. A bounty to an army or 10000 to catch a man who is not a fugitive.
Finally, everyone knows there will be serious riots, looting, burning, killing, if Zimmermann gets acquitted. This shows how violent prone Blacks are. And a good law abiding middle class Black like EgalitarianJay probably knows that too and probably moved out of the worst neighborhood into some safer community.
What’s worse than you being blatantly racist is your veil of ignorance. Maybe you’re not racist, but your ignorance is just overpowering… to the point where it discredits any validity in your argument. You label dark skinned people as if they are dogs… “Blacks are this,… Blacks are that”… haha, you my friend are the dog. A dog that is obnoxiously barking. I would first advise you to read research from both sides, but I think you should first address your childish and dehumanizing view of those of a different race.
I have a good exercise for you.
Imagine you live in a separate world…but a very similar world. You have your TV, iPhones, and everyone is the same race as yourself. But then one day, when your just living your life, green skinned people come invading your land from a far away country. They have laser guns and technology that you never knew existed. They cause destruction in your towns, murder many men, and capture you and send you into slavery into their country of green men. You never wanted to go there, but you were forced to. While over there, the green people react extremely hostile to you and your fellow people, they see you as tool and a object. Your language and culture is laughed and ridiculed, as the green people have their own separate language and traditions. After 200 years of watching your slave mother getting raped, friends and brothers lynched, and extreme forced labor, the green people see some fault in themselves. You, as the victim, cannot understand why someone would do this to you…. what violent and cruel people could do this? You knew that you and the green people were both humans.. just humans living 2 very different lives. The green people ban slavery and allow you to live freely, but segregated from society, and still aggressively treated where ever you go. You are not accustomed to their strange way of life, and thus cannot easily adapt to their culture. The green people notice this, and so they offer cheap, cockroach infested multi story apartment buildings for you and your people. You try to get a job, but there is a prevailing idea among the green people that your people just aren’t intellectually or mentally on the same level.
Your fellow people are getting attacked and murdered everywhere they go for no reason at all.. its messed up and wrong! Your tired of the injustice and want some sort of retaliation… but God forbid you actually react.. you wouldn’t to support any ideas of how violent prone your people are… who would think that tho right, don’t you know what my people went through and are going through? .. you might ask… your furious now, your wondering “I WAS FORCED FROM MY LAND TO BE A SLAVE OVER HERE, WATCHED MY BEST FRIEND GET LYNCHED ON A TREE AS THE GREEN PEOPLE LOOKED ON AS IF THERE WAS NOTHING WRONG, WATCHED MY MOTHER AND SISTERS GET RAPED, AND FOR ONCE I ACT LIKE THEM AND THEY’RE GONNA SAY THAT IMMM THE VIOLENT ONE????”
you see, you really just have to leave your sheltered life and enter others perspectives.. feel others emotions and you’ll understand them.
you are the 99% of people filled with hated fueled by ignorance. join the 1% and live a life of love and compassion. i spent 30 mins writing this all to you in hoping that love can touch your heart and free you from the hate and wrongful judgements you live by.
Yeah, you made a serious error here. When commenting on Zimmerman’s history of violence, i.e., the report that he threw a drunk girl across the room, you say “maybe inadmissable evidence” but then you say, “If Trayvon was a habitual burglar … if he really punched the school bus driver then it would be likely for him to have behaved suspiciously and treated Zimmerman like he treated the school bus driver.”
That’s what we call a double standard: Zimmerman attacks a girl at a party and that’s inadmissable, but if Martin hit his school bus driver (which I’ve never heard reported in any reliable media) then that’s relevant. Why does Zimmerman’s violent past ( and you leave out him assaulting his ex-girlfriend as well as the police officer) not count in assessing his character but Martin’s (supposed) violent past count in assessing his?
Also, the whole “This shows how violent prone Blacks are” is not only grammatically incorrect, it also shows how hypocrisy prone you are.
Zimmerman Arrested, to Be Charged with 2nd Degree Murder. Why could they not charge him without arresting him? George Zimmermann’s life is over. Even if he gets acquitted, he will be financially broke, his life threatened forever, and he will have suffered in jail.
Again, if he actually is PROVEN to be guilty, so be it. BUT ……..
Just the fact of the press manipulation, of showing childhood photos of Trayvon, of doctoring the 911 tapes to sound racist, and of omitting the head gash on a police video, that is enough to show unjust persecution.
Certainly a person can be beaten to death in a fight with no other weapons than their body. But there’s a big differences between someone assaulting you randomly and you picking a fight with someone or aggressively confronting them. What if Trayvon thought Zimmerman was a sexual predator or serial killer, got scared at him in because he was afraid this guy stalking him was going to hurt him?
We don’t know the exact nature of the conflict but Zimmerman absolutely disqualified himself from claiming self-defense when he ignored a police dispatcher’s instruction NOT to pursue Trayvon.
We only have Zimmerman’s word for what occurred during the encounter. He can say he politely approached Trayvon but the 911 call sounds like a person who is erratic and out to get someone. He associated Trayvon with “assholes” who are always getting away and possibly called him a racial slur (I say possibly as forensic experts don’t all agree on what he said ex. “fucking coons vs. fucking cold”).
Trayvon’s girlfriend says she heard Zimmerman ask Trayvon what he was doing “here” (in the neighborhood) and Trayvon asked why he was following him. Immediately the phone cut off indicating it was knocked off Trayvon’s head. So did Zimmerman attack Trayvon?
You say that Zimmerman doesn’t have a reputation for illegally attacking Blacks but he does have a reputation for assaulting PEOPLE. He threw a drunk girl across a room causing her to twist an ankle and assaulted a police officer. People who know Zimmerman have reported that when he gets angry his mind snaps and he has a tendency to go into a rage.
Like I said before the director of Trayvon’s funeral reports that Trayvon’s hands show no signs of being in a fist fight. Based on the reported facts I believe Zimmerman is lying but I want to see him go to trial where all the evidence can be presented.
I didn’t respond to any of that other stuff about Black Panthers and Screwdrivers Admin because it is not relevant to the main point I am trying to make. Trayvon Martin was a teenage boy walking home from the store minding his own business who was approached by a vigilante armed with a gun that ended up killing him with it.
I’m only interested in facts directly relevant to the case not trivia that has nothing to do with Zimmerman’s guilt or innocence.
Were an intelligent life form from not of this world visited us, they’d likely decleare: “I give you pencils, send you to school yet, the more I teach you the dumber you get!” Zimmermann was clearly told by the local police not to follow Martin, but he did. He had been instructed during his neighborhood watch certification not to carry a gun with him during patrols, nor during incidental observations of seemingly suspicious activities, but he did. If I assault you and knock you out cold, confirming that you are knocked smooth the fuck out, then pull out a gun and shoot you, under the law I’m chargeable with first degree premeditated murder. Boink!!
George Zimmermann was told no follow Trayvon Martin. By a 911 dispatcher who has no authority to give such orders. Still he stopped following. Trayvon Martin, on school suspension for misbehavior, tracked him down, knocked down Zimmermann and repeatedly slammed his head into the concrete causing deep gashes in the back of George Zimmermann’s head.
Zimmermann stated that he would have been killed had he not pulled the trigger and shot the assailant. It is up to the State Attorney to prove otherwise. This is difficult to disprove because getting the back of your head slammed onto concrete is quite dangerous.
Trayvon Martin had about 5 minutes time to walk to his destination 200 yards away, in the opposite direction where Zimmermann was. Trayvon Martin chose to backtrack and to face Zimmermann instead.
Note that Zimmermann collaborated completely with police, re-enacted the entire scene and did not contradict himself at any stage.
@egalitarianjay: as usual quite a thoughtful comment of yours. But I see some issues.
If he politely and carefully shadowed Trayvon, and then got jumped, he was in his right. If he followed Trayvon and attacked him violently, then he was wrong. Just nothing in his past behavior looks like Zimmermann went out to hunt down and beat or kill Trayvon. And before doing so would call police. But, we agree, thinks need to be checked. And quite possible police had checked it before.
People can be killed and mutilated in a fist fight. You don’t need to let yourself be beaten into a coma and hope you will survive. You can use all means to save your life.
Even if Zimmermann slapped Trayvon, and certainly if he just offended Trayvon, once Trayvon Martin uses deadly physical force, he would be in his right to shoot. But then Zimmerman would have some partial guilt, if he committed an assault first. But, again, Zimmerman is not known as someone who hunts down Blacks in illegal ways.
@EJ, I don’t have different race issue categories, so I had to force this into “race and iq”, though not totally befitting.
You also don’t comment as to what the Black Panthers plan to do with Zimmermann once they apprehend him. And why they get away with such hate crime and call to illegal action.
You also did not comment on the ridiculously manipulative childhood Margin vs. mugshot Zimmermann photos. Did you read about the editing of the 911 call which was absolutely misleading?
@EJ, also the jewelry and the big screw driver Trayvon carried in school, isn’t that very strange?
@EJ, But we both agree that there is no absolute certainty as to who is guilty, from what we know. And there are some strange contradictions on both sides.
There might be certainty from what law enforcement already knows.
I have to say I disagree with you on one major point. You say, “Just nothing in his past behavior looks like Zimmerman went out to hunt down and beat or kill Trayvon.” No, but plenty in his past behavior makes him seem like the kind of guy who would start a fight. He was arrested for assaulting an undercover police officer (and according to reports he said, at the time, that the cop started the fight). Also, an ex-girfriend filed a restraining order against him for assault (I think he slapped her which doesn’t make him a murderer but does show he’s violent). Add that to a co-worker of his claiming that he was fired from a bouncing job for being overly aggressive.
Martin didn’t have a perfect record either but I’m biased because I’ve got no issue with pot smokers and my nephew pretends he’s a thug and raps as well and he wouldn’t hurt a fly.
Ultimately, we can’t know for sure what happened but the circumstantial evidence certainly points to Zimmerman being the aggressor. He has a textbook history of aggression.
I have to admit, though, that I think he should be put away even if he (meaning Zimmerman) didn’t start the fight. After all, Martin had a legitimate motive for attacking Zimmerman. Zimmerman was clearly stalking him. Martin was actually defending himself, standing his ground, against Zimmerman. Martin had no other motive to randomly attack a stranger he didn’t know. Zimmerman also had a motive to attack Martin; he thought Martin was a crook.
Considering all this, I think Zimmerman should be put away for a while. If he would have just stayed in the car and let the police arrive, a kid wouldn’t be dead today. It was negligence just like drunk driving is negligence.
I do agree that the media was 100% wrong in selectively editing Zimmerman’s tape to make him look racist. So there’s one point on your side but I think you’re missing the larger issue: you can’t shoot kids without consequences no matter what color they are.
Black racists believe Blacks have the right to violence against non-violent Whites, Hispanics, and other non-Black races.
It is legitimate in the USA to follow a suspicious person who is caught looking into the windows of other people’s houses. Or for any other reason.
It is not legal to back up and attack such people with deadly violence, banging them onto concrete floors.
But Black rage thinks they have such rights. Equally they think they have the right to riot and burn Florida, if Zimmermann gets acquitted.
Trayvon Martin had 4 minutes to get to his home, 1 minute away. Instead the fight happened at 1 minute distance from Zimmermann’s car.
Thanks for mentioning all this, it reminds me I have to publish another article about proof of Zimmermann’s innocence: the forensic analysis of Trayvon Martin’s clothing proves that he was leaning above Zimmermann when shot.
I think putting the Trayvon Martin story in your Race and Intelligence archive is in horribly bad taste. That young man is dead and he was killed by a vigilante who approached him armed with a gun while he was walking home at night. Those are the facts as we know them.
We will learn more as the story progresses.
What does this have to do with Race and Intelligence?
Are you promoting this incident as an example of Black violence and defending Zimmerman as a law-abiding citizen rightfully acting on perceptions that a Black teen walking alone at night is probably a criminal? Your posts seem highly politically and ideologically motivated. I have always believed that race-realism is a viewpoint pushed by people with an racist ideological agenda and every time I debate this subject that suspicion is reenforced.
Anyway I’m going to give you my personal opinion on this subject.
On Self-Defense:
Experts have come forward to state that George Zimmerman disqualified himself from any credible claim of self-defense when he made the conscious decision to pursue Trayvon Martin against the instructions of the 911 police dispatcher. The Stand Your Ground Law does not apply to someone who provokes an attack on themselves and then kills their adversary in the conflict. It is only self-defense when someone presents themselves as an imminent threat to you and you protect yourself from harm. Deadly force must also be met with deadly force.
You cannot pull out a gun in a fist fight and shoot somebody and then claim that they were posing themselves as a deadly threat to you when they are unarmed.
Zimmerman has told his side of the story to friends and family who have reported that when he approached Trayvon the teenager took a swing at him, punched him in the nose and banged his head against the side walk. The fight moved to the grass according to Zimmerman and in the struggle Zimmerman yelled repeatedly for help. He claims no one helped him and that Trayvon grabbed for his gun telling him in the struggle that he was going to kill him.
Trayvon is not alive to tell his side of the story so we have to investigate Zimmerman’s claims to see if they are consistent with the available facts.
There is an eye witness report that claims Trayvon was beating on Zimmerman before they heard gun shots. But there is another eye witness report that says that Zimmerman was on top of Trayvon prior to the shooting.
Trayvon Martin’s girlfriend claims that she was on the phone with Trayvon and heard the encounter prior to the phone being cut off. What she heard was Zimmerman approaching Trayvon asking him what he was doing in the neighborhood. He did not identify himself and Trayvon responded by asking why he was following him. The phone cut off immediately leaving Trayvon’s girlfriend to believe that Trayvon was attacked after asking his question and the head set was knocked off in the attack.
We have insight into the mindset of Zimmerman prior to the incident from the 911 call. He sounds erratic on the phone complaining that “those assholes” always get away and can be heard uttering a racial slur (which meaning report to be “fucking coons”). That sounds like the mindset of a man on a mission who disobeyed police instruction not to approach the person he identified as a suspicious person.
One interesting detail that has come out is that the funeral director for Trayvon Martin reports that he sees no sign of a Trayvon having been in a fight. His hands and knuckles show no indication that he had punched anybody in clear contradiction to Zimmerman’s account of being beaten near senseless by Trayvon before he pulled out his gun and shot him in self-defense.
Another detail that has come out is the forensic analysis of the 911 call where someone could be heard screaming for help shortly before gun shots after which the screaming ceased. Audio experts using the most advanced voice identification software have reported that the screams in those phone calls did NOT come from Zimmerman.
There are reports that surveillance video shows Zimmerman did have some sort of abrasion on the back of his head but no sign of a broken nose or facial damage that would be consistent with a person being beaten with bare fists.
We only have Zimmerman’s word of what happened and alot of evidence that contradicts his story as well as calls it into question.
On Racial Profiling:
This case is currently being investigated as a hate crime. The basis for this is Zimmerman’s history of racially profiling Black youth on his neighborhood watches and the muttering of a racial slur under his breath which was caught on the 911 call. The racial slur can be used as evidence of motivation for hostility towards Trayvon which led to his death. Reports indicate that Zimmerman was far more persistent in identifying Black men as suspicious person’s despite not witnessing them in the act of committing a crime and more lenient with White men walking the around the neighborhood. I believe the racial slur on the 911 call is damning evidence that Zimmerman racially-profiled Trayvon and approached him with hostile intent based on racial hatred. He presumed he was “up to no good” labeled as one of those “fucking assholes” getting away with crime in his neighborhood and called him a “coon” (anti-Black racial slur short for raccoon). Trayvon ends up dead. We don’t know the nature of the struggle for certain but we know that Zimmerman did not witness Trayvon committing a crime, approached against police instruction, approached him armed and killed him within the time span of a few minutes.
There is solid grounds to charge this as both a hate crime and second degree murder.
Zimmerman’s reputation:
One of the questions surrounding the case is whether George Zimmerman has a history of violence. It has been confirmed that he does. Zimmerman was charged with a felony assault on a police officer and two cases of domestic violence. He was fired from a job as security for illegal house parties for being “too aggressive.” A co-worker describes him as unstable. He came off as a nice guy but when angered he snapped and snapped violently. This co-worker alleges that at one party Zimmerman tried to restrain a drunk girl and when she resisted he picked her up and threw her. She twisted her ankle from the conflict and the crowd was in shock.
On the flip side Trayvon has no record of violence. He has a few reports of disciplinary action at school for non-violent behavior including possessing marijuana and ditching class.
So on one hand you have a kid innocently walking home minding his own business with no record of violent criminal behavior and on the other you have a
deranged vigilante who violated the policy of his post as neighborhood watchmen by carrying a fire arm, disobeyed the instructions of a police dispatcher not to pursue a reported suspicious person, who has a history of attacking people including a police officer
and clearly racially-profiled the victim in this case as well as racist comment prior to approaching him initiating an encounter that led to the young man’s death.
Now with all of the available facts who do you think really attacked whom Admin?
I believe that George Zimmerman saw a Black kid walking home at night, assumed by his style of dress that he was a hoodlum probably plotting to commit a crime, approached him with racist hostility in his mind, planned to interrogate him on the street before police arrived, brought a gun in case the teenager retaliated. Probably pushed him, grabbed him or hit him when Trayvon asked him why Zimmerman was following him. His physical aggression initiated a fight which could have been more of a wrestling match than a conflict involving fists. Zimmerman probably pulled out his gun to get him to cooperate with him and Trayvon screamed for help. Zimmerman panicked and shot him in cold blood to shut him up. He knew the police would arrive and he was in a situation where he had a kid screaming for help in fear for his life. He probably thought the best thing to do would be to shot him so he could not report him to police and claim self-defense.
Or maybe he just lost his mind and killed him because he was upset he resist.
I can only speculate but I do not believe his story that Trayvon attacked him first and went for his gun in the struggle, then Zimmerman who claims he was losing the fight and screaming for help, pulled out his gun, aimed and shot Trayvon in self-defense all while screaming for help at the same time. The screams were silences immediately by the gun shots.
I think there is enough evidence here to see Zimmerman put in prison for the rest of his life but we will see how all of this plays out.
ABC Unmasked: Enhanced Video Shows Zimmerman Head Gash
Now, five days after their big scoop, ABC has posted new video under the headline "George Zimmerman: Enhanced Video Shows Injury." As you’ll see, ABC makes no mention of the fact that their previous story was wrong. And thus far, ABC does not appear to have published a print version of the story. Keep in mind that the claim Zimmerman was injured was widely known before ABC posted the video. In other words, they knew what they should be looking for in the clip. And yet it seems they were unable to find it for five days, even though other media outlets pointed it out within 48 hours.
At this point, ABC needs to explain why it took them until today to correct the record. Enhancing 4-5 minutes of video is not a five day job. This is one of several missteps by major media in this case. Earlier, NBC deliberately miscut George Zimmerman’s 911 call in a way that insinuated George Zimmerman was profiling Trayvon Martin because he was black.
Police surveillance video of Zimmerman may show head injury