Sue institutions for damages caused by inaction and PC coverups

Lawsuits by victims can hold accountable those, whose cover-up and inaction enables rampant minority crime.  Criminal school bullying, child rape1, prison rape2, looting, 3, mayhem and homicide persist unopposed because #TrueSpeech about  and effective opposition to minority crime is repressed . So far only a few law suits were successful to recover damages for death caused culpable police or school neglect.

Reprinted in full, with permission of

Government has a duty to care for safety of students and prisoners. Government mandates busing white children into high crime schools, to then leave the victims unprotected. Gag orders make sure that no one will ever know, because talking about minority crime is forbidden. Pointing out and opposing minority crime makes law suits, lawyers, and victims “racist”.

Parents of Slain Student Lauren McCluskey Sue University of Utah for $56 Million [Amren]

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Sue institutions for damages caused by inaction and PC coverups
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Votes rigged brazenly, by omitting facts that can be EXPLOITED by the “Right”

Not Russian collusion is warping our elections. Our elections have been moving towards the Left, and towards immigration and open borders because of 60 years of relentless bias in media, politics, schools, colleges and law enforcement. #TrueSpeech is Forbidden, True Facts are Taboo.

Votes rigged brazenly, by omitting facts that can be EXPLOITED by the “Right”

Forbidden to mention negative facts about “minorities”, to avoid stirring up prejudices[12] [13]

Citizens cannot be trusted with the whole truth, lest they develop prejudice.

It is forbidden to mention embarrassing facts about minority crimes 1, so as to  avoid stirring up prejudices[12] [13] that can be exploited by the Right.

Systematic and mandatory omission of true facts  to avoid “prejudice” 2, admittedly to reduce sympathy and votes for “the Right” 3 makes a mockery of the democratic ideal of the informed voter. Elections are, unashamedly, rigged against the “Right”. The consequences are grave and world changing4

“world changing” is not an exaggeration.

Reprinted, with permission, from

Irreversible Mass immigration into US, Europe, causing mass trauma by busing of white US students into dangerous crime ridden black schools, decades of mass rapes in Rotherham and Telford, large scale prison rape and riots, are all consequences of media and police withholding of crime data and IQ research.

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Votes rigged brazenly, by omitting facts that can be EXPLOITED by …
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Hate speech laws

Hate Speech

Hate speech is speech that violates PesseKodex12.1’s restrictions. Hate speech laws enforce #TrueSpeech restrictions upon everyone, under penalty of the law.

This is why “Kill the [South African White] Boer” or “kill all white men”[22,23,24,25] is not hate speech, while “My daughter was raped by a Pakistani Muslim” is hate speech. In dishonest PC fashion, “Hate Speech” has nothing to do with what the normal person understands as hate.

reposted with permission from

Technology opened a loop hole in the iron clad media gag order that blocks #TrueSpeech

REPORTS ON CRIMES When reporting crimes, it is not permissible to refer to the suspect‘s religious, ethnic or other minority membership […] such references could stir up prejudices against minorities. [GUIDELINE 12.1. by the German Press Council],[obeyed USA, world wide, generalized to Forbidden to mention negative facts about “minorities”, to avoid stirring up prejudices[12] [13]]

Hate speech laws close a loop hole created by the internet revolution. Unexpectedly, the internet and social medias gave the ordinary citizen the power to influence the general public and inform with #TrueSpeech about issues the the old media had conspired to repress. The information monopoly of the old media was broken. And so was the air tight gag order of PresseKodex12, that  makes #TrueSpeech not permissible

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Hate speech laws
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Milo Yiannopoulos loses book deal over underage sex comments

The US senate condemned, with a 99:0 vote, prestigious research in the American Psychological Association journal. The meta analysis showed that in cases of sexual  “child abuse”, no damage can be found if no violence has been employed and the victim has at least average intelligence. Yes, even we are shocked, but we are committed to science, not to dogma. Bill Clinton condemned the “Bell Curve” (about racial differences in intelligence) without even reading it. There is strong  Repression of research violating dogmas. Underage sex with post-puberty girls (and boys?) was widely legal 150 years ago.

Milo Yiannopoulos says that he “is advocating” for legal sex between 13 year olds! & older men.

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Milo Yiannopoulos loses book deal over underage sex comments
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Every child deserves a safe and happy childhood.

Every child deserves a safe and happy childhood. [Source: How UNICEF Supports And Protects Child Migrants Every Step Of The Way]

Yes. And the parents, and their society should provide such a childhood.

But for children growing up surrounded by gang violence and crushing poverty in Central America, the prospects are grim.

Re-posted with permission from
Every child deserves a safe and happy childhood.

That is sad. The dishonesty is not mentioning that European and US children are deprived of the formerly safe and happy childhood that their parents and their society created with their own effort!  Instead they are forced into schools and environments where exactly such children create School Bullying Terror 1 and whole sale sexual assaults and rapes.2.

The European/US white society, and parents have created a safe and happy childhood environment, with their own effort and money. That safe and happy childhood environment is being destroyed by exactly the policies that import those children from hellhole countries.  In the US, forced busing, or forced Title IX (?) welfare housing imports dangerous criminal youth into a formerly safe and happy childhood environment 3 that are considered “too white”4

Another dishonesty is the false leftist dogmatic creed, to claim all  people are born equal clones, and that all populations and races are equal5 ignore genetics 6 and to believe that these children and other immigrants from failed countries will not create failed societies in their new homeland.



Why don’t media show crime victims of immigrants instead like the above photo? Instead, media, in 100% of cases, manipulatively choose a photo as below. Such systematic choice is dishonest, with intent to influence election outcomes in favor of pro-immigration parties.

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Every child deserves a safe and happy childhood.
» continues here »

Total press censorship in Britain

Democracy and free speech succumb to leftist police state and total censorship.  It is unbelievable to witness the speed at which Western ideals and freedom get destroyed.

The following is being reported with credible evidence (The internet archive proves deletion of web pages)

Robinson, 35, was arrested on Friday for suspicion of ‘breaching the peace’ while live streaming to report on the trial of a child grooming gang. He will now have to serve a prior 13 month suspended sentence for a similar offense. […]

Articles from the Daily Record, Birmingham Live, The Mirror, RT and even Breitbart News were all taken offline in the hours following his detention. [Gatewaypundit]

Here we have some well documented reports about these deletions.

We must, though, report that we still found plenty of media reports, even in British media, which we will demonstrate at the very end of this post.

Note: will soon report on this issue, too


How can a British court
a) prohibit basic press reporting? Totally prohibit it? Without serious reason!?
b) why would sites in Russia and the US oblige and obey such orders? Breitbart? RT?
c) where is that court order valid? In Germany? EU? Russia?

d) maybe the internet archive will be next. Why should prohibited news still be allowed to be in the internet archive?

Orwell’s Nightmare: Articles About Tommy Robinson’s Arrest Rapidly Scrubbed From the Internet [AMREN]

Robinson, 35, was arrested on Friday for suspicion of ‘breaching the peace’ while live streaming to report on the trial of a child grooming gang. He will now have to serve a prior 13 month suspended sentence for a similar offense.

Mike Cernovich



The most terrifying video you’ll see today. …

Mike Cernovich


Go to Google News – Tommy Robinson
See these articles?
They are being taken down in real time. This is 1984. The UK is a police state.

1:55 AM – May 26, 2018

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Total press censorship in Britain
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Racism-phobia, a dangerous scourge

New articles in will argue the radical notion that "Racism" (as defined by Anti-Racists) is something positive & worth striving for, that Racism is Love #RacismIsLove #4Racism!

Anti-Racists are the real "Racists", intolerant Bigots convinced of their own moral superiority over so called racists and bigots, who oppose race blindness, who  incite riots, hate and violenceand even propose to exterminate Whites.

Anti-Racism manipulates media, changes voting outcome, causes world financial crises (yes, read 4Racism), destroys cities and countries, and more.

Thus we must own the insult "Racist". We must reclaim (=reappropriate) the terms "Racist" and "Racism".


Politically incorrect google search. Main stream media results are filtered out.
The results focus on alternative media. Try to search your home town, for example. Must try!

    4Racism is expanding regularly with new articles.

  1. Regression towards mediocrity (Regression towards the mean)
    a) another incontrovertible mathematical proof for heredity of IQ and heredity of the black white IQ gap and 
    b) explanation why children of bright Blacks tend to be much less bright than their parents. and tend to drift back into lower social classes
  2. Equality dogma: all races are equal.
    Equality BETWEEN and WITHIN Races is the center piece of Anti-Racism. Often called Universalism or Egalitarianism.
  3. Universalism or Egalitarianism:
    Universalism "insists on the universal nature of mankind. This leads to the belief that all racial-ethnic groups and cultures are equal, and even to a belief in the uniform human potential of all individuals.
  4. Corporal Punishment Saves Lives and Schools
    Old fashioned corporal punishment – or tried and proven segregation by performance and disciplinary behavior – could save dysfunctional multicultural schools.
  5. Swiss High Schools admit only brightest 20%. Average Students need not apply.
    Swiss High School is specifically for those who plan to study at the University. Traditional Swiss education has three tracks. Elementary, intermediate, and college. The Swiss do not suffer from the idea that 80% of the population should be among the top 20%. Switzerland has the highest paid an highest qualified work force in the world
  6. Racism reduces rape
    Rape prevention and prosecution are hampered by fear of being called racist. Rotherham, Telford, Swedish schools, ..
  7. Black Privilege
    Quota jobs without passing entry exams, allowed to use racial slurs like cracker or N-word, to be racist, to riot and loot with impunity, & much more
  8. Black Thugs Matter: Glorification of Felons
    Many popular famous rich Blacks athletes, singers are felons. (National Felons’ League".  Famous "victims" of white police violence resisted and attacked police
  9. Subprime crisis’ cause: mandatory affirmative housing loans
    Racism could have saved both the world economy from subprime meltdown, and saved Blacks from bankruptcy. Anti-Racist affirmative housing rules forced banks to give mortgage loans to unqualified minorities. Blacks did not need to fulfill the same tried-and-proven loan prerequisites as whites.
  10. East Asians, the model minority (IQ ~ 105)
    (East) Asians have higher IQ, income, educational attainments, lower criminality than Whites, in spite of "discrimination".. Koreans, Japanese, Chinese don’t fit PC narrative about discrimination’s harms
  11. Jewish Nobel Prize Overrepresentation
    Jews are 100 times over-represented among Science Nobel Prize winners, richest people in America, politicians, lawyers. Cause: high Ashkenazi (mean) IQ of 115.
  12. Victim classes rank ordered: Muslims and Blacks trump Women and Gays
    Muslim homophobes or Black rapists do not fit the PC narrative

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Racism-phobia, a dangerous scourge
» continues here »

Truth-telling Revolution: Citizens unite to break the PC silence!

Political correctness has conspired to hide racist truths. Democracy has been subverted: misinformed citizens that are fed lies vote WRONG!!

We wish a miracle, to change the German Federal Election Results by breaking the silence and promoting a


Truth Revolt: Sept. 11: Defy gag orders, tell truth

The federal election in Germany (Sept 24 2017 [a]).can still be turned around, if the voter is told the full TRUTH about immigrant crime and violence.Police, judges, school teachers, parents, refugee aides, statisticians, physicians, tell the truth!.


  • Code of Silence: ::
    Conspiracies to hide the truth about racial differences, black and immigrant crime, etc. The Silence Must be Broken. This systematic coverup is the foundation of leftist brain washing, the foundation of anti-racist policies, the reason why mis-led citizens vote for leftist pro-immigration, pro-affirmative action left-racist policies and parties

We need a "Sincerity Revolution"! Tens of thousands of citizens standing up at the same time and break speech taboos. We need to Speak the truth, mercilessly

We need a Revolution of the sincere! A Truth Revolt. A Sincerity Riot! As described in

Politicians and media maintain Political Correctness by lies, deception, and omission.  The German PresseKodex (see further below) enshrines this institutional deception.


An individual that strays from the politically correct speech code is mercilessly destroyed. Even famous Nobel scientists like James Watson.

  • James Watson Racist:
    Nobel James Watson Top 20 most influential Americans of all times, top 100 Person of all times, was socially and scientifically destroyed for a well meaning comment about race differences.
  • William Shockley, inventor of transistor, was racist
    Physics Nobel laureate William Shockley, inventor of the transistor and (probably) the founder of Silicon Valley [10] pointed "out that to blame all the failures of black people on racism was a misdiagnosis of the problem" [12]. Shockley was reviled for suggesting various well meant "racist" research projects to the National Academy of Science [12].


Truth Revolt: Sept. 11: Defy gag orders, tell truth

The federal election in Germany (Sept 24 2017 [a]).can still be turned around, if the voter is told the full TRUTH about immigrant crime and violence.Police, judges, school teachers, parents, refugee aides, statisticians, physicians, tell the truth!.