Does a newscast transmit the desired, politically correct, PC narrative? Does it effectively implant a false impression in the reader’s mind? Does it successfully cover-up or distort factually correct but “undesirable” facts?
Reprinted with permission from
Our obfuscation index measures the success of one single article or one news-cast in maintaining the PC narrative and obfuscating all counter-narrative facts.
Our Brainwashing index measures the long term result in terms of politically correct but objectively, scientifically false beliefs
We propose1 the [PC] obfuscation index2 to measure the extent to which media reporting covers up counter-narrative “racist” facts3 related to issue in discussion and thus distracts the reader’s mind from un-PC “racist” or “sexist” facts4.
This quantitative measure5 of disinformation is value-free:
- science minded free speech advocates find the obfuscation attempt disturbing: the omission of relevant true information with intent(?6) to deceive readers
- the PC media rejoice about obfuscation result, measurable beliefs induced by successfully implanting misinformation in the reader’s mind,
Our sample BBC article below successfully prevents the reader from knowing the following relevant, clearly uncontestable, facts
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