Justice Secretary Kenneth Clarke has been heavily criticized for talking about "serious rape" as compared with other types of rape. But can some rapes be viewed as more serious than others?
The word "rape" needs to be differentiated, into "serious rape", "forcible rape", "rape rape" because the word "rape" nowadays means everything.
- "Rape is rape is rape" is a lie, Joe Biden! 20 different types of rape!
- Consent, rape & minors. What is consent to sex?
- Victim dupes man into raping her. How can you rape without knowing you are raping?
- Judge John Reilly forced to apologize for differentiating nerd’s groping from sexual assault
- Republicans re-re-define rape: to the original definition rape had for 2000 years before re-definition 30 years ago
- Feminist rape laws don’t apply to male prison rape victims
- Hofstra false rape case: any law abiding man can be jailed at a woman’s whim!
Mr. Kenneth Clarke saying the truth (video) (which later on he has to retract)
Speaking to Victoria Derbyshire, the Justice Secretary said some cases of date rape or sex with under-age children might not qualify as rape “in the ordinary conversational sense”. Ed Miliband, the Labour leader, called for Mr. Clarke’s resignation during Prime Minister’s Questions over the comments. Listen to full interview on BBC Radio 5 Live Source: Telegraph
The justice secretary’s remarks suggesting some rapes were worse than others has led to a storm of protest and demands for his resignation from Labour. BBC
Tyrannical political correctness speech code taboos prohibit sensible discussions
Political correctness is a speech code to silence discussion. It erects taboos: don’t talk, don’t question. Making a comment on a taboo topic yields to ad hominem attacks, demands of resignation! Like a medieval church. The topic is taboo, critics are silenced, no discussion is allowed.
In the rape issue, there are stupid anecdotal one sided arguments.
"If we listen to what the victims of rape tell us about its impact, there is no difference between those who have suffered date rape and those who have been attacked by strangers. BBC
What a stupid comment! The "victim-feminists" who claim that a drunk-party-girl-who-next-day-is-sorry-she-consented-rape is the same as the mauled-in-the-forest-at-knife-point-rape are an offense to true forcible rape victims. These are the same people that say: consensual sex with an adolescent minor is rape, the same as violently raping the adolescent minor against her or his will. And such insanity pervades world wide press and politics.
Nation-wide and world wide politics are based on such drivel. Where is the peer reviewed research that supports such statements?
"If we listen to what the victims of rape tell us about its impact, there is no difference between those who have suffered date rape and those who have been attacked by strangers. BBC | If we listen to what paralyzed victims of car accidents tell us about its impact, there is no difference between those that were accidentally run over due to a blown tire, a driver’s mistake or those that were run over by a maniac assassin driver. |
In either case, the victims are equally paralyzed.. The punishment for the perpetrator, though, is very different. |
Unlike the car accident example with subsequent paralysis, as shown in the articles linked above, the modern revised definition of "rape" encompasses total different things
- violent forcible rape,
- consensual sex where consent is considered invalid later on, if the "victim" convinces a judge that she was too drunk, if she was underage, if she presented a fake ID and the perpetrator could not know he did commit "rape"
- consensual sex where consent is withdrawn in the middle of the act and he continued for 5 more seconds (yes, google "5 second rape" if you don’t believe it.
- consensual sex when the woman only felt raped 2 days later when he did not call her
- consensual sex with an adolescent minor
- When is a rape not a rape? | Police Inspector Blog mentions the pervasiveness of false rape accusations but fails to mention that lots of these lead to false rape convictions: because of the dogma "women don’t lie", and the perverted suspension of due process, the "presumption of guilt of the accused in rape cases", it is very easy to be unjustly harassed and tried for years (Kachelmann, Strauss-Kahn) and possibly convicted of rape that has never happened
Most men have already been raped by a woman, but are unaware of it
I have asked many men: "Have you ever said no to a woman and she continued with sexual activities like oral sex or sex?". Almost all of them said they told a woman "Stop, I am tired" and she just continued.This happens when a man had enough sex but an insatiable woman wants more. It could happen early in the morning when the man wants to sleep.
I believe Britain has a sexist rape law where women can not rape. But by gender neutral rape laws this clearly constitutes rape. By the feminist rape definition that a simple "no" or "stop" in a consensual sexual relationship means "rape". And this is the same as dragging a screaming woman into the forest? Or 5 guys in prison holding down a man to rape him? David Cameron, thank you for your honest truth. Too bad you weaseled out and retracted, though half-heartedly
Kenneth Clark retraction (Video)
"Often the victims of stranger rape will generate more sympathy, which seems to me absurd. We mustn’t ever give out the message that your rape isn’t as bad as someone else’s rape." BBC
One guys says that someone else says. Totally anecdotal. The typical feminist victim attitude where an objectifying gaze hampers women’s intelligence and a consensual-sex-while-drunk or yielding-to-insistent-male-pressure is as bad as forcible rape.
For legal purposes, intent is important
Now let us suppose, this is true. Being dragged into the woods by an armed stranger is the same trauma as changing one’s mind in the middle of consensual sex and the guy does not stop immediately.
Different ways to get run over by a car
A person gets run over by a car and is left paralyzed. In all the following cases, the effect on the victim is the same. Legally, they are very different.
All these have different intent and very different punishment (for attempted murder to to involuntary manslaughter to deadly accident.
Of course, there are dozens of date rapes
Are car theft, carjacking, returning borrowed car past the due hour all equally serious?
Unlike rape, where feminists made sure that everything is called rape, our language already differentiates between the above transgressions. If it were for feminist language abuse, all these very different crimes would be called "car robbery".
Intent and attitude of the perpetrator are very important
- Imagine, furthermore, that nine years later, your friend could just accuse you of this crime, and you had to prove that 9 years ago she did not withdraw her consent to use the car
- Or maybe she withdrew consent, but so meekly you did not understand it.
- Or you thought she was joking when she told you to stop driving while in the middle of the desert (equivalent to telling a guy to stop in the middle of consensual sex)
- There is a "battered woman syndrome" that allows women to get away we planned premeditated murder as if it were self-defense, even though they could have simply left and moved out.
- Nobody clarified the "horny young man syndrome": when a woman tells says "stop" out of the blue, to a testosterone driven 19 year old to stop in the middle of a sex act, that might take some repetition to be believed, to sink in and to be heeded
Interestingly, the main argument is not being made: for a crime, the attitude of the criminal is of prime importance. There are all kind of killing offenses, from premeditated cruel murder to accidentally running over a person in a moment of reduced attention on the street. Nobody gets demands to resign for saying these are not different.
Now from the point of view of the "perpetrator" there are very different levels of guilt: criminal intent with planned violence, criminal intent with no violence against people, misunderstanding of speech, unproven possibly false accusations.
Now all this language abuse serves a purpose: when everything becomes rape, then
Any man can be a rapist?
"There is a real mythology about rape – that it’s extremely rare and the perpetrators are crazed strangers who strike on a dark night. People don’t want to accept that ordinary men can rape."
Calder agrees: "People separate rape from reality, think of it as a horrendous crime that happens to someone else. If they think of it in this way it takes away the fact that any man can be a rapist." BBC
This is the problem. Ordinary men, in ordinary circumstances, don’t rape.
So they fiddled so long with rape definitions that finally every ordinary man risks getting charged with rape. Maybe he failed to check the ID, maybe he failed to do a blood alcohol test and mistakenly thought "yes means yes". Or he just gets a false rape accusation and goes to jail for 20 years because "women do not lie" and "ordinary men can rape" or even "every man is a rapist".
Rape the new feminist obsession. Rape the new frontier in Gender War
In the last half century, rape has been re-defined.
- First rape is re-defined, so that dozens of crimes that had a different name before, or that did not even exist before, become rape.
- Almost everything is "rape" see (1) (2) (3) above
- Pretty soon, having sex with a 20 year old is rape (when the age of consent will reach 21).
- Harassment and Objectifying gaze might become rape at some time. After all, if a woman feels raped, then it is rape.
- Then the dogma "All (these different) types of rape are the same"
- Then change due process and make sure every man is "guilty until proven innocent" when accused of rape
- Finally the feminist dream becomes reality. Every man is a rapist. And if he is not, he can always be accused, tried, and be convicted of rape.
What other purpose can this have, then to scare men away from sexual activities, like the antifeminist incessantly preaches?
Tyrannical political correctness speech code taboos prohibit sensible discussions
Political correctness is a speech code to silence discussion. It erects taboos: don’t talk, don’t question. Making a comment on a taboo topic yields to ad hominem attacks, demands of resignation! Like a medieval church. The topic is taboo, critics are silenced, no discussion is allowed.
Other dogmatic speech restrictions
- The Bible is always right and the Bible says the sun revolves around the earth. Detractors will be burned alive or imprisoned. The catholic church apologized to Galileo Galilei in the year 2000! His trial was in 1633!
- Compare James Watson and the race and iq controversy
- underage sexuality and the Rind Study. The study could be wrong, but even an unanimous vote of the US senate plus congress are not the right way to disprove a peer reviewed study in a quality research journal.
Related articles
- David Cameron urged to sack Kenneth Clarke over rape comments (mirror.co.uk)
- Kenneth Clarke is undermining rape case justice, Harriet Harman claims (guardian.co.uk)
- Kenneth Clarke: I upset a lot of people in the rape debate, Justice Secretary admits (telegraph.co.uk)
- Kenneth Clarke rape comments slammed by Ed Miliband who calls for him to be sacked (mirror.co.uk)
- Clarke ‘must go’ over rape comments (mirror.co.uk)
- UK minister: Some rapes more serious than others (seattletimes.nwsource.com)
- A word on rape, Ken Clarke | Harriet Harman (guardian.co.uk)
- Kenneth Clarke apologises for causing offence with comments about rape (telegraph.co.uk)
- Ken Clarke is wrong on rape – but many seem to agree with him (newstatesman.com)
- Clarke: I got bogged down on rape (mirror.co.uk)
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