Melinda Gates Bashes ‘White Guys,’ Says She’ll Discriminate Against Them

All people are equal, men are like women, Blacks perform like Whites. White men have invented almost everything in our technological world. But if we finance Black women inventors, our technology will improve vastly. This is the (false) theory of political correctness.

According Melinda Gates the wife of the (white, male) Microsoft pioneerBill Gates—only women and minorities can give us innovation. [Why Melinda Gates Has Been Funding Female VCs Through Her Secretive Investment Firm, by Polina Marinova, May 30, 2018.]Perhaps Mrs Gates should talk to the psychologists who actually research these things. Because their finding is that it is overwhelmingly high IQ—and therefore white—countries that are responsible for per capita innovation. And it is specifically those high IQ, white countries whose populations have the highest levels of the male hormone testosterone

We tend to assume that a country’s scientific achievement is essentially a reflection of its average IQ. Controlling for population size, smart countries produce the most science Nobel Laureates, the most important scientific breakthroughs…so it’s the countries with the biggest brains that are the engines of civilization. {Source]

We reprint the following article and reprint  a few comments


Melinda Gates Bashes ‘White Guys,’ Says She’ll Discriminate Against Them [Amren]

Joy Pullmann, The Federalist, June 5, 2018

Melinda Gates has decided to enter the venture capital world by sending her money to people based at least partly on their sex and skin color, she said in a recent Fortune interview.

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Melinda Gates Bashes ‘White Guys,’ Says She’ll D…
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Integrated African with Job @ German Railways &Keys to Women’s Toilet Stalls

A well integrated working Ghanan “resident of Dortmund/Germany” used the female toilet stall keys to enter the stall and grope a women in the privates and breasts.Wait, there is more! This article continues! Continue reading »
Integrated African with Job @ German Railways &Keys to Women’s Toilet Stalls
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German railway station worker uses women’s toilet stall keys to open toilet and grope women.

Diversity is strength. A diverse work force is much better. Affirmative action is necessary to give jobs to needy refugees or other "minorities". A criminal history of strealing and selling stolen goods must not be an impediment.

A "resident of Dortmund/Germany" used the female toilet stall keys to enter the stall and grope a women in the privates and breasts.  We wonder if that is the first and only occurrence.The press is actually not allowed to tell the minor detail that he was a citizen of Ghana (PresseKodex 12.1: Verschweige die Wahrheit um keine Vorurteile zu schüren).  We wonder why the police told this irrelevant and racist detail.  Source: [BPOL NRW: Sexualdelikt auf der Bahnhofstoilette – Bundespolizei ermittelt gegen 49-jährigen Dortmunder]

Of course, German cleaning workers always have committed such crimes. Right!?

Compare other affirmative action jobs


First Somali-Muslim police officer in Minnesota KILLS blonde yoga ……/somali-muslim-cop-kills-damond.html/

Jul 17, 2017 Mohamed Noor was the first Somali-American Muslim officer in his precinct. The Mayor heralded Noor’s induction into the force. “I want to take …

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Integrated African with Job @ German Railways &Keys to Women&#…
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Affirmative action fail: mismatch hurts Black & Hispanic students too

The Painful Truth About Affirmative Action describes how mismatched students are admitted to colleges where they don’t belong nor thrive, where they suffer and tend to drop out.

They are academic failures and rank at the bottom of their classes. This reinforces the stereotypes of academically inept Blacks and Hispanics, damages the self-esteem of failing minority students that would thrive in less selective colleges. It also is damaging to competent Black and Hispanic students who do not need quotas but who get confused with low performing quota students.

UCLA went through various phases of affirmative action and minority admissions. It is taboo to mention the unspoken secret: when UCL admitted twice as many minorities, drop-out rates increased drastically and in the end the number of minority graduates remained equal. Admitting too many vastly under qualified minorities yields no positive results. It only wastes money and traumatizes students.

Colleges actively hide the truth about the failure of affirmative action.

It is also always overlooked, that discriminated disadvantaged Asians over-perform. Even the mismatch article is shy to admit that this is due to Asian’s genetically superior IQ, augmented further by a culture that values academic success).

The issues of the above summary will be shown in detail in the quotes below

Mismatch: How Affirmative Action Hurts Students It’s Intended to Help, and Why Universities Won’t Admit It (Book)


The Painful Truth About Affirmative Actionsat-verbal-critical-reading-by-race-black-white

The single biggest problem in this system — a problem documented by a vast and growing array of research — is the tendency of large preferences to boomerang and harm their intended beneficiaries. Large preferences often place students in environments where they can neither learn nor compete effectively — even though these same students would thrive had they gone to less competitive but still quite good schools.

We refer to this problem as "mismatch," a word that largely explains why, even though blacks are more likely to enter college than are whites with similar backgrounds, they will usually get much lower grades, rank toward the bottom of the class, and far more often drop out. Because of mismatch, racial preference policies often stigmatize minorities, reinforce pernicious stereotypes, and undermine the self-confidence of beneficiaries, rather than creating the diverse racial utopias so often advertised in college campus brochures.

The mismatch effect happens when a school extends to a student such a large admissions preference —

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Affirmative action fail: mismatch hurts Black & Hispanic stude…
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