Political correctness‘ quota nonsense gives us firefighters that are too weak to carry an injured person and too dumb to read maps and street signs. Gender and racial quotas are equally harmful, unjust, and outright dangerous.
Feminist gender "equality" sets fire fighters’ physical standards lower, so the average woman can pass. Safety be damned.
Political correctness‘ racial equality dogma gives us low iq and low education firefighters who can not read and reason adequately. Testing for 10th grade reading and logic abilities discriminates against Blacks (race and iq), so the basic literacy, logic and iq test has to be scrapped to force more black firemen into the New York fire department. (Judge orders millions paid in NYC firefighter bias case). (Women’s suit highlights differences in city, suburban firefighter tests)
Currently, there are just 32 women in the FDNY, a number based less on discrimination than on the biological fact that the vast majority of women are not built to carry 100 pounds of gear. And yet, that’s not good enough. […]
"I have a family," another fireman said. "I can’t count on a 110-pound female to carry me out of a burning building."
Maybe it’s me. But if I were to be caught in a fire, I’d feel a lot safer in the arms of a 6-foot man than those of a 5-foot girl.
You can’t choose the one who will rescue you. You can weaken the pool. And that is something this city can’t afford in the name of "diversity."
Human-Stupidity Analysis
Unfortunately, MRA (men’s rights activists) are unaware that male gender quotas are quite similar to racial quota issues. What is falsely perceived as discrimination is to be remedied.
Once gender and racial differences are being recognized as true, one can find true alternative solutions:
- really hire and pay by merit would be the best solution
- if there is a desire to institute quotas, compensate weaknesses with extraordinary skills. Those who underperform at IQ and aptitude tests will only be hired if they strongly over-perform at physical tests, and are aware that they will not be apt for leadership positions. Women who underperform in brute strength of lifting heavy weights may compensate with extremely high scores in speed, endurance, IQ.
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Dangerously incompetent fire fighters, weakened by gender quotas, …
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