South African Whites living in dire conditions. Please donate

8.9% Whites [] in South Africa are, of course, NOT a minority with minority protection. On the contrary, due to Black privilege White South Africans suffer from quotas favoring the Black majority, and vicious genocidal persecution.  The following is a complete reprint from EUROPA UNITAS MOVEMENT




March 20, 2016 ·



UNION visited some of South Africa’s poor working class White Afrikaners living in the countries many illegal White Squatter Camps.

Please help by donating at

South Africa Background information

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South African Whites living in dire conditions. Please donate
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White men and lack of diversity ruined Google & Apple

#1 Google and #2 Apple, the world’s most valuable, profitable, successful companies have rapidly grown while deprived of the benefits of racial and gender diversity.

Imagine how much more profitable these companies could have been if white men had not made irrelevant products and bad decisions. Diversity is strength!

Having a diversity of perspectives leads to better decision-making, more relevant products, Google diversity report 

  1. Had Google and Apple embraced diversity,  hired lots of women and Blacks, had they been led by minorities, Google and Apple would be much more valuable then they already are. They would not merely be the two most valuable companies in the world.
  2. White men created the two most successful enterprises in the world. White men are especially capable and successful.

Please chose (1) or (2)

Economic success is racist! Economic success favors White men!

(2) must not be true because it is racist and sexist.  Occam’s razor is racist. The obvious easy explanation must not be true.

the data — which in Silicon Valley usually reigns supreme — shows that diversity on groups benefits research, development, innovation and profit. [New York Times]

The data:

The two companies with the best profit, innovation, development and research are led by white men and lack diversity. This proves that diversity benefits company success.

Had they only hired Blacks with lower IQ (see Bell curve) these companies would not be such failures.

Racist white male patriarchy’s logic needs to be abolished in favor of political correctness own logic


How the Asians Became White 

Asians are around 30% in these companies, according to  Google diversity report. Numbers about Jews are glaringly absent.


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White men and lack of diversity ruined Google & Apple
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Donald Sterling punished for slight offense to over-sensitive Blacks

Clippers owner Donald Sterling banned for life from NBA, fined $2.5 million by NBA.

A disgruntled girl friend illegally recorded hundreds of hours of private conversation.

With effort she managed to coax Donald Sterling to state a personal preference that he prefers her not to post photos of herself with Blacks on instagram and not bring Blacks to his games.

Otherwise he says, she can to whatever she likes, go with Blacks, have sex with them, love them, anything. Donald Sterling loves Blacks, pays millions to Black players and coaches, has White players under-represented in his team.


She tried her best to get him to say bad things about Blacks, but she did not manage. He only voiced a personal private preference for his girl friend’s public behavior.

Donald Sterling did not say anything politically incorrect about race and iq, black crime, the need for white quotas in black dominated US pro sports, or the problem of non-mulatto Black coaches in the NBA. Or criminal involvement of players:

Still, Donald Sterling was seriously punished for private conversations in his own house,  No sanctions for recording in violation of state law. [4]


Nevertheless, when nonsense like stupid racial remarks by Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy and Clippers boss Donald Sterling can consume the nation’s conversation for a full week, it does raise a far more disturbing question:

Is America still a serious country?



Human-Stupidity Analysis

Black Privilege: Blacks promoting genocide and killing of Whites is acceptable



  1. Though shalt not dispute or oppose teaching of homosexuality in schools
  2. PC madness: Steve Martin’s Lasonia joke offensive to Blacks
  3. Though shalt not dispute or oppose teaching of homosexuality in schools
  4. Obama-with-banana picture: freedom of expression in Russia vs. PC madness in USA
  5. Olympic political correctness: though shalt not pose with weapons, befriend rightists or joke about Blacks
  6. Olympian Voula Papachristou banned for a joke ‘very bitter and upset’. Dictatorship of political correctness destroys lives and freedom.
  7. Racist joke by stand up comedian: theater owner arrested in Brazil
  8. Trayvon Martin, black rage and political correctness
  9. Brazil votes to criminalize homophobia. Political correctness threatens freedom of expression & research
  10. Medical research and treament for Blacks hampered by "race does not exist" dogma
  11. Geert Wilders in court for offending Muslims (who threaten his life and already killed Theo van Gogh)

Affirmative action fail: mismatch hurts Black & Hispanic students too

The Painful Truth About Affirmative Action describes how mismatched students are admitted to colleges where they don’t belong nor thrive, where they suffer and tend to drop out.

They are academic failures and rank at the bottom of their classes. This reinforces the stereotypes of academically inept Blacks and Hispanics, damages the self-esteem of failing minority students that would thrive in less selective colleges. It also is damaging to competent Black and Hispanic students who do not need quotas but who get confused with low performing quota students.

UCLA went through various phases of affirmative action and minority admissions. It is taboo to mention the unspoken secret: when UCL admitted twice as many minorities, drop-out rates increased drastically and in the end the number of minority graduates remained equal. Admitting too many vastly under qualified minorities yields no positive results. It only wastes money and traumatizes students.

Colleges actively hide the truth about the failure of affirmative action.

It is also always overlooked, that discriminated disadvantaged Asians over-perform. Even the mismatch article is shy to admit that this is due to Asian’s genetically superior IQ, augmented further by a culture that values academic success).

The issues of the above summary will be shown in detail in the quotes below

Mismatch: How Affirmative Action Hurts Students It’s Intended to Help, and Why Universities Won’t Admit It (Book)


The Painful Truth About Affirmative Actionsat-verbal-critical-reading-by-race-black-white

The single biggest problem in this system — a problem documented by a vast and growing array of research — is the tendency of large preferences to boomerang and harm their intended beneficiaries. Large preferences often place students in environments where they can neither learn nor compete effectively — even though these same students would thrive had they gone to less competitive but still quite good schools.

We refer to this problem as "mismatch," a word that largely explains why, even though blacks are more likely to enter college than are whites with similar backgrounds, they will usually get much lower grades, rank toward the bottom of the class, and far more often drop out. Because of mismatch, racial preference policies often stigmatize minorities, reinforce pernicious stereotypes, and undermine the self-confidence of beneficiaries, rather than creating the diverse racial utopias so often advertised in college campus brochures.

The mismatch effect happens when a school extends to a student such a large admissions preference —

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Affirmative action fail: mismatch hurts Black & Hispanic stude…
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J. Philippe Rushton RIP. Controversial Researcher on Racial Differences in Personality and IQ

The world’s foremost academic researcher on Race and IQ, J. Philippe Rushton died on October 3, 2012 of Addison’s disease.  He was a prolific researcher who published a huge number of peer reviewed research papers in spite of fierce resistance by the political correctness "race does not exist" crowd. rushton Race differences in average IQ are largely genetic

the peer-reviewed psychology journal Personality and Individual Differences has an upcoming special edition dedicated to John Philippe Rushton and his scientific contributions. Preprint versions of many of the articles have already been made available online in PDF format.  22

  1. In conversation with J. Philippe Rushton:
  2. Rushton: The great theoretician and his contribution to personality:
  3. Rushton’s contribution to the study of altruism:
  4. Migratory selection for inversely related covariate T- and IQ- nexus traits: Testing the IQ/T-Geo-Climatic-Origin theory by the General Trait Covariance model:
  5. The measurement of Human Life History strategy:
  6. The Flynn effect, group differences, and g loadings:
  7. Remembering J. Philippe Rushton: December 3, 1943–October 2, 2012: Greg Johnson pays tribute to Phil Rushton over at Counter-Currents.

As much as the mass media would like to portray Rushton as some kind of lone crank, this simply isn’t true. Anyone looking over his lengthy Curriculum Vitae can see he consistently published his research on racial differences in a diverse assortment of respected peer-reviewed journals. He could not of done this if his peers in the scientific community didn’t think that his work was of merit. It should also be noted that the peer-reviewed journal Personality and Individual Differences has planned an upcoming special issue dedicated to J. P. Rushton and his scientific research.  22

In today’s climate of political correctness, of anti hate and anti racism laws, one has to be very strong to keep on fighting for the truth of one’s findings.

Human-Stupidity is very interested in repression of research, of speech, and how false and ridiculous theories about "race does not exist" can be defended and taught, against all evidence to the contrary. We have written extensively

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J. Philippe Rushton RIP. Controversial Researcher on Racial Differ…
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Dangerously incompetent fire fighters, weakened by gender quotas, dumbed by racial quota nonsense

Political correctness‘ quota nonsense gives us firefighters that are too weak to carry an injured person and too dumb to read maps and street signs. Gender and racial quotas are equally harmful, unjust, and outright dangerous.

firefighter--300x450Feminist gender "equality" sets fire fighters’ physical standards lower, so the average woman can pass.  Safety be damned.

Political correctness‘ racial equality dogma gives us low iq and low education firefighters who can not read and reason adequately. Testing for 10th grade reading and logic abilities discriminates against Blacks (race and iq), so the basic literacy, logic and iq test has to be scrapped to force more black firemen into the New York fire department.  (Judge orders millions paid in NYC firefighter bias case).  (Women’s suit highlights differences in city, suburban firefighter tests)

Sorry, ladies, but I want a fireman

Currently, there are just 32 women in the FDNY, a number based less on discrimination than on the biological fact that the vast majority of women are not built to carry 100 pounds of gear. And yet, that’s not good enough. […]

"I have a family," another fireman said. "I can’t count on a 110-pound female to carry me out of a burning building."

Maybe it’s me. But if I were to be caught in a fire, I’d feel a lot safer in the arms of a 6-foot man than those of a 5-foot girl.

You can’t choose the one who will rescue you. You can weaken the pool. And that is something this city can’t afford in the name of "diversity."

Human-Stupidity Analysis

Unfortunately, MRA (men’s rights activists) are unaware that male gender quotas are quite similar to racial quota issues. What is falsely perceived as discrimination is to be remedied.

Once gender and racial differences are being recognized as true, one can find true alternative solutions:

  • really hire and pay by merit would be the best solution
  • if there is a desire to institute quotas, compensate weaknesses with extraordinary skills. Those who underperform at IQ and aptitude tests will only be hired if they strongly over-perform at physical tests, and are aware that they will not be apt for leadership positions.  Women who underperform in brute strength of lifting heavy weights may compensate with extremely high scores in speed, endurance, IQ.

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Dangerously incompetent fire fighters, weakened by gender quotas, …
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Should black passengers be allowed to sit next to unaccompanied children? (Virgin Airlines ordered Fireman Johnny McGirr to sit away from unaccompanied minor)

An Australian airline’s policy prohibiting black passengers from sitting next to kids traveling alone has fueled a social media firestorm and caused the company to review the rule..


Which raises more questions such as:

Should black men be allowed to sit next to white women?

Blacks are a protected class and must not be discriminated against. So you know that these headline is just a "joke" to get your attention.

But "males" are not a protected class. One can discriminate at will against men. So watch how the following headline looks much more acceptable. In our headline we just changed the word "male" for "black"

This identical question is from reputable and politically correct

Should male passengers be allowed to sit next to unaccompanied children?

An Australian airline’s policy prohibiting male passengers from sitting next to kids traveling alone has fueled a social media firestorm and caused the company to review the rule.

It is unusual that this is causing a firestorm. Because such policies have been in force everywhere. Including rules that fathers get accosted for photographing their own daughters or for shopping in little girls’ lingerie departments.

Responding to the Virgin Airlines misandry

We need to get across to anyone willing to listen that under the guise of protecting children, policies like this do terrible damage to them. When we institutionalize the notion that men aren’t fit to be around children, we do nothing but solidify eons-old gender stereotypes that keep men from assuming their proper roles as co-parents and that confine them to the workplace. And since someone has to take care of the children, that task will continue to fall to women, as it always has. No one benefits from this wrong-headed policy, least of all our kids.

Virgin Airlines ordered Fireman Johnny McGirr to sit away from unaccompanied minor and change seats with a woman

An Australian airline is reviewing its policy prohibiting men from sitting next to a child flying alone after a Sydney fireman complained about being removed from his seat on a flight earlier this year.

It is well-known that while flying home on Virgin Australia from Brisbane in April, a 33-year-old man was forced to move his seat because he was sitting next to two boys he estimated to be aged between eight and ten, and it is against the airline’s policy for men to sit next to unaccompanied children. USA Today

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Should black passengers be allowed to sit next to unaccompanied ch…
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Women’s 100 dash in London 2012 Olympics. Only Black finalists? Discrimination against Whites and Asians?

Blacks are the only participants in Olympic 100 m running finals, be it men’s or women’s final dashes. We dare to say the obvious, though politically incorrect and taboo.


We tried to search Google about the races (Black, White, Asian, Hispanic) of the finalists, but this is hard to find. The runners here look black.  It is not politically correct to mention race, much less to ask why all the finalists are Black.  Wikipedia told us

Ivet Lalova the tenth fastest woman in 100 metres history, the fastest white woman in the world,[1] and finished fourth in the 100 metres and fifth in the 200 metres at the 2004 Summer Olympics.

Talking about race is a politically incorrect no-no, so much that

One may not talk about black race, iq, crime, or racing prowess

We do predict confidently:

Among the top 70 under 10 second runners, the only White man is Christophe Lemaitre.

When Blacks are under-represented in academic pursuits, in elite colleges, in top CEO ranks, then automatically discrimination is the presumed culprit. Race and IQ is a taboo topic. So conventional wisdom would deny any relation between race and running ability. In other words, the only acceptable explanation for lack of Whites and Asians is: Whites and Asians must be discriminated against in 100 meter running.

Whites and Asians should demand protective racial quotas. 50% of Olympic finalists should be White and Asians. Just as police officers, CEO’s, students at elite colleges have black quotas. And women in Norway and Sweden have quotas for CEO’s and politicians.