Refugee housing map deleted by Google
Google deleted a map with refugee housing centers in Germany. Initially, the zoomable refugee Google map still could be found in web archive.

MSM claim the censorship serves to prevent terrorist attacks on refugee centers 1 2. It is more likely that the censorship serves to hide the enormousness of the refugee center business from shocked Germans. Near refugee centers crime soars, and housing values plummet.
Web archived map that Google censored. Zoomed screen shot of Munich
Defeating Google map censorship:
instructions to attain free speech online
How to use Google maps to spread the truth, avoiding censorship.
- When the map is still up on Google maps, save .kml file of the map [7 Export a map ]
- Use the kml file
- pass the .kml file to your friends. You can send it as email attachment, or post and download like here
- Open "Google My Maps" and import the file [8]
- share with friends. Make the link public, or share only with selected friends [9 ] Make the link public, or share only with selected friends
- if you want to publish that map, you might be advised to do this in a new Google account, so your account does not get flagged or deleted
- using Google api, one can create a web page with the map. Unfortunately, you need an api key. [10]
- there is also a way to import the saved kml file into bing, Google earth, and maybe other maps
Censored refugee housing maps in Germany
Even the PC MSM Newsmagazine "Der Spiegel" thinks that deleting maps does not help
Racists say: The shocking reality of a Germany full of refugee centers to the smallest town might be too shocking for the politically correct to take. Therefore the censorship, which is very much counter US first amendment concepts. A terrorist who is determined to set a future refugee center ablaze, can locate a center without needing to resort to Google maps. It is likely that his terrorist attack is against a center in his neighborhood, fearing that crime will increase in his neighborhood.
Knowledge refugee housing, ghettos, Muslim sharia zones and more can be life saving. Political correctness PCKills uninformed naïve people who venture into crime zones unprepared Euphemisms guide for parents of foreign students]. [1]
Racists say we wonder when web archive will start censoring politically incorrect content.
June 30, 2015: Web archive DID censor the Google map file! No more web archive of the asylum seeker maps.
refugee Google map still can NOT be found any more in web archive
friendly, non hate refugee center map also deleted by Google
But another version of the map is still up. It shows the same Asylum seeker homes, with no anti-foreigner propaganda, but with a suggestion to look for the homes to help people in distress. [4]. But soon that map was removed, too.
Censored Asylum map screenshots
The map was posted by [[2]] [original German text]
MSM claim the censorship serves to prevent terrorist attacks on refugee centers [5] [6]. Rather the censorship serves to hide the shocking density of the refugee centers. A determined attackers easily find the location of a refugee center to attack.
Google censored refugee map in Germany

Web archived map that Google censored. Zoomed screen shot of Munich North East with airport

Web archived map that Google censored. Zoomed screen shot of Munich North East with airport

Web archived map that Google censored. Zoomed screen shot of Munich South West till the Alps

Web archived map that Google censored. Zoomed screen shot of small town Landshut