Un-Scientific American lends credibility to Gender Junk Science about Hubble Telescope

Unscientific American: Diversity is strength: We did not make this up, all these titles really exist in the Junk Diversity IssueHubble telescope time preferentially goes to men.

Female-led proposals to use the in-demand Hubble telescope are less likely to be selected.Scientific American claims this in the midst of a huge section of Junk Diversity Science which has been utterly debunked elsewhere.

An internal Hubble study1 found that in each of the past 11 observation proposal cycles, applications led by male principal investigators had a higher success rate than those led by women.  Women submit roughly 25% of proposals for Hubble telescope observing time. [SciAm]

Un-Scientific American lends credibility to junk diversity and gender science nonsense, by interspersing junk diversity propaganda among true natural science articles.
Un-Scientific American misleads their readers who think their gender baiting is on par with real science.

This confounding of junk gender science with true natural science is very serious. This is why after years of study even we need serious deprogramming from the politically correct cultural Marxist lies that impressible children, adolescents and adults are constantly told by school books and biased un-scientific journals like Scientific American!

Scientific American’s mixing of real natural science with politically motivated unscientific falsified junk science like gender, domestic violence, race and iq issues aspires to permanently poison the minds of young and old with feminist and politically correct hate ideology.

All the titles on our "Unscientific American" cover are true Junk Diversity Science articles,
we could not have made this up.

The head of a science department of a major research University confirmed to us, in private, that female scientists generally less innovative and talented then their male counterparts [7]. Implicit quotas demand hiring and promoting women who don’t meet the requirements men would be measured up to. Quotas guarantee that the rare woman with sufficient talent will be snatched away for an even more prestigious job, always rising to her level of incompetence. Aware of Larry Summer’s dismissal [8], our department head refuses to be identified.

"Scientific American used to be a great magazine but like any publishing venture headquartered in New York, it has gradually drifted into liberal never-never-land." [UnScientific American]

Men and women are equal by dogmatic fiat

Did Megan Urry control her statistics for yearly working hours, life time interest in science, years experience, work invested in the proposal, IQ, math talent of the applying scientists?

We wager a bet that the average male physics proposal writer, more so a Ivy League department chair, did not flunk their first physics exams in college, like Megan Urry herself and was interested in physics since tender age of 6, unlike Megan Urry [4] and other female applicants. Megan Urry (of course) ignores even the possibility that male and female applicants might be intrinsically different in some way.  Larry Summers was a victim of telling such truth that there is a dearth of women in the top talent for science and math.

In spite of IQ tests having been manipulated to elevate female IQ to the same level as males [Wikipedia],   there are twice as many men with IQ over 150: Men: either very clever or really stupid [Wikipedia] because of greater male variance on IQ and most other traits.

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How diversity makes us smarter – What a lie!


How Diversity Makes Us Smarter – Not! Scientific American has been polluted by the same junk science that pervades our Universities’ politically correct cultural Marxist social science and humanities departments. Entire generations are being indoctrinated with falsehoods, in much more devious ways then communist Soviet Union and China were ever capable of.

Increasing gender diversity on corporate boards leads to declines in financial performance: the evidence

From time to time we refer to five longitudinal studies which show that increasing gender diversity on boards leads to declines in corporate financial performance. The studies are referred to in a number of posts, and have been included in a number of our documents. But we thought it might be useful to prepare a short briefing paper with details of the five studies and their full Abstracts, it’s here.  [7]


  1. Our public challenge of Laura Carstensen, EHRC Commissioner – FOI request |
  2. White men and lack of diversity ruined Google & Apple
  3. If we ‘need’ more women in boardrooms, do we ‘need’ more white sprinters in the Olympics 100 metres final?
  4. Punish more Asian and White Students – demands Eric Holder
  5. IQ tests prohibited for job requirement, mandatory at death row
  6. Scientific American’s table shows how Switzerland, Germany, Austria suffer from serious gender gap in Math and Computer Science, while engineering powerhouses Kyrgyzstan and Saudi Arabia are on the forefront with more female then male
  7. Note that women are hopelessly outcompeted by men in tennis, snooker, chess and, yes, cooking
  8. The Bell Curve shows clearly how IQ is the most solidly researched issue in Psychology. Highly recommended book!


Campaign for Merit in Business, which was launched early in 2012, has made a remarkable impact in a relatively short time. We’ve proven beyond all reasonable doubt that the ‘glass ceiling’ is a baseless conspiracy theory. Through exposing as fantasies, lies, delusions and myths, the arguments which said that increasing gender diversity in the boardroom (‘GDITB’) will improve corporate financial performance, we’ve destroyed the long-vaunted ‘business case’ for GDITB. We continue to publicise five longitudinal studies, all of which show that GDITB leads to declines in corporate financial performance. What else would we expect when businesses aren’t free to select the best people for their boards, regardless of gender? Proponents are left with little other than misrepresenting correlation as causation in pursuit of their social engineering programmes.

The Conservative-led coalition no longer challenges our assertion that the impact of GDITB on UK plc will inevitably be a negative one. And yet it continues to actively pursue GDITB.  [5]


We’ve put in FoI requests seeking evidence for the government’s previous claims that putting more women on boards will lead to performance improvement. None has ever been forthcoming. This hasn’t stopped the government from continuing to threaten legislated gender quotas for FTSE100 boards if they haven’t achieved female representation on their boards by 2015. In fact, they’re going further. We know from a recent report that next in the firing line will be the FTSE350, and that gender parity on boards is the longer-term goal. 6

An entire issue of Scientific American

has been utterly polluted by political correctness ,
with articles like:

The Inclusion Equation

  • State of the World’s Science 2014
  • Diversity in Science: Where Are the Data?
    Where are the data?

    Global figures on diversity in the science and engineering workforce are hard to come by, but what we know is not flattering

    Gender Gap

  • How women and men fare in doctoral studies around the world


  • In Pursuit of the Best Ideas

  • In a diverse team, the best ideas are more likely to rise to the top


  • Becoming Visible

  • To change the equation, start changing the perception


  • Particular Points of View

  •   Gender and culture influence research on a fundamental level


  • Inviting Everyone In

  • There is no formula for bringing diversity to the workplace or classroom, but new research that deepens our understanding of how diversity operates suggests some modestly successful strategies


  • How Diversity Works

  • Being around people who are different from us makes us more creative, more diligent and harder-working


  • Science Exposed

  • Networked technology and social media are enabling outsiders to gather and crunch data


  • Taking It Personally

    How a researcher’s background can determine her mission


    Soccer World cup would gain from diversity: dwarfs, transsexuals, mature, women need quotas

    Wait, there is more! This article continues! Continue reading “Soccer World cup would gain from diversity: dwarfs, transsexuals, mature, women need quotas” »
    Soccer World cup would gain from diversity: dwarfs, transsexuals, …
    » continues here »

    Affirmative action fail: mismatch hurts Black & Hispanic students too

    The Painful Truth About Affirmative Action describes how mismatched students are admitted to colleges where they don’t belong nor thrive, where they suffer and tend to drop out.

    They are academic failures and rank at the bottom of their classes. This reinforces the stereotypes of academically inept Blacks and Hispanics, damages the self-esteem of failing minority students that would thrive in less selective colleges. It also is damaging to competent Black and Hispanic students who do not need quotas but who get confused with low performing quota students.

    UCLA went through various phases of affirmative action and minority admissions. It is taboo to mention the unspoken secret: when UCL admitted twice as many minorities, drop-out rates increased drastically and in the end the number of minority graduates remained equal. Admitting too many vastly under qualified minorities yields no positive results. It only wastes money and traumatizes students.

    Colleges actively hide the truth about the failure of affirmative action.

    It is also always overlooked, that discriminated disadvantaged Asians over-perform. Even the mismatch article is shy to admit that this is due to Asian’s genetically superior IQ, augmented further by a culture that values academic success).

    The issues of the above summary will be shown in detail in the quotes below

    Mismatch: How Affirmative Action Hurts Students It’s Intended to Help, and Why Universities Won’t Admit It (Book)


    The Painful Truth About Affirmative Actionsat-verbal-critical-reading-by-race-black-white

    The single biggest problem in this system — a problem documented by a vast and growing array of research — is the tendency of large preferences to boomerang and harm their intended beneficiaries. Large preferences often place students in environments where they can neither learn nor compete effectively — even though these same students would thrive had they gone to less competitive but still quite good schools.

    We refer to this problem as "mismatch," a word that largely explains why, even though blacks are more likely to enter college than are whites with similar backgrounds, they will usually get much lower grades, rank toward the bottom of the class, and far more often drop out. Because of mismatch, racial preference policies often stigmatize minorities, reinforce pernicious stereotypes, and undermine the self-confidence of beneficiaries, rather than creating the diverse racial utopias so often advertised in college campus brochures.

    The mismatch effect happens when a school extends to a student such a large admissions preference —

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    Affirmative action fail: mismatch hurts Black & Hispanic stude…
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    Dangerously incompetent fire fighters, weakened by gender quotas, dumbed by racial quota nonsense

    Political correctness‘ quota nonsense gives us firefighters that are too weak to carry an injured person and too dumb to read maps and street signs. Gender and racial quotas are equally harmful, unjust, and outright dangerous.

    firefighter--300x450Feminist gender "equality" sets fire fighters’ physical standards lower, so the average woman can pass.  Safety be damned.

    Political correctness‘ racial equality dogma gives us low iq and low education firefighters who can not read and reason adequately. Testing for 10th grade reading and logic abilities discriminates against Blacks (race and iq), so the basic literacy, logic and iq test has to be scrapped to force more black firemen into the New York fire department.  (Judge orders millions paid in NYC firefighter bias case).  (Women’s suit highlights differences in city, suburban firefighter tests)

    Sorry, ladies, but I want a fireman

    Currently, there are just 32 women in the FDNY, a number based less on discrimination than on the biological fact that the vast majority of women are not built to carry 100 pounds of gear. And yet, that’s not good enough. […]

    "I have a family," another fireman said. "I can’t count on a 110-pound female to carry me out of a burning building."

    Maybe it’s me. But if I were to be caught in a fire, I’d feel a lot safer in the arms of a 6-foot man than those of a 5-foot girl.

    You can’t choose the one who will rescue you. You can weaken the pool. And that is something this city can’t afford in the name of "diversity."

    Human-Stupidity Analysis

    Unfortunately, MRA (men’s rights activists) are unaware that male gender quotas are quite similar to racial quota issues. What is falsely perceived as discrimination is to be remedied.

    Once gender and racial differences are being recognized as true, one can find true alternative solutions:

    • really hire and pay by merit would be the best solution
    • if there is a desire to institute quotas, compensate weaknesses with extraordinary skills. Those who underperform at IQ and aptitude tests will only be hired if they strongly over-perform at physical tests, and are aware that they will not be apt for leadership positions.  Women who underperform in brute strength of lifting heavy weights may compensate with extremely high scores in speed, endurance, IQ.

    Wait, there is more! This article continues! Continue reading “Dangerously incompetent fire fighters, weakened by gender quotas, dumbed by racial quota nonsense” »
    Dangerously incompetent fire fighters, weakened by gender quotas, …
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    Promotion stop for men at Siemens to achieve "voluntary" women quota

    No promotions whatsoever for men working at Siemens. No matter how hard working, no matter how qualified. Until Siemens’ "voluntary" women quota of 20% is reached. A high ranking Engineer at Siemens told me this in summer 2012.

    It does not matter than only 6% of machine and car engineers in Germany are female. It does not matter that women work shorter hours, interrupt their career, and in general choose health and  comfort over maximum financial benefits (Warren Farrell).

    No more topless (meaning no more without women on the top)It is preposterous that political correctness brainwashed our politicians end the general population to think that

    • women earn 70% of a man’s salary for the SAME work.  And businesses stubbornly refuse to be more profitable. Businesses rather forego the financial benefits of hiring and promoting women at 70% of men’s salary. Profit-oriented businesses prefer  to pay`40% more to an equally qualified man, just out of spite, so the old boy’s  network can discriminate against women. And not one single company has figured out that by hiring only low paid women they could annihilate the competition that stupidly hires expensive men at their higher salary. (see wage gap and Warren Farrell)
    • So it is only logical that German labor minister van der Leyen states that only gender diverse companies can compete against international competition. Thus the government has to make rules to force businesses to do more rational hiring decisions, and to become more profitable and successful. Business on its own would rather incur losses then hire equally or higher qualified women.  Preposterous.


    I can only imagine the effect on men’s morale. Imagine highly qualified engineer at Siemens seeing how the rare women engineer, with lower qualification and much less seniority and work experience, gets promoted to the male engineer’s level, and then promoted again to become his superior. Without merit and qualification. All this while the man’s position and salary remains the same.

    The European Community is finalizing binding laws to mandate quotas for women.The quotas are meant to force companies to institute flexible work hours and better conciliation of work and family life.  Only enforced quotas will force companies to hire and promote women [summarized from 2]

    In Germany, the only discussion is if there should be mandatory 40% quotas for women, or if companies were to set their own binding goals for women quotas.  Nobody thinks that companies should make their own rational decisions based on merit, on qualification, eagerness to work, ambition. Not on any quotas.

    German Family Minister Kristina Schroeder (also CDU), on the other hand, favors a so-called flexi rate. This requires a company to set their own quota levels which they are required to fulfill.

    CDU party Economic Council shares Schröder’s position ". Rigid quotas for women put the industry in Germany into unnecessary restraints When only six percent of the engineering and automotive engineers are women, then the automotive and engineering industries can not reach the discussed 40 percent of women in executive bodies" said Kurt J. Lau, spokesman for the council, told SPIEGEL ONLINE. The FDP party leadership is against a rigid quota for women. 2

    No excuses here that this will be good for companies.  When urgent emergency repairs have to be made, the boss is on family friendly work hours. And the subordinates are demoralized, why should they work overtime when the boss is on 35 hour flex time week.

    Under debate [in Germany] is a law, that requires that at large companies by 2018  20 per cent of members of supervisory and management boards have to be women. Five years later, the percentage is to rise to 40 percent 3

    We are waiting for law proposals, that 40% of elementary school teachers be male, 40 % of garbage collectors and construction helpers be women, and 40% of prisoners be female.

    German minister Ursula van der Leyen recently authored the insane comment, that German industry needs women leaders in order to stay competitive world wide. In other words, were it not for big brother government to force enterprise to promote women, companies would act against their own interest and self-destructively would hire men.

    Milton Friedman – Case Against Equal Pay for Equal Work

    Immortal Milton Friedman.  We have "progressed" (negatively) since.

    Now employers cannot escape equal pay laws by not employing  members of the less productive group. Now employers are obliged to hire or promote people into high ranking positions, no matter if they don’t consider them apt for the job, or not optimal for the job. They get promoted just because of their sexual organs (= because they have a vagina).  And men at Siemens, deserving of promotion, will get stiffed and passed up, until enough women passed them up to higher pay levels.

    Fear of punishing law suits are also a motive for companies to hire too many "disadvantaged" group members.

    There is also a video by Friedman how he explains how discrimination, how pay gap are good for social justice. Because with a pay gap, the person who discriminates Is being punished, by having to pay a higher salary. 

    Of course, in today’s reality this does not happen, because in reality the pay gap is bogus.

    The Right to Discriminate


    Questions to the readers:

    • where are web links to describe such policies? I tried to google for female quotas at Siemens, did not find anything.

    Token "ghost" candidates fill women’s 30% quotas in Brazil’s municipal elections

    In Brazil, political campaigns are in full swing for the upcoming municipal elections. Stupid laws, inspired by political correctness and feminism require parties to have at least 30 % female candidates. 1 2 3 4

    ‘Brazilians typical knack for circumventing laws found a brilliant solution to the dearth of females with qualifications and desire to run for office , They convince token women to pose as fake ghost-candidates. These fake female candidates pave the way so that male candidates that actually want to run for office are allowed to do so.

    women-in-politics2"O Globo" newspaper reports:

    These are the first elections where the mandatory 30% quota for women has been reached, with 30.74% of the candidates being women, compared to 21.37% in 2008.

    Miraculously, women got more interested in becoming candidates. Or the patriarchy has stopped repressing women’s ambition towards political positions and thus women become liberated

    But the numbers, that on one side are showing a change in the political climate of the country, might, in reality, be a strategy to bypass the law: "the use of fake women candidates: women who become candidates simply to fulfill the quotas.

    The judge Murilo Kieling, responsible for the registration of candidates in Rio de Janeiro, confirms that the use of "fakes" might be a crime only if the person does not know that she is a candidate.

    Frequently these women become candidates in reply to a political party’s request. They don’t even campaign. But a party that indicates a ‘ghost" candidate, a party member that is not even aware of her being a candidate, that party would be committing a crime.

    Source: Na busca de votos, O Globo, Sept. 21, 2012

    Human-Stupidity Analysis

    In order to fulfill the 30% quota requirement, parties find "ghost" candidates, women that even don’t know they are candidates. Or at least women who know they are candidates but do not campaign.

    Among the 18 candidates that got less then 40 votes in the 2010 state elections,17 were women.  3

    These candidates don’t care about political posts, and nobody votes for them.

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