Truth-telling Revolution: Citizens unite to break the PC silence!

Political correctness has conspired to hide racist truths. Democracy has been subverted: misinformed citizens that are fed lies vote WRONG!!

We wish a miracle, to change the German Federal Election Results by breaking the silence and promoting a


Truth Revolt: Sept. 11: Defy gag orders, tell truth

The federal election in Germany (Sept 24 2017 [a]).can still be turned around, if the voter is told the full TRUTH about immigrant crime and violence.Police, judges, school teachers, parents, refugee aides, statisticians, physicians, tell the truth!.


  • Code of Silence: ::
    Conspiracies to hide the truth about racial differences, black and immigrant crime, etc. The Silence Must be Broken. This systematic coverup is the foundation of leftist brain washing, the foundation of anti-racist policies, the reason why mis-led citizens vote for leftist pro-immigration, pro-affirmative action left-racist policies and parties

We need a "Sincerity Revolution"! Tens of thousands of citizens standing up at the same time and break speech taboos. We need to Speak the truth, mercilessly

We need a Revolution of the sincere! A Truth Revolt. A Sincerity Riot! As described in

Politicians and media maintain Political Correctness by lies, deception, and omission.  The German PresseKodex (see further below) enshrines this institutional deception.


An individual that strays from the politically correct speech code is mercilessly destroyed. Even famous Nobel scientists like James Watson.

  • James Watson Racist:
    Nobel James Watson Top 20 most influential Americans of all times, top 100 Person of all times, was socially and scientifically destroyed for a well meaning comment about race differences.
  • William Shockley, inventor of transistor, was racist
    Physics Nobel laureate William Shockley, inventor of the transistor and (probably) the founder of Silicon Valley [10] pointed "out that to blame all the failures of black people on racism was a misdiagnosis of the problem" [12]. Shockley was reviled for suggesting various well meant "racist" research projects to the National Academy of Science [12].


Truth Revolt: Sept. 11: Defy gag orders, tell truth

The federal election in Germany (Sept 24 2017 [a]).can still be turned around, if the voter is told the full TRUTH about immigrant crime and violence.Police, judges, school teachers, parents, refugee aides, statisticians, physicians, tell the truth!.

Truth Revolt: Sept. 11: Defy gag orders, tell truth


Defy PC gag orders, tell the whole truth.

The federal election in Germany (Sept 24 2017 [a]).can still be turned around, if the voter is told the full TRUTH about immigrant crime and violence.

Police, judges, school teachers, parents, refugee aides, statisticians, physicians, tell the truth!.

Tell the blunt and total truth about "minority" and refugee crime and misbehavior.

Fight and overcome the institutionalized Code of Silence that keeps voters ignorant.

Stop the complicity with the official lies.

Reprinted from 4Racism

Dare to speak the whole truth, even if you will be called racist, xenophobe, islamophobe. The truth will set us free!

  • Police: tell the truth about how superiors and politicians order you to whitewash and omit "minority" crime details -similarly to Press code & AP style books. Tell how groups of marauding or violent "youths" or non-descript "men" are usually blacks (US) or Muslims (Europe).
  • Teachers parents, students: tell the truth about mobbing, bullying, fighting, crimes perpetrated by "minority" students. Tell how these crimes are covered up and not punished with equal rigor than misbehavior by "majority" whites.

Sept. 11, 2017; Truth Day

Commemorate the 16th anniversary of 9/11/2001 [b] with a heroic action.

Tell the truth in a concerted, coordinated actions, on Sept 11, 2017, in time before the German Federal Election on Sept 24 [a]. Single whistle blowers will be disciplined, punished, fired, called liars and ignored.

Thousands who simultaneously confirm each others’ factual true stories cannot easily be ignored


See in German: Wahlbetrug beenden:  Am 11.Sept.: Wahrheitsrevolution statt  Schweigekartell! 

  • Refugee camp workers: tell the truth about violence, misbehavior, sexual assaults in refugee housing. Dare to violate the gag orders that are part of your job package
  • Journalists, remember the old professional ethics, about saying the truth, unbiased reporting, uncovering government abuse. Fight the gag orders you get from your superiors, from government, and from Press code & AP style books.
  • Physicians and health professionals: inform the public about new old tropical diseases, tuberculosis, AIDS, about violent patients in pharmacies and clinics, refugees who need immediate attention in order to avoid violent riots. Tell about the need for police escorts for ambulances into no go zones, about non-compliance with medication, refusal of Muslims to be treated by a professional of the opposite sex,

Disclaimer: Don’t believe me, believe science data: We don’t demand anything, we don’t state anything. We just demand the end of gag rules, we demand people be allowed to tell the whole truth about "minority" and refugee crime and misbehavior.

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Truth Revolt: Sept. 11: Defy gag orders, tell truth
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Taxi Gag Orders: Thou Shalt Not Divulge Free Refugee Taxi Rides

Taxi Luxury for refugees

Recently, in a small German town, my taxi driver told me that he frequently drives refugees to places, at no charge to them, for free. At the end of the month, the bills are sent to local government for compensation.  He is strictly prohibited to talk or mention this refugee taxi privilege. And the recent epidemic of rapes, and break ins in this formerly peaceful town are also kept secret.


Gag orders for taxi drivers, journalists, physicians, everyone

Refugees in Germany get free government-paid taxi rides for very short distances, or to the next town plus several hours taxi wait time. It is possible that such benevolence can be defended and justified because these refugees do not know their way around. 

What is totally indefensible is that the government wants to hide such facts from the voting and tax paying population. All negative side effects of immigration and welcoming of refugees are systematically hidden and covered up.


A PIG search finds a few more rare taxi drivers who break the silence (and likely had to suffer consequences later)


The Dhimmi Taxi Service of Leipzig

The following video is an excerpt from a longer documentary about taxi drivers that are hired by local government in Saxony to chauffeur “refugees” to their various appointments. It’s startling to see how much money the German authorities are willing to spend to make sure their culture-enriching charges make it to the welfare office on time. And then the cabbie has to wait for three or four hours — with the meter running the whole time.   [Continue at Transcript with video]

Video: must see …..


Government and media brazenly and openly deceive the population. Deception by omission.

Gag Orders and Silence Codes for Police, Broadcasters,


January 26. In an interview with the German public radio, Deutschlandfunk, retired public media personality Wolfgang Herles admitted that public broadcasters receive "instructions from above" when it comes to reporting the news:

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Taxi Gag Orders: Thou Shalt Not Divulge Free Refugee Taxi Rides
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"Google Maps" censorship. How to defeat refugee housing map deletion.


Refugee housing map deleted by Google

Google deleted a map with refugee housing centers in Germany. Initially, the zoomable refugee Google map still could be found in web archive.


MSM claim the censorship serves to prevent terrorist attacks on refugee centers 1 2. It is more likely that the censorship serves to hide the enormousness of the refugee center business from shocked Germans. Near refugee centers crime soars, and housing values plummet.

Web archived map that Google censored. Zoomed screen shot of Munich

Defeating Google map censorship:
instructions to attain free speech online

How to use Google maps to spread the truth, avoiding censorship.

  1. When the map is still up on Google maps, save .kml file of the map [7 Export a map ]
    1. specifically the Asylum seeker map can be downloaded here

  2. Use the kml file
    1. pass the .kml file to your friends. You can send it as email attachment, or post and download like here
    2. Open "Google My Maps" and import the file [8]
    3. share with friends. Make the link public, or share only with selected friends [9 ]   Make the link public, or share only with selected friends
    4. if you want to publish that map, you might be advised to do this in a new Google account, so your account does not get flagged or deleted
  3. using Google api, one can create a web page with the map. Unfortunately, you need an api key. [10]
  4. there is also a way to import the saved kml file into bing, Google earth, and maybe other maps

Censored refugee housing maps in Germany

Even the PC MSM Newsmagazine "Der Spiegel" thinks that deleting maps does not help

Racists say: The shocking reality of a Germany full of refugee centers to the smallest town might be too shocking for the politically correct to take. Therefore the censorship, which is very much counter US first amendment concepts. A terrorist who is determined to set a future refugee center ablaze, can locate a center without needing to resort to Google maps. It is likely that his terrorist attack is against a center in his neighborhood, fearing that crime will increase in his neighborhood.

Knowledge refugee housing, ghettos, Muslim sharia zones and more can be life saving. Political correctness PCKills uninformed naïve people who venture into crime zones unprepared Euphemisms guide for parents of foreign students]. [1]

Racists say we wonder when web archive will start censoring politically incorrect content.

June 30, 2015: Web archive DID censor the Google map file! No more web archive of the asylum seeker maps.

refugee Google map still can NOT be found any more in web archive

friendly, non hate refugee center map also deleted by Google

But another version of the map is still up. It shows the same Asylum seeker homes, with no anti-foreigner propaganda, but with a suggestion to look for the homes to help people in distress. [4]. But soon that map was removed, too.

Censored Asylum map screenshots

The map was posted by [[2]] [original German text]

MSM claim the censorship serves to prevent terrorist attacks on refugee centers [5] [6]. Rather the censorship serves to hide the shocking density of the refugee centers. A determined attackers easily find the location of a refugee center to attack.

Google censored refugee map in Germany

Web archived map that Google censored. Zoomed screen shot of Munich North East with airport

Web archived map that Google censored. Zoomed screen shot of Munich North East with airport

Web archived map that Google censored. Zoomed screen shot of Munich South West till the Alps

Web archived map that Google censored. Zoomed screen shot of small town Landshut


Free speech is already dead in Europe! 15 examples why Charlie Hebdo outrage is a farce

hands-up-dont-shoot-article-paris-nydailynews Europe, Canada, Australia are full of repressive censorship laws. Defending Charlie Hebdo as an example of universal freedom of press is a farce.

Even more so because

  1. three stalwarts of Charlie Hebdo (including Stephane ‘Charb’ Charbonnier) had campaigned in their magazine to collect more than 170,000 signatures for a petition calling for a ban on the French National Front party. [0]
  2. Charlie Hebdo was introduced in 1970 after another publication, Hara-Kiri, was banned for mocking the death of former French President Charles de Gaulle. 30
  3. Holocaust deniers get extradited to Germany to serve prison terms for speech on US web sites 1 2 3 4
  4. Speech in France is regulated by Section 24 of the Press Law of 1881. According to The Legal Project, Section 24 “criminalizes incitement to racial discrimination, hatred, or violence on the basis of one’s origin or membership (or non-membership) in an ethnic, national, racial, or religious group. A criminal code provision likewise makes it an offense to engage in similar conduct via private communication.” [8]
    1. There is also the Gayssot Law of 1990. Named after the Communist Party deputy that proposed it, the law makes Holocaust denial a criminal offense punishable by a year in prison and a fine of €45,000. A similar law was proposed for the Armenian genocide but was overturned by France’s Constitutional Council. [8]
    2. A French court upheld a ban on comedian Dieudonné M’bala M’bala, a half Cameroonian comedian who has been accused of anti-Semitism. The comedian also owes a great deal of money to the government in fines for making “anti-Semitic comments.” The UK Telegraph reports, [7] [7b]
    3. Jean-Marie Le Pen has been repeatedly dragged into court and convicted for “inciting racial hatred.” To take just one example, he was fined the equivalent of over $12,000 in 2004 for inciting hatred against Muslims. What did he say? He told Le Monde, [8]
    4. Member of the European Parliament Bruno Gollnisch was fined a sizable €55,000 Euros just days after he formed a parliamentary bloc in 2007. His crime was that he “disputed a crime against humanity,” in this case the Holocaust. What did he say? [8]
    5. Publishing a cartoon of  the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost buggering each other or of the Pope as a homosexual is much safer than writing a doctoral dissertation at Harvard University that examines the economic impact of low-IQ immigrants. The staff of Charlie Hebdo died only because their satire extended to Muslims, a population empowered by multicultural double standards and let into Europe by a ruling elite that has no regard for the interests of indigenous Europeans.  [8]
    6. Legendary French actress Bridgett Bardot has repeatedly fallen afoul of these silly laws in her campaigns for animal rights. A parasitic group called the “Movement Against Racism, Antisemitism, and for Peace,” which reportedly receives government funding, filed a lawsuit against her and managed to win damages. [8] 
  5. Belatedly, after many terrorist attacks: French Rein In Speech Backing Acts of Terror 
  6. Vlaams Blok, a party that won over 25% of the flamish vote in Belgium, was simply declared racist and outlawed in 2004.  9 [9b] 9c.
    1. What happened in Brussels today is unique in the Western world: never has a so-called democratic regime outlawed the country’s largest political party. 9d
  7. The BBC meddles into Japan’s inner affairs demanding Japan to outlaw cartoon drawings [10[11].
    1. Thus Japanese cartoonists and cartoon onlookers would suffer the same fines and prison sentences as in Europe and Australia [12].
  8. Legal problems for photographing your baby in the bath [13] or photographing your wife nude [15] or yourself nude [16] 17 18 19 20 are common.
  9. Politicians get prison sentences for calling another politician a chimpanzee  20;
    1. athletes get banned from Olympics for a joke about mosquitoes 21 [21b],
    2. Google is obliged to censor 22,
    3. men must not compliment adolescent girl’s beauty 23
  10. EU to ban anti-feminist, racist, homophobic speech 40 [41]
  11. UN demands Germany repress free Speech.
  12. Racial differences in intelligence: James Watson, Nobel Prize winning geneticist persecuted for scientific truth [51] Also persecuted: Rushton, and Jensen.
  13. UK: Police stop and search innocent white people to balance race figures, terror watchdog says
  14. In the US, IQ tests prohibited for job requirement, mandatory at death row.  Even criminal records must be ignored  60 [61]

This true case of "Hands Up Don’t shoot" execution of an unarmed Paris policeman officer is usually blurred out by the Politically correct media.

Media censorship and fear hides behind a respect that does not want to hurt religious and racial feelings, only of "underprivileged" "minorities".

PC (politically correct) media self censorship is surpassed by criminal law censorship through world wide severe hate speech legislation.

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Free speech is already dead in Europe! 15 examples why Charlie Heb…
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The new moral crusaders’ terror: the limits of free speech in Germany (Thilo Sarrazin book review #2)

PC (Political correctness) " tolerance"  is intolerant.

PC demands tolerance towards all "minorities"  but is inherently intolerant towards the majority.

The limits between socially acceptable and legally allowed freedom of speech are unclear. S/he whose expression of opinion treads into these realms, need not fear legal sanctions but can count on social sanctions.

This includes everything from moral condemnation and social ostracism to libel, personal defamation, ridicule of his person, slander and bullying. Because of the perceived breaking of taboos, which consist of speech outside the social consensus, many critics and especially their followers perceive no need to seriously deal with the contents of the criticized statement or to even make an effort to mentally absorb and understand the content [of this taboo speech].

Thus, tolerance turns into intolerance: […] who deems marriage a matter between a man and a woman is blamed for discrimination and homophobia. Who sets forth the Catholic position on homosexuality, is marginalized in talk shows. 23 The calls for tolerance thus easily turn into intolerance towards those [dissenters] who indeed tolerate PC opinion, but do not consider such it as morally equal.

From: Der neue Tugendterror: Über die Grenzen der Meinungsfreiheit in Deutschland (German Edition) location 401

PC police terror is intolerant even towards those dissenters who are tolerant of PC creeds.

Actually, Sarrazin is still too optimistic: hate speech laws are restricting legally allowed free speech, with the US the only bastion of constitutionally protected free speech. 2  3 4 5

People who were persecuted in former communist East Germany notice that they are persecuted again in " free" West Germany.

Selling millions of book copies is living proof, that Thilo Sarrazin‘s freedom of expression is not repressed.1 Deceptively false PC (politically correct} logic ignores that Thilo Sarrazin got removed from his German Central Bank job, Sarrazin’s house gets paint-bombed, Sarrazin’s events disturbed with whistles, tomatoes and stinking fecesThilo Sarrazin should be punished, the United Nations demanded of the German Government.

From: The new terror of virtue: the limits of free opinion in Germany (Thilo Sarrazin book preview) |


Truth is taboo, when labeled racist


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The new terror of virtue: the limits of free opinion in Germany (Thilo Sarrazin book preview)

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The new terror of virtue: the limits of free opinion in Germany (T…
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Google censors misogynist, racist, hate speech in autocomplete suggestions

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Google censors misogynist, racist, hate speech in autocomplete sug…
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