Falsifiability–required by science, abhorred by PC

Honest scientists must indicate tests that could prove their pet theory false. Unfalsifiable theories cannot be taken seriously. Except by post-modernist junk science1.

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One of the tenets behind the scientific method is that any scientific hypothesis and resultant experimental design must be inherently falsifiable. Although falsifiability is not universally accepted, it is still the foundation of the majority of scientific experiments. Most scientists accept and work with this tenet, but it has its roots in philosophy and the deeper questions of truth and our access to it. [Source]

PC (political correctness) singlehandedly made all leftist absurdities unfalsifiable, because attempts to falsify the wisdom of quotas or immigration would be racist, Islamophobic, bigotted, sexist

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Relentless truth telling to fight the destruction of schools

Denial of inborn Within Race differences, and false social determinism dogma destroyed the school system1 even in racially homogeneous white cities.

Reprinted with permission from TruthRevolution.net

Denial of between race differences does further damage: Equality dogma: all races are equal.

False theory leads to disastrous false policy decisions, which are not falsifiable2

We must oppose such false decisions by fearlessly pointing out scientific truths and #RacistFacts.

Progressives Declare War on Asians, Meritocracy and STEM // [Amren]

We MUST, always, oppose misleading terminology like the manipulative abuse of the term “progressive” for regressive policies by the regressive illiberal Left! “Progressive” suggests that anti-scientific leftist policies are “progress”.

One bitter first-generation Asian-American parent vindictively stated, “On a brighter note, I know China, South Korea, Taiwan, Japan, Singapore will completely destroy American companies when my children are my age because of these stupid policies. That gives me comfort. These idiotic Democrats will guarantee Asians will win—just not Asian-Americans….maybe we should go work for Asian-owned companies instead of giving our minds to Apple or Intel.” […]

Asians tended to be race realist. The American version of Asians probably got too much brainwashed by PC white Leftists.
PC is close to its final victory of total destruction.

The cause:

mandatory dishonesty as described in Sincerity.net. Resulting false beliefs in Leftists and the general population

The cure:

relentless demands to total honesty, refusal to even argue with people who use “you are racist” as an argument.


Ruthlessly spreading the “racist” race realist message in very plain English: Blacks are too dumb, genetically and in attitude, to enter elite schools in more than minute numbers.
It does not help to be polite, because the polite message is not acceptable either, as James Watson found out the hard way. “Blacks have a lower IQ, on average, but of course there are a few intelligent Blacks”

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#Biblical: Is it a sin of omission to cover up instances of Black crime, to hide its pervasiveness?

Does the Bible allow to misinform the population in order to avoid “prejudice”1? Does the Bible consider humans too immature to be told the truth? What if omitting the truth causes homicides2, death, hate, and rape? Who is the sinner, if naïve3 uninformed people get in harm’s way, because of media cover-ups; if students are enrolled in dangerous schools and terrorized by bullies4 because teachers don’t tell the public how dangerous “minority” schools are?

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The world wide #BlackLivesMatter #BLM riots were moot, if Christians told the truth, ceased to cover up the true extent of Black criminality, proven to be much higher than Black victimization by whites.

James 4:17

So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.

[What Does the Bible Say About Sins Of Omission?]

Is it a Christian virtue to cover up Muslim rape gangs5, under-report black riots, to intentionally delete embarrassing black crime statistics6, repress research about black IQ7 *8?

Omission of crime details, and of racial information, to avoid stirring up prejudice is mandatory9 for media, police, teachers and everyone.

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We know that media are wrong in our field of expertise; yet on other topics we trust them [Gell-Mann Amnesia Effect]

Experts forget how badly their own subject is treated in media and believe that subjects they don’t know much about are treated more competently by the same media. [Gell-Mann Amnesia Effect.]

“You turn the page, and forget what you know.”

Lies by media, police, politicians are treated as “isolated incidents” of misinformation, not of wholesale dishonesty and systemic bias1.

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I) A biology expert is fully aware that James Watson of DNA Nobel fame was object of a world wide witch hunt. That James Watson was totally right2 to be “inherently gloomy about the prospect of Africa because all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours—whereas all the testing says not really. ” 3. This same biology expert faithfully believes that otherwise MSM are honest and Breitbart, Fox, Vdare spread lies and conspiracy theories. He refuses to entertain the idea that  BLM (Black Lives Matter) is built upon a series of lies, on mostly debunked allegations of police brutality built upon blatantly manipulative media omissions and distortions 4*5. It seems too hard to believe that our ”free” media are unashamedly lying to us whole-sale. Strangely, we don’t apply the popular adage:
Fool me once, shame on you, Fool me twice, shame on me!

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Postmodernism: Denial of Objective Reality and of Facts is Dishonest

Postmodernism denies facts and objective reality. The truth is based not on agreed upon facts and evidence, but is contingent on narrative and point of view.

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Shameless postmodernist lying utterly corrupted Social Sciences123. Postmodernist dogmatism in social sciences and politics causes mayhem4 and death5, even for the “disadvantaged minorities” which BLM6 purports to help.

The reason for such disastrous failure: PC Marxism it is based on objectively false anti-scientific world view. The false world view is perpetuated by gag orders, taboo of #RacistFacts, and factually wrong dogma7.

Postmodernism could be a funny philosophical mind game.  Teaching post-modernism as a serious realistic world view is utterly insincere8, or ignorant. A well educated & intelligent person cannot, with honesty and straight face, take post-modern anti-logic, anti-facts, anti-science seriously and base social science and political discourse on such baseless non-facts.

  • >>“alarming postmodern implications, that is, that the truth is based not on agreed upon facts and evidence, but is contingent on narrative and point of view” [… and] denial of facts and objective reality.[NR]
  • But Moore points out that many Italians are fighting this injustice, somehow both primitive, in its witch hunt aspect, and postmodern, in its denial of facts and objective reality.” [NR]

We cannot deal with our real world problems with an ideology that denies reality, trashes our logic and the scientific method.

Postmodernism belongs with mysticism and  superstition. Post-modernism cannot create technology and science. Post-modernism could be a nice theoretical philosophical joke and mind game. Taking postmodernism seriously is a root cause world wide PC disasters.  Postmodernism is embodied in both

  • media gag orders: inconvenient true facts must not be told
  • egalitarian dogma or anti-racist dogma: irrespective of proof to the contrary, races are equal and individuals are born with equal potential
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Lies, long debunked, perpetuated by Black Lives Matter, Joe Biden

Lies about Trayvon Martin1 or Michael Brown2 live forever.  The Left is dishonest, truth is of no interest. No debunking, no evidence can change the false narrative. Media, politicians, Black Lives Matter lie incessantly. On Ferguson, Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris Told a Terrible Lie3

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”I can’t breathe” is NOT proof he can’t breathe! Videos!

George Floyd repeated “I can’t breathe”. Soon thereafter he died. Hence he was killed by police!!!? Everyone is sure that George Floyd always spoke the truth. We must never cast a doubt on habitual serial felon George Floyd.

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“I can’t breathe” excuses! LOL

  • Dishonesty #1: flawed logic, omission of alternative explanations:
    It is unscientific, illogical and dishonest to affirm with certainty, that George really could not breathe, and asphyxiation caused Floyd’s death. This is just a possibility, a hypothesis.
  • Dishonesty #2: basic anatomical knowledge:
    it is known and very likely that someone who is being asphyxiated cannot speak and cannot say “I can’t breathe”
  • Dishonesty #3 failure to inform:
    a career criminal with years of prison experience might have learned to weaponize “I can’t breathe”. Thus s/he can intimidate police and continue resisting arrest. We see a few examples here.
  • We thank Tommy Robinson news on Telegram for the videos below, now also on vk.

The media’s egregious dishonesty, distortions, deceptions, and outright lies misinformed the public, like in the Rodney King case in 1992 1. The media stir up unjustified hate and anger. Thus the media’s fake news are the cause for riots, deaths, loss of job, loss of property value, destruction of businesses.

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Prison terms for disrespecting Philippine flag or anthem

SECTION 50. Any person or judicial entity which violates any of the provisions of this Act shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine of not less than Five thousand pesos (5,000.00) not more than Twenty thousand pesos (P20,000.00), or by imprisonment for not more than one (1) year, or both such fine and imprisonment, at the discretion of the court: Provided, That for any second and additional offenses, both fine and imprisonment shall always be imposed: Provided, That in case the violation is commited by a juridical person, its President or Chief Executive Officer thereof shall be liable.

We might be proud for the freedom of expression to even burn the flag US flag (but not really to burn the Koran).

For clear thinking, it is interesting to remember that love and respect for National heritage, flag, and anthem are alive in other democratic and free countries.

Compare to US and European excesses of disrespect and outright hostility for the nation and its symbols

  • US athletes to  publicly demonstrate for Black Lives Matter, Antifa, kneel and walk out during the national anthem
  • violent attacks on people who carry the flag, put it in their yard, and
  • sending students home for wearing flag T shirts on the National holiday (in order not to offend Mexicans), or
  • German chancellor Merkel disposing of the German flag with a disgusted face

Total disrespect for one’s nation and its traditions might spell the end of such nation, and its freedom of expression.

Republic Act No. 8491

February 12, 1998

Republic of the Philippines

Congress of the Philippines Metro Manila



SECTION 2. Declaration of Policy Reverence and respect shall at all times be accorded the flag, the anthem and other national symbols which embody the national ideals and traditions and which express the principles of sovereignty and national solidarity. The heraldic items and devices shall seek to manifest the national virtues and to inculcate in the minds and hearts of our people a just pride in their native land, fitting respect and affection for the national flag and anthem, and the proper use of the national motto, coat-of-arms and other heraldic items and devices. […]

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Prison terms for disrespecting Philippine flag or anthem
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