Child rapist raped, stitched by medics, and re-raped by 20 prisoners


Jiu Jitsu Professor Daryell Dickson Menezes Xavier beat up and raped his 1 year 8 months old step son in Taguatinga, suburb of Brasilia. He turned himself in, with his lawyer, and was held for a 30 day 

Daryell was raped by about 20 prisoners. He had injuries all over the body, the most serious ones in the anal region. Insatisfied, and still furious about the crime committed by the professor, the prisoners tore apart the stitches that he received and raped him again. The blood stains on the rear of the short of the young man are proof of how much he suffered.

Source: Rapist of one year old boy gets paid back double dose [3‘] [4] [5] [6]

 Alleged child rapist turned over to 20 prisoners, raped, gets anus stitched and turned over again to his rapists Daryell Dickson Menezes XavierMany commenters praise the prisoners for their vigilante action

. Only a few wonder what happened to civilized behavior.

Human-Stupidity Analysis

  • The most politically correct anti death penalty activists discover their vigilante spirit when the issue is child sex abuse
  • The fact that the child died from beatings seems irrelevant and gets lost in the midst of the outrage about the child sex abuse. Nowadays even the mildest form of child sex abuse is treated worse then murder.
  • The feminist re-definition of rape is especially devious, as prisoners would ignore the small difference between a real forcible rapist and an alleged child groper, or consensual statutory child rapist of a 17 year old *child. Thus vigilante justice is frequently meted out to registered sex offenders who might have peed against a tree or inadvertently possessed non-sexual photos of 17 year olds. (see Copine scale, Jack McClellan)
  • Prison "justice" is devoid of due process rights and might be applied to innocent people victims of SAID (false sexual allegations in divorce). Lack of due process and "guilty until proven innocent" attitude pervades the normal legal justice system.
  • It is clear from the outset that a child rapist has it coming when turned over to 20 hard core prison cell mates. Returning him to his cell mates for further raping after getting his anus stitched up is truly devious. But commenters seem to agree that he deserves to be raped daily to the end of his days.
  • If people think that rape is a deserved punishment, it would be more honest to devise corporal punishment Singapore or Sharia style. But after due process and with assurance that the victim will not get AIDS during his prison stay. See: Stop Prison Rape! Legalize Corporal Punishment (Whipping)
  • Brazil has a history of serious crime going unpunished. Minors under 18 can commit murder without getting punished, rather they get 3 years of educational measures and, afterwards, a clean criminal record. So outrage and criminal vigilantism have a history in Brazil (check YouTube for vigilante beatings in Brazil).  see: Killer "child" (17.99 years old) enjoys impunity and anonymity of Brazil’s child protection law (ECA)
  • It seems that he really is guilty of the act as he had turned himself in to police, saying he was possessed by demons when he did it. He also was in charge of the infant. But, false confessions and false self accusations do exist in legal history.
  • It would be only fair to adhere to universal principle of human rights and prohibition of torture and of cruel and unusual punishment and treat even child raping killers as human beings.

Author: Human-Stupidy (Admin)

Honest Research, Truth, Sincerity is our maxim. We hate politally correct falsification, falsification, repression of the truth, academic dishonesty and censorship.

96 thoughts on “Child rapist raped, stitched by medics, and re-raped by 20 prisoners”

  1. Even in the bible God says an eye for an eye. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. He raped and murdered that baby and they raped him. Now he knows what that baby felt when he did that to him. I’m sure it felt like being raped by 20 men to that helpless child who couldn’t defend himself. So yes he got what he deserved. I bet when he gets out (if they don’t kill him first); he’ll think twice before doing that to someone else’s child.

  2. Most of the comments here are depressing, they definitely highlight human stupidity and they prove the authors point. A rational discussion can’t be had about appropriate punishments because everyone is incensed by the initial crime. If it is a crime that you would be punished for then it can’t or rather shouldn’t be used as punishment or you are no better than the person you are punishing. The action is the crime, the person is not evil.

  3. its amazing that people dont even think about the poor kid that DIED!!! its not even mentioned in this particular story.
    but the son actually died. but this story prefers to focus on the rape and revenge.
    pedofiles get higher jail sentences than child murderors!

  4. You are racist, sexist, and basically a hateful person to people who are not perfect but are far from evil….yet you are ready to passively defend a man who beat and raped a child? An unarmed Black teen being killed for no reason is just but a man getting attacjed for beating and raping a child??? He deserves our empathy. Lol. Pedos like yourself are crazy. I notice pedos tend to be hateful people. You want to have unrestricted sexual access to children and you even defend a rapist who brutally raped of a child. This shows that pedos have no concern for the child who was abused rather they are ready to defend the child rapist.

    People realize this:

    Pedos like he admin of this blog claim to want to legalize softcore child porn and “consenting” sex with children. They actual want to legalize what this baby rapist did. Pedos like the admin are trying trying to normalize hurtcore (brutal raping of babies/toddlers/children) by getting you to feel bad for this guy. Admin pretends not to be defending his crime but he is, just passively. He wants to remove the idea of rape. Pedo’s first step is redefining rape, look at his postings. Pedos seem to read from the same manual. They basically wish they could do anything to children without facing any remorse. Another part of step 1, getting people to feel bad a brutal baby rapist got hurt in prison. Um no. A decent human being first concern is he child. That child has to deal with this the rest of his life. He is the one we neees to feel bad for and care about not this baby rapist. Pedos cannot understand why we care for those who were raped. They lack the ability to care about children. Pedos are dangerous and if they were given an inch they would take a mile. They will destroy a child’s life as long as they get their selfish pleasure.

  5. I believe this scum bag got what he deserved and more.They should put all these scum bags in prison with the population and rape them over and over.Perks to all the inmates that gave this scum bag what he deserved.Death is do good for him.That poor baby God help him and I pray the scum bag that rape d that baby gets raped and beat for the rest of his life.

  6. Let’s get real. Evil is E(or “e”)vil;Vile. Fuck hyppocritical gatherings called church. MutherFUCK LAWLESS hippocrits and God DAMN (even NOW) everyone who is against free will.

  7. The people that don’t think this is the right punishment for this piece of shit deserve to be raped also…are you guys stupid? This guy is a piece if shit..he doesn’t deserve to live but since he’s alive let’s torture the shit out of him till he dies.. It’s only right to honor the kid this way..I wish they would get even more gross and creative and start raping him with tools and weapons..then put his faggot ass on YouTube to embarrass the hell out of him..he should not be considered a human from here on,he’s more worthless than insects…So keep on raping this faggot plz till he starts shitting sperm…Good job Brazilian inmates!!

  8. Alleged child rapist had been forced to drink urine and feces. The 20 prison rapists were all AIDS carriers, according the police chief.

    The parents of Daryell, the alleged rapist, now sue the government. Obviously it is the government’s responsibility, if a man gets locked up, night after night, with his prison rapists.

    Rumors that the father of the killed child paid of prisoners to rape and humiliate, are being denied. It is quite likely, that Brazilian prisoners rape and torture child abusers without needing to be bribed.

    Let me repeat comments I made earlier: It is quite likely that Daryell did NOT rape the child, it seems to have only minor anal injuries that could stem from constipation. Possibly that the child actually had an accident and fell down stairs. It is a fact, though, that the baby is dead.

    It is also pretty clear that after being raped by 20 prisoners, he most likely will have contracted AIDS.

    These incredible news seem to stem from a reputable source: SBT is one of the biggest TV channels in Brazil

    I also did list the link to the court proceedings, that, unfortunately, are all in secrecy.

  9. Boy the drilled his booty goood boy wow…Pumping him like good just think alln those guys taking turns none stop… Wow woould not want to be in his shoes

  10. As a Proud Father I can say that if this man enjoyed doing what he did to this poor baby, then this SOB deserved every min of payback he endured. I would’ve finished him off with a billet in his ass. Then ask for forgiveness. Just saying.

  11. what if the imates get a get out of jail free card for doing this and they were mass murders serial killers women rapists then they leave there country come to your neighorhood do what they did in there country to your family and friends then what it still be justce to you?

  12. I’m sorry but any of you who feel bad for this child beating rapist or have been defending him in anyway obviously don’t have your own children. If this had happened to your child I’m sure that you would not give a shit about what happened to him and would probably go thank the prisoners as well, I KNOW I WOULD.

  13. Whether he did or didn’t rape the child is not the issue. The fact is that he lives in Brazil. He knows what happens to pedophiles in Brazilian jail. He turned himself in knowing this. Therefore, he was not raped in jail. That was consenting sex between 21 adults.

    1. He probably should not have turned himself in. Is that what you say? In hindsight, he probably should have tried to escape to start a new life in Paraguay. But, let us assume that the child just behaved stupidly and fell off a ledge or fell down the stairs. Maybe the man just trusted the justice system to figure out the truth and to keep him safe.

      Finally, if he really abused and killed the child, maybe it would be more honest to adopt Shariah law where he gets whipped and stoned after some due process, instead of ass raped by AIDS infested prisoners.

  14. The first jury meeting, with 15 witnesses, was supposed to have happened on May 15.

    The tribunal is supposed to be in secrecy. I wonder if it is to protect prison police and the prison rapists. I could not find any news that confirm the court date had happened, and what the results were.

    Nor if he is getting raped daily again.

  15. I don’t believe in torture, certainly not this erratic sort, but I do believe strongly in capital punishment. This man should executed, not tortured. We have to recognize that our society is for the civilized. The animals among us, like this sad specimen, have no place here. It is only appropriate and just to cull them.

  16. In situations as this forget about the perpetrators crimes but look instead at what others do to them ? Regardless of the reasons, how can it become right to inflict this evil upon them ?
    I am always at a loss to understand why people rape and brutalise others, you just bring degradation and shame upon oneself, I mean really: do you want to contaminate yourself with him:
    because that is precisely what you do! I would freak if I met someone who had put their penis in him, what a mad thing to do. If all prisoners can do is feel better about themselves by being wicked to others then they are even more lost and degraded than they will ever understand.
    I hate you all but I am not going to sully myself with your ilk either.

  17. If the story is even accurate, (Im just not willing to believe any old crime reporting that I get via mass media), why is it even put up for discussion? All of the alleged offences are committed by those with low IQ, cannot think independently and most likely to be the products who have grown in uncivilised environments full of the very type of behaviours that which they seek to now punish themselves. Anyone who endorses barbaric mob justice like this probably isn’t far off legally retarded either. I live in Australia and feel sorry for those in countries without the law functioning at a majority. Before you ask the inmates who now rapes them in return for their crimes, consider for a moment if that person was innocent. Nothing to see here folks, move along to the next victim.

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