5000 yearly rapes in Sweden preventable! Australia’s Pacific Solution: No Way will illegals make Australia Home (#2):

"No way! You will not make Australia home" if try to come to Australia without a visa, declares the Australian government. Australia’s pacific solution does NOT give immigration and welfare privileges to to those who break the law and illegally try to sneak into Australia

General Campbell’s message to people who travel illegally by boat to Australia

European governments and  European citizens have no such right to self determination.
Rather, illegal immigrants have rights [23]:

Smaller towns that are still a paradise of safety will be obliged, by central government, to accept those people who elsewhere already caused riots and rape epidemics.

But indiscriminately helping Muslim and African refugees has its price. No good deed goes unpunished:  5000-rape-per-year-epidemic caused by politically correct refugee and immigration policy in Sweden. Rape epidemic diversity will  spread to small towns, more countries. Feminists don’t care.

Australia’s Pacific Solution inspired Geert Wilders to wishful thinking, that Europe could do the same.



Australia’s Pacific Solution [93]

An Australian Pacific solution could have avoided all this rape epidemic and arson, and still could halt its further spread.

In August 2012, [… Australia] reopened Nauru detention centre and Manus Island detention centre for offshore processing] and on 19 July 2013, newly returned Prime Minister Kevin Rudd announced, "asylum seekers who come here by boat without a visa will never be settled in Australia", striking a Regional Resettlement Arrangement between Australia and Papua New Guinea,] to divert all "unauthorised maritime arrivals" to mandatory detention on Manus Island with no possibility of attaining Australian residency  93


Immigration Reform: Australia’s Solution To Unwanted Refugees? Give Them To Cambodia [94]

australia-no-visa-no-way Real refugees will eventually get resettled to Papua New Guinea, or Cambodia, safe countries to start a new life.  Economic refugees will lose interest in Australia. Instead they will hire traffickers to take them to SWEDEN!

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5000 yearly rapes in Sweden preventable! Australia’s Pacific…
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Swedish Rape Epidemic avoidable. Feminists’ silence deafening. (Part 1)

No rape epidemic, no race riots, no car burnings
without refugees, without uncontrolled immigration
Encouraging smugglers and human traffickers to bring in Millions of foreigners from totally different cultures has “saved” maybe 1% of the African population. It brought race riots, 400 000 (!) burned cars in France [91], 1000 burned cars at each New Year’s in Paris alone. It destroyed the virtually crime free peace of large parts of Europe. Women live in fear of rape epidemics. Poorer countries, and small towns will be invaded by rape epidemics and crime shortly.Wait, there is more! This article continues! Continue reading »
Swedish Rape Epidemic avoidable. Feminists’ silence deafening. (Part 1)
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5000 rape per year epidemic caused by politically correct refugee and immigration policy in Sweden.
Rape epidemic diversity will  spread to small towns, more countries. Feminists don’t care. click for larger picture. See which countries pledge to house many refugees that likely will cause car burning and rape epidemics: mainly Sweden, Germany

  1. Sweden has one of the highest rates of rape in the world [50]. 5000 forcible rapes per year. Virtually all forcible violent rapes are committed by immigrants. [60 61  64 65 66 67 68 70 71 72 73]
  2. Thus: There would be no rape epidemic, virtually no forcible rapes, riots and car burnings [80 81 2013 82 2015 2014a b c]  in Scandinavia, had they not invited refugees and immigrants from Muslim and African countries.
  3. All Swedish municipalities that have not previously “welcomed” refugees will be forced to do so. [90]  The inevitably ensuing rape epidemics in formerly idyllic safe villages can still still be avoided.
  4. EU plans to force European Nations to accept Migrants [10 11]. This will bring rape epidemic culture and violence culture [91] to all European countries. Even those that have not yet been diversity enriched (Portugal, Spain, Eastern Europe). Feminists don’t protest the further spreading of rape epidemic culture.


rape epidemic in sweden vsother countries lower rape rates
Sweden has one of the highest rape rates in the world. The violent forcible rape epidemic is due to Muslim and African immigrants. It is taboo, even illegal, to state these truths, to quote such statistics.

Police interview: All outdoor rapes in Oslo are committed by immigrants (Muslims)| YouTube

Feminists don’t protest about violent gang rapes. Feminists obsess about objectifying gaze, gender mainstreaming, sexist language, marital rape, consensual sex when drunk, women’s choice to be a sex worker.  But violent gang rapes by minorities, not of interest to feminists.


No rape epidemic, no race riots, no car burnings

without refugees, without uncontrolled immigration

Europe encourages smugglers and human traffickers to bring in Millions of foreigners from totally different cultures. This has “saved” maybe 1% of the African population. It brought race riots, 400 000 (!) burned cars in France [91], 1000 burned cars at each New Year’s in Paris alone. It destroyed the virtually crime free peace of large parts of Europe.  Women live in fear of rape epidemics. Poorer countries, and small towns will be invaded by rape epidemics and crime shortly.


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Swedish Rape Epidemic avoidable. Feminists’ silence deafenin…
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False rape accusers are "victims" in need for protection and anonymity

Feminist and PC (political correctness) language abuse have no bounds: a false rape accuser is a "victim", often her face is still pixelated in photos, to protect her victim identity.

Rarely is it said that she is the lying perjuring aggressor, who wreaked havoc on the life of an innocent falsely accused man, and wasted  police time pursuing a false  crime report. Of course, by feminist creed, women are never to blame for their crimes and misdeeds.

Campus activists say their university perpetuated ‘victim blaming’ because of the way it handled — a false rape claim:

Campus activists say their university perpetuated ‘victim blaming’ because of the way it handled — a false rape   claim

We pause to allow you to do a double-take. The president of the Feminist Action League is upset because a crime alert regarding a false sexual assault put emphasis on "something other than the attack."  Um, there was no attack. And note that the president of the Feminist Action League is not upset because a crime alert was issued over a false sexual assault claim.

It is typical for political correctness and lying feminist theory that facts don’t count. The woman is a victim, always, no exception. If she is a murderess, she is a victim and suffers from battered woman syndrome. If she made a false rape report, the man can learn from the experience of being in jail and getting threatened and possibly raped by hard core criminal inmates.

The school newspaper has written an article using the false report to help raise awareness about . . . sexual assault.

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False rape accusers are "victims" in need for protection…
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Women can prevent rape. Don’t drink, don’t dress provocatively, don’t be promiscuous: don’t get raped.

Misguided feminist ideology causes rape and suffering, "Men can stop rape" they teach. As if the average well behaved middle class chump had the power to prevent predatory rapists from attacking women.

Peer reviewed academic research has proven that common sense advice is correct.

Common sense advice (don’t drink, don’t behave slutty,dress modestly,  be careful of your surroundings) have been discredited as "blaming the victim" and opposed in slut walks.

Feminist ideology causes rape and child abuse

Antecedents of sexual victimization: factors discriminating victims from nonvictims. J Am Coll Health. 1998 Jan;46(4):151-8.

A sexual victimization survey was used to assess the factors that would discriminate between victims and nonvictims of sexual assault. The sample consisted of 241 female college students at a large Midwestern university. [,,,]  Discriminant function analysis was used to develop a set of variables that significantly identified victimization status. The variables found to be related to women’s being sexually victimized were (a) number of different lifetime sexual partners, (b) provocative dress, and (c) alcohol use.

I am amazed, that in spite of feminist control of our Universities, the above study and the more recent survey below swere allowed. Feminism curtails free academic research in order to foster its false ideology. Feminism is about ideology, about demonizing men, not about protecting women from rape.

Feminism actively encourages slut walks and encourages women to behave in ways that victimizes them. Professor Milton Diamond has shown that free access to child porn reduces child sexual abuse, and free access to porn reduces sex crimes. 

A review of the literature on women’s substance use and sexual victimization points to women’s heavy episodic drinking as a proximal risk factor, particularly among college samples. At least half of sexual victimization incidents involve alcohol use and the majority of rapes of college women occur when the victim is too intoxicated to resist (“incapacitated rape”). Despite the importance of women’s heavy episodic drinking as being a risk factor, existing rape prevention programs have rarely addressed women’s alcohol use and have shown little success in reducing rates of sexual victimization.
Alcohol consumption and women’s vulnerability to sexual victimization: can reducing women’s drinking prevent rape? Subst Use Misuse. 2009;44(9-10):1349-76. Full text of peer reviewed research paper

Everyone suffers, due to such ideology driven theories. Women get raped, usually with their *consent, sometimes forcibly and without consent.  Good men go to prison for *consensual rape.

Illegally drinking underage females, who drink themselves into stupor and unconsciousness are never held liable for their poor life choices.  Men are always responsible, no matter if they are drunk or sober.  MRA (men’s rights activists) call this the "pussy pass".

Ideology prevents school, parents, and police from education young women to take precautions.  Women are not told which behavior helps them to safely navigate the world with greatly reduced risk of being raped.

Men and society at large pay the price for expensive court cases and prison.

1) Consensual date rape is preventable and can be totally avoided.

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Women can prevent rape. Don’t drink, don’t dress provo…
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