5000 yearly rapes in Sweden preventable! Australia’s Pacific Solution: No Way will illegals make Australia Home (#2):

"No way! You will not make Australia home" if try to come to Australia without a visa, declares the Australian government. Australia’s pacific solution does NOT give immigration and welfare privileges to to those who break the law and illegally try to sneak into Australia

General Campbell’s message to people who travel illegally by boat to Australia

European governments and  European citizens have no such right to self determination.
Rather, illegal immigrants have rights [23]:

Smaller towns that are still a paradise of safety will be obliged, by central government, to accept those people who elsewhere already caused riots and rape epidemics.

But indiscriminately helping Muslim and African refugees has its price. No good deed goes unpunished:  5000-rape-per-year-epidemic caused by politically correct refugee and immigration policy in Sweden. Rape epidemic diversity will  spread to small towns, more countries. Feminists don’t care.

Australia’s Pacific Solution inspired Geert Wilders to wishful thinking, that Europe could do the same.



Australia’s Pacific Solution [93]

An Australian Pacific solution could have avoided all this rape epidemic and arson, and still could halt its further spread.

In August 2012, [… Australia] reopened Nauru detention centre and Manus Island detention centre for offshore processing] and on 19 July 2013, newly returned Prime Minister Kevin Rudd announced, "asylum seekers who come here by boat without a visa will never be settled in Australia", striking a Regional Resettlement Arrangement between Australia and Papua New Guinea,] to divert all "unauthorised maritime arrivals" to mandatory detention on Manus Island with no possibility of attaining Australian residency  93


Immigration Reform: Australia’s Solution To Unwanted Refugees? Give Them To Cambodia [94]

australia-no-visa-no-way Real refugees will eventually get resettled to Papua New Guinea, or Cambodia, safe countries to start a new life.  Economic refugees will lose interest in Australia. Instead they will hire traffickers to take them to SWEDEN!

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5000 yearly rapes in Sweden preventable! Australia’s Pacific…
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Worldwide campaign against Julien Blanc, Pickup Artist

Brazilian TV confirmed in prime time news, that the ministry of the exterior will not give a visa nor permit entry to Julien Blanc for allegedly promoting violence against women. women letting their anger out with machine guns, that is good PC business

 "Pick-Up Artist" pushing Japanese women’s heads down to his crotch


In the US and Europe, attempts to expel convicted felon illegal foreigners rarely succeed.  Felons, ISIS terrorists, mercenaries rarely get denied visas and rarely get kicked out of countries. Hooligans, street brawlers, convicted robbers rarely get kicked out of Australia or blocked entry into Brazil.   So the Julien Blanc case is a demonstration of the awesome power of feminist activism! Feminist power, like the license to kill husbands and impunity for Lorena Bobbitt‘s penis slicing.

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Worldwide campaign against Julien Blanc, Pickup Artist
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Pick up artist Julien Blanc, expelled from Australia, barred from Brazil and more countries


Is This The Most Hated Man in the World? | Time

Pick up artist Julien Blanc [1] [2] has been forced to leave Australia. Britain and Canada are also considering a ban

Is Julien Blanc the most hated man in the world? A series of online petitions against him suggest he might be.

Australia revoked his visa and expelled Julien Blanc

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Pick up artist Julien Blanc, expelled from Australia, barred from …
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How to Kill your Husband! A Tutorial. (Susan Falls’ Licence to Kill) .

Australian court affirms licence to kill as Susan Falls, another "battered woman" walks free after execution-style murder of her husband

On 4th March 2006, Claire Margaret McDonald gasped and burst into tears as a Victorian Supreme Court jury found her not guilty of the execution style murder of her husband, Warren John McDonald.

The court was told that McDonald had donned camouflage gear and lay in wait with a high-powered rifle for her husband to approach. She fired six shots, mortally wounding her husband.

McDonald successfully used the "battered woman syndrome" defence, claiming she had suffered years of abuse at the hands of her husband.

Within days, Queensland woman, Susan Falls, having probably read the media reports of Heather McDonald’s stunning acquittal, decided to execute her allegedly abusive husband in the same fashion, in what prosecutors would describe as a cunning, calculated murder.


Women need to know how to exercise their rights to kill their husbands.


1) Inform yourself through case studies.

Learn from others. How did others kill their husbands? What did they do to get away with it?  

  • Rita Graveline, Susan Falls, Mary Winkler. See also Nicole Ryan.
  • [Defending Battered Women on Trial] by theorist Elizabeth Sheehy
  • Go ahead, shoot your sleeping husband! It’s not murder!
  • A Century of Husband-Killing (149)

    Make sure you do your killing in the right jurisdiction. Australia is excellent. You might consider murder tourism: Travel to a country that is most favorable to husband execution.

    Women can learn from other successful murderesses. A certain amount of intelligence and cunningness is needed to pull it off. Like everywhere in life, low IQ people get discriminated against and might actually have to do do time in prison.


    2) Think up stories how your husband abused you.

    Absolutely no proof is needed, You may invent anything you wish. Read journals, books, crime stories to fertilize your fantasy.

    The press, the jury they will lap it up. No matter how trivial (husband was unfaithful, in the case of Lorena Bobbitt) or absurd (Susan Fall’s Husband held a raffle to decide who he would kill). Your dead husband will not be around to contradict you. If he is still around (Nicole Ryan), the court  will not call the husband to ask him

    Of course, if you can provoke your husband enough so witnesses see him lose his temper, or if you can file an unfounded police report accusing him of domestic violence, that would make an even better defense.


    3) Kill your husband

    Kill your husband ten-fold. Stab him dozens of times with a butcher knife, shoot him many times point blank in the head. Hours later, shoot again. Don’t worry. Shooting your groggy, drugged, half dead husband once more is self defense.

    Only males are subject to normal self defense laws that require you to be in instant danger, with no other way out.

    As a woman you have the right to pre-meditate, plan, buy murder weapons, get accomplices, even invite the kids to watch you shooting dad.

    You can choose if you call police and tell the truth, of if you first dump the corpse and keep police busy trying to find a lost husband. Be creative!


    4) Cry tears. Keep repeating the abuse stories. Get a good lawyer

    You may never ever fail and falter for a second to be sure to avoid conviction. Crying tears of fear is the key.

    Here it is useful if you are really crazy and paranoid, if you really believe in the serious threat to your life.  If not, you must be  a good actress.

    Nobody will ask you why you did not simply walk out, take the kids, go to a woman’s shelter.  Not even after you drugged him into profound sleep. Or why you could not put up a camera to record the constant violence and then put him in jail. Battered woman syndrome theory did this all for you: It postulates that women (and only women) don’t see the simple non-violent exit, rather they see no other way out then to kill.


    5) Keep his money, all family assets, children.

    Your hard work will be rewarded. If you picked a good, hard working husband, your killing him will be rewarded with all his worldly goods.

    Courts also know that it for the good of the children to stay with the murderess of their father. Even if they were witnesses to the murder. The girls will be prepared to imitate their mother, once they get married.

    More women would kill their husbands, if they knew about the financial rewards.

    If your husband does not have many assets, get a divorce with life long alimony, enforced by debtor’s prison and thus avail yourself of a life long slave labor. A dead husband has no more income that courts can hand over to you. So instead of killing, you may be better off to accuse your of domestic violence and child abuse, get a restraining order and subsequent divorce.


    6) Earn further money through interviews and books.

    Other killers have to give the proceeds to relatives of their victims. Spouse killing gives you all his property, and you may keep the proceeds of any book deals. Make sure you always cry tears, repeat abuse stories over and over. Do not show glee and happiness about your successful crime.


    7) Repeat with your next husband (?)


    Susan Falls "self defense" case details

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