BLM & Wild Horses Roundup: Exaggerated Animal Rights Protection

In the Wild West of the USA, the Bureau of Land Management rounds up wild horses with expensive helicopters and keeps them on “retirement farms”, gives expensive birth control to mares, does everything to reduce the uncontrolled growth of horse herds. There are arguments that the animals are not natural and endemic to the regions, that cattle ranchers are greedy and don’t want grazing horses as a disturbance.


Good intentions cause ill side effects

I mix these animal rights in with “human rights”, because they come from the same attitude. Our inborn tenderness and goodness, badly and selectively applied, makes us take inconsistent decisions. We see one side of the coin and don’t think through the consequences of our laws.

Horses, cougars, bears, all animal populations under total protection will grow and expand. At some time there will be too many horses, with no predators. Cougars and bears are not hunted, they don’t respect people, endanger hikers and even US villagers when rummaging for food.  I am talking about Americans, because seems to care about African peasants whose harvests are trampled down by elefants and kids endangered by lions rummaging in the village.

Find the middle ground: don’t exterminate nor allow uncontrolled breeding

I never thought I would become a redneck, but I agree: hunt the bastards!

What are the alternatives to control by hunting?

  1. Let nature solve it! Let the animals spread to bearing capacity, until they overgraze and then starvation limits population.
  2. Or introduce predators, wolves etc whose large numbers also endanger our livestock and kids.
  3. or go to great expenses with constant efforts at birth control like it is being done now.

Definitely shoot some bears and cougars, who venture too close to humans. The shy ones will survive and be selected for. Hunt some horses to keep them at the desired numbers. Yes, sell hunting licenses, sell and eat the horse meat. Eating healthy happy range mustang meat is better in every respect (health,  morality, environment, carbon neutrality ….) then eating “concentration camp chicken” breast or corn fed cattle locked up in stalls.

“Good” intentions

Overlooked side effects

Overlooked other victims


Horses are cute and our friends. They need total protection. They must not be killed, horse meat must not be eaten. Horse populations will grow too big at some time. If not now, then in 50 years. Advance population planning should have been made. Chicken, cows, are grown under “inhumane” conditions, unhealthy for consumers. High cost to energy usage, environmental damage, … Controlled hunting
Bears & Cougars must be protected from extinction and must not be hunted Dangerous animals lose fear of humans. It is easier to attack pets, livestock and smaller humans then to hunt scarce wild animals   Controlled Hunting

Tiger Woods: Breach of (Unfair) Contract? Hypocrisy & (Self)-Deception


Tiger Woods: a free man?

The Tiger Woods scandal has many facets. I wrote that Tiger Woods is a free man entitled to have fun and Tiger Woods sex addiction treatment is an absurdity.

Tiger sold his freedom to have fun & right to privacy for US$ 100 Million

People countered: Tiger sold his freedom for 100 Million dollars, He made advertising contracts as being a “good boy” athlete: Hey, Tiger, Lack of Privacy Is Part of the DealTiger Woods has destroyed $12 Billion in Stock value So maybe, after having charged huge amounts of money for his “clean boy” image, it is his moral and legal obligation to keep up to moral standard he himself agreed to. Like a catholic priest who signed a celibacy vow and now has to keep it. 

Why Is Tiger Woods in Trouble? It’s Not His Steamy Sex Life; It’s His Family Values Hypocrisy: Woods made most of his fortune through his “squeaky-clean model athlete” reputation. Last year, of the $117 million Woods made, $7.7 million was on the golf course; the rest came from endorsement deals. And that endorsement empire is built on the image of a hardworking, clean-living family man with wife, kids, dogs, and “values”.

Tiger Woods And Global Media Hypocrisy
Tiger Woods, Linford Christie and the stars who are sworn to the Hypocrisy Oath
Bob Schieffer To Tiger Woods: Stop Whining (VIDEO)

Breach of contract. But is the contract fair?

Of course, he also signed a marriage “contract” with fidelity vows. He broke the contract. I think it is unfair that the terms of a marriage are non-negotiable. Consumer and tenant law has invalidated many such one-sided contracts, but “feminist” law-makers make sure that men cannot easily negotiate freedom in marriage contracts.

So men who want to retain their freedom have only the choice not to marry, or do what men (and apes before them) did for millions of years: cheat and lie to cover up. Promise what women want to hear, and then secretly do what the man himself wants to do.


Deception is huge part of human social life.  Our education and social norms demand honesty, and in contradiction to that they also demand politeness, courtesy, ….  From “I am fine” when I feel bad, to “your dress looks great” when I think it is awful, to “I have eyes only for you and love you forever”.  In spite of us lying constantly, we feel we are honest. We deceive ourselves that we are honest.

Self-Deception & Self-Deception

You deceive better if you yourself believe in it.

So Tiger probably believed in his wedding vows. He also believes he is an honest person. Which usually he is. Except for white lies. And lying to spouses. Well and to sponsors and the rest of the world.

And before you throw the first stone: think of your own secrets. What if the press published your photo nose-picking? or about some secret sexual urge you once followed?

And now all these hypocrites condemn poor Tiger Woods. Of course, if you are a public relations manager for Nike, your job is to worry about Nike’s sales and corporate image. Not about hypocrisy, or if the same people who condemn Tiger (and Nike for promoting him) are hypocrites. Try YouTube to see some Tiger Woods commercials: they all manipulate your unconscious: they don’t really sell you superior merchandise, they associate Tiger’s image with the product, thus making you buy the product.

  • Maybe the problem is that we demand unrealistic role models, who are supposed confirm unrealistic moral norms?
  • Maybe the problem is that society demands that we lie about romantic “transgressions”.
  • Most healthy adolescent boys or adult men would probably admire Woods for his sexual conquests. When talking to their peers. But, of course, would not admit this to their wives.

Should male promiscuity be repressed or sexual freedom be tolerated?

  • There are of course philosophical questions: is monogamy better? there will be less fights, less diseases? or better family life?
  • Is male promiscuity something that should be eliminated by therapy, drugs etc because it causes problems?
  • Or do repressive laws, false morality cause the problems?  People should just be honest, open and be allowed to have fun without any need to hide. Why can’t everyone have their sexual freedom, and we devote out resources to avoiding unwanted pregnancies and diseases, instead of spying after celebrities’ private life.

Hypocritical double standards about domestic violence

Tiger Woods’ wife Elin should be under investigation for domestic violence:  The first news stories sounded suspicious: How can an intelligent man total his car and get face injuries when backing out his car from the garage? And require a women with a golf club to break the windshield to free him? 

If the suspected victim were a women, police would investigate, even if the victim denied violence having happened. But Elin is a woman, and police and law are biased in favor of women. If she were innocent, they should have demanded an investigation to dispel any doubt.

I think Tiger lied when he swore in public that no domestic violence has happened. If this could be proven to be a lie, then Woods would be proven to make false public statements . An explicit public lie, almost an oath, that could haunt him (like Bill Clinton).

But as now Tiger’s and Elin’s interest in cover-up coincide, nobody will ever admit the truth. Of course, this can cost him dearly. A domestic violence conviction would greatly favor Tiger in any potential divorce settlement. If he was intelligent, he made her sign something in exchange for his covering up the domestic violence.

Tiger Woods: why can’t he have open marriage and have fun?

A domesticated Tiger Woods asks for forgiveness for being a man. Woods who could have thousands of women had a mere 14 women over a period of many years. Tiger’s mistake was to agree on a non-open marriage and to project the good boy image.  Like most men, Woods got into the typical vicious cycle of false promises and deceit, instead of being honest and standing up for his rights as a powerful and highly desirable alpha male.  And to add insult to injury, he now does “sexual addiction therapy” to rid him of normal male feelings and impulses. Maybe he ought to get castrated

What good is it for a man to earn US$ 100 Million if he cannot have fun? Here is Tiger’s truth:

I felt that I had worked hard my entire life and deserved to enjoy all the temptations around me. I felt I was entitled. Thanks to money and fame, I didn’t […] have to go far to find them.

But then he went on asking for forgiveness. He disappointed his wife, his fans, his business partners.

I am also aware of the pain my behavior has caused to those of you in this room. I have let you down. I have let down my fans. For many of you, especially my friends, my behavior has been a personal disappointment. To those of you who work for me, I have let you down, personally and professionally. My behavior has caused considerable worry to my business partners.

He has not caused any pain to me. Actually, I found his behavior endearing. Of course, his business partners who profit from Tiger Woods’ squeaky clean image, they have reason to worry.  Maybe Woods should settle for earning a mere 50 million a year and having fun, instead of making 100 Million.

Woods’mother put things into perspective:

Afterward, Woods’ mother, Kultida Woods, spoke to reporters, saying how proud she is of him.

“Golf is just like life, when you make a mistake, you learn from your mistake and move on stronger. That’s the way he is,” she said.

“I am upset the way media treated him like he’s a criminal. … He didn’t kill anybody, he didn’t do anything illegal,” she said.

“They’ve being carrying on from Thanksgiving until now. That’s not right.”

Sure, Tiger Woods did not keep his agreement, his vow of faithfulness.  Maybe he should not have agreed to these condicions in the first place.  Why does a rich powerful man abdicate his freedom and vow to be “faithful”, to never look at another woman again?

I’ve had a lot of time to think about what I have done. My failures have made me look at myself in a way I never wanted to before. It is now up to me to make amends. And that starts by never repeating the mistakes I have made. It is up to me to start living a life of integrity.

Don’t make vows of faithfulness, and you can live a life with fun and enjoy integrity. Did he not take good care of his family? Fed them well. Earned a lot of money for them? Just he was foolish enough to get trapped in a vow of “fidelity”.

Now here is a rare positive example of another famous “pervert” husband’s wife supporting a husband’s freedom:

The wife of Portsmouth manager Avram Grant has hit back at allegations her husband was caught in a ‘Thai’ brothel by claiming: ‘He can do whatever he likes with his body.’

Tiger should have gotten himself such a wife. I envy Avram Grant, he got himself a great open minded liberal wife.

Wait, there is more! This article continues! Continue reading “Tiger Woods: why can’t he have open marriage and have fun?” »
Tiger Woods: why can’t he have open marriage and have fun?
» continues here »

Cruise far away from Haiti to alleviate your guilty conscience!?

Going to a beach resort in Haiti, leaving money in the impoverished country, is “unethical”.  Feasting, overeating and being obese in neigboring Dominican Republic, or anywhere else in the world is ok.  Political correctness going overboard.

Blogs and message boards have been full of outrage and disgust at the idea of tourists frolicking in the sun while bodies pile up in Port-au-Prince and quake survivors struggle to stay alive. […]
“… How can you sit there and say, ‘Waiter, bring me a drink’ while I’m on a private beach … knowing that 100 miles away, people are dying,” Jones said.

Of course, instead of talking, maybe these do-gooders should all embark to Haiti as volunteer helpers and donate all their wages to Haiti development. This would cause a positive impact.  Being obese and overeating in Paris, Los Angeles or Kansas is ok. Out of sight, out of mind.

I am so glad CNN talked to a sensible intelligent person, so I don’t need to say more:

Haiti’s plight wouldn’t improve if the cruise ships were diverted to another nearby island and pretended the disaster wasn’t happening, agreed Chris MacDonald, a senior fellow at Duke University’s Kenan Institute for Ethics and a philosophy professor at Saint Mary’s University in Halifax, Nova Scotia. He also writes The Business Ethics Blog.

“The cruise ships aren’t hurting anyone, in fact they’re doing some good, they’re bringing some help,” MacDonald said.

People who believe it’s disrespectful for tourists to enjoy themselves so close to a disaster zone should realize that the alternative of avoiding the area wouldn’t be more respectful, MacDonald added.

The proximity sets off our gut reactions, but it doesn’t seem to make any real moral difference, he said.

Mullis pointed out that the Dominican Republic — Haiti’s touristy neighbor on the island of Hispaniola — is also close to the disaster but is doing business as usual.


Tiger Woods a domesticated kitten (Sex Addiction treatment)

Tiger Woods can afford a Harem
Tiger Woods can afford a Harem

Tiger Woods, super-rich, super-powerful man being a man? He could have thousands of women, and only had 14 over many years? Maybe there should be an option for marriage without “fidelity” vows! Wasn’t he faithfully taking care of wife and family? Just having a little fun on the side? This is a disease?

Multiple sources confirmed to that Tiger is being treated at the clinic which features a sexual addiction program created by Dr. Patrick Carnes, who has pioneered treatment for sexually compulsive behavior.

The Enquirer broke the world exclusive story of Tiger’s five-month affair with Rachel Uchitel. After that report appeared, more than 14 women were linked to Tiger as his secret life of cheating became public.


Poor Tiger is paying 40++ k$  for a program to make him a domesticated kitten. Why can’t poor Tiger just have fun like any rapper or basketball player? Doesn’t he devote time to his family, take excellent care of his kids?

Didn’t his wife commit acts of domestic violence against Tiger without punishment? “A double standard that excuses female violence is not “common sense” but common sexism.”

And people resenting Tiger getting special treatment,  a single room and a cleaning maid? Come on, the guy is worth almost a Billion, why can’t he pay for a maid?

Tiger is believed to have booked in for a six week Gentle Path “behaviour modification” programme designed to purge him of sex addiction.

The courses, which include “shame reduction” sessions cost around s40,000 He is having individual counselling and is not expected to attend the usual group therapy sessions.


I know some good “shame reduction” training. He should stand up for being an alpha man, as he is. No shame! Stand up for enjoying some extra fun with other women. What else is power, fame, and money good for? Did he suffer? Does he need treatment?

Maybe he should convert to Islam, at least this would allow him to have 4 wives. Maybe there should be an option for “open marriage” vows!

Mel Gibson, who endured one of the bigger Hollywood scandals of recent years, said the Tiger Woods affair has been blown way out of proportion — but that it wouldn’t do the golfer any good to whine about that now.

“I feel sorry for Tiger Woods,” the actor-filmmaker, 54, told Britain’s Mail on Sunday’s Live magazine. “Why are we talking about this when we’re sending 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan? … He’s being used as a diversion, and it just drives me crazy.”


Wait, there is more! This article continues! Continue reading “Tiger Woods a domesticated kitten (Sex Addiction treatment)” »
Tiger Woods a domesticated kitten (Sex Addiction treatment)
» continues here »

Frances Inglis’ Painless Mercy Killing of Brain-Damaged Son: Murder Conviction

An Old Bailey jury was heckled yesterday after a mother who injected her brain-damaged son with a lethal dose of heroin to end his suffering was found guilty of murder.

She could have petitioned to court, to allow life support to be turned off, to let him die of starvation, hunger and thirst. This would have been a slow but legal way. Wait for months and years for a court verdict and then let the kid die of hunger and thirst. How humane our laws are. Typical example of human stupidity because of religious hangups.

A painless death, this is illegal. A human has only the right to starve to death. Such is human “morality”.  A horse or a dog may be killed with a lethal injection for a painless death.  If you killed an animal by starvation, or if you kept it alive artificially, the humane society would sue you.  And this is what this mother will go to jail for:  she wanted her son to die in dignity, like any dog or horse.

The family had thought of applying for a court ruling to allow Tom to die in hospital, but decided against it as it meant stopping food and water, starving him to death.

Alex added: “How can it be legal to withhold food and water, which means a slow and painful death, yet illegal to end all suffering in a quick, calm and loving way? It’s cruel and illogical. The law isn’t keeping pace with modern medicine and surgery, which is wrong as it leaves too many people in such tragic and painful existences.


Assisted suicide and right to die (More articles)

Wait, there is more! This article continues! Inglis Mercy Killing: More Sources in the Press »
Frances Inglis’ Painless Mercy Killing of Brain-Damaged Son:…
» continues here »

Abortion foes almost kill the US universal health insurance bill

Abortion foes (so called pro-lifers) in the US want to interfere into other people’s business.

None of the proposals under discussion would ban abortion. None would take away your right to buy abortion coverage with your own money. None would force you to pay for somebody else’s abortion. These are the conceptual parameters on which all sides have, for the time being, agreed.

So they already clobbered Congress into making special complicated arrangements for abortion foes (so called pro-lifers). Only for this vociferous group. Not for other special interests or religious convictions.

Abortion, we’re told, is different from other issues caught up in the health care debate. It’s a question of ultimate values, impervious to compromise. […]
Each side has legitimate worries. Pro-choicers fear that insurers will abandon abortion coverage. Pro-lifers fear that insurers will be forced to include it. Pro-choicers fear that women won’t buy abortion coverage if the premiums are separated up front. Pro-lifers fear that abortion opponents will be suckered into abortion coverage if the premiums aren’t separated up front. We’ll have years of studies, hearings, legislation, and lawsuits to follow up on these concerns and fine-tune the policy.Source:

  • “Pro-lifers” are opposed to abortion and thus want to make sure their money does not go towards funding someone’s abortion
  • Well I am opposed to paying for the war in Iraq.  Did they make special income tax arrangements for me? Those in favor of the Iraq war can pay a special additional war tax.
  • I am also against nuclear weapons. Those who want the US to have nuclear missiles should opt into a special nuclear tax option.
  • I am opposed to keeping people alive in intensive care, when they are brain dead in a coma. Or when they are terminally ill and in pain and are not allowed to die.
    • Some of these guys live for 15 years in intensive care in a coma.
    • Very expensive.
    • Can I please have a health insurance exemption so I don’t have to pay for that?
  • I am totally profoundly against this artificial prolonging of life,  I consider this torture.  It is against my consciousness and against my religion.
  • It is unnatural. In nature, very sick animals and people get mercy killing by predators.

The above items are ultimate values for me. No compromise is possible. They are my religious belief, so by no means I must be forcet to pay for unjust wars of aggression and painful prolonging of life a against a person’s will. My beliefs on the follwing items are a little less strong, still I think I deserve exemptions in order not to pay for the following items:

  • I am also against paying for diseases people caused to themselves. I don’t want to pay treatment for people who
    • committed suicide attempts
    • abuse alcohol and drugs
    • do extreme sports and have accidents due to their recklessness
    • engange in criminal activities and get shot by police or rival gangs
    • overeat
    • don’t exercise
  • I live in a hot state. I am also opposed to treat people for frost bite. That should be an add-on.
  • I live on ground floor. I don’t want to pay for elevator maintenance.

So we should have 15 different voluntary private add-on insurance options for each of the following: comatose, terminally ill, obese, self-endangering, reckless, criminal, drug addicted, alcoholics, ……

Note the absurd idea that parents or young people will, at extra cost,  add insurance for abortion, criminal activity, drug addiction. They will presume that they will not engange in these behaviors, that they will not need the insurance.

This is religious zealots’ terror.  If you are against abortion, then don’t do abortion. But leave other people alone.

Actually, I agree that one should use better birth control, to make efforts to avoid needing abortion. But the same people who are against abortion are the ones that are sex education and promotion of birth control.

Should Parents of Obese Kids Lose Custody?

[:en]parents should be obliged not only to give enough food, cleanliness and schooling, but also HEALTHY quality food in corrrect amounts and exercise. Government food and exercise policy is dangerously deficient[:de]Eltern sollten nicht nur die Pflicht haben genug Essen, Hygiene, Schule zu geben, sondern auch GESUNDES Essen in richtiger Menge, und körperliche Bewegung und Sport[:pt]Pais deveriam ser obrigados não somente a dar comida suficiente, cuidados com higiene, e eschola, mas também comida SAUDÁVEL, de qualidade, em quantidade correta, exercicio saudávelWait, there is more! This article continues! Continue reading »
Should Parents of Obese Kids Lose Custody?
» continues here »

But obesity appears to be the primary reason South Carolina mom Jerri Gray lost custody of her 14-year-old, 555-lb. son in May. She was arrested after missing a court date to examine whether she should retain custody after doctors had expressed concern about her son’s weight to social services. The boy is currently living with his aunt, and his mother is facing criminal child-neglect charges. […]”It’s happening more than the public is aware of, but because these cases are usually kept quiet [as a result of child-privacy laws], we have no record,” says Dr. Matt Capehorn, who sits on the board of the U.K.’s National Obesity Forum.


Parents have an obligation to care for their little children. Parents face legal sanctions or loss of paternal rights if they do not provide basic care for their children, for example if children are

  • undernourished
  • unkept and dirty
  • truant missing school education.

It actually makes a lot of sense, to add this list

  • morbid obesity, obviously.
    • Unless if  proven it is not the parent’s fault andit persists after
      • medical
      • nutritional
      • and physical education interventions.
  • any minor kind of obesity and overweight
  • lack of healthy exercise.
  • unhealthy food at home
  • The epidemic of obesity that kills more people then all wars together, needs more serious attention. Actually, any lack of movement, any overweight should be considered abuse. The child has no recourse against it, and when it is a fat overweight diabetic adult it is too late.
    Of course, this suggestion to require responsible parenting contradicts all  the

    Faulty government policy regarding obesity & other health hazards (alcohol, …)

    • Promote interest of big beef farmers.
    • Let Coca Cola and McDonalds reign and advertise to children without health warnings.
    • it is totally insane that the government does not have EMERGENCY plans against all these health epidemics.`Rather, government should be engaged in
      • promotion of healthy nutrition
        • natural,
        • low salt,
        • high in vitamins, l
        • low in sugar,
        • little additives
        • people should NEVER imbibe enough alcohol to get drunk or even tipsy. Alcohol should be taken like in mediterranean countries (Italy, France) who have a tradition of taking one glass of wine with meals.  Society should shun people who drink excessively and get drunk.
      • promotion of healthy exercise
      • there should be government emergency programs to promote exercise for children and adults.