I renounce my Female Legal Privileges

I renounce all my female legal and societal privilege, in in an irrevocable, legally binding notarized declaration.  As a strong, empowered woman, I am deeply offended by unequal treatment on the basis of gender on issues, like lifetime alimony, child support, DNA testing and paternity fraud, "domestic violence only against women act", rape shield and harassment laws. I can not change feminist anti-male laws. But I can renounce my female privilege [12] [13] [14] and I suggest every honest egalitarian woman to do the same. 

I hereby irrevocably renounce any privileges I enjoy by virtue of my female gender [6]
and I refuse to engage in discrimination against men [7].  Especially

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I renounce my Female Legal Privileges
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Child Sex Trauma Theory Traumatizes Children (#6)


Child Sex Trauma myth, a self fulfilling prophecy.
The faulty child sex trauma theory is the cause of child sex trauma.

Children generally do not get traumatized by *consensual adult/child sexual experiences. Rather the trauma is caused  by the reaction of parents, peers, teachers,  police, and, yes, therapists. Therapy is often traumatizing.

This conclusion is so drastic and shocking that even we, at Human-Stupidity.com only recently understood the profound implications. The hysterical falsification of science doesn’t just put men in prison with draconian punishments, it actually causes damage to children it purports to protect (compare also Milton Diamond) .

Prohibition of adult/child sexual contact must be justified on ethical, not on scientific grounds. In other words, don’t use false science to justify your moral rules. Disclaimer

Finkelhor (1979) proposed an ethical justification for prohibiting adult/child (defined as a prepubertal youngster) sexual behavior. The reason for using an ethical justification was that the justification based on psychological harm lacked cogency. According to Finkelhor, it was empirically weak since "it is possible that a majority of these children are not harmed" (p.693

Forcible, non-*consensual CSA (Child Sex Abuse), of course, is very different.

From the child’s point of view and from the commonsense point of view, there is an enormous difference between intercourse with a willing little girl and the forcible penetration of the small vagina of a terrified child. One woman I know enjoyed sex with her uncle all through her childhood, and never realized that anything was unusual until she went away to school. What disturbed her then was not what her uncle had done but the attitude of her teachers and the school psychiatrist. They assumed that she must have been traumatized and disgusted and therefore in need of very special help. In order to capitulate to their expectation, she began to fake symptoms she did not feel, until at length she began to feel truly guilty for not having felt guilty. She ended up judging herself quite harshly for this innate lechery (cited in Schultz, 1980, p. 39).   Rind, Tromovitch, and Bauserman: Politically Incorrect – Scientifically Correct

In addition to such anecdotal evidence, research with large samples clearly showed that many children did not get harmed by such adult/child sexuality. Disclaimer

But sex, in general, is not like being mauled by a dog or torture, which are always painful and traumatic. Sex is often just the opposite–the most pleasurable experience one can have. It therefore cannot be assumed a priori that a fourteen- or fifteen-year-old, for example, will react with trauma rather than pleasure just because his or her partner is older. In fact, teens of this age often do not react as the orthodoxy insists they must, as the following example illustrates. It was related by Dan Savage, in relation to the attacks on our study, in his nationally syndicated column “Savage Love” (July 29, 1999):

Why is this controversial? Speaking as a survivor of CSA at fourteen with a twenty-two-year-old woman; sex at fifteen with a thirty-year-old man–I can back the researchers up; I was not traumatized by these technically illegal sexual encounters; indeed, I initiated them and cherish their memory. It’s absurd to think that what I did at fifteen would be considered “child sexual abuse,” or lumped together by lazy researchers with the incestuous rape of a five-year-old girl.
The Condemned Meta-Analysis on Child Sexual Abuse

(The Child Sex Trauma Myth #6)

This is the 6TH in a series of articles about the Child Sex Trauma Myth
(#1 disclaimer, #2, #3, #4, #5)

Unlike Susan Clancy, who stumbled upon the truth and partially retracted:

  • Rind, Tromovitch, and Bauserman are the intellectual academic elite,
  • worthy of being published in the top journals of the American Psychological Association and
  • worthy of being unanimously condemned by US congress and senate

Such research and its unpopular results are absolutely taboo and verboten

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Child Sex Trauma Theory Traumatizes Children (#6)
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Tea Abuse: How a traumatic event impacts children depends on how the adults cope with it. (MRA Angry Harry)

In a nutshell: Whatever kind of ‘abuse’ people have experienced in the past (rape, harassment, assault etc) is made CONSIDERABLY WORSE by those whose self-serving propaganda is designed to make them feel worse.

And then, unsurprisingly, the ‘researchers’ will ERRONEOUSLY interpret the CONSIDERABLY WORSE outcome as being caused by the ‘abuse’ rather than by the self-serving propaganda.

This is how those working in the abuse industry – which is vast in size – nowadays make their living.

And it is mostly at the expense of men.

Angry Harry is a widely admired MRA (men’s rights activist) from the old times, when MRA were not yet actively abetting feminist sex hysteria that imprison thousands of men for *consensual sex with post-pubertal willing girl friends or for possession of photos of girls that are legal to ‘f.uck but not legal to photograph. The antifeminist‘s blog roll lists the few remaining sites that oppose sex hysteria (disclaimer),  

How a traumatic event might impact on children
depends on how the adults around them cope with it.

(The Child Sex Trauma Myth #3)

This is the 3rd in a series of articles about the Child Sex Trauma Myth (#1 disclaimer, #2)

Studies looking at the effect of early traumatic experiences on children – that is, events experienced DIRECTLY by children rather than just images they have seen – have found that neither the severity of the event nor the age of the child at the time can help us predict whether the child will experience behavioural or emotional problems later on.

As child development expert Rudolph Schaffer points out:

‘It has become apparent that there is no direct relationship between age and the impact which experience has on the individual, that young children are not necessarily more vulnerable even to quite severe adversities than older children, and that considerable variability exists in long-term outcome.’

The one variable that does help to predict how a traumatic event might impact on children is how the adults around them cope with it.

From: Are the kids all right? Dr Helene Guldberg (PhD in Child Development) 
           quoted in `Tea Abuse | Angry Harry

Child sex abuse trauma is caused by society’s hysteria

Putting it bluntly: Any long-term negative effects stemming from events that happened in the past are considerably worsened – if not completely manufactured – by negative propaganda concerning such events.  `Tea Abuse | Angry Harry


Tea Abuse | Angry Harry

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Tea Abuse: How a traumatic event impacts children depends on how t…
» continues here »

If mugging laws were like rape laws

Woman: I would like to report a mugging. Last year was drunk running around the street. I met a man who told me a sob story about her owing $1000 rent. He was very convincing. I felt so loving and caring that I just went with him to the ATM and gave him $1000. Now that I am sober, and after ruminating for a few months, I am sorry I gave the money and want to report this robbery. He deserves jail.

  • In a normal non-rape context, the receiving person might be asked to return the money. But never would he be jailed for robbery for accepting money from a lightly drunk stranger. Much less if she complained 6 months after the fact.

    This post is not meant to ridicule true victims of forcible rape. It is meant as a reminder that, unlike in muggers, those accused of rape are not guaranteed constitutional rights of due process.

    Alleged rapists are jailed based on unproven alccusations. Like Strauss-Kahn. This leads to suffering for the falsely accused. It also leads to waste of police time, and decreases the credibility of true victims of rape. It also encourages false accusations, see http://falserapesociety.blogspot.com/

Officer: You are very brave for coming forward. If you were drunk and driving, you would be arrested, but since you were just drunk and stupid, you’re a poor helpless victim. What monster could have done this to you?

Woman: His name is Joe Smith.

Officer: Well, we will go to his place of employment and very loudly announce that he is under arrest for such a terrible crime. He will probably lose his job just due to the accusation. If he is well known, even though he has not yet been tried, we will plaster his face over all newspapers and news channels. Luckily our society is one which no longer believes that “innocent until proven guilty” hogwash, we now have a “let’s hang him just to be safe” approach to crime. He will probably receive death threats, abuse from strangers in public, and may even be forced to move over this allegation.

Woman: Wow, that is great for revenge. What about the trial?

Officer: Even though we have no evidence other than your accusation, we will charge him, as no further evidence is needed thanks to new laws. If he takes it to trial, he will probably spend 15 years in prison, and will be the brunt of abuse of other inmates. Most likely however, the 15 year sentence will scare him enough that he will plead out. He will be in prison for 4-10 years, then when he get out and be on a public registry. If he has children he may never see them again. He will forever be ridiculed by the public and in a sense be a pariah.

Woman: And if after he has spent 7 years in prison, you find out I lied?

Officer: The DA will probably not even file charges, unless there is clear proof you knowingly and maliciously falsely accused the person. This is almost impossible, because you filed charges 6 months after the crime.  If there is absolutely convincing proof, or your confession, you will have to pay a $150 fine. If you have bad luck, we will sentence you to a year probation. We will try to keep it quiet, otherwise other mugging victims may not come forward. He may or may not be released. It helps us if he’s not because now our D.A. and police department can run around and show everyone that we’re doing a great job getting another violent, misanthropic criminal off of the street. It’s win win for everyone, and if he complains about how his life is ruined, he should just man up and get over it.

Woman: Oh no! But what happens if I want to report another mugging after you find out I have been lying?

Officer: Thanks to mugging shield laws, it can never be brought up at trial, you can put as many men in prison as you like.

786279aWoman: Well, if that’s the case, then I want to report another mugging. Bob Johnson, the cab driver, had mugged me a few nights ago. I know that he had me arrested because I had taken the ride and didn’t have any money to pay him, but it was really because he mugged me.

Officer: We will drop all charges against you and arrest Bob Johnson immediately.

Woman: A year ago I reported a (real) robbery. I had been walking around in a bad neighborhood, flashing my money around and someone threatened me with a knife and took my money. Police officer Miller took my report and actually brought the case to trial. But Miller also also told me that it is unwise to walk around drunk flashing cash at night in a bad neighborhood. That is victim blaming.  What sort of world is this where a woman can’t even run around drunk flashing all of his cash and become a victim of unwanted attention?

Woman: I would like to report a mugging. Last year was drunk running around the street. I met a man who told me a sob story about her owing $1000 rent. He was very convincing. I felt so loving and caring that I just went with her to the ATM and gave her $1000. Now that I am sober, and after ruminating for a few months, I am sorry I gave the money and want to report this robbery. He deserves jail.

  • In  a normal non-rape context, the receiving person might be asked to return the money. But never would he be jailed for robbery for accepting money from a lightly drunk stranger. Much less if she complained 6 months after the fact.

Officer: You are very brave for coming forward. If you were drunk and driving, you would be arrested, but since you were just drunk and stupid, you’re a poor helpless victim. What monster could have done this to you?

Woman: His name is Joe Smith.

Officer: Well, we will go to his place of employment and very loudly announce that he is under arrest for such a terrible crime. He will probably lose his job just due to the accusation. If he is well known, even though he has not yet been tried, we will plaster his face over all newspapers and news channels. Luckily our society is one which no longer believes that "innocent until proven guilty" hogwash, we now have a "let’s hang him just to be safe" approach to crime. He will probably receive death threats, abuse from strangers in public, and may even be forced to move over this allegation.

Woman: Wow, that is great for revenge. What about the trial?

Officer: Even though we have no evidence other than your accusation, we will charge him, as no further evidence is needed thanks to new laws. If he takes it to trial, he will probably spend 15 years in prison, and will be the brunt of abuse of other inmates. Most likely however, the 15 year sentence will scare him enough that he will plead out. He will be in prison for 4-10 years, then when he get out and be on a public registry. If he has children he may never see them again. He will forever be ridiculed by the public and in a sense be a pariah.

Woman: And if after he has spent 7 years in prison, you find out I lied?

Officer: The DA will probably not even file charges, unless there is clear proof you knowingly and maliciously falsely accused the person. This is almost impossible, because you filed charges 6 months after the crime.  If there is absolutely convincing proof, or your confession, you will have to pay a $150 fine. If you have bad luck, we will sentence you to a year probation. We will try to keep it quiet, otherwise other mugging victims may not come forward. He may or may not be released. It helps us if he’s not because now our D.A. and police department can run around and show everyone that we’re doing a great job getting another violent, misanthropic criminal off of the street. It’s win win for everyone, and if he complains about how his life is ruined, he should just man up and get over it.

Woman: Oh no! But what happens if I want to report another mugging after you find out I have been lying?

Officer: Thanks to mugging shield laws, it can never be brought up at trial, you can put as many men in prison as you like.

786279aWoman: Well, if that’s the case, then I want to report another mugging. Bob Johnson, the cab driver, had mugged me a few nights ago. I know that he had me arrested because I had taken the ride and didn’t have any money to pay him, but it was really because he mugged me.

Officer: We will drop all charges against you and arrest Bob Johnson immediately.

Woman: A year ago I reported a (real) robbery. I had been walking around in a bad neighborhood, flashing my money around and someone threatened me with a knife and took my money. Police officer Miller took my report and actually brought the case to trial. But Miller also also told me that it is unwise to walk around drunk flashing cash at night in a bad neighborhood. That is victim blaming.  What sort of world is this where a woman can’t even run around drunk flashing all of his cash and become a victim of unwanted attention?

Woman: I would like to report a mugging. Last year was drunk running around the street. I met a man who told me a sob story about her owing $1000 rent. He was very convincing. I felt so loving and caring that I just went with her to the ATM and gave her $1000. Now that I am sober, and after ruminating for a few months, I am sorry I gave the money and want to report this robbery. He deserves jail.

  • In  a normal non-rape context, the receiving person might be asked to return the money. But never would he be jailed for robbery for accepting money from a lightly drunk stranger. Much less if she complained 6 months after the fact.

Officer: You are very brave for coming forward. If you were drunk and driving, you would be arrested, but since you were just drunk and stupid, you’re a poor helpless victim. What monster could have done this to you?

Woman: His name is Joe Smith.

Officer: Well, we will go to his place of employment and very loudly announce that he is under arrest for such a terrible crime. He will probably lose his job just due to the accusation. If he is well known, even though he has not yet been tried, we will plaster his face over all newspapers and news channels. Luckily our society is one which no longer believes that "innocent until proven guilty" hogwash, we now have a "let’s hang him just to be safe" approach to crime. He will probably receive death threats, abuse from strangers in public, and may even be forced to move over this allegation.

Woman: Wow, that is great for revenge. What about the trial?

Officer: Even though we have no evidence other than your accusation, we will charge him, as no further evidence is needed thanks to new laws. If he takes it to trial, he will probably spend 15 years in prison, and will be the brunt of abuse of other inmates. Most likely however, the 15 year sentence will scare him enough that he will plead out. He will be in prison for 4-10 years, then when he get out and be on a public registry. If he has children he may never see them again. He will forever be ridiculed by the public and in a sense be a pariah.

Woman: And if after he has spent 7 years in prison, you find out I lied?

Officer: The DA will probably not even file charges, unless there is clear proof you knowingly and maliciously falsely accused the person. This is almost impossible, because you filed charges 6 months after the crime.  If there is absolutely convincing proof, or your confession, you will have to pay a $150 fine. If you have bad luck, we will sentence you to a year probation. We will try to keep it quiet, otherwise other mugging victims may not come forward. He may or may not be released. It helps us if he’s not because now our D.A. and police department can run around and show everyone that we’re doing a great job getting another violent, misanthropic criminal off of the street. It’s win win for everyone, and if he complains about how his life is ruined, he should just man up and get over it.

Woman: Oh no! But what happens if I want to report another mugging after you find out I have been lying?

Officer: Thanks to mugging shield laws, it can never be brought up at trial, you can put as many men in prison as you like.

786279aWoman: Well, if that’s the case, then I want to report another mugging. Bob Johnson, the cab driver, had mugged me a few nights ago. I know that he had me arrested because I had taken the ride and didn’t have any money to pay him, but it was really because he mugged me.

Officer: We will drop all charges against you and arrest Bob Johnson immediately.

Woman: A year ago I reported a (real) robbery. I had been walking around in a bad neighborhood, flashing my money around and someone threatened me with a knife and took my money. Police officer Miller took my report and actually brought the case to trial. But Miller also also told me that it is unwise to walk around drunk flashing cash at night in a bad neighborhood. That is victim blaming.  What sort of world is this where a woman can’t even run around drunk flashing all of his cash and become a victim of unwanted attention?

Wait, there is more! This article continues! Continue reading “If mugging laws were like rape laws” »
If mugging laws were like rape laws
» continues here »

Consent, rape & minors. What is consent to sex?

Any six year old knows perfectly well if s/he is coerced while overpowered and threatened, or acts consensually out of free will.

Try to explain her/nim that the stupid adults have defined all sexual activity even of late 17 year or 15 year old  adolescents as non-consensual. So it is the same "non-consensual rape" if a 17 year old takes the initiative to work hard to seduce an adult to have sex, or if the same adult rapes him/her at knifepoint. 

The first example is "statutory rape"  and the second is "forcible rape", the reader might retort. That differentiation has long been lost outside theoretical academic discussion.

The press happily reports about trials and conviction of "rapists" that raped the victim 300 times. No, she did not lock up the "victim" in a dungeon for years, like Mr. Fritzl. The victim came always came back for more, but did not consent (by our weird definition of legal consent). Human-Stupidity even documented a case where the rapist, unbeknownst to him,  was duped by the victim into raping her.

Children of 6,8, or 15 years risk serious legal consequences, even jail, if they don’t know these confusing definitions and regulations. Therefore this ought to be be mandatory elementary school subject.

Human-Stupidity has repeatedly, assailed the tendency in modern law, incited by feminism, to "rape" and manipulate language, to use inaccurate and deliberately inflammatory, emotive language to try to foster a hidden agenda. 

Due to feminist zeal to vilify consensual lovers of adolescent women, we belittle the true suffering of victims of forcible rape victims.

Human-Stupidity thinks it it truly offensive to the underage victims of real forcible violent rape to equate their suffering to the the "suffering" of willing participants in sex, to equate their resistance and unequivocal non-consent to the voluntary though legally invalid consent, or to the suddenly withdrawn consent in a "six second rape".

Minors under 18 (or 16) years of age can not consent to sex.  When spoken by a minor under the age of consent, then by this definition, the following absurd equality holds.

"I love you, please make love to me"

(is equal to)

"NOOO, don’t touch me, leave me alone"




Both statements above are non-consent of rape-victims, in case the birds are under the age of consent.


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Consent, rape & minors. What is consent to sex?
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Victim dupes man into raping her. How can you rape without knowing you are raping?

An intelligent, fully conscious young man committed rape without knowing he was raping. He had no clue he was raping. How can you rape while thinking you are not raping? Do you know the answer?

Man unknowingly rapes girl because she deceived him.
Man deceived by girl into unknowingly raping her.

The answer is:

Man who had sex with girl, 12, admits rape but is freed after woman judge says he was ‘duped’ into thinking she was 19

A barman who admitted having sex with a 12-year-old girl walked free from court after convincing a judge she had tricked him into believing she was an adult.

Michael Graham, 25, met the girl through a social networking website on which she had posted pictures of herself and described herself as a 19-year-old student and single mother who enjoyed drinking and having sex.

The girl was inundated with offers from men, but only replied to Graham because he was the best looking, Leeds Crown Court was told.

You guessed wrong? you still haven’t gotten it: consensual sex can be rape. If a 12 or 15 year old happily hops into your bed, or if you drag her into the bushes and hold a knife to her throat, in both cases you commit the same crime “rape”.

This is a special case of “rape by deception”. The “rapist” was deceived.

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Victim dupes man into raping her. How can you rape without knowing…
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Sex trafficking: An US American problem too?

Feminists and others that are opposed to prostitution puposefully confuse issues like:

  • voluntary vs. forced prostitution,
  • adult vs adolescent vs child prostitution.

Here is an analysis of such a confusing article that allows  for an adolescent to be a “trafficked child” even when there is no trafficker.

But the human traffickers who ensnared her had a different vision for Lena, shipping her to America and exploiting her in the sex industry for profit. They met her at the airport with news that her study abroad placement had been changed. She was given new bus tickets and sent off to Detroit, Michigan. Once there they took her passport and her freedom.

After almost a year of enslavement, Lena risked her life to make a daring escape.

Source: http://www.cnn.com/2009/OPINION/11/25/carr.human.trafficking/index.html

Now lots of questions arise. How can a girl be kept imprisioned for a year, while in constant contact with customers? Are there any details that were omitted? did Lena really come with an I-5 Student visa? How come her schoold did not miss her? Or was she smuggled into the US, consensually?

Now, in the US, prostitution is illegal. This might be a good reason for girls to claim being a trafficing victim when caught. But, let us suppose the story is true. I believe such stories exist, but they are probably very rare.

The “Human Trafficking Clinic at the University of Michigan Law School […] works to identify solutions to combat human trafficking“.  I am here to help to identify such solutions:

How can such tragedies be avoided? Well, this is similar to the drug industry: legalizing lighter drugs would solve a lot of the crime connected to drug trading. Equally, the problems of true human trafficing can be solved by methods that Mrs. Carr probably would not endorse:

  1. legalizing prostitution and
  2. legalizing prostitution by foreigners by emitting work visa to sex workers

would make most human trafficers jobless.  Easy availability of 18 year old legal prostitutes would probably reduce the desire for 16 year old illegal jail bait.

Now Mrs. Carr somehow changes topic. Lena was seemingly not underage, but she mixes these things up with child prostitution.  Children are under 12 or under 14 years old, but prostitution of adolescents does not sound as catchy as child prostitution, so conveniently, Mrs. Carr introduces some more confusion.

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Sex trafficking: An US American problem too?
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Drunk girl cries rape after consent

Women gets herself silly drunk. Agrees to have sex. Passes out during sex and later cries rape.

A JUDGE has questioned if a man who had sex with a drunken woman after she passed out should be “marked for the rest of his days as a rapist”, describing it as a “technical rape”. […]

The court had heard Sloan met his victim at the PJ O’Brien’s pub and suggested they have sex across the road.
She agreed and the two began to have sex but she fell asleep during foreplay – which Sloan continued despite her being unconscious. Both were drunk at the time, with the woman being “heavily intoxicated”.

Sloan was due to be sentenced yesterday. Prosecutors had asked he receive at least a suspended jail term for his crime. However, Judge Smith said that might not be an appropriate penalty.

Source: http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/when-rape-isnt-actually-rape-outrage-at-judges-sex-assault-excuses/story-e6freuy9-1225753449620

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Drunk girl cries rape after consent
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