- Cartoon characters need protection from sexual abuse, Australia’s supreme court recognized. According to the voodoo theory of child porn, each time someone looks at the cartoon, the cartoon figure will be victimized again. Or maybe the paper, or the computer hard disk will be victimized.
- Police see rise in child porn cases committed by children: Of course, children are live walking child pornography themselves. When they look in the bathroom mirror, what do they see? Child pornography, of course. And children need to be protected from themselves. Putting them in a court of law to save them from victimizing themselves. Sorry, we have difficulty understanding this nonsense witch hunt beliefs.
- Rethinking Sex Offender Laws for Youth Texting |NYT. Excesses of Child pornography hysteria victimize innocent children of law abiding middle class parents. So there is a tendency to fix the worst excesses of child pornography laws. This is a small step to reduce victims of child pornography laws. Fewer people care about adult men who spend 20 years in prison for possession of pictures. Child porn laws victimize children directly, as "child pornographers", Milton Diamond has proven that child porn prohibition laws also victimize children indirectly, by increasing real child sexual abuse,
- Pornography sentence unconstitutionally cruel, judge rules. Forensic Psychology web site quoting Judge Weinstein. Worth reading.
- Sex Gulag, a great web site:
Consider that child pornography was actually LEGAL at one time. Later, it became illegal to PRODUCE. And then it became illegal to DISTRIBUTE. And then it became illegal to SHOW to someone else. And then it became illegal to POSSESS if produced AFTER a certain date. And then all possession became illegal. And then the penalties became stiffer. Then stiffer, still. And stiffer again and again.
How true
Consider also that child pornography now includes DRAWINGS and CARTOONS which at no time involved the use of actual children, something that would have been unthinkable just a few years ago.
How true. Even voodoo theory can not justify this. Robert Kurzban can explain how even then victims can be found.
And these laws can DESTROY the rest of your LIFE, even if there are no victims.
This is the essence of incremental social engineering (Quoted from Sex Gulag)
Fake Simpsons cartoon is ‘child porn’
A fake cartoon depicting Bart and Lisa from The Simpsons engaging in sexual acts has been deemed as child pornography.
Supreme Court judge Justice Michael Adams ruled in Australia that child cartoon characters could depict a real person.
The Simpsons were doctored to depict child pornography
He upheld a magistrate judge’s decision to convict Alan John McEwan of possessing child pornography after the internet cartoons were found on his computer.
The animation depicted characters modelled on Bart, Lisa and Maggie Simpson engaging in sex acts. […]
McEwan appealed against the ruling, arguing that fictional cartoon characters could not be considered people.
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