Why do we eat bowel-cancer-causing bacon sandwiches?

A different take on the age 0ld issue: why do people smoke, eat unhealty. Why don’t they listen to health advice about dangers that happen in the far future.

While the article does not give clear good answers, nevertheless it gives some funny and interesting suggestions.


By David Spiegelhalter
Professor of risk understanding, University of Cambridge


The threat from bacon sandwiches gave the opportunity for The Sun to produce the classic headline “Careless pork costs lives”, while the Daily Telegraph was true to form and frothed on about the nanny-state denying us our bacon birthright.

But all these health warnings tend to have little influence on behaviour, just as scientific derision for homeopathy appears to have no effect on many people’s enthusiasm.

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Why do we eat bowel-cancer-causing bacon sandwiches?
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“Child Abuse” Dogmatists Repress Scientific Research

The blog put up a very very nice listing of persecution of scientists, of repression of scientific research by dogmatic people. It is correctly called radical left. I would not sign off blindly on all their statements.

[Disclaimer: My main topic is “defense of free research”, “freedom to find the scientific true facts” without getting death threats. This is not a crusade for underage sex, it is rather about unbiased truth & freedom of research versus dogmatic preconceived ideas]


In the only instance of a U.S. Congressional resolution against a scientific paper, the House of Representatives, with only minimal opposition, denounced a study by Dr. Bruce Rind & others, published in the scholarly review, Psychological Bulletin, in 1998.

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“Child Abuse” Dogmatists Repress Scientific Research
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Are there women paedophiles?

If  a man to believes that his sexual problems stem from being “abused” by an attractive female when he was fourteen,  this  normally would not pass as scientific evidence.  But on issues with dogmatic preconceived dogmas,  such faulty evidence can be presented in scientific conferences.
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Are there women paedophiles?
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Teenage Sexuality & Pedophilia


In the US, the laws on sexual repression/oppression are getting worse. I say this because I am a convicted sex offender.

It happened 10 years ago when at the age of 19 I had consensual sex with a girl aged 14.

At the time she told me that she was 18 (thus legal). The blame all fell on me however.

I was told that I should have known better and sentenced to two years in prison.

At that age, by US law, I was unable to make the decision to consume alcohol responsibly, yet I should have known that she wasn’t 18?

How shocking is that?

Blind dogmatism makes exaggerated laws that stigmatize innocent people. The modern witch hunt. Adolescents need legal counsel before engaging in any sexual behavior.

Pirates with Grenade Launchers Attack British Ship. Captured and set Free by Portuguese Navy

Heavily armed pirates attack a British ship. They were arrested by a Portuguese warship (part of the same Nato alliance as Britain) and then set fee.

Explosives and grenade launchers were discovered on the mother ship when Portuguese special forces boarded “with no exchange of fire”, Lt Cmdr Alexandre Santos Fernandes said.

“It was almost a kilogramme of high explosives. If used correctly it can open a hole in the hull of a ship and sink her,” Lt Cmdr Fernandes said.

“It is the first time we have spotted high explosives on board a pirate ship, normally they just stick to AK-47s and RPGs (grenades).”

The 19 pirate suspects were released because they had not attacked Portuguese property or citizens.

I really wonder if that is furthering human happiness, or if it contributes to more suffering, encouraging further piracy by the same criminals and by others encouraged by their impunity.

Supreme Court rules against networks on indecent speech

The commission formally reversed its policy in March 2004 to declare even a single use of an expletive could be illegal.

The changes became known as the “Golden Globes Rule,” for singer Bono’s 2003 acceptance speech at the awards show on NBC, where he uttered the phrase “really, really, f—ing brilliant.”

All quotes  from http://www.cnn.com/2009/US/04/28/supreme.court.indecent.speech/

This not an example of profound human stupidity. It is even understandable that some want to protect their kids from foul language.

Nevertheless, the “Golden Globe Rule” seems to be going overboard.
This is just an amusing example of exaggerated dogmatic conservativism. It must be quite expensive to have all live television programs delayed a few seconds, so that professional who dedicates his live to beeper-button-pressing can bleep out any indecent word that could possibly be spoken.

Wait, there is more! This article continues! More about Indecent Language on Radio (with indecent Video) »
Supreme Court rules against networks on indecent speech
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Problematic Human Rights: captured Somali pirates are usually released

Human Right are certainly a progress compared to middle age witch tortures and stalinistic despotic abuses.

But as all dogmas, maybe they should be questioned.  Setting pirates free after expensive capture, does that not encourage piracy and create human suffering? Potential victims of the next attack of the same pirates? Victims of other pirates who join the profession, because they see that their biggest risk is spending a day on a war ship, getting fed and then sent back home? Everyone in the world who pays higher cost for higher insurance premiums due to piracy?

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Problematic Human Rights: captured Somali pirates are usually rele…
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Busreklame: Werbung für ein Leben ohne Gott



Werbung für ein Leben ohne Gott

Von Jens Lubbadeh

Gottlos glücklich: In Großbritannien und Spanien rollten sie bereits, nun sollen auch in deutschen Städten Busse Werbung für ein glückliches Leben ohne Gott machen. Die atheistischen Initiatoren sehen sich als Aufklärer, nicht als Missionare.


 nach Angaben des Statistischen Bundesamtes gehören rund ein Drittel aller Deutschen keiner Religion an. Eine 2005 durchgeführte Erhebung von AP-Ipsos ergab, dass nur 22 Prozent der Deutschen keine Zweifel an der Existenz Gottes hegen. Atheisten und Agnostiker kommen dagegen gemeinsam auf 23 Prozent


Atheisten-Vereinigung ” Brights“.


 200 Busse fuhren mit der Botschaft “There is probably no god. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life” durch London.