George Zimmermann is almost forgotten by the press. It is hard to find recent info about the case of Trayvon Martin’s killing. The case is very important because it shows a strong divergence of opinions of whites versus blacks (and certain liberal whites).
George Zimmermann | Human-Stupidity. Many more links can be found in these articles.
- 72% of blacks, 31% non-blacks believe George Zimmermann is guilty(Gallup). Why the racial differences?
- Trayvon Martin & George Zimmermann: was it self defense?
- Trayvon Martin, racial profiling, political correctness `
- Trayvon Martin, black rage and political correctness
- George Zimmermann’s defense wins right to Trayvon Martin’s school records and social network data
- George Zimmermann legal case blog by his lawyer. Very strictly focusing on the legal case. They won a court ruling George Zimmerman’s lawyer can keep blogging about the Trayvon Martin case./ Says the judge.
- "Wild About Trial" Trayvon Martin case teaser For only 99 cents, access to all court documents, interviews, links to press publications. A great site to get all the details about famous court cases, for just a little money. We see bias, though, as it depicts Trayvon Martin as good student without mentioning his 10 day suspension, and talks about the "murder" of Trayvon Martin. You can find their videos, for free, on YouTube.dozens of YouTube Videos of court hearings and more in George Zimmermann case
- Videos of George Zimmermann hearings
- George Zimmermann hearing part 1. to 10
- Zimmerman May Sue NBC for Libel // Zimmerman’s Lawsuit Against Al Sharpton, NBC, and the Martin Family Attorneys
- Black on Black, or Black on White crime does not deserve the same attention.
- Trayvon’s potentially lawless attitudes get ignored completely
- Did Trayvon get suspended for punching a bus driver?
- Was Trayvon a burglar?
- We would not be surprised if the jewelry confiscated from Trayvon Martin stemmed from one of the frequent burglaries at George Zimmermann‘s gated community. That, of course, would be the perfect closure of the case. It would explain Trayvon behaving in suspicious ways, well, like a burglar checking out houses. I would explain Trayvon Martin getting concerned, angry, and violent when followed. It would explain why he did not want to go home, to be identified.
- Yes, our theory is a little far fetched and not very likely.
- We will have a chance to find out because George Zimmermann’s defense wins right to Trayvon Martin’s school records and social network data This is relevant to ascertain if Trayvon Martin is the type of person who would throw the first punch.
If there was any indication that Zimmermann physically attacked Trayvon, we would agree that George Zimmermann should be tried for murder or manslaughter.
We are on Zimmermann’s side, because all indicates that George is telling the truth, that he was attacked by Martin. (is it not interesting that everyone calls Trayvon Martin by his first name (sounds back) and George Zimmermann by his last name (sounds white or Jewish)?
George Zimmermann is being threatened by vigilantes, has to go in hiding. He has huge legal costs to defend himself against the power of the state and of the entire civil rights movement . The threat of riots and government intervention are strong enough to intimidate judges and jurors.
Donate to the George Zimmermann defense fund
Black entitlement
Human Stupidity has focused on the pervasive attitude of Black entitlement 1 2. Zimmermann is considered guilty because
- George Zimmermann dared to leave his car,
- George dared to suspect that Trayvon might be up to no good, and
- Trayvon Martin is entitled to attack him,
- Blacks are entitled to riot in protest
the New Black Panther Party is entitled to take the law into their own hands and to put up a bounty on Zimmermann, dead and alive. We think this is shocking
Defending our Friend; the Most Hated Man in America
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