Child Pornography, Gun Dealings, on Trayvon Martin’s Cell Phone

Underage nude females constitute child porn. (Copine scale). Child pornography was found on Trayvon Martin’s cell phone, revealed whistle blower Ben Kruidbos, subsequently fired by special prosecutor Angela Currey.

Kruidbos testified last month that he found embarrassing photos found on Trayvon’s cellphone, including pictures of a clump of jewelry on a bed, underage nude females, marijuana plants and a hand holding a semiautomatic pistol. Defense attorneys allege that data wasn’t turned over to them as part of the evidence exchange process, known as discovery. Orlando Sentinel

Possession of child pornography is a strict liability crimepunishable with severe multi-year mandatory prison sentences for each single picture and life long registration as a sex offender.

According to legal doctrine the depicted minor suffers severe victimization whenever these photos are viewed.

Nelson declined on Thursday to rule, before trial anyway, on a defense request to sanction prosecutors for allegedly failing to disclose key text messages and photos found in Trayvon’s cell phone.

The new data included photos of naked “underage” girls, Trayvon smoking, a photo of a gun and texts describing what appeared to show the teen arranging the purchase of a firearm. The information was later released to the media by the defense but won’t be shown initially to jurors.
Miami Herald (see also Fox News)

This is all part of Government and media’s lies, deceit about George Zimmermann trial.

Trayvon Martin, a thuggish criminal with multiple 10 day school suspension for crimes that were never reported to police (possession of lumps of jewelry, burglary tools, drugs, multi round after school MMA fighting and aggression) and now, child pornography and semi-automatic weapon photos.

Kruidbos, who testified in a pretrial hearing in the Zimmerman case in June, said that he had reason to believe that additional information found in Trayvon Martin’s cell phone had not been turned over to the defense. Kruidbos said more than 2,000 photos from the phone were not shown to defense attorneys, including pictures of underage naked girls, images showing piles of jewelry on Martin’s bed and photos of Martin blowing smoke. HLNtv

One might dismiss naked underage girls as irrelevant. Human-Stupidity has amply documented, how prosecutors think naked underage girls are extremely relevant due to child pornography  laws.


But piles of jewelry raise suspicion that Trayvon really is a burglar, maybe was checking out houses and was correctly profiled by George Zimmerman.

Piles of jewelry (likely the proceeds of burglary) had been found in Trayvon Martin’s school backpack, confiscated, and were never part of a police inquiry, due to government orders to avoid disciplining black students.

After school MMA fighting, gun procurement activities etc. would complete the picture of an aggressor that would not just go home when angered by a suspicious neighborhood watch man, but would go back to exact revenge and blood.


Some of the earliest text messages date back to early November 2011, in which Trayvon, a junior at Dr. Michael M. Krop Senior High School in North Miami-Dade, indicates he was suspended from school for being in a fistfight.

Later in the month, on the 21st, he exchanged messages with at least one friend about an after-school fight.

One of Trayvon’s cellphone pictures shows two teens about to square off against one another as a third stands in the middle like a referee. Trayvon said he fought a rival who "snitched on me." I
n Trayvon Martin’s text messages, talk of marijuana, fights and guns

Little sweet Trayvon, a habitual street fighter, drug user, interested in guns. Inadmissible evidence?

Press media’s lies, deceit about George Zimmermann trial

How would the US Department of Justice, President Obama, the entire world press conspire to engage in a campaign of lies, deception and misinformation?

We used to believe in an objective investigating press in the Western democracies, US, Europe, elsewhere. But political correctness utterly corrupted freedom of press and academia. Hate crime laws prohibit true information about race, crime, and iq, feminism corrupts academic research about  domestic violence and legal due process.  We bemoan our loss of freedom, our constitutional rights, are dumbfounded and still seek explanations for such misinformation campaigns. Do these journalists, prosecutors, opinion-makers self-deceive and really believe in their own lies?

Political correctness creates hate and mayhem

Had Press and Government told the truth about George Zimmerman‘s clear self defense, the New Black Panthers would not seek vigilante justice, Blacks would not feel entitled to commit violent crime "in revenge for Trayvon Martin:  Remember the  misleading edit of the 911 tape, cause of a law suit by George Zimmermann against NBC?

Had the press chosen to always show the following photos of George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin, the trial would have never happened, or the verdict readily accepted.


George Zimmerman’s head 2 minutes after the shooting. Below recent photos from  Trayvon Martin’s own social media.

Instead the press chose to show Trayvon Martin as an angelical 12 year old boy, and used Zimmerman’s heavyset mug photo, falsely suggesting a huge weight and fighting advantage for Zimmerman, and, falsely, a criminal past for George Zimmerman.  

By any objective standard, the prestige press has shamed itself by its repeated distortions of the facts to make them fit its desires for a tale of White Privilege, Innocent Black Victimization, and Stereotyping. (Of course, by controlling the narrative, there will be virtually no accountability.) As I’ve mentioned before, when the press decides to go all in on a race story, they seem to pick ones that unravel into travesties at a higher than random rate. This story began to fall apart the moment George Zimmerman’s picture was printed.
The central mechanism that leads the press astray is its War to Wipe Out Stereotypes, to wipe clean the collective mind, to render the blank slate as blank as possible. The fundamental problem of journalism, in the minds of the more elevated sort of journalist, is that its readers can notice patterns for themselves 9

The trial was based on an illegally lying prosecutor who would not have had a case, had she told the truth.

It turned out, once pre-trial discovery was exchanged, that the affidavit upon which probable cause was found had not disclosed a lot of significant exculpatory details.  There was no mention of the significant injuries to Zimmerman, or of John Good’s eyewitness account that Martin was on top of Zimmerman hitting him Mixed Martial Arts style.  All the Affidavit said on the subject of the physical confrontation was that there was “a struggle.”

The Affidavit identified the voice screaming for help as that of Martin based on an interview with his mother, but did not reveal what we now know, that Martin’s father initially denied it was his son.

The Affidavit also was inaccurate, such as alleging that the 911 operator “instructed Zimmerman not” to follow Martin — a false fact which lives on in the media mythology of the case. Alan Dershowitz vs. Angela Corey over misleading Affidavit of Probable Cause

If Angela Corey threatened suit against Dershowitz and Harvard, she needs to step down from Zimmerman case

How would the US Department of Justice, the entire world press 
conspire to engage in a campaign of lies and distortion?

Our belief in a free and objective press in Western democracies lies shattered. The press, in unison with the US government and justice engaged in a successful campaign of lies, deceit, and omission.

The only one that actually tried to find a theory to explain this world wide campaign of lies is Steve Sailer from  isteve and the excellent vdare site


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Press media’s lies, deceit about George Zimmermann trial
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"Der Spiegel" lügt: George Zimmerman, Opfer von schwarzem Rassismus und Verleumdungen

Der Spiegel 1 2 3 4, zusammen mit der gesamten deutschen Presse wiederholt kritiklos die  Lügen der Amerikanischen "Bürgerrechtler".  Daher ist das deutsche Publikum vollständig falsch informiert und hat eine sehr verzerrte Ansicht.

George Zimmernann wurde von Trayvon Martin lebensegefährlich angegriffen und hat ihn in Notwehr erschossen. Zimmerman selber rief die Polizei, bereits vor der Tat. Er wurde festgenommen, erkärte alles der Polizei die es penibel überprüfte. Da alle seine Aussagen mit den Indizien voll übereinstimmten, wurde er frei gelassen.

Schwarze "Bürgerrechts"-Aktivisten, zusammen mit einer rassistischen Regierung (Obama mischte sich ein) und Justiz erzwangen eine Festnahme und fadenscheinige Anklage voll von Lügen.  (Dershowitz: Zimmerman Arrest Affidavit ‘Irresponsible And Unethical’)

Da der Polizeichef sich weigerte, einen erwiesenen Unschuldigen festzunehmen, musst er erst entlassen werden bevor Zimmermann festgenommen werden konnte.


In unseren 15 Artikeln über George Zimmerman und Trayvon Martin werden die hier im Folgenden aufgestellten Behauptungen bewiesen.


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"Der Spiegel" lügt: George Zimmerman, Opfer von sch…
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George Zimmermann Acquitted: Victim of Government and Black Racism

George Zimmerman, a good law-abiding Hispanic man, was viciously attacked by a strong young football-playing black man, Trayvon Martin, who used concrete floor as his weapon,

George got injured, was on the verge of getting killed. Luckily he managed to pull his gun before the assailant got to it and saved himself with a clean shot.

This is the clear and obvious truth with 99.9% certainty. Common sense indicates that a sober neighborhood watch activist would not first alert police before before hunting down and killing an innocent victim. Witnesses and forensic evidence clearly supported George Zimmerman‘s version. Thankfully, he was cleared by unanimous vote of the jury.

George Zimmerman found NOT GUILTY of the murder or manslaughter of Trayvon Martin

The jury of six women took more than 16 hours and 20 minutes over two days to reach a verdict, in which time they unanimously decided the neighborhood watch volunteer justifiably killed the teenager because he believed his life was in imminent danger. […]

As the verdict drew near, police and city leaders in the Orlando suburb of Sanford and other parts of Florida said they were taking precautions against the possibility of mass protests or unrest.

George Zimmerman, dead man walking

George’s plight is far from over. He is likely to be injured or killed by a vigilante. He will have to live in hiding. Zimmerman, the victim of a vicious attack, already was unjustly fired from college.

Twitter users calls neighborhood watch volunteer ‘dead man walking’ […]

Remember the New Black Panthers? The populace has been systematically misinformed and deceived, thus they honestly believe Zimmermann is obviously guilty

Jurors hopefully are safe.

Jurors were being sequestered, and their identities are kept anonymous _ they are identified only by number. 3

Government and Press lied systematically, willfully spreading misinformation

Government, the press invented elaborate highly unlikely conspiracy theories that just don’t make sense. The press consistently showed photos of a 12 year old child instead of recent photos of a tall, dope using young man with serious school discipline problems, who shows off gang signs and gold front teeth.

As a good man he is, George Zimmerman collaborated with police, right after the self defense killing. He waived all rights to remain silent, or to get a lawyer. He responded everything, explained all that happened. Experienced police detectives know how to catch a lying criminal, but  Zimmerman never contradicted himself. His injuries, his wet grassy back, all evidence supported what he said. He was in police custody and was thoroughly investigated and found not guilty.

Then the s.o called civil rights movement started to pursue the case. Invented lies and stories about black victimization. Zimmerman had to go into hiding, due to death threats and a racist illegal criminal bounty by the New Black Panthers. Whites were beaten into coma by Blacks telling them "This is revenge for Trayvon Martin."

Even president Obama interfered. The police chief had to be fired, because he also was a good man, refused to yield to Washington politician’s pressure. He refused to to illegally arrest an innocent Zimmerman, without probably cause. A man he had thoroughly investigated

Zimmermann was the victim of a vicious attack, suffered the stress of having to kill a man to save his live. He got arrested due to mob pressure and politically correct government. Financially ruined, his life derailed, forever in danger of being accosted by black vigilantes like the New Black Panthers.

Did Trayvon Martin stay in wait,  or run in circles?

Had out of shape Zimmermann been the aggressive hunter, chased down athletic football player Trayvon Martin, why did the altercation happen near Zimmerman’s car, at a place they would have passed over 100 seconds earlier?

Did they run in circles? Why did Trayvon carefully avoid his nearby destination, the father’s girlfriend’s home, and instead showed up where Zimmerman had been long ago? Even the court proceedings did not clear this up.

It does not make any sense.

Mr O’Mara also challenged the jury to think about what Martin was doing for four minutes – after a friend on the phone told him to start running, but before he came face to face with Mr Zimmerman.

The defence lawyer fell silent for four minutes, and said the teenager had spent that amount of time planning his attack instead of returning home.

Mr O’Mara said the aggressor was Martin, "the guy who decided not to go home when he had a chance to".  George Zimmerman defence makes closing argument

Prosecution, and the entire press, spew unlikely or impossible facts, and the defense was, well, too defensive.

  1. It is a constitutional right to leave one’s car and follow someone at a respectful distance
  2. 911 dispatchers don’t have the right to ORDER someone not to follow
  3. everything indicates that Zimmerman obeyed and stopped following when told to do so
  4. if George had followed Martin, it is a logical necessity that they ran in circles and Martin carefully avoided going home

Was Trayvon Martin a thug?

Martin was killed during one of his many 10 day school suspension. A young man who has been found with burglary tools and (likely) stolen jewelry. Elaborate unlikely stories had to be woven to try to explain away the obvious.


George Zimmerman ought to be acquitted for proven innocence. This is not going to happen, because the trial focused on testimony of biased people’s opinions, not on facts, time lines, expert witnesses. This is because all the facts clearly support George Zimmerman’s version of the events.

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George Zimmermann Acquitted: Victim of Government and Black Racism
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Police urge Blacks not to riot after Zimmermann verdict

George Zimmerman’s honesty and collaboration convinced the police department, and thus he was set free after a short arrest on the day he was (likely) criminally assaulted by Trayvon Martin. 

Zimmermann got death threats, the New Black Panthers mounted a man hunt.  Political pressure from the president down forced a baseless unfounded trial. All evidence supports George’s version, but the trial emphasized moot issues like Martin’s mothers opinion about a voice so garbled that experts said it could not be identified.

It does not matter. If all evidence speaks for Zimmermann for the second time. The racist black lynch mob does not get convinced by facts. Riots are almost inevitable. Zimmermann ought to be acquitted for proven innocence. Certainly, nobody can prove beyond reasonable doubt that he committed premeditated murder. Zimmerman’s Low Burden of Proof on the Issue of Self Defense

(CNN) — Florida authorities have a message as the verdict in the George Zimmerman trial looms: raise your voice, not your hands.

Anticipating that the outcome of the very public, and racially-tinged, case is likely to disappoint one swath of the population or another, law enforcement agencies have set up a response plan.

Part of it is a public service announcement that the Broward County Sheriff’s Office released this week.

In it, a black teenage boy and a Hispanic girl urge viewers to "stand together as one. No cuffs, no guns." CNN

The press shamefully hides Black Mob Violence (40) from our sight, by not mentioning the race of the perpetrators.


Ex-Sanford police chief: Zimmerman probe ‘taken away from us’

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Police urge Blacks not to riot after Zimmermann verdict
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Riots and Mayhem after George Zimmerman’s Acquittal

Florida will burn, after the inevitable acquittal of George Zimmerman. Zimmerman was only arrested and tried, because a lynch mob of race activists wielded their political influence and even President Obama unduly interfered in police and legal matters. The New Black Panthers might renew their lawless bounty for George Zimmerman.

Blacks feel Trayvon Martin would be entitled to punch George Zimmermann just for the sin of leaving his car and following the boy from afar. 3 4 5 6

Blacks feel entitled to riot when the feel slighted, like in the Rodney King case. Even London and Paris already had their share of multi-day violent Black riots. Nobody fears a race riot upon Zimmermann’s unjustified conviction, as no race rioted at OJ Simpson’s acquittal 7 8.

Political Motives Behind Trial of George Zimmerman? (Video)


Focus on Martin family speculations

The only evidence against George Zimmerman came from testimony by Martin’s family (who changed their minds and lied about it) and Martin’s girl friend, (who in spite of ample prepping by the Martin family lawyer was caught lying.)

The only "proof" is all family swear that they recognize that the screams for help were Martin’s voice. What other answer would one expect? Witnesses that were primed and trained as to what the most favorable answers are. And, of course, they WANT to believe that Trayvon was not an aggressive thug.

Amazingly, Zimmermann himself once had said that these screams don’t sound like his own voice, Zimmermann himself does not recognize his voice. This is George Zimmermann‘s disarming honesty that convinced police of his innocence.

Police correctly had concluded that Zimmerman had acted in self defense and thus had set him free. Unlike the prosecution witnesses, Zimmermann never was caught changing his testimony.

Omitted evidence

Trayvon Martin’s school record of multiple 10 day suspensions for probably criminal behavior, possession of burglary tools and jewelry was not elucidated.11 Nor his text messages about fighting

Nor have we seen any attempt to discuss the time line, to explain how Trayvon Martin got killed at a location he had passed hundreds of seconds earlier. Trayvon Martin had plenty of time to go home, but he chose not to. Instead he and George Zimmerman had their deadly encounter near Zimmerman’s car, where they had been hundreds of seconds earlier. 22 23 23 [wikipedia timeline]

Trayvon Martin had plenty of time to go home, but he chose not to. Instead he and George Zimmerman had their deadly encounter near Zimmerman’s car, where they had been several minutes earlier. 12

Proponents of political correctness distort the truth. We must not defend racial profiling nor mention a long list of black criminality which is a multiple of white violent criminality. IN a similar case, witnesses confirmed that Black youth DeAndre Felton was killed in clear self defense.

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Riots and Mayhem after George Zimmerman’s Acquittal
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Lower age of consent to 13. Who is in support of Barbara Hewson?

It is very courageous for Barbara Hewson to out herself as a *child sex apologist. She draws a lot of negativity, unfortunately, very few people agree with her.

Among all the bad press, here a few positive voices


Lowering the age of consent merits open debate, not closed minds

[Hanson] made light of what she regards as trivial sexual touching of young people by adults, saying that making an issue of it distracts people from really serious abuse, such as rape. Her view is that there are qualitatively different forms of sex abuse and they shouldn’t be lumped together.

Positive reactions to Barbara Hewson’s proposals are rare. Who dares to favor "child abuse", teenage sexuality, to protect "dirty old men"?

Child Abuse Moral Panic: a dozen great articles from Spiked Magazine

Age of Consent Should Be 13 Says Prominent Barrister | The Antifeminist

Scientific Evidence That Men Dig Barely Legal Chicks

scientists have found that men DO NOT prefer maximally fertile women.

An interesting suggestion how to implement age of consent laws

Ok, fix specific age at 12 or 13, the normal age of puberty (though apparently it is shifting). Make consent completely impossible below this age. From 13 to 18, when the person is legally a minor, give parents authority to demand any relationship stop, without making that relationship automatically illegal. Then, from 13 to 15, impose a maximum age difference of 7 years (beyond which consent is assumed to have been obtained through coercion), where a high burden of proof is needed to make consent valid. Between 3 and 7 years of age difference, decide on a case by case basis (to see if consent was obtained through coercion) and below 3 years of age difference, make it legal. How’s that for specificity? permalink

Judgy Bitch has very refreshing strong opinions:

Should 13 year olds be having sex? Probably not. They shouldn’t be fame whores, either


Lower age of consent to 13: Barbara Hewson faces outrage

Lower age of consent! Such a daring proposal by prominent barrister Barbara Hewson exposes her to death and rape threats by the vicious political correctness and sexual panic crowd of today and subjects her to fierce criticism.  In today’s lunacy of ever expanding sex crimes, ever rising age of consent3, a rare voice of reason gets drowned out quickly by the ruling powerful moral panic mongers, led by feminists.

Human-Stupidity wonders where she got the courage to voice such taboo opinions. We encourage all to read Barbara Hewson’s original article and to promote and encourage her views. One such rare positive blog is the antifeminist.

Outrage at barrister who called Stuart Hall’s crimes ‘low level’

  • Barbara Hewson also said aged of consent should be lowered to 13
  • She described Operation Yewtree arrests as a ‘grotesque spectacle’
  • Claimed disgraced Stuart Hall’s crimes were ‘low level misdemeanors’
  • NSPCC said her ‘outdated and simply ill-informed’ views ‘beggars belief’
  • Dr Brooke Magnanti, formerly know as prostitute  Belle de Jour is also fairly negative, in spite of her positive experience with older men she titles her article Making sex legal at 13 is pure lunacy

    Ironically I became very aware of this reality as a second-year student at university, dating someone twice my age. In our case, the problem was not that he took advantage of me – far from it – but rather that the age difference meant our expectations and hopes for dating were very different. To me, he was a cool, smart guy with his own flat and car. Score! What it took me much longer to see is that he was losing out by getting involved with someone who expected casual dating, not a potential long term partner. Not too long after we split, he married…someone his own age. (We’re still friends by the way. At least he saved me from having to ever date any 18-year-old boys.)


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Lower age of consent to 13: Barbara Hewson faces outrage
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