Nelson Mandela – worse than Apartheid?


Nelson Mandela is universally revered.

So much that joking about him leads to arrest in Britain.

Arrested Because He Joked About Mandela: Police Hold Shopkeeper for Eight Hours, Take His DNA and Seize His Computer | Daily Mail

South Africa has one of the highest violent crime rates in the world.

Better off Under Apartheid
60% of South Africans: ‘Country Better run under Apartheid!’; ANC

Dec 12, 2009 – Most South Africans, both black and white, believe the country was better run of "apartheid nostalgia" as South Africa grapples with high crime rates, …. HRC statistics, 21,000 people died in political violence in South Africa

Video A media blackout, world wide, hides black on white murder in South Africa. The same happens in the USA:

Mandela’s radicalism often ignored by Western admirers Aljazeera America December 6, 2013

"If you talk to many American liberals, they think Mandela was Martin Luther King," Ellis said. "If you say, ‘No, Mandela started a guerrilla army, he was a communist, he did this, he did that,’ they just don’t get it. They don’t know what you’re talking about."

Yet even later, as South African president from 1994 to 1999, Mandela would irk his friends in the West by expressing solidarity with leaders such as Cuba’s Castro and Libya’s Muammar Gaddafi, as well as finding common cause with the Palestinians in their struggle for statehood.


Our falsified politically correct science and policy do not even help the disadvantaged. Blacks are in full control of Detroit, have the major, police chief. And Detroit is one of the most corrupt and inept cities in the USA. 

Crime and poverty in Africa on the rise

(Reuters) – In a country cursed by one of the world’s highest murder rates, being a white farmer makes a violent death an even higher risk.

Whether attacks have been motivated by race or robbery, a rising death rate from rural homicides is drawing attention to the lack of change on South Africa’s farms nearly two decades after the end of apartheid – and to the tensions burgeoning over enduring racial inequality.

Some of South Africa’s predominantly white commercial farmers go as far as to brand the farm killings a genocide.

On the other side of the divide, populists are seizing on the discontent among the black majority to demand a forced redistribution of white-owned farms along the lines of neighbouring Zimbabwe. Reuters

Zimbabwe was a grain exporting bread basket before the land distribution to Blacks

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Nelson Mandela – worse than Apartheid?
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Intelligence, Race, Criminality: Taboo Poll in Nature Magazine

Shocking questions. Should scientists refrain from studying topics for fear of PC (political correctness)? Is political correctness more important then finding the scientific truth about important issues of our modern life (crime, intelligence, scientific and economic progress, etc.).

Though we disagree with the idea of censorship, we thank Nature Magazine for bringing out the issue into the open.

This is much better then Canadian law, where even the discussion of censorship is censored by hate speech laws. See Canada


NATURE Magazine Has A Poll (That You Can Vote In!) On "Taboo Genetics"

Ethics: Taboo genetics

Probing the biological basis of certain traits ignites controversy. But some scientists choose to cross the red line anyway.

Erika Check Hayden

02 October 2013

Scientists cited or quoted include Steve Hsu, Geoffrey Miller, Christopher Chabris, Francis Galton, Robert Plomin, and Bruce Lahn.

And here is Nature’s tut-tutting editorial:

Dangerous work

Behavioural geneticists must tread carefully to prevent their research being misinterpreted.

Here are the four questions in Nature’s poll.

  • Should scientists refrain from studying the genetics of intelligence?

  • Should scientists refrain from studying the genetics of race?

  • Should scientists refrain from studying the genetics of violence?

  • Should scientists refrain from studying the genetics of sexuality?

Human-Stupidity has described politically correct censorship in academic research about Domestic violence, Race and IQ, childhood sexuality (Rind study, child sex trauma myth).

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Intelligence, Race, Criminality: Taboo Poll in Nature Magazine
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"This is for Trayvon" beatings. The true Trayvon Martin


Police: Men beat jogger in retaliation of Zimmerman verdict
"He said, ‘Do you know who Trayvon is?’ I said, ‘No,’ thinking of somebody local. He said, ‘Trayvon Martin.’ I said ‘Yes.’ He said, ‘I’m going to beat you … For Trayvon.’ "
Dickey says the men kicked and beat him in the head until he was unconscious. Photos of Dickey after the beating show bruises on his face.

One more example of revenge for the acquittal:  Witness claims youths yelled ‘this is for Trayvon’ in beating

Of course, there were more such cases in the last few years. Blacks used to beat whites in revenge for Trayvon. Now they finally figured out that they have to take revenge on Hispanics.

Most of it is this hate is fueled by media’s lies and political correctness. If the press told the truth about George Zimmerman‘s injuries, about Trayvon Martin’s street fighting past time, they would better understand why the acquittal is totally justified.


What I learned from the Zimmerman trial

  • Black folks will always side with another black in a fight, regardless of the merits. That includes President Barack Obama and US attorney general Eric Holder.
  • Even after the jury acquitted Zimmerman, Obama and Holder attacked Zimmerman, praised Martin, and threatened to prosecuted Zimmerman again.
  • The authorities will send an innocent man to prison, if it reduces the chances of race riots. Judges and prosecutors will lie and cheat to destroy people.
  • It is normal for black people to go around calling a non-black person a creepy-ass cracka.
  • Blacks adamantly assert that black kids have a right to beat up anyone they perceive as following them.


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"This is for Trayvon" beatings. The true Trayvon Martin
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UN demands Germany repress free Speech. Political Correctness rules the world

When former Berlin politician Thilo Sarrazin made critical remarks about Muslim immigrants four years ago, many found them offensive, though prosecutors rejected complaints, citing free speech laws. A UN committee disagrees, however, and has accused Germany of violating an anti-racism convention.
Battling Racism: UN Body Reprimands Germany over Sarrazin Comments

An United Nations committee, empowered by an international treaty, DEMANDS Germany to take legal action against free speech of prominent dissident Thilo Sarrazin, a former Central Bank chief.

Political correctness is installing a world wide dictatorship, undoing human liberties, civil and human rights dozens of generations of men fought to attain. This is a return to the middle age inquisition.

A United Nations committee has reprimanded Germany in strong language, saying that the country had violated an international anti-racism convention.

At issue are controversial statements made in 2009 by Thilo Sarrazin, a former finance senator for the city-state of Berlin, about Turks and Arabs, who he said sponged off the state and were incapable of integrating, among other things. But a complaint submitted to public prosecutors in Berlin was rejected on grounds that the comments were permissible under Germany’s freedom of expression law. An appeal to the decision was rejected as well.

According to the UN’s Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD), however, this constituted a violation of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, because it failed to conduct an "effective investigation" into the matter.

"This is a historic decision," said the TBB Turkish Union, the cultural organization that submitted the case to the committee, in a statement on Thursday. "CERD has determined that Mr. Sarrazin’s comments touch on a feeling of racist superiority or racial hatred and contain elements of incitement to racial discrimination."
Battling Racism: UN Body Reprimands Germany over Sarrazin Comments

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UN demands Germany repress free Speech. Political Correctness rule…
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Affirmative action fail: mismatch hurts Black & Hispanic students too

The Painful Truth About Affirmative Action describes how mismatched students are admitted to colleges where they don’t belong nor thrive, where they suffer and tend to drop out.

They are academic failures and rank at the bottom of their classes. This reinforces the stereotypes of academically inept Blacks and Hispanics, damages the self-esteem of failing minority students that would thrive in less selective colleges. It also is damaging to competent Black and Hispanic students who do not need quotas but who get confused with low performing quota students.

UCLA went through various phases of affirmative action and minority admissions. It is taboo to mention the unspoken secret: when UCL admitted twice as many minorities, drop-out rates increased drastically and in the end the number of minority graduates remained equal. Admitting too many vastly under qualified minorities yields no positive results. It only wastes money and traumatizes students.

Colleges actively hide the truth about the failure of affirmative action.

It is also always overlooked, that discriminated disadvantaged Asians over-perform. Even the mismatch article is shy to admit that this is due to Asian’s genetically superior IQ, augmented further by a culture that values academic success).

The issues of the above summary will be shown in detail in the quotes below

Mismatch: How Affirmative Action Hurts Students It’s Intended to Help, and Why Universities Won’t Admit It (Book)


The Painful Truth About Affirmative Actionsat-verbal-critical-reading-by-race-black-white

The single biggest problem in this system — a problem documented by a vast and growing array of research — is the tendency of large preferences to boomerang and harm their intended beneficiaries. Large preferences often place students in environments where they can neither learn nor compete effectively — even though these same students would thrive had they gone to less competitive but still quite good schools.

We refer to this problem as "mismatch," a word that largely explains why, even though blacks are more likely to enter college than are whites with similar backgrounds, they will usually get much lower grades, rank toward the bottom of the class, and far more often drop out. Because of mismatch, racial preference policies often stigmatize minorities, reinforce pernicious stereotypes, and undermine the self-confidence of beneficiaries, rather than creating the diverse racial utopias so often advertised in college campus brochures.

The mismatch effect happens when a school extends to a student such a large admissions preference —

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Affirmative action fail: mismatch hurts Black & Hispanic stude…
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J. Philippe Rushton RIP. Controversial Researcher on Racial Differences in Personality and IQ

The world’s foremost academic researcher on Race and IQ, J. Philippe Rushton died on October 3, 2012 of Addison’s disease.  He was a prolific researcher who published a huge number of peer reviewed research papers in spite of fierce resistance by the political correctness "race does not exist" crowd. rushton Race differences in average IQ are largely genetic

the peer-reviewed psychology journal Personality and Individual Differences has an upcoming special edition dedicated to John Philippe Rushton and his scientific contributions. Preprint versions of many of the articles have already been made available online in PDF format.  22

  1. In conversation with J. Philippe Rushton:
  2. Rushton: The great theoretician and his contribution to personality:
  3. Rushton’s contribution to the study of altruism:
  4. Migratory selection for inversely related covariate T- and IQ- nexus traits: Testing the IQ/T-Geo-Climatic-Origin theory by the General Trait Covariance model:
  5. The measurement of Human Life History strategy:
  6. The Flynn effect, group differences, and g loadings:
  7. Remembering J. Philippe Rushton: December 3, 1943–October 2, 2012: Greg Johnson pays tribute to Phil Rushton over at Counter-Currents.

As much as the mass media would like to portray Rushton as some kind of lone crank, this simply isn’t true. Anyone looking over his lengthy Curriculum Vitae can see he consistently published his research on racial differences in a diverse assortment of respected peer-reviewed journals. He could not of done this if his peers in the scientific community didn’t think that his work was of merit. It should also be noted that the peer-reviewed journal Personality and Individual Differences has planned an upcoming special issue dedicated to J. P. Rushton and his scientific research.  22

In today’s climate of political correctness, of anti hate and anti racism laws, one has to be very strong to keep on fighting for the truth of one’s findings.

Human-Stupidity is very interested in repression of research, of speech, and how false and ridiculous theories about "race does not exist" can be defended and taught, against all evidence to the contrary. We have written extensively

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J. Philippe Rushton RIP. Controversial Researcher on Racial Differ…
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