Islamic terror victims punished for Islamophobia: Bataclan’s Eagles of Death Concerts cancelled!

Freedom of speech and terror prevention take a back stage compared to the unalienable PC right of Muslims not to be suspected of crimes or racially profiled. 89 people were killed in his concert before his very eyes, but he is not allowed to voice theories suspicious of Muslims?


Two French music festivals cancel Eagles Of Death Metal shows following singer’s comments that ‘Muslims were celebrating in the streets’ during the Bataclan massacre bataclan

Musicians that witnessed and survived the killing of 89 people by Muslim terror made a personal statement, free speech and quite likely a factually true statement. In reprisal, two of their concerts were cancelled.

Image: Moments from terror: Eagles Of Death Metal perform on stage before ISIS gunmen stormed the building

Inverting the old adage "sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me", political correctness considers non-violent words a more serious offense.  Protected minorities, on the other hand, get away with #KillAllWhiteMen.


  • Eagles of Death Metal were onstage when ISIS gunmen murdered 89 people
  • Frontman Jesse Hughes blamed a Muslim ‘conspiracy’ for the terror attack
  • Said Muslims ‘celebrated in the street’ and security guards were ‘in’ on it
  • Bataclan Theatre and music festivals have fiercely condemned his claims

Read more: Daily Mail


Two French music festivals have cancelled Eagles of Death Metal’s concerts following allegations by the band’s frontman of a Muslim ‘conspiracy’ during the Paris attacks.

PC people spite "deviants", even at their own financial loss. Political correctness feels in the right to economically ruin non-minority people for free speech. Even more, PC prevents valid opinion and eyewitness testimony to shed light on a crime. PC is a hindrance to terror prevention.   

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Islamic terror victims punished for Islamophobia: Bataclan’s…
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Islam, a self replicating computer virus – 10 chapter Analysis

A 10 chapter Analysis showing that

  1. the Koran created Islam as a genius viral program, for maximum impact, for unstoppable world wide propagation
  2. Modern political correctness, feminism, modern technology maximize the propagation of Islam



Thousands of Deadly Islamic Terror Attacks Since 9/11

Islam, Koran, a self replicating computer virus, a collection of memes, (MAIN INDEX)

Memes, computer virus:
analogies for the spread of Islam

Islam is designed spreads like an unstoppable computer virus. Allahu Akbar! Allah is a genius designer.

A computer virus spreads from computer to computer, from network to network, from country to country.

Memes, ideas, fads, computer virus are similar concepts and can spread similarly. We use the terms interchangeably. Even genetic evolution of species and individuals obeys similar laws as meme propagation.

The Koran is our constitution,
the Prophet is our leader,
jihad is our path and
death in the name of Allah is our goal

“The Koran is our constitution, the Prophet is our leader, jihad is our path and death in the name of Allah is our goal,” [2012 Egyptian President] Morsi said in his election speech before Cairo University students on Saturday night. [Businessinsider]



  1. Islam, a computer virus, meme #1 :  Islam is similar to a self-replicating supercomputer virus. It is a hydra-headed monster, designed by its creators to be an unstoppable formula for global conquest. It’s almost impossible to eradicate, because it has no central brain or control center. Islam is like a starfish: when you cut off a limb, another grows to replace it.  [computer virus continued →
  2. The Terrifying Brilliance of the Islamic Memeplex: A list of 26 memes (ideas, program code bits, genes) that help Islam to spread, such as: Koran is unchangeable, orders believers to conquer more territory, allows to use violence, war deception,   [Islamic Memeplex →
  3. Christian European Infidel’s PC, welfare, feminism, technology aid Islam’s : Infidels invented technology and political systems that vastly aid the spread of Islam.  European transport technology, smartphones, whatsapp, welfare, feminism, politically correct press codes, asylum law. This is a new creation at, most other chapters can be found elsewhere.

  4. (Disclaimer): Don’t believe us, we are fallible, read the literature and check yourself.

What are memes:

Memes are ideas, genes, computer viruses that spread from mind to mind, from population to population. Religions are formed by groups of ideas, of memes.

  1. Memes explained, Memeplex Islam!
  2. Memes explained. Terrifying Brilliance of Islam meme → A meme is anything that can be copied from one mind to another. The custom of shaking hands, for example, is a meme. A melody is a meme. A recipe for lemonade is a meme. Even the word “meme” is a meme, which has just made a copy of itself in your mind.  // One of the characteristics of memes is they can evolve because some memes are better at making copies of themselves than other memes. They get more copies of themselves into other minds. […] // So memes compete with each other and evolve
  3. Meme explained again and a different list of Islam memes
  4. Need Koran citations as proof? The Koranic expert at Islam Exposed has provided chapter and verse for many of the memes above. Find them here: Amplification of Key Concepts from The Terrifying Brilliance of Islam. (external link)
  5. Stages in a country’s path to Islam!
  6. Muslim IQ and Science:

B) How to stop the Islam virus, the Islam memes

It seems, once Islam gained the smallest foothold in a country, it will eventually take over. Even if it takes centuries.

  1. Ban Koran to stop the viral spread of Islam meme
  2. Reform Islam! Apostasy? Blasphemy?
  3. Stopping the Islam meme
  4. Nuke Mekka to stop Islam?

C)Thousands of Deadly Islamic Terror Attacks Since 9/11Islam’s violent Jihad

  1. ISIS great slaughter 10 million Germans
  2. Listing of thousands of Islamic terror attacks
  3. Literature, sites about Islam: Those who have not yet studied the “religion of peace”

Zootopia: predators’ aggression caused by racism, not genetics

Disney’s Zootopia Is a Delightful Kids’ Movie That Is Also Totally About Racial Profiling [Slate]

Disney’s newest animated feature Zootopia, out Friday, is good! The concept–it’s about a city of anthropomorphic animals in which predators and prey peacefully coexist–is creative. The animation is vibrantly beautiful. I loved its hero, eager rookie cop Judy Hopps (voice of Ginnifer Goodwin), and her foil, the con-artist fox Nick Wilde (Jason Bateman). {snip}

It’s also 100 percent about racial profiling: Just as the message of Frozen is that sisterly love can conquer all, the message of Zootopia is that racial profiling by police and society is bad. {snip}

In the city of Zootopia, predators and prey recall that in the dark ages they were wild and hunted each other, but in modern, civilized times, they live side by side. But just as racial misunderstanding and inequity undergirds American society, the relationship between predators and prey in Zootopia isn’t as simple as it might seem.

German version Zoomania: Rassismus, nicht Genetik macht Raubtiere agressiv- Zootopia:

No one is intrinsically aggressive or bad

In Disney’s movie Zootopia predators are not intrinsically, genetically aggressive.

Rather it is prejudice that makes foxes and tigers aggressive. Alleging that meat eating predators are genetically inclined to violence against rabbits and other herbivores?   That is RACISM! Apologies are needed!!

Spectators get the right message: Tigers are not genetically inclined to violence, so Blacks, North African refugees are not inclined to violence. Only prejudice is to blame for misbehavior.


Tiger violence has social causes? Black and immigrant violence is socially caused?

Today’s children, indoctrinated by political correctness, do not notice the irony in this insanity.

They will not get they wrong message, that both tiger aggression and black aggression could be inborn, genetic. (racism disclaimer)

Of course it is absurd to deny that meat eating animals have a genetic propensity to butcher animals. Duh. They need to eat meat and not carrots.

If meat eating foxes, lions, and tigers don’t kill, they die within a few days. And thus the species would have gone extinct long ago.


Human races differ in testosterone levels. [Oxfordjournals], [Elsevier Science] [Researchgate].

Clearly demonstrated Race differences in IQ and race differences in criminality are probably just as genetic as foxes’ propensity to attack and eat rabbits. (disclaimer)


Cute female bunnies make excellent police officers

Quotenpolizistinnen können problemlos Schwergewichtsmänner verhaften

Of course, female quota bunnies are as capable of arresting foxes and elephants as any giant male animal. No mention how such ideology costs lives

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Zootopia: predators’ aggression caused by racism, not geneti…
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Politically Incorrect Google Search (PIG). Must try!

Google searches can be frustrating. You get all the boring main stream media lies, and you have to dig deep to get interesting alternative politically incorrect site links.


Your frustration is over.


Try pig: Politically incorrect Google Search 


(German version:
Politisch inkorrekte Google Suche (pigs) at )


You must try searches yourself to believe it. You will want to use this search instead of the normal Google Search.

Please help to improve the searches by posting blog rolls and link lists with politically incorrect sites, in English and in German. There is a lot more to add, especially in German.

If you search for "Blacks Lives Matter" you get this nice result




If you were to look at the normal boring Google Search, you would get this

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Politically Incorrect Google Search (PIG). Must try!
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Women’s Rights: Hillary Clinton’s Double Standard on Sexual Assault


1) “Believe all accusers of sexual assault”, says Hillary Clinton

Every survivor of sexual assault deserves to be heard, believed, and


— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) November 23, 2015

twittered Hillary Clinton, reports Breitbart 

Except, don’t believe or support the survivors of her husband’s sexual assaults, of course. 


  • Hillary Clinton accused Donald Trump as a sexist enemy of women (4). 
  • Donald Trump reminded Hillary of her sexist past. Of pressuring and disbelieving survivors of husband Bill Clinton’s of sexual assaults (2) and that
  • Hillary Clinton had not believed nor supported the  survivors of sexual assault by husband Bill Clinton (3)


  • Accusing Donald Trump can backfire badly.
  • Politically correct people with double standards should not accuse Donald Trump.


  • this is not about Bill Clinton’s past,
  • this is not about the veracity of the accusation against Bill. 
  • This is about Hillary Clinton imposing her feminist standards (“accusers are to be believed”) upon all men except her own husband.


2) Hillary Clinton pressured Bill Clinton’s accusers

Hillary stood by Bill through all of this, and reportedly pressured many of these women to back off of their accusations. Willey and Broaddrick, particularly, have voiced accusations against Hillary the mainstream media has been reluctant to report. Here’s Broaddrick’s recollection: […]

None of that even touches Hillary’s representation of a child rapist; she joked about it in 1975, on tape, stating that she knew he was guilty: “I had him take a polygraph, which he passed, which forever destroyed my faith in polygraphs.” Hillary pushed the story that the 12-year-old victim “sought out older men” and was “emotionally unstable.”

But Hillary is the great banner-carrier for sexual assault victims.

That’s rich.[Breitbart]

Every survivor of sexual assault deserves to be heard, believed, and supported.

— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) November 23, 2015

[…] On the very day upon which Breitbart News reported that former Bill Clinton sexual assault accuser Juanita Broaddrick had spoken out about Hillary’s candidacy, Hillary decided to pretend that she’s an advocate for the little people who get raped. Broaddrick alleged on national television that Clinton had raped her in 1978: […]

In the aftermath of the rape, Hillary approached her and essentially threatened her in order to keep her silent, Broaddrick has said.

She told Breitbart News’ Aaron Klein yesterday, “Shame on you, Hillary, that’s disgusting. Shame on you, Hillary. It’s time to be truthful.”

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Women’s Rights: Hillary Clinton’s Double Standard on S…
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"Google Maps" censorship. How to defeat refugee housing map deletion.


Refugee housing map deleted by Google

Google deleted a map with refugee housing centers in Germany. Initially, the zoomable refugee Google map still could be found in web archive.


MSM claim the censorship serves to prevent terrorist attacks on refugee centers 1 2. It is more likely that the censorship serves to hide the enormousness of the refugee center business from shocked Germans. Near refugee centers crime soars, and housing values plummet.

Web archived map that Google censored. Zoomed screen shot of Munich

Defeating Google map censorship:
instructions to attain free speech online

How to use Google maps to spread the truth, avoiding censorship.

  1. When the map is still up on Google maps, save .kml file of the map [7 Export a map ]
    1. specifically the Asylum seeker map can be downloaded here

  2. Use the kml file
    1. pass the .kml file to your friends. You can send it as email attachment, or post and download like here
    2. Open "Google My Maps" and import the file [8]
    3. share with friends. Make the link public, or share only with selected friends [9 ]   Make the link public, or share only with selected friends
    4. if you want to publish that map, you might be advised to do this in a new Google account, so your account does not get flagged or deleted
  3. using Google api, one can create a web page with the map. Unfortunately, you need an api key. [10]
  4. there is also a way to import the saved kml file into bing, Google earth, and maybe other maps

Censored refugee housing maps in Germany

Even the PC MSM Newsmagazine "Der Spiegel" thinks that deleting maps does not help

Racists say: The shocking reality of a Germany full of refugee centers to the smallest town might be too shocking for the politically correct to take. Therefore the censorship, which is very much counter US first amendment concepts. A terrorist who is determined to set a future refugee center ablaze, can locate a center without needing to resort to Google maps. It is likely that his terrorist attack is against a center in his neighborhood, fearing that crime will increase in his neighborhood.

Knowledge refugee housing, ghettos, Muslim sharia zones and more can be life saving. Political correctness PCKills uninformed naïve people who venture into crime zones unprepared Euphemisms guide for parents of foreign students]. [1]

Racists say we wonder when web archive will start censoring politically incorrect content.

June 30, 2015: Web archive DID censor the Google map file! No more web archive of the asylum seeker maps.

refugee Google map still can NOT be found any more in web archive

friendly, non hate refugee center map also deleted by Google

But another version of the map is still up. It shows the same Asylum seeker homes, with no anti-foreigner propaganda, but with a suggestion to look for the homes to help people in distress. [4]. But soon that map was removed, too.

Censored Asylum map screenshots

The map was posted by [[2]] [original German text]

MSM claim the censorship serves to prevent terrorist attacks on refugee centers [5] [6]. Rather the censorship serves to hide the shocking density of the refugee centers. A determined attackers easily find the location of a refugee center to attack.

Google censored refugee map in Germany

Web archived map that Google censored. Zoomed screen shot of Munich North East with airport

Web archived map that Google censored. Zoomed screen shot of Munich North East with airport

Web archived map that Google censored. Zoomed screen shot of Munich South West till the Alps

Web archived map that Google censored. Zoomed screen shot of small town Landshut


"White House" is racist! Repaint it "Black House".

The "White House" was built with the sweat of Black slaves [2 3].

Black House! Because "White House" is racist. The name "White House" is the legacy of centuries of Institutionalized Racism. The "White House" symbolizes White Repression of people of color, in the USA and world wide. An eyesore, a constant micro-aggression against disadvantaged minorities. 

Black Power in the Black House!
Abolish "White House", white Privilege!

It is not enough to have a Black President in the white "White House". We need a Black President in the the black "Black House".

We have already taken down the confederate flag. We now have to take down the white "White House". 

The White House should have been called "Black House" from the beginning, to honor the Blacks that built it.

 White House

5000 yearly rapes in Sweden preventable! Australia’s Pacific Solution: No Way will illegals make Australia Home (#2):

"No way! You will not make Australia home" if try to come to Australia without a visa, declares the Australian government. Australia’s pacific solution does NOT give immigration and welfare privileges to to those who break the law and illegally try to sneak into Australia

General Campbell’s message to people who travel illegally by boat to Australia

European governments and  European citizens have no such right to self determination.
Rather, illegal immigrants have rights [23]:

Smaller towns that are still a paradise of safety will be obliged, by central government, to accept those people who elsewhere already caused riots and rape epidemics.

But indiscriminately helping Muslim and African refugees has its price. No good deed goes unpunished:  5000-rape-per-year-epidemic caused by politically correct refugee and immigration policy in Sweden. Rape epidemic diversity will  spread to small towns, more countries. Feminists don’t care.

Australia’s Pacific Solution inspired Geert Wilders to wishful thinking, that Europe could do the same.



Australia’s Pacific Solution [93]

An Australian Pacific solution could have avoided all this rape epidemic and arson, and still could halt its further spread.

In August 2012, [… Australia] reopened Nauru detention centre and Manus Island detention centre for offshore processing] and on 19 July 2013, newly returned Prime Minister Kevin Rudd announced, "asylum seekers who come here by boat without a visa will never be settled in Australia", striking a Regional Resettlement Arrangement between Australia and Papua New Guinea,] to divert all "unauthorised maritime arrivals" to mandatory detention on Manus Island with no possibility of attaining Australian residency  93


Immigration Reform: Australia’s Solution To Unwanted Refugees? Give Them To Cambodia [94]

australia-no-visa-no-way Real refugees will eventually get resettled to Papua New Guinea, or Cambodia, safe countries to start a new life.  Economic refugees will lose interest in Australia. Instead they will hire traffickers to take them to SWEDEN!

Wait, there is more! This article continues! Continue reading “5000 yearly rapes in Sweden preventable! Australia’s Pacific Solution: No Way will illegals make Australia Home (#2):” »
5000 yearly rapes in Sweden preventable! Australia’s Pacific…
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