Mathematics of Racism: Explaining Moses Rifkin’s Dearth of Black Physicists

Physics Teacher Develops Unit About Racism, White Privilege, Social Justice

You can access Part 1 and Part 2 here on curriculum on Social Justice written by private school physics teacher Moses Rifkin.  Original Article @ Breitbart

John Burk, a physics and math teacher in Delaware, wrote at his blog that he met physics teacher Moses Rifkin of University Prep in Seattle at a People of Color Conference. […]

As reported at Missouri Education Watchdog, in a series of guest posts for Burk’s blog “Quantum Progress,” Rifkin writes that he felt “jealous of my colleagues in English and History who got to talk every day in class about society and how it worked and how to be moral and caring and kind.”

Rifkin explains he is “stuck” because he is teaching at a private school, where his “students weren’t learning about their own privilege (academic and, in many cases, economic and racial).”

The physics teacher, however, says he has “found a way to introduce my students to the ideas of racial and gender privilege, to the idea that our society is far from a meritocracy, and to broaden their conception of who (racially, gender-wise, etc.) does science to include a much broader slice of society.”

“As science teachers, we have to take an active role in undoing the bias in our society,” Rifkin encourages. “Don’t be afraid to try, and don’t wait until you know exactly what to do.”

Rifkin’s six-day curriculum focuses on the central question of why there are few black physicists.

Original Article @ Breitbart

Open letter to Mr. Moses Rifkin,

I enjoyed your class assignment about the race gap in physics, about the lack of Black physicists.  You seem to think that this is due to white privilege.

As you are a physicist, and mathematician, I trust you can understand data analysis, statistics, math, correlation and causation. You certainly also heard about Occam’s razor and wondered about the convoluted logic employed to justify giving up Martin Luther King’s dream of a "color blind society". In exchange we now have color quotas everywhere, even in school discipline.

As a scientist, I trust you are open to scientific argument and mathematical proof. I will provide this to you, and I am confident that you are a natural scientist that is open to data, not a social science dogmatist.

Blacks, a group of people have consistently low achievements, everywhere, at all times, in spite of 50 years of affirmative action.  They consistently have high crime rate, everywhere in the world, be it Watts, Detroit, or Haiti. That low achievement and high crime is exacerbated when there are no Whites that could discriminate, and Blacks govern themselves, like in Haiti, Detroit, or Zimbabwe.

By Occam’s razor, the simplest explanation is that
the group has inherent low achievement and high criminality.

Races are different, they are not equal.

From this hypothesis only, it can be shown statistically, that we get gender and racial distributions, for physicists,  exactly as they occur. With your mathematical qualification, you will enjoy the

Mathematic-heavy analyses by La Griffe du Lion

  1. *** Pearbotham’s Law on the Persistence of Achievement Gaps
  2. The Sex Gap in Mathematics Revisited: A Theory of Everyone
  3. Intelligence, Gender and Race
  4. Sex Differences in Mathematical Aptitude
  5. Racial Disparities in School Discipline
  6. The Color of Death Row
  7. The Death of Meritocracy
  8. Some Thoughts about Jews, IQ and Nobel Laureates
  9. Women and Minorities in Science.

Certainly, as a physicist , when presented well formed argument supported by a vast body of proof. you would not cast the evidence aside, because it violates the equality dogma of the  political correctness religion. Just as the medieval pope did. He rejected Galileo’s proof of the heretic heliocentric theory.

Like everyone else I was indoctrinated by political correctness‘ equality dogma [10]. So were Arthur Jensen, and J. Philippe Rushton, until unequivocal data forced them to change their mind.  This tremendous paper summarizes the evidence

I trust you can either be convinced by the host of these data, or point out where the data or conclusions are wrong. If you find the truth, you might find you get ostracized. Even one of the most prestigious Nobel Prizes of the last century would not save you from persecution

  1. *** James Watson’s most inconvenient truth: Race realism and the moralistic fallacy
  2. Jared Taylor Remembers Philippe Rushton And Arthur Jensen
  3. *** James Watson tells the inconvenient truth: Faces the Consequences

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Mathematics of Racism: Explaining Moses Rifkin’s Dearth of B…
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Free speech is already dead in Europe! 15 examples why Charlie Hebdo outrage is a farce

hands-up-dont-shoot-article-paris-nydailynews Europe, Canada, Australia are full of repressive censorship laws. Defending Charlie Hebdo as an example of universal freedom of press is a farce.

Even more so because

  1. three stalwarts of Charlie Hebdo (including Stephane ‘Charb’ Charbonnier) had campaigned in their magazine to collect more than 170,000 signatures for a petition calling for a ban on the French National Front party. [0]
  2. Charlie Hebdo was introduced in 1970 after another publication, Hara-Kiri, was banned for mocking the death of former French President Charles de Gaulle. 30
  3. Holocaust deniers get extradited to Germany to serve prison terms for speech on US web sites 1 2 3 4
  4. Speech in France is regulated by Section 24 of the Press Law of 1881. According to The Legal Project, Section 24 “criminalizes incitement to racial discrimination, hatred, or violence on the basis of one’s origin or membership (or non-membership) in an ethnic, national, racial, or religious group. A criminal code provision likewise makes it an offense to engage in similar conduct via private communication.” [8]
    1. There is also the Gayssot Law of 1990. Named after the Communist Party deputy that proposed it, the law makes Holocaust denial a criminal offense punishable by a year in prison and a fine of €45,000. A similar law was proposed for the Armenian genocide but was overturned by France’s Constitutional Council. [8]
    2. A French court upheld a ban on comedian Dieudonné M’bala M’bala, a half Cameroonian comedian who has been accused of anti-Semitism. The comedian also owes a great deal of money to the government in fines for making “anti-Semitic comments.” The UK Telegraph reports, [7] [7b]
    3. Jean-Marie Le Pen has been repeatedly dragged into court and convicted for “inciting racial hatred.” To take just one example, he was fined the equivalent of over $12,000 in 2004 for inciting hatred against Muslims. What did he say? He told Le Monde, [8]
    4. Member of the European Parliament Bruno Gollnisch was fined a sizable €55,000 Euros just days after he formed a parliamentary bloc in 2007. His crime was that he “disputed a crime against humanity,” in this case the Holocaust. What did he say? [8]
    5. Publishing a cartoon of  the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost buggering each other or of the Pope as a homosexual is much safer than writing a doctoral dissertation at Harvard University that examines the economic impact of low-IQ immigrants. The staff of Charlie Hebdo died only because their satire extended to Muslims, a population empowered by multicultural double standards and let into Europe by a ruling elite that has no regard for the interests of indigenous Europeans.  [8]
    6. Legendary French actress Bridgett Bardot has repeatedly fallen afoul of these silly laws in her campaigns for animal rights. A parasitic group called the “Movement Against Racism, Antisemitism, and for Peace,” which reportedly receives government funding, filed a lawsuit against her and managed to win damages. [8] 
  5. Belatedly, after many terrorist attacks: French Rein In Speech Backing Acts of Terror 
  6. Vlaams Blok, a party that won over 25% of the flamish vote in Belgium, was simply declared racist and outlawed in 2004.  9 [9b] 9c.
    1. What happened in Brussels today is unique in the Western world: never has a so-called democratic regime outlawed the country’s largest political party. 9d
  7. The BBC meddles into Japan’s inner affairs demanding Japan to outlaw cartoon drawings [10[11].
    1. Thus Japanese cartoonists and cartoon onlookers would suffer the same fines and prison sentences as in Europe and Australia [12].
  8. Legal problems for photographing your baby in the bath [13] or photographing your wife nude [15] or yourself nude [16] 17 18 19 20 are common.
  9. Politicians get prison sentences for calling another politician a chimpanzee  20;
    1. athletes get banned from Olympics for a joke about mosquitoes 21 [21b],
    2. Google is obliged to censor 22,
    3. men must not compliment adolescent girl’s beauty 23
  10. EU to ban anti-feminist, racist, homophobic speech 40 [41]
  11. UN demands Germany repress free Speech.
  12. Racial differences in intelligence: James Watson, Nobel Prize winning geneticist persecuted for scientific truth [51] Also persecuted: Rushton, and Jensen.
  13. UK: Police stop and search innocent white people to balance race figures, terror watchdog says
  14. In the US, IQ tests prohibited for job requirement, mandatory at death row.  Even criminal records must be ignored  60 [61]

This true case of "Hands Up Don’t shoot" execution of an unarmed Paris policeman officer is usually blurred out by the Politically correct media.

Media censorship and fear hides behind a respect that does not want to hurt religious and racial feelings, only of "underprivileged" "minorities".

PC (politically correct) media self censorship is surpassed by criminal law censorship through world wide severe hate speech legislation.

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Free speech is already dead in Europe! 15 examples why Charlie Heb…
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Racism disclaimer! Are we racist for citing statistics and research?

We wish prosperity, success for Africans and Blacks world wide

We actually would be extremely happy if Africa could follow in the footsteps of Japan, Taiwan, and South Korea and become rich, highly productive and low crime citizens and states. We would love to see Blacks world wide to become leaders in scientific research, earn Nobel Prizes in natural sciences.

But we do not want ………

  1. Black success based on unjust quota, Black Privilege  job admissions, hiring and promotion of fire fighters, in affirmative action college admission, affirmative action in substandard college graduation.
  2. censorship, taboo, repression of free speech and severe punishment for speaking the truth (James Watson),
  3. repression of scientific research , free information (Rushton). 
We do propose equal opportunities. Not equal outcome.

Like Martin Luther King, we favor color blindness, not special perks, advantages, quotas determined by skin color.

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Racism disclaimer! Are we racist for citing statistics and researc…
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How to turn sex repression into a race issue

Black actress Daniele Watts was arrested after she refused to show ID. Police suspected her being a Ho, and the white boy friend a trick.  Daniele Watts uppity revolt against police politely doing their job reminds me of Henry L. Gates.  Thankfully she can not take revenge as the raging Black killer in her movie Django * Unchained.

Totally left out of the story is the root cause for the police alert: the illegality of prostitution, enforced by the feminist sexual trade union and religious zealots. 

Brian Lucas, Daniele Watts’ boy friend, could complain about harassment based on his male sexual drive. And Daniele Watts would, justifiably, complain that women don’t have the freedom to decide what to do with their body, as they are not allowed to earn money with sex work. Yes, I know, this will not happen

Daniele Watts, black ‘Django Unchained’ actress, mistaken for prostitute, handcuffed and detained by police after kissing white boyfriend

The actress was humiliated for simply showing public affection after cops allegedly mistook her for a prostitute and she refused to show ID. ‘I remembered the countless times my father came home frustrated … by cops when he had done nothing wrong,’ Watts wrote on Facebook. […]

Daniele Watts, who appeared in “Django Unchained,” revealed the incident on her Facebook page last week.

“Today I was hand cuffed and detained (for) showing affection, fully clothed, in a public place,” Watts wrote, referring to her boyfriend, Brian Lucas.

The policeman looks Hispanic, but could be "white hispanic" like George Zimmerman. He seems to escape the fate of the policeman that arrested Henry L. Gates for his rude refusal to cooperate with police. Even Obama had interfered in Gates’ case.

"Police did not want to appear racist", thus let 1400 children be abused over 15 years

‘I Didn’t Want To Appear Racist’ and thus did not pursue child abuse and rapes perpetrated by Pakistanis, say British police.

Up to 1,400 children were sexually exploited in Rotherham. Children as young as 11 were trafficked, beaten, and raped by large numbers of men between 1997 and 2013 in Rotherham, South Yorkshire, a review into child protection has revealed.

How could this have happened? A clue is given by the report’s authors, who state that ‘several staff their nervousness about identifying the ethnic origins of perpetrators for fear of being thought racist’.

So "minorities" have free reign to pursue rape, child abuse, and statutory rape, whole sale and over decades!

Feminist women are only interested in exotic types of *consensual rape, date rape, rape culture of drunk college girls repenting what they did the evening before. Race is no boundary, black athletes routinely get persecuted, prosecuted, and convicted. But if rape is exclusively perpetrated by a "protected class", then feminists shut up.

Real, violent rape is of no interest to feminists. Very interesting.

Feminists’ Failure on Rotherham

In Rotherham there is a real-life “rape culture.” But you will not learn anything new about it from Salon, the Daily Beast, Jezebel, or Slate. It has gone unmentioned at Feministing, Bitch Media, or the Feminist Majority Foundation. There have been no outraged op-eds from Jenny Kutner, Jessica Valenti, or Samantha Leigh Allen.

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"Police did not want to appear racist", thus let 1400 ch…
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France: 9 months jail for speech, calling politician a chimpanzee

Hate speech laws started with the good intention to prevent inciting violence: "Kill Blacks, gays, …..". Since then they went down a slippery slope, where a harmlessly uttered private opinion can ruin careers

  • Donald Sterling punished for slight offense to over-sensitive Blacks
  • Geert Wilders in court for offending Muslims (who threaten his life and already killed Theo van Gogh)

    Sadly, "privileged whites" heaping bananas on a black soccer player’s car is a much worse crime then "repressed Blacks expressing justified anger" throwing cobble stones or Molotov cocktails onto police and burning down neighborhoods of London, Paris, or Los Angeles.

    "Underprivileged groups" have the privilege to use violence with impunity. "Privileged White heterosexuals" have no free speech rights and get imprisoned for non-violent speech. Our legal system is back to the middle ages. Of course, academic researchers like J. Philippe Rushton or Arthur Jensen also get threatened with impunity, and the New Black Panther party can publicly threaten the life innocent "white" Hispanic George Zimmerman.

    Front National politician sentenced to jail for ape slur


    A former local election candidate for the far-right Front National (FN) in France has been sentenced to nine months in prison for comparing the country’s justice minister, who is black, to an ape.

    Anne-Sophie Leclere provoked a storm last year when she compared Christiane Taubira to an ape on French television and posted a photomontage on Facebook that showed the justice minister, who is from French Guiana, alongside a baby chimpanzee. The caption under the baby ape said "At 18 months", and the one below Taubira’s photograph read "Now".

    Leclere was an FN candidate in Rethel, in the eastern Ardennes region, for the 2014 local elections, but the FN soon dropped her and went on to do well in the March polls.

    On Tuesday, a court in Cayenne, French Guiana’s capital, sentenced her to nine months in jail, banned her from standing for election for five years, and imposed a €50,000 (£39,500) fine. French Guiana is an overseas département of France and is inside the European Union.

    French Guiana in South America is part of the European Union? Amazing. And a court in South America censors speech in Europe. Shocking. And they can not find a lawyer in South America who would defend her? Appalling!

    It also handed the FN a €30,000 fine, putting an end to a case brought by French Guiana’s Walwari political party, founded by Taubira.

    The court went well beyond the demands of prosecutors, who had asked for a four-month jail sentence and a €5,000 fine.

    A political statement by South American judge who enjoys his power over European politics. Shocking

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    France: 9 months jail for speech, calling politician a chimpanzee
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  • Donald Sterling punished for slight offense to over-sensitive Blacks

    Clippers owner Donald Sterling banned for life from NBA, fined $2.5 million by NBA.

    A disgruntled girl friend illegally recorded hundreds of hours of private conversation.

    With effort she managed to coax Donald Sterling to state a personal preference that he prefers her not to post photos of herself with Blacks on instagram and not bring Blacks to his games.

    Otherwise he says, she can to whatever she likes, go with Blacks, have sex with them, love them, anything. Donald Sterling loves Blacks, pays millions to Black players and coaches, has White players under-represented in his team.


    She tried her best to get him to say bad things about Blacks, but she did not manage. He only voiced a personal private preference for his girl friend’s public behavior.

    Donald Sterling did not say anything politically incorrect about race and iq, black crime, the need for white quotas in black dominated US pro sports, or the problem of non-mulatto Black coaches in the NBA. Or criminal involvement of players:

    Still, Donald Sterling was seriously punished for private conversations in his own house,  No sanctions for recording in violation of state law. [4]


    Nevertheless, when nonsense like stupid racial remarks by Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy and Clippers boss Donald Sterling can consume the nation’s conversation for a full week, it does raise a far more disturbing question:

    Is America still a serious country?



    Human-Stupidity Analysis

    Black Privilege: Blacks promoting genocide and killing of Whites is acceptable



    1. Though shalt not dispute or oppose teaching of homosexuality in schools
    2. PC madness: Steve Martin’s Lasonia joke offensive to Blacks
    3. Though shalt not dispute or oppose teaching of homosexuality in schools
    4. Obama-with-banana picture: freedom of expression in Russia vs. PC madness in USA
    5. Olympic political correctness: though shalt not pose with weapons, befriend rightists or joke about Blacks
    6. Olympian Voula Papachristou banned for a joke ‘very bitter and upset’. Dictatorship of political correctness destroys lives and freedom.
    7. Racist joke by stand up comedian: theater owner arrested in Brazil
    8. Trayvon Martin, black rage and political correctness
    9. Brazil votes to criminalize homophobia. Political correctness threatens freedom of expression & research
    10. Medical research and treament for Blacks hampered by "race does not exist" dogma
    11. Geert Wilders in court for offending Muslims (who threaten his life and already killed Theo van Gogh)

    Arthur Jensen, IQ expert, originator of race controversy. RIP

    Arthur Jensen, a University of California, Berkeley professor whose scholarly contributions to the field of psychological measurement were often overshadowed by the furor over his findings on race-based differences in intelligence, has died. He was 89.

    Arthur_Jensen_Vanderbilt_2002Arthur Jensen died on Oct. 22, 2012.

    Arthur Jensen said genetic differences accounted for IQ gap between whites, blacks.

    Arthur Jensen had stumbled over the truth. The inconvenient truth, that must not be said, because it contradicts political correctness‘ decrees. Publishing and interpreting taboo scientific findings caused a lot of hostility towards Jensen.

    One of the most provocative figures in 20th-century psychology, Mr. Jensen died Oct. 22 at his home in the Northern California town of Kelseyville. He had Parkinson’s disease and other ailments, said his son-in-law Joe Morey.

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    Arthur Jensen, IQ expert, originator of race controversy. RIP
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