"Rape" means a dozen different things. They are not the same! What perfidy:
- "Rape" had a clear, well defined meaning for thousands of years, until re-defined by feminists. The re-defined "rape" includes half a dozen acts that formerly had their own names and were not rape.
- Then vice president Biden comes hammering that all these dozen types of rape are the same. This is deceptive, because most of his listeners imagine he is talking about true-forcible-rape, not about Swedish-broken-condom-rape, 5-second-rape, consensual-sex-with-adolescent-girlfriend-future-wife-rape, duped-by-victim-into-raping-her-rape or didn’t-get-consent-in-writing-rape.
- This purposeful politically motivated rape ambiguity leads to equivocation and misunderstandings. This must be intentional and can only be politically motivated, because everywhere else we take pride in defining terms clearly, succinctly, concisely and unambiguously. (other exceptions are the closely related definitions of consent, child,
Rape is not rape is not rape is not rape
Rape is ill defined, is ill defined, is ill defined. Dozens of types-of-rape
"A rape is a rape is a rape" is a lie, Joe Biden! What perfidy! Manipulative ambiguity is perfidy. Who thinks that all these are the same? It is an offense to victims of true-forcible-rape to conflate their true violent victimization with other kind of consensual rape.
1) True-forcible-rape (rape-rape)
A women gets threatened by 3 thugs with knives, dragged into the woods, held down, raped and beaten, while screaming. Dragging-into-the-bushes-at-knife-point-rape is the classical meaning of rape and is what most people imagine when they hear the word "rape".
This is the perfidy of the language abuse regarding the meaning of the word "rape". It is difficult to justify a long prison term and sex offender registration for kissing-underage-girlfriend-rape. See Equivocation | Wikipedia
2) Swedish-broken-condom-rape
In the Julian Assange case, the women decided to press charges after they found out that Assange had sex with both of them (revenge-for-for-being-cheated-rape). They used a Swedish law that sex without condom is rape. This gained so much power because the United States (where broken-condoms-sex is not rape) wants to punish Julian Assange for unusual and unprecedented publishing-confidential-documents-rape (see cartoon)
3) Consensual-sex-with-adolescent-girl-friend-rape
"Rape" means a dozen different things. They are not the same! What perfidy:
- "Rape" had a clear, well defined meaning for thousands of years, until re-defined by feminists. The re-defined "rape" includes half a dozen acts that formerly had their own names and were not rape.
- Then vice president Biden comes hammering that all these dozen types of rape are the same. This is deceptive, because most of his listeners imagine he is talking about true-forcible-rape, not about Swedish-broken-condom-rape, 5-second-rape, consensual-sex-with-adolescent-girlfriend-future-wife-rape, duped-by-victim-into-raping-her-rape or didn’t-get-consent-in-writing-rape.
- This purposeful politically motivated rape ambiguity leads to equivocation and misunderstandings. This must be intentional and can only be politically motivated, because everywhere else we take pride in defining terms clearly, succinctly, concisely and unambiguously. (other exceptions are the closely related definitions of consent, child,
Rape is not rape is not rape is not rape
Rape is ill defined, is ill defined, is ill defined. Dozens of types-of-rape
"A rape is a rape is a rape" is a lie, Joe Biden! What perfidy! Manipulative ambiguity is perfidy. Who thinks that all these are the same? It is an offense to victims of true-forcible-rape to conflate their true violent victimization with other kind of consensual rape.
1) True-forcible-rape (rape-rape)
A women gets threatened by 3 thugs with knives, dragged into the woods, held down, raped and beaten, while screaming. Dragging-into-the-bushes-at-knife-point-rape is the classical meaning of rape and is what most people imagine when they hear the word "rape".
This is the perfidy of the language abuse regarding the meaning of the word "rape". It is difficult to justify a long prison term and sex offender registration for kissing-underage-girlfriend-rape. See Equivocation | Wikipedia
2) Swedish-broken-condom-rape
In the Julian Assange case, the women decided to press charges after they found out that Assange had sex with both of them (revenge-for-for-being-cheated-rape). They used a Swedish law that sex without condom is rape. This gained so much power because the United States (where broken-condoms-sex is not rape) wants to punish Julian Assange for unusual and unprecedented publishing-confidential-documents-rape (see cartoon)
3) Consensual-sex-with-adolescent-girl-friend-rape
"Rape" means a dozen different things. They are not the same! What perfidy:
- "Rape" had a clear, well defined meaning for thousands of years, until re-defined by feminists. The re-defined "rape" includes half a dozen acts that formerly had their own names and were not rape.
- Then vice president Biden comes hammering that all these dozen types of rape are the same. This is deceptive, because most of his listeners imagine he is talking about true-forcible-rape, not about Swedish-broken-condom-rape, 5-second-rape, consensual-sex-with-adolescent-girlfriend-future-wife-rape, duped-by-victim-into-raping-her-rape or didn’t-get-consent-in-writing-rape.
- This purposeful politically motivated rape ambiguity leads to equivocation and misunderstandings. This must be intentional and can only be politically motivated, because everywhere else we take pride in defining terms clearly, succinctly, concisely and unambiguously. (other exceptions are the closely related definitions of consent, child,
Rape is not rape is not rape is not rape
Rape is ill defined, is ill defined, is ill defined. Dozens of types-of-rape
"A rape is a rape is a rape" is a lie, Joe Biden! What perfidy! Manipulative ambiguity is perfidy. Who thinks that all these are the same? It is an offense to victims of true-forcible-rape to conflate their true violent victimization with other kind of consensual rape.
1) True-forcible-rape (rape-rape)
A women gets threatened by 3 thugs with knives, dragged into the woods, held down, raped and beaten, while screaming. Dragging-into-the-bushes-at-knife-point-rape is the classical meaning of rape and is what most people imagine when they hear the word "rape".
This is the perfidy of the language abuse regarding the meaning of the word "rape". It is difficult to justify a long prison term and sex offender registration for kissing-underage-girlfriend-rape. See Equivocation | Wikipedia
2) Swedish-broken-condom-rape
In the Julian Assange case, the women decided to press charges after they found out that Assange had sex with both of them (revenge-for-for-being-cheated-rape). They used a Swedish law that sex without condom is rape. This gained so much power because the United States (where broken-condoms-sex is not rape) wants to punish Julian Assange for unusual and unprecedented publishing-confidential-documents-rape (see cartoon)
3) Consensual-sex-with-adolescent-girl-friend-rape
Wait, there is more! This article continues! Continue reading “"Rape is rape is rape" is a lie, Joe Biden! 20 different types of rape!” »
"Rape is rape is rape" is a lie, Joe Biden! 20 different…
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