Sexual harassment is in the eye of the beholder. No fright, no distress.

"Harassment" perceived as non-threatening isn’t distressing

 For women, sexual harassment was distressing when they saw it as frightening, but not when they saw it as bothersome. "We were surprised by this finding," Settles said. "We thought women would be negatively impacted if they saw their harassment as frightening or bothersome."[…]
Study Finds Surprising Gender Differences Related to Sexual Harassment |Science Daily

The same come-on perceived as non-threatening and thus non-threatening and non-traumaticSurprise. Open-minded researcher Isis H. Settles from Michigan State University and colleagues get unexpected results that don’t fit the feminist mold.

All depends on how the victim perceives the harassment. The enclosed two cartoons depicts how the same harassing behavior can elicit either shock and terror, or, in the second  picture, below, mild amusement.

This of course makes us wonder if the feminist hysteria is not self-fulfilling. Women in "macho" cultures, who were never indoctrinated in feminist hysteria and never knew that cat calls or invitation to sex were something frightening, don’t get distressed by such action.  So the solution to the harassment problem would be to empower women, not to get frightened easily.

Of course, undue influence using violence or strong coercion is something different.  Feminists tend to confound clearly violent illegal criminal rape and harassment with normal or slightly disturbing but non-violent and non-abusive behavior.

Definition of Harassment

Sexual harassment is defined as unwanted gender-based comments or behaviors (Fitzgerald, 1996) with three subtypes. Gender harassment refers to behaviors that disparage an individual on the basis of her or his gender (e.g., comments that insult women s intelligence; comments regarding behaviors a real man would do). Unwanted sexual attention refers to unwanted touching or attempts to establish a sexual relationship (e.g., repeated requests for dates). Finally, sexual coercion refers to attempts to coerce a sexual relationship in exchange for job-related threats or benefits (e.g., promising a promotion if the target engages in sexual activities). Frightened or Bothered: Two Types of Sexual Harassment Appraisals

Maybe we are ill informed. It seems that mere looks (See Gervais’ "objectifying gaze"), compliments, innuendo, bantering is enough to qualify as sexual harassment.

Great unexpected results! Teasing and "harassing" in non-threatening environment is not frightening. Probably because Dr. Isis Settles’ subjects were not distraught feminist-indoctrinated damsels in college freshmen experiments but empowered women in the armed forces.

In other words: a creepy guy in a deserted forest coming on strong, that is frightening. Or your boss threatening to immediately fire you if you don’t yield to his/her advances. Workplace bantering mostly is not frightening but just bothersome. Like so many things in life. If a person gets frightened by workplace innuendo, then Human-Stupidity suggests to that  the problem is in the mind of the perceiver who feels frightened by harmless non-dangerous situations. 

Our feminist laws repress men and protect women like defenseless victims

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Sexual harassment is in the eye of the beholder. No fright, no dis…
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Countersue women’s rights groups for falsifying data that led to enactment of the very laws used to sue Silvio Berlusconi

Valeria Ajovalasit’s Arquidonna women’s rights group sues Italian president Silvio Berlusconi. For violating laws enacted due to pressure by the same feminist groups, based on false manipulated data, warped logic and under abuse of male chivalry and concern about women’s well being. [Similar issues are at the US supreme court in the Wal-Mart class action suit).

Valeria Ajovalasit, president of Arquidonna women’s rights group, feels degraded by Italy’s president Silvio Berlusconi’s allegedly paying a beautiful 17 year old for sex. For wrongly paying money to a girl that wanted money, Valeria Ajovalasit and Arquidonna now want Berlusconi to pay all women of Italy, without receiving sex in return.
Ruby ‘the heart stealer’ cashes in: The woman at the centre of sex allegations surrounding Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has cashed in on her fame by appearing in an Italian commercial.

An Italian women’s rights group has asked the court overseeing Silvio Berlusconi’s sex trial for the right to seek compensation from the prime minister, claiming that he has offended the dignity of all Italian women.
Italian women seek compensation from Silvio Berlusconi| The Telegraph


Valeria Ajovalasit, head of Arquidonna women's rights group Amazing how easy it is to offend the dignity of all Italian women. Now feminist laws that were enacted in the last 50 years gravely offend the dignity of men by criminalizing more and more behavior that formerly was normal and legitimate.

Berlusconi could legally have sex with that woman, but if he gives her money, then it is illegal, thanks to laws enacted by the same women’s groups that now want to extort money from Mr. Berlusconi. Based on falsified numbers about sex trafficking (The Myth of Sex Trafficking)

Legitimate mainstream magazines, movies and newspapers from the 1970’s now are child porn, and tens of thousands of men are in jail getting special rape attention from gangsters.

The antifeminist had the glorious idea: men’s groups unite and countersue.

If Italian women get offended by a man (maybe, allegedly) having sex with a woman over the age of consent, imagine men’s offense at risking jail for looking at photos, for going to jail for having sex with women who lied about their age and presented fake id (Victim dupes man into raping her. How can you rape without knowing you are raping?). This does not offend the dignity of all men?


Countersue Valeria Ajovalasit’s Arquidonna and other women’s Rights Groups: their false statistics helped promote laws that unjustly jail thousands of men and now accuse Berlusconi

If there existed such a men’s rights lobby group in Italy, it could make a counter-claim against the feminists who passed the original anti-prostitution laws that criminalized the sexual choices and restricted the opportunities of all Italian men.  Including the feminist advocacy lobby groups that lobbied for such laws (that no doubt include the group behind this absurd claim against Berlusconi).  As I and others have documented, such lobbying has clearly been based upon deliberate lies, falsehoods, and exaggerations.  The antifeminist

Women have fought to restrict and jail men and to take over the world’s courts and justice systems. This has been on-going for over a century (The Fraud of Feminism – Ernest Belfort Bax (complete) year (1913!) ). It is time for men to wake up, unite, and fight back.

Feminist organizations lying about data



Rushton Graves discussion about Race & IQ

In video 9, Rushton is extremely convincing and, sorry, Graves and others sound embarrassingly like fools. You could hear the spectators giggling about some of the contorted evasive answers. Race does not exist. Asked if they had 100 Chinese in a shower, 100 Kenyans in a shower, 100 Englishmen. Can they identify which is which? They still could somehow argue how they could not sort this out. EgalitarianJay, thank you very much for these videos. They are very informative. I will watch them all. From what I have seen so far, they make me much more certain in my conviction. If these arguments is all they can come up with, then there is no way to refute Rushton. I have a hard time how serious scientist can fudge and fumble like Rushton’s opponents and still be taken seriously.Asked about exactly our example Koreans or Africans adopted by white middle class parents, Graves had the balls to argue that they live in a different environment, because there is a societal expectation for blacks to underachieve. a) For someone who says "race does not exist" this is quite amazing. If they can not discern the different races, how can they discriminate? b) all these claims without scientific proof. Test your hypotheses scientifically, Dr. Graves. Is this just me who sees a University professor Rushton present clear research against a bunch of embarrassingly unscientific guys defending indefensible hypotheses?

Here is a playlist of the entire Rushton-Graves discussion about Race and IQ. Interesting summary of facing off the ideological opponents to Rushton’s theory. See all the videos in one piece here.

Accidentally, one video got in there from another discussion. I left it in, because it actually contributes to the discussion and is a refreshing variation. Rushton mentioned the temperament differences that make racial peace and acceptance difficult. I focussed too much on IQ. He explained that demands of cold winter required special planning, a new strategy that was not required before leaving Africa. The worst winters were in Africa

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Evolution, Intelligence, Behavior, Race.

This TV series about Race and Intelligence shows the facts pretty well. The authors are fairly open minded. In the end they trying to remain politically correct and find what they want to find: that there is no genetic basis, or that differences are only due to discrimination.


Race and Intelligence 1/7 por NzingahMorena


Race and Intelligence 2/7 por NzingahMorena
It is easily forgotten: Human-Stupidity is not really about the scientific discussion and solution of racial theories. We are most interested in unconsciousness, blindness, dogmatism.

We are watching how clear scientific statements by Jensen, Rushton are met with ire and pseudo-scientific rebuttals. Even Mr. James Watson, who is not a normal Nobel Prize winner, but considered one of the most prestigious of Nobel prize winners was destroyed when he dared to speak unpopular truths. Even he is so wrong, where are the scientific rebuttals instead of the ad hominem attacks?

We wish that the truth would be accepted, so the discussion would be based on the truth, not on wishful thinking. Further discussions are here:

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Evolution, Intelligence, Behavior, Race.
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Blank slate (tabula rasa) theory thoroughly debunked (Steven Pinker)

screen-2011-04-02-06-54-29_thumb[2]Steven Pinker, one of the greatest minds in linguistics and evolutionary science, thoroughly debunks the blank slate theory that still dominates the standard social science model.

The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature is a best-selling 2002 book by Steven Pinker arguing against tabula rasa models of the social sciences. Pinker argues that human behavior is substantially shaped by evolutionary psychological adaptations. The book was nominated for the 2003 Aventis Prizes and was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize. (wikipedia)

This tabula-rasa/blank-slate theory is responsible for most serious mistakes in social theories and public policies of the last century in fields like education, discrimination, gender relations. It also is related to rejection of inheritance based evolutionary theory. All this is very central to Human-Stupidity: how can a ridiculously false theory dogmatically dominate science and public policy for decades.

One simple example of always repeated conventional wisdom:

  • “Children that are beaten by violent parents become violent adults”. There usually is no test for the alternative  hypothesis that this has nothing to do with genetics, but that these children could have genetically inherited violent traits from their parents.

Steven Pinker: Chalking it up to the blank slate



The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature

See also real important readings

  1. Evolutionary Psychology Primer & Reading List Leda Cosmides & John Tooby
  2. Evolutionary Psychology: Evolutionary Theory, Paleoanthropology, Adaptationism
  3. Evolutionary Psychology Primer & Reading List | Human-Stupidity.

The Seven Words You Can’t Say On Television

screen-2011-04-02-06-54-29_thumb[2]Steven Pinker, one of the greatest minds in linguistics and evolutionary science, thoroughly debunks the blank slate theory that still dominates the standard social science model.

The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature is a best-selling 2002 book by Steven Pinker arguing against tabula rasa models of the social sciences. Pinker argues that human behavior is substantially shaped by evolutionary psychological adaptations. The book was nominated for the 2003 Aventis Prizes and was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize.  (wikipedia)

This tabula-rasa/blank-slate theory is responsible for most serious mistakes in social theories and public policies of the last century in fields like education, discrimination, gender relations. It also is related to rejection of inheritance based evolutionary theory. All this is very central to Human-Stupidity: how can a ridiculously false theory dogmatically dominate science and public policy for decades.

One simple example of always repeated conventional wisdom:

  • "Children that are beaten by violent parents become violent adults". There usually is no test for the alternative  hypothesis that this has nothing to do with genetics, but that these children could have genetically inherited violent traits from their parents.

Steven Pinker: Chalking it up to the blank slate


The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature
See also real important reading
  1. Evolutionary Psychology Primer & Reading List Leda Cosmides & John Tooby
  2. Evolutionary Psychology: Evolutionary Theory, Paleoanthropology, Adaptationism
  3.  Evolutionary Psychology Primer & Reading List | Human-Stupidity.

The Seven Words You Can’t Say On Television

screen-2011-04-02-06-54-29_thumb[2]Steven Pinker, one of the greatest minds in linguistics and evolutionary science, thoroughly debunks the blank slate theory that still dominates the standard social science model.

The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature is a best-selling 2002 book by Steven Pinker arguing against tabula rasa models of the social sciences. Pinker argues that human behavior is substantially shaped by evolutionary psychological adaptations. The book was nominated for the 2003 Aventis Prizes and was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize.  (wikipedia)

This tabula-rasa/blank-slate theory is responsible for most serious mistakes in social theories and public policies of the last century in fields like education, discrimination, gender relations. It also is related to rejection of inheritance based evolutionary theory. All this is very central to Human-Stupidity: how can a ridiculously false theory dogmatically dominate science and public policy for decades.

One simple example of always repeated conventional wisdom:

  • "Children that are beaten by violent parents become violent adults". There usually is no test for the alternative  hypothesis that this has nothing to do with genetics, but that these children could have genetically inherited violent traits from their parents.

Steven Pinker: Chalking it up to the blank slate


The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature
See also real important reading
  1. Evolutionary Psychology Primer & Reading List Leda Cosmides & John Tooby
  2. Evolutionary Psychology: Evolutionary Theory, Paleoanthropology, Adaptationism
  3.  Evolutionary Psychology Primer & Reading List | Human-Stupidity.

The Seven Words You Can’t Say On Television

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Blank slate (tabula rasa) theory thoroughly debunked (Steven Pinke…
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Innuendos are safer then overt language. Hidden meanings in communication (Steven Pinker)

In this Video, the great Steven Pinker how and why we convey innuendos instead of overt clear language.  Why do we use veiled hidden messages behind our words. The topic is  clarified with nice enlightening drawings by rsa-animate. Must see!

I leave it to the watcher, what this has to do with our favorite topics like dishonesty, unconsciousness,hypocrisy …

Adolescent girl-fights with injuries: cheer on! Nudity, love and sex: crime and victimization.

Adolescent girl-fights are fashionable. They are done like gladiator fights, for fame, for the watchers, and for public exposure on the internet. Most sites would NOT blot out the faces like MSNBC is doing in the video shown here.

We do not understand why watching adolescents bashing in their heads to get hospitalized is prime time TV. The same girl nude, or, God beware, masturbating would get us all in jail for 10 years. Just by being in your computer cache, that is enough to victimize the girl.

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

I hope you understand the pure watching of a child porn video victimizes  the person depicted (sorry, I did not make this up, this is conventional wisdom). For some strange reason, watching the underage girls bashing in their heads is not victimization. Not even for the live watchers that cheer them on and don’t break up the fight.

A while ago, we had a hostage execution beheading video. When the hostage’s pants came off, it was important to blot out his privates. Much more indecent then cutting off his head.

Leading sex research experts against child porn laws: "Adolescents and young adults are no children"

Experts in Sexology (academic sex research) have always opposed the child porn witch hunt. Especially the part that criminalizes normal adolescent sexuality by hiding it behind manipulative language calling adolescents "children".  Now the leading academic sex experts in Germany put their weight against senseless police state anti child porn legislation. It is late to stem the tide.

Adolescents and young adults are no children

Declaration by German speaking sexological associations on the pending EU-Childpornography-Directive

Adolescents & Young Adults are no Children
Declaration by German speaking sexological associations on the
pending EU-Childpornography-Directive

Proposed 2001 by the EU Commission, the European Council in 2004 passed the „Framework Decision on Combating Child Pornography and Sexual Exploitation of children (2004/68/JI). Based on the Lisbon EU Treaty, in force since 1st January 2010, the EU Commission proposed to replace it by a directive with the same title, but toughened in several aspects (COM 2010-94). The 27 justice ministers have already approved. Only the EU parliament can – and should! – object.
The new EU-directive not only provides for the blocking of internet-sites but also obliges all 27 member-states to criminalise erotic depictions of adults. Not only pornography is banned but any kind of sexually connotated pictures, making no exception for arts or science. Movies like “The Tin Drum” or common coming-of-age movies, even the new Harry-Potter movie, could be criminalised. Even mere private possession of such films will be sanctioned and everybody will be obliged to report such “crimes”.

Adolescents and young adults are no children  (Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene sind keine Kinder)

Constitutional rights are violated

We are arriving at the point of overcriminalization where everyone can be jailed, if authorities start searching his computer and his video collection for "child pornography".

the Directive will violate fundamental legislative and criminal law principles including the supreme
constitutional principles of commensurateness and proportionality.

Law makers ignore science

Human-Stupidity has repeatedly assailed the disproportrional penalties penalties for sex related crimes. See judge Weinstein and

Woman causes permanent brain damage in infant: 2 years. Kills baby: 4 years. Man possesses photos: priceless (40 years)

2. False Assumptions
It appears symptomatic that in drafting the Directive the EU-Commission explicitly waived
expert knowledge
. Their empirical assumptions are accordingly vague and partially wrong.

The sex obsessed legal persecution is fueled by zealots like religious fundamentalists and dogmatic feminists and is not shared by academic scientist in the field. Even experts are attacked when their findings contradict the pervailing anti-sexual opinion (see Rind Study)

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Leading sex research experts against child porn laws: "Adoles…
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