Wikipedia discriminates against women? Or gender differences are real?

Surveys suggest that less than 15 percent of the online encyclopedia’s hundreds of thousands of contributors are female. […]

Sue Gardner, the executive director of the foundation, has set a goal to raise the share of female contributors to 25 percent by 2015, but she is running up against the traditions of the computer world and an obsessive fact-loving realm that is dominated by men and, some say, uncomfortable for women.

Her effort is not diversity for diversity’s sake, she says. “This is about wanting to ensure that the encyclopedia is as good as it could be,”  

Define Gender Gap? Look Up Wikipedia’s Contributor List

Is Wikipedia creating a glass ceiling, actively blocking women from participating? Well, or maybe women are different. Or maybe men really are the gender that creates knowledge, wealth, public services, etc?

I would imagine that if less than 15% of the contributors are women, then much less than 15% of the work is done by women.

Considering that almost nobody gets paid for Wikipedia, the most obvious thing that can be said about its existence from a gender point of view is that the human race owes a debt of gratitude to the male sex.

[… men see the point] n working for free to expand access to information for people they don’t know. But blaming any problem, even one as exiguous as women not contributing much unpaid labor to Wikipedia, on women is a no-no, so the fault must lie with “misogynists.”

Guys Create Wikipedia For Free: That’s A Problem
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Gynocentrism (male chivalry) was the norm, not Patriarchism

  • "women have always been the primary victims of war. Women lose their husbands, their fathers, their sons in combat." (Hillary Clinton). Well, sure – losing family members to horrible deaths is so much worse than actually having to die those horrible deaths.
  • The traditional idea under discussion is male sacrifice for the benefit of women, which we term Gynocentrism. This is the historical norm, and it was the way of the world long before anything called ‘feminism’ made itself known
  • men perfectly accustomed to the idea of dying for the sake of their women. It is an idea that has outlived nearly every other, and endures to this day in our American Empire. That men should sacrifice themselves utterly – their very essence, their being and their identity, to save women that they do not even know – is neatly encapsulated in that popular phrase, ‘women and children first.’
  • feminism equals female supremacism
  • The feminist movement is taken very seriously indeed by those with the power to enforce its core aims:
    • (1) The expropriation of resources from men to women.
    • (2) The punishment of men.
    • (3) To increase (1) and (2) in terms of scope and intensity indefinitely.

The quotes above are from a very interesting lecture series:

Gynocentrism Theory 

                       (all lectures above in the RSS link)

  1. Staring Out From the Abyss   Lecture No. 1
  2. The Same Old Story   Lecture No. 2
  3. Refuting the Appeal to Dictionary
  4. Pig Latin
  5. Anatomy of a Victim Ideology



Staring Out From the Abyss  (Lecture 1)

This weblog aims to encourage the intellectual crystallization of what we are calling the Men’s Rights Movement, by taking a narrow lens across a broad range of topics. This weblog is dedicated to the elucidation of Gynocentrism Theory.

What is Gynocentrism Theory? To put it simply, it is a system which explains social relations between the sexes. It supersedes Patriarchy Theory, the cornerstone of all feminist thought. Now memetic, Patriarchy Theory has proved a remarkable tool in denying men their rights, including their most basic human rights to dignity and bodily integrity, on the pretense that all men are oppressors (or at least, allied with oppressive men from whom they receive benefits) and that all women are victims of male power. Gynocentrism Theory is the articulation of many years of effort by various thinkers in the Men’s Rights sphere to describe a vision of the world which more accurately reflects the experiences of men – and many women, too.


The Same Old Story   Lecture No. 2

Allow me to clarify. The traditional idea under discussion is male sacrifice for the benefit of women, which we term Gynocentrism. This is the historical norm, and it was the way of the world long before anything called ‘feminism’ made itself known


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Gynocentrism (male chivalry) was the norm, not Patriarchism
» continues here »

Age of Consent is Misandry (

The arbitrary age of consent is not about protecting women/girls. It is about valuing females and their virtue over males and their freedom. The intent of the laws is to stop older men from having sex with younger women and that is how it is enforced. It was never intended to stop younger men from having sex with older women. This is only possible in a society that values females over males, the same society that has so many other examples of legalized discrimination based on sex as long as that sex is male – violence laws such as VAWA, domestic violence laws, family court, accusations of sexual assault & harassment, all criminal sentencing, military conscription, circumcision, etc. We live in a society where misandry runs rampant, unchecked, and enforced by the law.


Jay Hammers closed down his famous Men’s Rights blog, for private reasons. Unfortunately, he did not just cease to publish, but took down the entire blog. With Jay Hammers gracious permission, I repost Jay Hammers “Age of Consent is Misandry”.

Jay Hammer’s “Age of Consent is Misandry” is a provocative, politically incorrect and irreverent article. The language is often strong and alienated even lots Men’s Rights’ activists.

We at repost  Jay Hammer’s “Age of Consent is Misandry” as a historical document, without further comment. We do invite comments at the end of this post!

  • has the history of his blog, including lots of reddit’s members comments. We would be happy if Jay Hammers gave permission to repost more of his articles.
  • is not exclusively dedicated to men’s rights. Human Stupidity focuses on exposing blind dogmatism, unjust witch hunts and wants to raise awareness and honest conscious discussion. Sometimes the truth is offensive, sometimes a point that counters conventional dogma can be driven home with blunt openness instead of careful maneuvering.
  • * r/mensrightsmovement: Reddit Men’s Rights Movement

    • is a new group at reddit, and an appropriate place to advance the discussion of issues about this post. r/MensRightMovementWelcomes sex positive points of view” and “Sees the legislative creep of sex offender hysteria to be one of the greatest abuses of men’s rights by feminists.”

    Age of consent laws are designed to punish beta males. A beta male in his 20s, unsuccessful with women his own age who are infused with a sense of feminist entitlement and deride all but the top alpha males who take interest in them, who seeks companionship with a younger, sexually mature female who desires him, should not go to prison for acting on that which is normal male sexuality. A society that criminalizes this is a society that values females over males and treats women as if they are children.

    If we are to treat women as children then we should be consistent. Young women who have sex with older men are as much victims as women who have sex with a pick-up artist after meeting at a club. In both cases, feminists are angry because the woman has been “fooled” into having sex with a less than ideal mate in terms of value. In the first case, the male appears to be of higher value than he really is because he is older and more experienced. In the second case, the male appears to be of higher value than he really is because he has learned the elements of attraction. In both cases, women are presumed (by feminists) to have no responsibility for their own actions and to be little more than children, than animals who are guided only by instinct.

    Wait, there is more! This article continues! Continue reading “Age of Consent is Misandry (” »
    Age of Consent is Misandry (
    » continues here »

    Hanna Rosin on the rise of women (TED talks)

    Quite a shocking speech. Hanna Rosin fails to mention the constant discrimination against men and boys, and against masculine traits and behaviors, from kindergarten on.

    But, judging from her speech, men clearly need to be protected and have affirmative action, as a disadvantaged class.

    Hollywood movies glorify criminal heroes: how romantic!

    Romantic Hollywood movies are full of illegal (criminal) actions, perpetrated by movie heroes, our role models!  Interestingly, most of these illegalities are considered highly romantic (when perpetrated by a heartthrob movie star)

    When done in real life, many of the tricks used by onscreen singletons to successfully woo potential lovers can get you put away for a long time.

    1. Pranking a Rival by Doctoring His Drink
    2. Defending Her Honor – With Your FISTS
    3. Watching Your True Love From the Bushes (stalking)
    4. Just Tie The Guy Up (rape committed by females is romantic)
    5. “Oh, It Was You I Was Having Sex With!” (sex by deception)
    6. Dashing Through Airport Security to Declare Your Love
      Source: Romantic Movie Gestures That Can Get You Prison Time

    It is fun to read all the details and examples:
    Romantic Movie Gestures That Can Get You Prison Time

    If a man tied up a woman, with no explicit consent: 10 years jail time
    Man tied up to be raped by a woman (in mainstream movie)

    Do these movies send us wrong messages? Do they mis-educate us and our kids? Should they be prohibited for minors? Or are our laws wrong and the movies are right? Tough questions!

    Hollywood glorifies ILLEGAL violent actions perpetrated by handsome role models …. but photos and movies of LEGAL acts are child pornography

    Hollywood glorifies ILLEGAL violent actions perpetrated by handsome role models …

    Our inborn insticts are not acceptable in laws of the modern world. This has good reasons. Genocide and ethnical cleansing can be found not only in the holy Bible, but even in chimpanzee colonies in the wild. Overreacting in self defense is a deterrent to thugs, but nowadays gets victims of bullying and robbery into jail. Of course, occasionally, the old illegal method would work as well or better. Vigilanteism and lynching, in the past, helped to maintain order.

    In Hollywood movie clearly illegal and dangerous actions are perpetrated by the hero! Not just by the villains, but by the beloved and adored hero that serves as model for adults and children alike. I always wondered why the hero never makes a police report, but rather solves his problems with his fists and guns. What a role model for our gullible children!

    Wait, there is more! This article continues! Continue reading “Hollywood movies glorify criminal heroes: how romantic!” »
    Hollywood movies glorify criminal heroes: how romantic!
    » continues here »

    Meredith Maran (My lie): False accusations due to “repressed-memory”-of-child-abuse witch hunt

    Meredith Maran’s recent book “My Lie” describes how Meredith accused her own father of child abuse and rape. She was fooled into this by then fashionable feminist witch hunt invention of “repressed memory”, that a third of all kids were sexually abused and just had forgotten. She is sorry for it, but does not quite see the monstrosity of how she almost destroyed her father’s life.

    “I allow an innocent man to sit in prison if it meant keeping children safe”
    (Meredith Maran)

    In the middle of the book, while you are still deeply in the mind-set of being molested, there’s a notion you agree with that if one innocent man goes to prison, but it stops a hundred molesters, it’s worth it. Do you still agree with that notion?

    I’m fairly close to a man still in prison, and really believe he is innocent. I know how he’s suffered. I know he’s 80 years old and in ill health. He’s spent 20 years in prison, for no reason. If every elementary school child is now taught how to protect themselves from sexual abuse — and even more to the point, some father or preschool teacher who feels the urge to molest a child will be inhibited from doing so because they think there are guys still in jail for doing that — but innocent people are in prison, do I have to make that choice? It is a Sophie’s choice kind of thing. Would I allow an innocent man to sit in prison if it meant keeping children safe?

    So would you make that choice?

    I think so.

    Source of this monstrosity:

    Meredith Maran did not learn. She has a little pity for a guy whose life has been totally destroyed by 20 years of jail in spite of his innocence. No total outrage. No desire ti fight for justice (to make amends for her own injustice).

    She still suffers from brainwashing by more recent feminist fables. Meredith Maran  is sorry she destroyed her father’s life. But Meredith wants to totally destroy the life of a totally 100% innocent guys in order to save children from some indecent fondling? In this blog I make it a point that even the true culprit of indecent fondling of a (real) child deserves much lighter punishment then decades in jail. But Meredity wants that the totally innocent guy rots and gets raped in jail?

    I use the word “real” child, denoting 3, 5 or 10 year old, because feminist laws
    nowadays define 17 year olds as “children”

    A child molestor is a guy who talks to children in creepy ways, who has indecent wandering hands. A guy who takes photos.  An old grandpa who is getting a little too cozy. Or a 20 year old having sex with a 15 year old. Some reason for concern, yes. But feminist propaganda confounds senile grandpas with slight errors of judgment and violent penetrative toddler mutilators and (real) infant rapists.

    I use the word “real” rapist, because all the above indecent behaviors
    nowadays are officially called “rape”, causing total confusion.
    When a “Rape” is not a Rape! The Abuse of the word “Rape”. & the Perversion of Language

    Child molestation might not be harmful!!?

    Feminists  either totally invent or vastly exaggerate the damage that is being done my low level child molestation. Where is the proof? Inconvenient science gets officially repressed and condemned:

    So much that the entire US senate condemned a prestigious peer reviewed study by a 99-0 vote.
    Scientific Publications Condemned and Repressed by US Congress and Senate

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    Meredith Maran (My lie): False accusations due to “repressed…
    » continues here »

    "Mother’s baby. Father’s maybe." Mandatory DNA testing at birth can instate gender equality.

    When technological progress could be of disadvantage for feminists, they use their manipulative skills to outlaw its usage. Recent technological advances in DNA paternity tests could uncover female adultery and liberate a cuckold from life long payments. To avoid this, feminists’s infinite creativity invented a baby’s “right to her/his genetic material” to prevent a father from taking a bit of blood, saliva or hair from his putative offspring for genetic testing. Feminist women want to maintain the status: before the advent of DNA testing, women managed to hide the offspring of adulterous relations and made the cuckold husband paternity and pay for the resulting offspring. Now most countries create obstacles to paternal DNA testing, so cheating wives do not get discovered.

    The Conspiracy Against Cuckolds. Women are sure of maternity. They know for sure the baby is hers. Men can’t be sure. Feminists are against gender equality, they want to prevent men from being sure about paternity.


    Women who actually introduce cuckold babies into her family, make her husband pay for her infidelity, defraud the men out of huge amounts of money. This female fraud is treated leniently. The female adulterous fraudsters are even are protected by laws that make it difficult for cuckolded fathers to do genetic testing.

    In some countries fathers who do paternity test on their putative offspring risk 3 years in jail.

    We propose equal rights. Women are sure about maternity, so mandatory paternity testing at birth is the only way to level the playing field and have equality of information.

    Human-Stupidity analysis

    As always, women want to have their cake and eat it. Whenever they are at a disadvantage, they want equality. Whenever they have a privilege, they want to keep it. No equality.

    When paternal certainty gets them child support money, they enforce laws for DNA testing:  Even if mother cheated, lied, or raped: father always pays child support.

    When uncertainty favors a cheating adulterous wife, they instate other laws that punish putative fathers for DNA testing.

    It never ceases to amaze me that women get men to enact and enforce their lopsided laws. Most likely this is not a planned conspiracy by feminists, but evolutionary inborn ‘feelings” that translate into concerted action by big groups of females, (Female evolutionary Superiority in social manipulation causes feminist Language Distortions’ universal acceptance )

    What damage is done if a woman cheats? 20 years of expense for her husband to feed a cuckold baby!

    A cheating wife can make a man invest his life’s work and savings into a child that is not his. This is one of the worst frauds there can be. 20 years of work, a major part of a man’s life, stoled, due to fraud. This fraud should be a felony with long mandatory prison term.

    That is real cheating! Amazing, cuckolding a man with a child that is not his is not regarded high treason!  And now we have the technology to prevent this cheating, to protect men from the worst effect of their wive’s infidelity.

    A man who goes to a prostitute, who has enough money, harms nobody. Except the pride of his wife.Maybe reduces a little the time and money alotted to his wife and kids. But his wife will never pay for a man’s girlfriend’s offspring.

    Modern paternity tests threaten female cheaters, so protective laws were enacted

    Amazingly, the feminist influenced legal system managed to undo the technological progress. The female cheater is often protected by law, which makes paternity tests difficult or illegal.

    The Conspiracy Against Cuckolds: Cheating women get legal protection.

    [Snce 2006] all men who suspect they may be the father of a child, but who do not have parental responsibility, will be banned from testing a child’s DNA. The new Human Tissue Act will make it a criminal offence to test a bodily sample, including for paternity testing, without proper consent

      And as usual, women manage to come up with some amazing logic, that the 6 month old baby has a right and interest in his/her genetic material. And stupid men just lap up such drivel and buy it. I am amazed!

      Yes: up to 3 years in jail when a British man does genetic testing on his own child!

      This drakonian law is from Britain.  But in most countries, genetic testing by cuckold fathers is getting complicated. In Germany, a similar law to impose jail sentences on fathers was defeated.

      In Germany, even if a cuckold father takes a genetic test and sees he is not the father, this test is invalid. And it is not grounds enough to do a court ordered test. Father will be forced to go on paying for the kid his adulterous wife bore from another man.

      Insanity! Absolute injustice against the man. The woman commits large scale fraud to get large part of a man’s earnings for her boyfriend’s son. And the law protects the adulterous woman and her boy toy. Insanity enshrined in legal code. Amazing!

      All this DNA secrecy with the intent to protect family peace and the well being of the children.

      Amazing how feminists win all wars, and men are just the lambs who accept all injustice.

      Why not 3 years in jail for deceiving a man and make him pay for a child that is not his?

      A woman who makes a cuckold dad work for 20 years to pay a few hundred thousands $, €, £, for a child that is not his, causes severe financial and emotional damage to a man. Then later on, society wants to protect the child by preventing dad from knowing he is not the father. Well, the culprit for any trauma to the child is the lying cheating woman.

      Does she get 3 years in jail for that? For causing trauma to her husband and her child? No. the law protects her. It makes it hard or impossible for a man to find out the truth about her cheating. And if he finds out he usually is required to go on paying.

    Wait, there is more! This article continues! Continue reading “"Mother’s baby. Father’s maybe." Mandatory DNA testing at birth can instate gender equality.” »
    "Mother’s baby. Father’s maybe." Mandatory …
    » continues here »

    Even if mother cheated, lied, or raped: father always pays child support.

    When paternity testing is useful for the women, it will be enforced and used to prove paternity, so father can pay up. And pay he must, always.  If the sperm is the man’s, he has to pay child support.

    Man has to pay child support even if pregnancy is result of

    • deceit,
    • fraud,
    • “stolen” sperm taken from a condom and artifically injected,
    • statutory rape of a minor
    • or even real  rape of an unconscious passe out man by the woman.

    On the other hand, cuckolded men are supposed to pay for children of adulterous relations of cheating wives, when the sperm is not theirs. When paternity testing is against the mother’s best interest, they invent the the well being of the child requires that paternity tests be NOT allowed. See “Mother’s baby. Father’s maybe.” Mandatory DNA testing at birth can instate gender equality.

    We are awe-struck how feminists manage to tilt all laws so they serve their personal interest.

    We don’t favor a “conspiracy theory”. Women do not conspire consciously how to bet manipulate public opinion with distortions.  Rather we propose a female evolutionary mechanism to band together to lobby for what feels right to them. (Female evolutionary Superiority in social manipulation causes feminist Language Distortions’ universal acceptance )

    Keep reading the rest of this post!

    Wait, there is more! This article continues! Continue reading “Even if mother cheated, lied, or raped: father always pays child support.” »
    Even if mother cheated, lied, or raped: father always pays child s…
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