The Jörg Kachelmann rape trial is the sensational trial of the year in Germany. A famous TV anchor whose program once went viral on YouTube, sex, multiple girl friends delight the rainbow press. Serious press organs like "Der Spiegel" and "Die Zeit" arrived at the sensible conclusion that there is absolutely no evidence to support the accusation (or rather, it appears to be a painstakingly planned false accusation). In spite of mounting evidence to the contrary, feminists, led by feminist Icon Alice Schwarzer continue convinced that Kachelmann is guilty and accuse these press organs of partiality.
Rape trial without evidence
The so-called objective evidence in the rape case against Jörg Kachelmann, allegedly held by Mannheim Public Prosecutor’s Office, doesn’t exist. Several expert witnesses have so far testified in the rape trial. None found any supporting evidence that Jörg Kachelmann raped Simone D. On the contrary, the evidence contradicts the alleged victim’s story. Additionally, the alleged victim, who had accused her ex-boyfriend of raping her at knife point, had to admit to having lied and fabricated some of the evidence herself.
On the other hand, the court painstakingly interviewed various ex-girlfriends of Kachelmann, who had absolutely no knowledge about the alleged incident, but could only smear Joerg Kachelmann’s reputation. Some girl friends earned major amounts for interviews in the rainbow press, but at the same time insisted on privacy during their court hearings.
The prominent Swiss weather anchor Jörg Kachelmann, working for German television, was held in remand for several months before the rape trial held its first hearing, despite his claims of innocence, and despite the absence of any flight risk. Adding to this the non-existent danger of collusion, this jailing of a suspect, based on nothing but unproven allegations, amounts to breach of due process.
Surprisingly, the English speaking press has absolutely no coverage about the Kachelmann rape trial. Therefore, Human-Stupidity undertook the trouble of improving on Google translations to publish the translated text of an excellent article Two bruises but no other findings by German News Magazine "Die Zeit
Two bruises but no other findings in alleged rape case
Did Jörg Kachelmann rape his lover Simone D? The experts’ interpretation of the evidence differs from that of the prosecution.
The Mannheim District Court has been hearing Jörg Kachelmann’s case for six months now. That’s how long the 5th criminal division has been searching for evidence to prove that the accused weatherman of the first German television channel raped his occasional mistress, Claudia Simone D. The search has so far been futile. In fact, as the case progresses, incriminating evidence steadily dissipates.
On 9 February 2010, the 37-year old Simone D. made a police statement according to which, after a row in her flat, Jörg Kachelmann raped her at knife point and threatened to kill her. The Mannheim Public Prosecutor’s Office had always made a public pretence of having objective evidence indicating the defendant’s culpability. This assertion, however, has been seriously challenged over recent months.
German courts deal with rape cases on a daily basis. That the Kachelmann proceedings have turned into a mammoth case without an ending in sight is not unrelated to the fact that investigators spent weeks interrogating the victim/witness without questioning her statements. The Kachelmann case proves beyond doubt that, in this day and age, no potential victim of a sexually related crime need fear the authorities. Rape victims humiliated and bullied by the police and judiciary were merely a post war phenomenon, now long gone, though still preferentially exemplified by women’s rights activists. Today, a woman who reports a rape in Germany can expect a maximum of discretion, understanding, solidarity and attention. The extent of this is demonstrated fully on Simone D.
The criminal investigation department accepted the rape story of Kachelmann’s girlfriend without any verification of her statement. In a remark made immediately after the report on 10 February 2010, the female interrogating officer from Schwetzingen wrote: “We feel the woman is making a credible impression”. When questioned by the court six months later on the basis of this evaluation, the police officer was unable to respond.
Credulity and naivety – unexpected qualities in a judge – were also displayed later, in the witness statement before the Mannheim District Court by the custodial judge, who ordered Kachelmann –pleading innocence – to be held in remand on 10 March 2010. The judge stated, as reason for the arrest warrant, that Kachelmann’s version, according to which he first had consensual sexual intercourse with Simone D. but then left after a jealous outburst from her, simply did “not appear plausible” to him. In addition, he held it on assumption that “someone who accuses another of committing a criminal offence would be telling the truth”.
Accusers are always believed. Especially rape accusers. In spite of evidence that false rape accusations have been a weapon of choice since biblical times and nowadays are endemic. Credible experts from police and academia estimate that 20% – 60% of rape accusations are false. Of course, feminist writers vehemently disagree. (Additionally, most rape accusations are not about forcible rape in the traditional meaning of the word.
The Mannheim Public Prosecutor’s Office has also been supportive of the victim/witness from the beginning, although the woman, whose hopes had been dashed by Kachelmann, would have very understandable motives for a false accusation. The Public Prosecutors continued to support Simone D. even when, in the course of the investigation, she admitted to not only having lied in parts of her statement, but also to fabricating some of the incriminating evidence herself (see ZEIT file “Schuldig auf Verdacht” from 24 June 2010).
When her manipulations were discovered, at the end of April 2010, Kachelmann had already spent a month in custody. In spite of this the Public Prosecutor’s Office dismissed Simone D’s attempt to mislead the court as a “minor issue”.
Source: Two bruises but no other findings | Die Zeit
The Hofstra rape case is an example where 4 men were jailed and on the verge of getting 20 year verdicts based on the contradictory accusation of one lone girls. Only video evidence cleared the falsely accused.
This clear bias in favor of accusers can be found world wide. The Obama administration ordered US colleges to convict rape suspects in internal administrative proceedings by preponderance of evidence, a far cry from "beyond reasonable doubt". Add to this panel members totally biased in favor of the accuser, and a conviction is virtually assured, no matter how flimsy or patently wrong the accusation.
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Jörg Kachelmann rape trial without evidence
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