Jörg Kachelmann rape trial without evidence

The Jörg Kachelmann rape trial is the sensational trial of the year in Germany. A famous TV anchor whose program once went viral on YouTube, sex, multiple girl friends delight the rainbow press.  Serious press organs like "Der Spiegel" and "Die Zeit" arrived at the sensible conclusion that there is absolutely no evidence to support the accusation (or rather,  it appears to be a painstakingly planned false accusation).  In spite of mounting evidence to the contrary, feminists, led by feminist Icon Alice Schwarzer continue convinced that Kachelmann is guilty and accuse these press organs of partiality.

Rape trial without evidence

The so-called objective evidence in the rape case against Jörg Kachelmann, allegedly held by Mannheim Public Prosecutor’s Office, doesn’t exist. Several expert witnesses have so far testified in the rape trial. None found any supporting evidence that Jörg Kachelmann raped Simone D. On the contrary, the evidence contradicts the alleged victim’s story.  Additionally, the alleged victim, who had accused her ex-boyfriend of raping her at knife point, had to admit to having lied and fabricated some of the evidence herself.

On the other hand, the court painstakingly interviewed various ex-girlfriends of Kachelmann, who had absolutely no knowledge about the  alleged incident, but could only smear Joerg Kachelmann’s reputation. Some girl friends earned major amounts for interviews in the rainbow press, but at the same time insisted on privacy during their court hearings.

The prominent Swiss weather anchor Jörg Kachelmann, working for German television, was held in remand for several months before the rape trial held its first hearing, despite his claims of innocence, and despite the absence of any flight risk. Adding to this the non-existent danger of collusion, this jailing of a suspect, based on nothing but unproven allegations, amounts to breach of due process.

Surprisingly, the English speaking press has absolutely no coverage about the Kachelmann rape trial. Therefore, Human-Stupidity undertook the trouble of improving on Google translations to publish the translated text of an excellent article Two bruises but no other findings by  German News Magazine "Die Zeit

Two bruises but no other findings in alleged rape case

Did Jörg Kachelmann rape his lover Simone D? The experts’ interpretation of the evidence differs from that of the prosecution.

The Mannheim District Court has been hearing Jörg Kachelmann’s case for six months now. That’s how long the 5th criminal division has been searching for evidence to prove that the accused weatherman of the first German television channel raped his occasional mistress, Claudia Simone D. The search has so far been futile. In fact, as the case progresses, incriminating evidence steadily dissipates.

On 9 February 2010, the 37-year old Simone D. made a police statement according to which, after a row in her flat, Jörg Kachelmann raped her at knife point and threatened to kill her. The Mannheim Public Prosecutor’s Office had always made a public pretence of having objective evidence indicating the defendant’s culpability. This assertion, however, has been seriously challenged over recent months.

German courts deal with rape cases on a daily basis. That the Kachelmann proceedings have turned into a mammoth case without an ending in sight is not unrelated to the fact that investigators spent weeks interrogating the victim/witness without questioning her statements. The Kachelmann case proves beyond doubt that, in this day and age, no potential victim of a sexually related crime need fear the authorities. Rape victims humiliated and bullied by the police and judiciary were merely a post war phenomenon, now long gone, though still preferentially exemplified by women’s rights activists. Today, a woman who reports a rape in Germany can expect a maximum of discretion, understanding, solidarity and attention. The extent of this is demonstrated fully on Simone D.

The criminal investigation department accepted the rape story of Kachelmann’s girlfriend without any verification of her statement. In a remark made immediately after the report on 10 February 2010, the female interrogating officer from Schwetzingen wrote: “We feel the woman is making a credible impression”. When questioned by the court six months later on the basis of this evaluation, the police officer was unable to respond.

Credulity and naivety – unexpected qualities in a judge – were also displayed later, in the witness statement before the Mannheim District Court by the custodial judge, who ordered Kachelmann –pleading innocence – to be held in remand on 10 March 2010. The judge stated, as reason for the arrest warrant, that Kachelmann’s version, according to which he first had consensual sexual intercourse with Simone D. but then left after a jealous outburst from her, simply did “not appear plausible” to him. In addition, he held it on assumption that “someone who accuses another of committing a criminal offence would be telling the truth”.

Accusers are always believed. Especially rape accusers. In spite of evidence that false rape accusations have been a weapon of choice since biblical times and nowadays are endemic. Credible experts from police and academia estimate that 20% – 60% of rape accusations are false.  Of course, feminist writers vehemently disagree. (Additionally, most rape accusations are not about forcible rape in the traditional meaning of the word.

The Mannheim Public Prosecutor’s Office has also been supportive of the victim/witness from the beginning, although the woman, whose hopes had been dashed by Kachelmann, would have very understandable motives for a false accusation. The Public Prosecutors continued to support Simone D. even when, in the course of the investigation, she admitted to not only having lied in parts of her statement, but also to fabricating some of the incriminating evidence herself (see ZEIT file “Schuldig auf Verdacht” from 24 June 2010).

When her manipulations were discovered, at the end of April 2010, Kachelmann had already spent a month in custody. In spite of this the Public Prosecutor’s Office dismissed Simone D’s attempt to mislead the court as a “minor issue”. 
Source: Two bruises but no other findings | Die Zeit

The Hofstra rape case is an example where 4 men were jailed and on the verge of getting 20 year verdicts based on the contradictory accusation of one lone girls. Only video evidence cleared the falsely accused.

This clear bias in favor of accusers can be found world wide. The Obama administration ordered US colleges to convict rape suspects in internal administrative proceedings by preponderance of evidence, a far cry from "beyond reasonable doubt".  Add to this panel members totally biased in favor of the accuser, and a conviction is virtually assured, no matter how flimsy or patently wrong the accusation.

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Jörg Kachelmann rape trial without evidence
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"Protection from Abuse" (restraining) order is Abuse

Restraining orders or protection-from-abuse orders from a random stranger are not a big deal. But if you are ordered to stay away from your home, your kids, your documents, your clothing, your medicines, your library, computer, then this is a disaster.

Restraining order to immediately stay away from own house,
all belongings, documents, clothing, children?

How can you be kicked out of your own home, with no prior warning, no chance to take your ID and documents, pick up a change of underwear, not even your credit card so you can buy underwear. But you have the obligation to continue paying the mortgage, or rent, are prohibited to even send a text message to your kids.  If this is a shared marital home, it is very bad. If this is the man’s home and the complainant a mere girl friend he allowed to live there, that now kicks him out of his own property and home, the injustice is worse.

protection-from-abuse-temporary-restraining-orderThis restraining order has the same effect as if a tsunami or tornado had passed over one’s home. Immediate homelessness, living on the street. But it is worse. After a tsunami, one can go back to the remnants of the home and try to find one’s Identification papers, and also has a chance to find a shelter. And all this basically with no due process, with no proof, and for crimes as simple as allegations of annoying a woman, without corroborating proof.

Slightest violation of unjustified protection from abuse/ restraining order:
mandatory felony jail terms

Any innocent unintended violation of a restraining order leads to mandatory felony jail terms as happened to Dr. Emerson.  His life was ruined due to unproven (probably false accusations), a protection from abuse/restraining order and the consequential criminalization of his perfectly legal gun collection. 

Why can’t she leave if she feels threatened?

Why can’t she leave if she feels threatened? Even if he committed violence, a man’s home should be sacred. 

Whoever is the main home owner, the main tenant, the payee of rent should have the right to stay.  Are there no constitutional protections? This is worse then anything I have read about the worst dictatorships.

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"Protection from Abuse" (restraining) order is Abuse
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Legal right to renounce child support empowers women, increases birth rates

Contractual freedom to agree about child support rights

Many women want to have a baby, but, for some reason, don’t find the appropriate man or husband. A man willing to the father and take on fatherly duties. The typical solution is to “forget” to take the pill or just let the man falsely assume she is taking birth control.

child-support-hearing1) Women should have right to renounce rights to father’s child support

We propose that

a) A woman should be empowered to contractually agree with a man to have his baby and not demand any child support.


  1. In most developed countries, more babies are urgently needed. This probably will lead to higher birth rates. The richer, more educated, more capacitated women will have children of their choice, that are wanted.
  2. No manipulation needed, no dishonesty about accidentally “forgotten birth control” to get pregnant against the man’s expressed wish
  3. female empowerment: the woman can have her wish, pick the father of her choice and have a baby.
      1. Most men would feel honored to be chosen as a father, without being obliged to support the baby nor having to get along with the woman for the next 20 years.
      2. many men would, voluntarily, by mutual agreement give some aid and support in child raising, in spite of the waiver.
  4. funny-pictures-child-support-catIt fixes our perverted system in which
    1. the most irresponsible and uncontrolled, least intelligent and poorest men have the most offspring
      1. these people are the most unfit genetically (their offspring will be less intelligent and have less self control)
      2. these people are also most unfit as parents and educators: they are less responsible, less intelligent
      3. these people are less unfit financially to provide a good home
    2. society pays for these offspring, with welfare that often encourages the poor to have more offspring to receive more money. These children are not welcome and loved, they are either accidents or planned to increase welfare income. A bad and traumatic start of a life for a baby.
    3. The well-to-do fear child support payments. Poor deadbeats that are unable to pay, and anonymous one night stances can get unlimited offspring without legal and financial responsibility
  5. island-child-supportb) A man should be allowed to contractually assume all child care and support obligations after birth

    Equally, a man can agree to take a child, after birth, assuming all child care and support.

    This might convince a woman to forego abortion, or to become pregnant.

    This ultimately empowers women, because it still is fully her choice to decide to terminate a pregnancy. She might find it attractive to have a baby without obligations.

    Or she might do it as favor for the man, almost like a surrogate pregnancy.

    All this would help to increase birth rate and reduce the population shortage problem in developed countries.

    Who will pay for children’s needs?

    If one party was relieved of his/her obligation, the other party.

    1. The party that took up the contractual obligation, mostly the mother. After all are women not empowered and independent? Don’t women have professions, salary, self sufficiency. Women did this for centuries and millennia, before the advent of liberated professional women and welfare.
    2. Welfare support. Government already pays support for children of deadbeat dads and moms in poverty. Why can’t they pay for the honest working tax paying father? Whoever took up the responsibility should pay him/herself, unless they are below poverty level.

    Your comments are welcome

    All this is a suggestion and, of course, open to discussion. Please comment

    Contractual freedom to agree about child support rights

    Many women want to have a baby, but, for some reason, don’t find the appropriate man or husband. A man willing to the father and assume fatherly duties. The typical solution is to dupe a man into fatherhood by lying about birth control.

    child-support-hearing1) Women should have right to renounce rights to father’s child support

    We propose that

    a) A woman should be empowered to contractually agree with a man to have his baby and not demand any child support.


    1. In most developed countries, more babies are urgently needed. This probably will lead to higher birth rates. The richer, more educated, more capacitated women will have children of their choice, that are wanted.
    2. No manipulation needed, no dishonesty about accidentally "forgotten birth control" to get pregnant against the man’s expressed wish
    3. female empowerment: the woman can have her wish, pick the father of her choice and have a baby.
      1. Most men would feel honored to be chosen as a father, without being obliged to support the baby nor having to get along with the woman for the next 20 years.
      2. many men would, voluntarily, by mutual agreement give some aid and support in child raising, in spite of the waiver.
  6. funny-pictures-child-support-catIt fixes our perverted system in which
    1. the most irresponsible and uncontrolled, least intelligent and poorest men have the most offspring
      1. these people are the most unfit genetically (their offspring will be less intelligent and have less self control)
      2. these people are also most unfit as parents and educators: they are less responsible, less intelligent
      3. these people are less unfit financially to provide a good home
    2. society pays for these offspring, with welfare that often encourages the poor to have more offspring to receive more money. These children are not welcome and loved, they are either accidents or planned to increase welfare income. A bad and traumatic start of a life for a baby.
    3. The well-to-do fear child support payments. Poor deadbeats that are unable to pay, and anonymous one night stances can get unlimited offspring without legal and financial responsibility
  7. island-child-supportb) A man should be allowed to contractually assume all child care and support obligations after birth

    Equally, a man can agree to take a child, after birth, assuming all child care and support.

    This might convince a woman to forego abortion, or to become pregnant.

    This ultimately empowers women, because it still is fully her choice to decide to terminate a pregnancy. She might find it attractive to have a baby without obligations.

    Or she might do it as favor for the man, almost like a surrogate pregnancy.

    All this would help to increase birth rate and reduce the population shortage problem in developed countries.

    Who will pay for children’s needs?

    If one party was relieved of his/her obligation, the other party.

    1. The party that took up the contractual obligation, mostly the mother. After all are women not empowered and independent? Don’t women have professions, salary, self sufficiency. Women did this for centuries and millennia, before the advent of liberated professional women and welfare.
    2. Welfare support. Government already pays support for children of deadbeat dads and moms in poverty. Why can’t they pay for the honest working tax paying father? Whoever took up the responsibility should pay him/herself, unless they are below poverty level.

    Your comments are welcome

    All this is a suggestion and, of course, open to discussion. Please comment

    Contractual freedom to agree about child support rights

    Many women want to have a baby, but, for some reason, don’t find the appropriate man or husband. A man willing to the father and assume fatherly duties. The typical solution is to dupe a man into fatherhood by lying about birth control.

    child-support-hearing1) Women should have right to renounce rights to father’s child support

    We propose that

    a) A woman should be empowered to contractually agree with a man to have his baby and not demand any child support.


    1. In most developed countries, more babies are urgently needed. This probably will lead to higher birth rates. The richer, more educated, more capacitated women will have children of their choice, that are wanted.
    2. No manipulation needed, no dishonesty about accidentally "forgotten birth control" to get pregnant against the man’s expressed wish
    3. female empowerment: the woman can have her wish, pick the father of her choice and have a baby.
      1. Most men would feel honored to be chosen as a father, without being obliged to support the baby nor having to get along with the woman for the next 20 years.
      2. many men would, voluntarily, by mutual agreement give some aid and support in child raising, in spite of the waiver.
  8. funny-pictures-child-support-catIt fixes our perverted system in which
    1. the most irresponsible and uncontrolled, least intelligent and poorest men have the most offspring
      1. these people are the most unfit genetically (their offspring will be less intelligent and have less self control)
      2. these people are also most unfit as parents and educators: they are less responsible, less intelligent
      3. these people are less unfit financially to provide a good home
    2. society pays for these offspring, with welfare that often encourages the poor to have more offspring to receive more money. These children are not welcome and loved, they are either accidents or planned to increase welfare income. A bad and traumatic start of a life for a baby.
    3. The well-to-do fear child support payments. Poor deadbeats that are unable to pay, and anonymous one night stances can get unlimited offspring without legal and financial responsibility
  9. island-child-supportb) A man should be allowed to contractually assume all child care and support obligations after birth

    Equally, a man can agree to take a child, after birth, assuming all child care and support.

    This might convince a woman to forego abortion, or to become pregnant.

    This ultimately empowers women, because it still is fully her choice to decide to terminate a pregnancy. She might find it attractive to have a baby without obligations.

    Or she might do it as favor for the man, almost like a surrogate pregnancy.

    All this would help to increase birth rate and reduce the population shortage problem in developed countries.

    Who will pay for children’s needs?

    If one party was relieved of his/her obligation, the other party.

    1. The party that took up the contractual obligation, mostly the mother. After all are women not empowered and independent? Don’t women have professions, salary, self sufficiency. Women did this for centuries and millennia, before the advent of liberated professional women and welfare.
    2. Welfare support. Government already pays support for children of deadbeat dads and moms in poverty. Why can’t they pay for the honest working tax paying father? Whoever took up the responsibility should pay him/herself, unless they are below poverty level.

    Your comments are welcome

    All this is a suggestion and, of course, open to discussion. Please comment

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    Legal right to renounce child support empowers women, increases bi…
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    Jezebel sucks: feminist excuse female child killer LaShanda Armstrong, instantly delete dissent

    LaShanda Armstrong killed herself, tried to kill her four children. One managed to escape her grip.
    Jezebel-sucks.com is trying to psycho-analyze the poor woman.

    Blame Husband’s infidelity

    Bossip.com even finds a way to blame the father’s infidelity for it: The serial cheater who berated his longtime girlfriend just before she drowned herself and their three kids in the Hudson River won’t face any charges in the tragic deaths

    Jezebel-sucks deletes dissent

    Human-Stupidity posted a comment on Jezebel that this is a psycho assassin infanticidal mother. We mentioned that feminists would not look for psychological explanations if the father were the assassin like father shot family dead.
    It took Jezebel.com-sucks 8 entire minutes, at 7 am, to delete our comment. Admirable efficiency. Dissenting opinions are not welcome. 

    Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

    Armstrong, 25, drowned along with 5-year-old Landon, 2-year-old Lance and 11-month-old Lainaina. Only her 10-year-son Lashaun escaped the tan van turned death trap NY Daily News

    Of course we, unwisely, could not refrain from mentioning that if the father had slightly fondled the kids in wrong ways, they would not try to find deep motivations in the father’s past but rather want to jail him for 20 years.
    (no, we don’t condone inappropriate fondling of children, but we think that assassination is a much more serious crime. See our teenage sexuality and child porn witch hunt topics)

    River Murder-Suicide Mom’s Tragic Final Moments

    Tragic final moments of the murderer?  a multiple child assassin? What about the tragic moment of the drowning kids? And the grieving father?

    Anna North — A day after a Newburgh, New York mom killed herself and her children by driving into the Hudson River, interviews with survivors reveal some clues about her emotional state — and the family problems she was struggling with. River Murder-Suicide Mom’s Tragic Final Moments | Jezebel sucks

    Her emotional thought? that is the fist thing feminists at Jezebel-sucks think after a multiple child assassination. Pre-meditated. Even announced it on Facebook!


    According to her surviving son, ten-year-old Lashaun, she told her kids "I’m sorry, I’m going to do something crazy," and "If I’m going to die, you’re going to die with me." But just before Lashaun escaped the sinking van, she grabbed his pant leg and said, "I made a mistake."

    jezebel-sucks-ashandra-armstrong-suicide3While your car is sinking you hold your kid by the pant legs to have a chat? Probably she tried to hold him by the pant leg so he would drown too. My suspicion is confirmed by the MSNBC TV report. Obviously she was not sorry enough so she would try to save the kids.

    Initial reports made it sound like Armstrong had intentionally let Lashaun out of the car, but it now appears that he slid out through a window and swam back to shore,

    No, she wanted to kill the fourth child too.

    The newspaper quoted Ryan as saying that Lashaun’s mother held her children as the minivan slipped into the river, saying: "If I’m going to die, you’re going to die with me." MSNBC

    It is the father’s fault!

    It is unbelievable. We thought Jezebel was bad. It can get worse:

    Epitome Of A Bad Father: Deadbeat Dad Won’t Face Charges Even Though His Restraining Order Violation Drove Ex To Drown Herself And Their Kids

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    Jörg Kachelmann rape trial of the year (Germany): prosecutor misconduct, victim’s lies

    kachelmann-bild.deThe Kachelmann case is in Germany almost like OJ Simpson case: a very famous person is accused of a heinous crime, and the population is split on their guilty-or-not verdict.  In the Kachelmann ("Tile man") case, of course, it is not even assured that a crime has happened. Feminists think he is guilty, of course.  "The criminal case of the year" in Germany is almost unknown in the English speaking Press. Only Human-Stupidity has reported com regularity on the Jörg Kachelmann rape case.

    Jörg Kachelmann, handsome, attractive and famous weather anchor man of a main German TV channel, had a dozen girl friends he juggled skillfully so each one thought she was the only one. Even if he did not rape, such immorality makes him almost a criminal. Tens of Millions see him every day on TV. A famous, well known person.

    In our world of feminist inspired laws, any man can be arrested at any time. Just one woman making an unproven accusation of rape is all that is needed. The Magna Carta, modern constitution and due process are not valid for males, Jörg Kachelmann spent several months in jail, upon the mere word of one woman, with no corroborating proof. End of career as weather man. No way to broadcast weather reports out of jail. Career destroyed.

    It turns out that there was grave misconduct of the prosecutors, from the beginning. Inquired by prosecutors, the alleged victim consistently insisted on a lie. Prosecutors warned her she must not lie, and she insisted. "Der Spiegel" recently reported that the prosecution failed to video or audio-tape the audition of the alleged victim, even when they were trying to dig deeper into her lies. They even failed to completely transcribe the conversation with the victim, with a gap at a crucial point where prosecutors allegedly only drank water or coffee with the accuser, for 20 minutes. After that coffee break she changed her story.

    Furthermore, prosecutors stated that the clearly repeated lies, proven wrong by evidence on the accuser’s computer, did not cause any doubt in them regarding the veracity of the accusations, nor made them even consider releasing the accused from prison. (Geliebte belog die Staatsanwälte // Lover lied to the prosecutors)

    Cat Lupine managed to get into the transmission room in the midst of Kachelmann’s weather report. The video went viral in YouTube.

    What happened? Rape accusations, lies, inconsistencies.

    Reader comments at the intellectual News Magazine "Der Spiegel" are fairly outspoken about the fact that this trial should have never happened, and that it is time to try the accuser for perjury and false accusations. Human-Stupidity is not alone thinking this case is a clear farce and an example of "Hell hath no fury as a woman scorned" revenge.

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    Jörg Kachelmann rape trial of the year (Germany): prosecutor …
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    Consensual sex becomes rape as soon as woman says "I need to go home", says California Supreme Court.

    "I-need-to-go-home" means "stop". ?And failing to stop in the midst of consensual sex is "rape".  A boy who failed to read the girl’s mind and make the appropriate interpretion of her cryptic comments was sent to jail for "I-need-to-to-home"-rape or "can’t-understand-women’s-subtle-hints-rape".

    It is none of the 20 types of rape,  and different from the "5-second-rape" where the "Stop" was explicit and clear. So we are up to 21 types of rape and counting.

    During consensual sex girl says "I need to go home" and "I should be going now".  "No" means "No", and "I should be going now" means "Stop".   Women like men to read their mind and understand their indirect speech. But failure to understand a woman’s veiled hint now is punishable with long jail terms for"rape".

    In our modern language aberration, everything is the same:  there is no difference between "forcible rape at knife point", taking 5 seconds to stop consensual sex when the girl says "stop" ("5-second-rape"), or taking 90 seconds to understand the deeper meaning of "I should be going now", all is the same: "rape". Our language is becoming more and more impoverished and is losing its precision and subltety, thanks to feminist manipulative language that sees only black and white with no nuances.

    The 2000 case involved two 17-year-olds who had sex in a bedroom during a party. The boy testified that the sex was consensual and that he stopped when the girl demanded. She testified the boy kept having sex with her for about a "minute and a half" after she called it off.

    The boy was convicted of rape and served about six months in a juvenile facility. The high court affirmed that conviction Monday.

    Justice Janice Rogers Brown, while agreeing with the majority on what constitutes rape, dissented on whether the boy was guilty. She wrote that the girl never clearly said stop, instead saying "I should be going now" and "I need to go home."

    Brown also wondered how much time a man has to stop once a woman says stop.

    "Ten seconds? Thirty?" she wrote.   foxnews.com

    Freerepublic reports on the "I-should-be-going-rape". The comments of the Free Republic readers are enlightening.

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    Consensual sex becomes rape as soon as woman says "I need to …
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    Rapists-proven-innocent are majority (57%) of prisoners released by Innocence Project

    153 of the 268  exonerations in the Innocence Project were for rape. This is 57.1 % rape convictions, we found in a search of the innocence project for "Rape".  A large number was due to eyewitness misidentification. People freed by DNA testing are freed because the innocence has been proven.

    This confirms the false rape society suspicion,  that people can easily be locked up for rape accusations, and that due process is violated especially in rape cases. 

     There have been 268 post-conviction DNA exonerations in United States history. These stories are becoming more familiar as more innocent people gain their freedom through postconviction testing. They are not proof, however, that our system is righting itself. # Seventeen people had been sentenced to death before DNA proved their innocence and led to their release.

  10. Seventeen people had been sentenced to death before DNA proved their innocence and led to their release.
  11. The average sentence served by DNA exonerees has been 13 years.
  12. About 70 percent of those exonerated by DNA testing are members of minority groups.
  13. In almost 40 percent of DNA exoneration cases, the actual perpetrator has been identified by DNA testing.
  14. Exonerations have been won in 34 states and Washington, D.C.

    Source: innocenceproject.org/know/

  15. The innocence Project is a national litigation and public policy organization dedicated to exonerating wrongfully convicted individuals trough DNA testing and reforming the criminal justice system to prevent future injustice. innocenceproject.org/

    Kenny Waters, an innocence case that was not due to rape but murder and robbery conviction

    The listing of men convicted of rape and freed due to innocent project.


    Last First State Conviction Year Exoneration Date Real Perpetrator Found Compensation
    Abbitt Joseph NC 1995 2009 Not Yet Not Yet
    Abdal Habib Wahir NY 1983 1999 Not Yet Yes
    Adams Kenneth IL 1979 1996 Yes Yes
    Alexander Richard IN 1998 2001 Yes Not Yet
    Anderson Marvin VA 1982 2002 Yes Yes
    Atkins Herman CA 1988 2000 Not Yet Yes
    Barnes Steven NY 1989 2009 Not Yet Not Yet
    Bauer Chester MT 1983 1997 Not Yet Not Yet
    Bibbins Gene LA 1987 2003 Yes Yes
    Bivens Phillip MS 1980 2010 Yes Not Yet
    Bloodsworth Kirk MD 1985 1993 Yes Yes
    Booker Donte OH 1987 2005 Yes Yes
    Bradford Ted WA 1996 2010 Not Yet Not Yet
    Bravo Mark Diaz CA 1990 1994 Not Yet Yes
    Briscoe Johnny MO 1983 2006 Yes Not Yet
    Brison Dale PA 1990 1994 Not Yet Not Yet
    Brown Dennis LA 1985 2005 Not Yet Not Yet
    Brown Keith NC 1993 1997 Yes Yes
    Bryson David Johns OK 1983 2003 Not Yet Not Yet
    Buntin Harold IN 1986 2005 Not Yet Not Yet
    Burnette Victor VA 1979 2009 Not Yet Not Yet
    Butler A.B. TX 1983 2000 Not Yet Yes
    Byrd Kevin TX 1985 1997 Not Yet Yes

    These were the last names starting with letters A and B. Click on "more" to see the rest of the alphabet.


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    "Objectifying gaze" makes helpless women lose math ability. Feminist researchers want to persecute men, not empower women

    "Objectifying gaze" (ogling women’s breasts) causes women to helplessly lose their math abilities and get significantly lower math test results. Women who suffer through an objectifying gaze perform worse on math tasks right afterwards. But, interestingly, they are also more willing to accept an invitation by the "perpetrator" of the gaze.

    Such findings yielded Feminist research psychologist Professor Dr. Sarah J. Gervais from the University of Nebraska a coveted feminist prize: the Georgia Babladelis Best Paper Award, Psychology of Women (division 35 of the American Psychological   Association), 2010-2011. 

    Women Can’t Think When You’re Looking At Our Tits

    A blogger’s refreshingly short summary of Dr. Gervais’ research.

    Maybe women’s psyche needs to be empowered, so their intelligence does not get derailed by a simple short ogling stare. Empowering women, of course, is not the goal of feminist study. Rather, new laws are needed to further punish and curtail male behavior. Harassment laws already severely restrict free speech at the work place (Freedom of Speech and Appellate Review in Workplace Harassment Cases)

    Video showing Objectifying Gaze Research and an interview

    Compare  a very insightful Sexual Harassment spoof on YouTube.

    Original Research paper

    Gervais, S. J. Vescio, T. K., & Allen, J. (in press).  When what you see is what you get:  The consequences of the objectifying gaze for men and women.  Psychology of Women Quarterly. (abstract, entire pdf)

    Winner: Georgia Babladelis Best Paper Award, Psychology of Women (division 35 of the American Psychological   Association), 2010-2011.

    Human-Stupidity Analysis

    Professor Sarah Gervais’ Subtle Prejudice Lab analyzes subtle prejudice against women while engaging in serious prejudice against men (who need control and punishment) and women (who need protective laws instead of empowerment)

    Download objectifying gaze research video with Dr. Gervais

    Why women who are ogled at work do not perform as well in the office

    Wait, there is more! This article continues! Continue reading “"Objectifying gaze" makes helpless women lose math ability. Feminist researchers want to persecute men, not empower women” »
    "Objectifying gaze" makes helpless women lose math abili…
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