IQ tests prohibited for job requirement, mandatory at death row


America’s elite, normally so dismissive of IQ, found themselves having to consider                                                                                                      and publicly in the US Supreme Court (from March 3) a case brought forward from Florida to the effect that IQ  80, not 70, should be the cut-off point for deciding mental defect in criminal cases (Nature, 20 ii). Chris Brand

At issue here is PC (political correctness). Whenever IQ disadvantages Blacks, it is prohibited. While a cutoff at IQ 70 exempts 2 of Whites, it exempts 30% of Blacks. While it inches closer to 85, the Black average, it gets closer to exclude half of Blacks from responsibility.

Scoring low on purpose


It is very easy to run a race slower then one’s slowest speed, or to do bad on a test in school, on purpose. So scoring low on an IQ test is very easy.  2 3

An IQ score can dramatically misjudge intelligence, depending on how motivated the person is when taking the IQ test, scientists discovered.

Academic performance, level of education, job performance, criminal record and even physical health and longevity are often linked to the person’s intelligence quotient, or IQ score, which tends to suggest intelligence is primarily responsible for all these outcomes.   1

With sufficient coaching even dumb people can learn to score even dumber on IQ tests. It is important though, that no amount of effort will make you run faster then Usain Bolt, and no amount of effort (other then outright cheating) will make you score higher on IQ tests. One can pretend to be dumb or slow, but not pretend to be fast or bright.  

Or can can score low just for lack of effort and motivation. Offering money for good results can increase IQ scores 4 5 6

IQ Test illegal for job entry requirements

In Griggs v. Duke Power Co. the Supreme court decided that IQ tests must not be used in job admission tests. In spite of the fact that a vast amount of  research shows that IQ test is by far the best predictor of job performance. As the Bell Curve cites, the US military has tested millions of recruits for a century, and tracked the professional success of hundreds of thousands, to establish this fact.

So, for political correctness reasons, employers are deprived of the very best tool to select the best candidates for a job. Because this correctly discriminates against Blacks who indisputably have lower IQ (read our 80 posts about race and iq), this practice is prohibited. More is done to force employers to hire incompetent workers unable to do the job

A point has been made that Millions have waste money and time on unnecessary college degrees. These serve as a proxy for intelligence tests. No low-IQ person will get a degree at Stanford, though quotas may cause distortions.

IQ tests mandatory on death row

The same supreme court decided that mentally retarded "special" people can not be fully held responsible for their crimes. 8 9 10 11 An IQ of 70 certainly is enough not to get executed, maybe 75 or 80 still are considered reason to escape death punishment

This means that 15 % to 30% of Blacks are not considered fully responsible for their crime, as US Black IQ is around 85 mean with 15 Standard Deviation.

Boy so happy about sex with 8 year older women that he brags about it. Off to prison she goes.

A mother of one has been jailed for having sex with an eight-year-old boy more than 50 times.

"16 year old had sex with 8 year old" would be truthful. But, at least is actually calling it sex, not rape. They probably would call it " rape" had it been a female "victim" and a male perpetrator, instead of a lucky boy with a cute teen perpetrator.

Loren Morris, 21, slept with the boy for about two years starting when she was 16, a court heard.

So she was a under 17 year old "*child"

She was charged after the boy, now 14, was overheard bragging to classmates he had slept with her.

The traumatized statutory rape victim bragged? Could it be that he did not think he was a traumatized victim?

We wrote an entire series about the child sex trauma myth. That all unbiased findings point to consensual child sex being non-traumatic. Even more so if the "rapist" is a hot 16 year old and not a 45 year old hag.

But there are clear indication that the legal proceedings must be traumatizing for the boy. Just the guilt of knowing that his bragging got his lover into prison is traumatic for a decent person.



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Boy so happy about sex with 8 year older women that he brags about…
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Killer "child" (17.99 years old) enjoys impunity and anonymity of Brazil’s child protection law (ECA)

2 days before his 18th birthday, a career criminal gangster kills his ex-girlfriend and sends the pictures to friends and enemies. In the Brazil of ECA (statute of the child and the adolescent), a coming of age party can be celebrated with a corpse.

Ex girl friend Yorraly Ferreira had gotten involved with gangsters of a rival gang and thus angered him enough to be punished with a deadly shot.

He sent a recording of the crime to friends and enemies. He thus demonstrated his power and made clear he should not be messed with. Yorraly Ferreira’s actual boyfriend posted the photo of her corpse on his FaceBook page "Rest in peace, my love". Thus the name of confessed killer Henrique Aquino dos Santos’s became known, even though the law assures an underage criminal’s anonymity, and his photos can not be shown.

Source: Veja Brazil | Correio | G1 | Jusbrasil

He will not be punished but suffer 3 years of socio-educational measures, after which he will be be released with a clean criminal record.

I repeat: in 3 years he can apply as a job as a policeman, as an elementary school teacher, because he will have a squeaky clean criminal record. The murder and prior robbery covictions will be wiped clean. Like this serial killer

14 year old murdered 8, will kill 3 more when freed in 45 days. Liberal child protection law run amok in Brazil.

Brazil‘s ECA (Statute of children and adolescents law is an example for well meant liberal political correctness run amok. No matter how many horrendous crimes an under 18 year old commits, s/he will only be sent for educational measures of maximum 3 years, and will receive a clean police record after age 18.

Human Rights  tend to favor thugs, and put the rights of 17 year old male murderers above women’s rights and domestic violence laws. Brazil‘s ECA is the worst example.

San Francisco transgender teen’s false sexual assault report was a "request for help", led to "good outcome"


San Francisco transgender teen recants sexual assault report

[…]The teen, who is biologically female but identifies as male, had told officers he was leaving a boy’s bathroom Monday morning when three other boys pushed him inside a large stall and attacked him.

A woman declares herself a man and uses the men’s room. One would expect a higher risk, then if she (ahem, he) would use the lady’s rest room.

Officers took his statement and opened an investigation that included a sexual assault examination. But officers could not substantiate the facts of the statement, and the boy lacked any physical injuries to his head, face and hands, police said.

The student finally admitted he had made up the story, Van Putten said. She would not speculate on why he had lied.

All this, of course, is even more confusing "he" were to allege to have been vaginally raped. PC gender politics are confusing

The change left open the possibility that the teen could be charged with making a false criminal report, she said.

Well, that would be good. To disencourage false accusations that can terribly hurt innocent males. And women that are truly raped.

Mario Trujillo, spokesman for the West Contra Costa Unified School District, said school officials are less concerned with punishing the student than making sure he gets the support he needs to feel safe and comfortable.

"We recognize that life is complicated, and at the end of the day this is a request for help," Trujillo said.

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San Francisco transgender teen’s false sexual assault report…
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Husband to blame for woman teacher’s affair with 16 year old student

A teacher has blamed her husband’s deceit in hiding his secret love child for leading to her having an affair with a 16-year-old pupil, which ended with her spending the night in his bed.

Men are always to blame for women’s misbehavior. Even if a woman kills her husband, battered wife syndrome battered woman syndrome squarely blames the murder victim. Women have no agency, they are not responsible for sex when drunk, but men are responsible for sex when drunk

Gary Ralston’s father Richard invited Bernadette Smith, 35, into the family home and even said he was “a bit proud” his teenage son had managed to attract the teacher.

Nice father. Proud about the sexual conquests of his son.

Smith, a mother of three, insists the pair did not have sex and said the affair was triggered when her husband Brian was asked to pay maintenance for a child he had fathered with another woman, and kept secret from her. She said their marriage started to crumble.

Taking away resources from a woman’s own child is the real evolutionary reason for hating infidelity. Having childless sex with a prostitute is much less of a problem.


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Husband to blame for woman teacher’s affair with 16 year old…
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European parliament has voted to criminalize the purchase of sex.

Feminism and political correctness are creating unfree police states in Europe. Prostitution is on the way of being eradicated everywhere.

Nobody cares about needy sexless men, whose happiness is greatly increased by a chance to have sex. It also has clearly been shown, that prostitution, and porn availability gives men an outlet and thus reduces true violent sex crimes.


MEPs vote to criminalise buying sex

European parliament backs the ‘Nordic model’ of prostitution, which legalizes the selling of sexual services, but criminalizes buying it. Thus it makes sure that women never are at fault and all criminal responsibility goes to men, for their sex drive and for their wish to have sex with a consenting women, for money.

In "EU’s Zero tolerance policy and the Swedish State – The Coming Censorship‘, Lucian Vâlsan describes how centralized EU mandates trickle down to the EU countries, mandating "gender equality", ending violence against women (but not against men) at the cost of abolishing due process

In this context, Thilo Sarrazin‘s book is very relevant, though it focuses more on immigration, education, then on gender politics. I will post more on Thilo Sarrazin‘s book.

UK urged to follow Nordic model of criminalizing prostitution clients

Sweden pioneered the approach of criminalizing the user and police say the number of street prostitutes working in the country has fallen by two-thirds, to about 1,000, since the law prosecuting sex buyers was introduced in 1998.

Norway followed suit – as did France last week. Belgium and Ireland are considering moving in the same direction and even the Netherlands, famously permissive and home to the best-known red-light district in Europe, is making a shift to tighten laws around prostitution. Currently prostitution is allowed anywhere unless the municipality restricts it with a licence, but a new proposed law trying to make it past the senate would make it illegal to have a premises for prostitution unless a permit was granted by the local authority – turning the current situation on its head.

Corinne Dettmeijer, the Dutch rapporteur on trafficking, called it a "huge change".

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European parliament has voted to criminalize the purchase of sex.
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Age of Consent

Here are 10 key points/memes to memorize and spread as far and widely as possible regarding the age of consent, and in particular, the validity of discussion of the age of consent, both within and outside the men’s rights movement :

1 / If the discussion of sex laws had always been taboo/forbidden, then homosexuality would still be illegal. Homosexuality is illegal in many countries, and being criminalized in several others. If we disallow discussion of (changing) sex laws in the West, we will be in a poor position to prevent similar attempts to suppress even discussion of the rights of homosexuals in countries where homosexuality is illegal. We criticize Russia for making it illegal to ‘promote’ homosexuality to children, yet those same ‘liberal’ progressives want to make it illegal to ‘promote’ (i.e discuss rationally) lowering the age of consent or to criticize any laws ostensibly protecting children. If discussing ‘child protection’ laws had always been off limits, Alan Turing would still be considered a child abusing pervert (he had illegal sex with a boy under the age of majority at the time).

Reprinted with the kind permission of the Antifeminist

This post fits into the Thilo Sarrazin discussion, because it deals with taboo speech that makes it impossible to engage in rational discussion and scientific search for truth. I recommend reading my Sarrazin reviews, especially the ones still due to be published. See also Robert Kurzban.

It of course fits into our Human-Stupidity age of consent and teenage sexuality discussions.

2(and relating to 1)/ The age of consent in the UK was set at 16 (raised from 12/13) in a backward Victorian criminal amendment act (1885) that also criminalized homosexuality, punishable by death. The same law that Alan Turing was prosecuted under. Ironically, it is now effectively taboo to criticize one half of that backward 1885 bill (the age of consent of 16) and yet taboo, and even illegal, to support the other half of that same backward Victorian bill (the criminalization of homosexuality).

3/ The age of consent was set at 16 by puritanical feminists (suffragettes) in the UK, and that same bill (and age of 16) was a model for similar rises in the age of consent in the USA and elsewhere (also lobbied for by feminists/suffragettes). This is an important point to stress within the context of men’s rights.


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Age of Consent
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Brazilian government intervention stops USA sales of Adidas world cup T shirt!

  Adidas’ "Looking to score" T shirt objectifies Brazilian women and encourages sex tourism. The T shirt was spotted in San Francisco, reported by Brazilian’s powerful "O Globo" news conglomerate. The sale of a T-Shirt inside the USA was stopped by meddling Brazilian government intervention. Frantic action by the Brazilian president, the ministry for politics for women, and the ministry for Human Rights (all women) and Embratur, the Brazilian made sure that US citizens can not buy terrible T shirts that allegedly objectify Brazilian women and encourage sexual tourism.  Adidas apoligized for their mistake and immediately pulled the T-shirts from all stores (Source: O Globo)

The tentacles of feminist poltical correctness’ have global reach and originate from the highest echelons of governments.


Adidas Sexualized T-Shirts Are Just Plain Wrong fumes the Huffington Post:

The head of the Brazilian tourism board is slamming Adidas for marketing a pair of tee shirts that play off stereotypes of oversexed Brazilians.

In advance of the World Cup, Adidas has released a pair of tee shirts inspired by Brazil’s reputation for sexiness. One shirt features an image of heart that appears to double as a woman’s behind with a thong, while another depicts a thin-waisted woman with a giant rear against a Rio de Janeiro backdrop and the words “Looking to Score.”

The “Looking to Score” message presumably refers to both soccer goals and having sex with Brazilian women.

How terrible. Men wanting to have sex with Brazilian women. Interestingly, men desiring sex with Brazilian men is politically correct:

Rio de Janeiro aims to become world capital of gay tourism

The head of the Brazilian Tourism Board Flávio Dino blasted the shirts in comments to the local press, saying they would encourage illegal activity.

What illegal activity? Sex with Brazilian women is legal, and prostitution is legal too. The age of consent in Brazil is 14, though ever expanding laws about "corruption of minors" effectively turned it 18 for practical purposes.


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