"The other woman". Three men taking vicious revenge on an unfaithful slut. A hilarious comedy.

#OtherWoman: "The other woman", she’ll never know what hit her.

A hilarious revenge comedy. Since April 25, 2014 in a theater near you. Watch for the brass knuckle logo in the lower right of the posters. other-woman-brass-knuckle cervical-spine-injury-all-is-fair-in-love-and-war

After discovering his girlfriend is married, a man (Cameron Diaz) tries to get his ruined life back on track. But when he accidentally meets the husband he’s been cheating on (Leslie Mann), he realizes they have much in common, and his sworn enemy becomes his greatest friend. When yet another affair is discovered (Cato Upton), all three men team up to plot mutual revenge on their cheating, lying, three-timing bitch
– See more at: TheOtherManMovie.com



The Other Man Featurette – An Unlikely Trio (2014)



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Donald Sterling punished for slight offense to over-sensitive Blacks

Clippers owner Donald Sterling banned for life from NBA, fined $2.5 million by NBA.

A disgruntled girl friend illegally recorded hundreds of hours of private conversation.

With effort she managed to coax Donald Sterling to state a personal preference that he prefers her not to post photos of herself with Blacks on instagram and not bring Blacks to his games.

Otherwise he says, she can to whatever she likes, go with Blacks, have sex with them, love them, anything. Donald Sterling loves Blacks, pays millions to Black players and coaches, has White players under-represented in his team.


She tried her best to get him to say bad things about Blacks, but she did not manage. He only voiced a personal private preference for his girl friend’s public behavior.

Donald Sterling did not say anything politically incorrect about race and iq, black crime, the need for white quotas in black dominated US pro sports, or the problem of non-mulatto Black coaches in the NBA. Or criminal involvement of players:

Still, Donald Sterling was seriously punished for private conversations in his own house,  No sanctions for recording in violation of state law. [4]


Nevertheless, when nonsense like stupid racial remarks by Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy and Clippers boss Donald Sterling can consume the nation’s conversation for a full week, it does raise a far more disturbing question:

Is America still a serious country?



Human-Stupidity Analysis

Black Privilege: Blacks promoting genocide and killing of Whites is acceptable



  1. Though shalt not dispute or oppose teaching of homosexuality in schools
  2. PC madness: Steve Martin’s Lasonia joke offensive to Blacks
  3. Though shalt not dispute or oppose teaching of homosexuality in schools
  4. Obama-with-banana picture: freedom of expression in Russia vs. PC madness in USA
  5. Olympic political correctness: though shalt not pose with weapons, befriend rightists or joke about Blacks
  6. Olympian Voula Papachristou banned for a joke ‘very bitter and upset’. Dictatorship of political correctness destroys lives and freedom.
  7. Racist joke by stand up comedian: theater owner arrested in Brazil
  8. Trayvon Martin, black rage and political correctness
  9. Brazil votes to criminalize homophobia. Political correctness threatens freedom of expression & research
  10. Medical research and treament for Blacks hampered by "race does not exist" dogma
  11. Geert Wilders in court for offending Muslims (who threaten his life and already killed Theo van Gogh)

Troubled US teens legally abducted for profit, against their will

Troubled US teens are abducted to Montana or Idaho, for serious re-education camps. Rich parents sign over paternal rights and pay US$ 8500 per month to send their kids away to boot camp institutions that will brain wash and mold the teens with almost no limits.

As much as it looks and feels like a kidnapping, those escorts have the absolute legal right to transport you against your will, even if that means carrying you through the street, handcuffed to hell and back.

No kidding!

There is a legal process where parents can sign over custody of kids who need residential care, […] that same process works for "unruly" teens like me, which meant the company that ran my camp had total legal control over where I went and what I did.

Even phone calls to my grandparents were a privilege I had to earn. I was allowed five minutes, and a staff member sat next to me the entire time, listening in. If during the call I complained about being unhappy, that was "manipulative behavior," and they’d end the call

The Gulag for minors, in the USA!

One night in August 2004, I awoke to a man and a woman in my room whom I had never seen before telling me that they were "escorts" and we were going to a place called "wilderness." I was not allowed to bring any belongings or tell anyone where I was going. I didn’t know what "escorts" and "wilderness" were, and I was terrified. It was like being Liam Neeson’s daughter in Taken, if it had turned out later that Liam Neeson arranged the whole thing.

Source: 6 Shocking Realities of the Secret ‘Troubled Teen Industry’

In 2006, a journalist named Maia Szalavitz published Help at Any Cost, an expose so shocking, it prompted a congressional inquiry and a Government Accountability Office investigation. The GAO found thousands of cases of abuse and at least 10 deaths between 1990 and 2004. Shocked by the terrible truth, Congress leaped into action and proposed a bill to regulate (not even ban) these facilities. After that bill died in committee, they proposed it again the next year. It died again in 2011, and again in 2013. After all, when’s the last time a troubled teen ever donated a bunch of cash to a political campaign?
Read more: 6 Shocking Realities of the Secret ‘Troubled Teen Industry’

Kids die in their care, during week long wilderness outings:

Still, at least neither of us died, as happens with some regularity ("untrained staff" and "lack of adequate nourishment" are the leading causes of death). If you’re going to lead children in week-long hikes through the woods, you should know about things like the sun and treating burns. If this kind of shit happened at a Boy Scout camp, you can bet it’d be on the news.

Unbelievable: Google Troubled Teens Boot Camp. Watch the paid ads. and the remaining search results.  You can even get loans to pay off the expensive boot camp discipline and indoctrination.

Physical child abuse, to the point of occasional death is legal.

Top performing boys outperform girls, world wide, Pisa researcher finds

More boys are among top performers, girls get more intermediate results. The Pisa Study (Program for International Student Assessment of the OECD) shows major gender sex differences in almost all countries. Why is this so?

Pisa results: Boys perform better than girls (German) reports German News Magazine "Der Spiegel"

In the new Pisa Test, boys achieve top results more frequently then girls. This is not valid only for Germany, but for almost all 44 participating countries.

If males have an advantage in anything, our feminist society feels compelled to fix this inequality.

"We must analyze, if we give boys and girls equal incentive for top performance", says Franceso Avvisati, one of the authors of the study.

Of course, inborn sex differences must not exist, by Political correctness dogma. There must be other reasons.

Among the best performing 15 year old Germans there are significantly more boys (60%) then girls (40%). In almost all participating countries, more boys then girls are top performers. Among the weakest students boys and girls are equally distributed. In general boys’ results show more variance, while girls tend to be more average performers. Study Author Avisati has seen this before, in earlier Pisa Studies about math and reading competency.


Different in countries like Sweden, Norway, and Finland, societies where men and women are quite equal: here equal numbers of girls and boys were found among the top performers. Avvisati presumes, that teachers have equal expectations of boys and girls, that they motivate girls differently

We dare to suggest the opposite, that in these countries’ feminized school system boys are disadvantaged and de-motivated.

As usual, Der Spiegel’s comments are uncensored by PC and much more interesting then the original article.



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Mozilla’s CEO Brendan Eich forced to resign for opposing gay marriage

Brandan Eich donated US$ 1000 to proposition 8 that won the majority of the votes! That un-PC action was his undoing. 

Brendan Eich’s Resignation: Did Mozilla CEO Step Down Because Of A ‘Gay Mafia’?

A number of political pundits have expressed their disapproval over the surprise resignation of Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich after news of his support of a 2008 anti-gay marriage campaign came to light.

Last week, Bill Maher stirred the pot even more, suggesting that Eich’s resignation was the result of pressure from a "gay mafia." Not surprisingly, Maher’s remarks have since sparked heated social media debate — and some lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) rights advocates say his words are ripe for misinterpretation.


"What happened in the Brendan Eich situation was actually not as a result of pressure that came from within the LGBT movement," said Freedom to Marry‘s John Becker, who’s also a HuffPost Gay Voices blogger. Noting that Maher has been an outspoken ally to the LGBT community in the past, he added, "This is all about internal pressure from within the Mozilla community itself."

Brendan supported the majority opinion, the proposition that won the popular vote. For this he got mobbed. PC is so pervasive, the gay lobby did not need to act, the political correctness crown acted on their own.

"Inequality: California’s Proposition 8 essentially banned same-sex couples from getting married until it was deemed unconstitutional2

Activist and political consultant Scott Wooledge echoed those sentiments, saying that Eich’s resignation was partly due to "pre-existing opposition" from within the Mozilla group, as evidenced by the fact that three board members stepped down ahead of the CEO’s appointment.


Human-Stupidity Analysis:

Though shalt not oppose gay marriage


The slightest opposition to the complete full unabridged gay agenda gets punished. Teachers get dismissed for opposing teaching homosexuality

Putin’s Olympics almost got boycotted for his opposition to indoctrinate minors with homosexual propaganda.  Political correctness always goes a slippery slope. Protect gays from violence was the noble initial motivation. Preventing free speech of people who want to restrict any privilege of gays is the end result. And hate speech laws that formally punish free speech and thought crimes, under the guise of preventing true hate speech that calls for violent action.

PC is amazing: in the 1970’s there were two movements. One to legalize homosexuality and sodomy, and the other to legalize adolescent/child sex.  Homosexuality became a protected activity, so much that any doubt is a thought crime. Pedophilia became the worst of all crimes, so everything even remotely connected to it is totally taboo (child porn, teenage sexuality) and a thought crime. The age of consent goes upwards, world wide, so even harmless natural post-pubertal sex of 17 year old "children" and their photos become more and more criminalized.

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Child rapist raped, stitched by medics, and re-raped by 20 prisoners


Jiu Jitsu Professor Daryell Dickson Menezes Xavier beat up and raped his 1 year 8 months old step son in Taguatinga, suburb of Brasilia. He turned himself in, with his lawyer, and was held for a 30 day 

Daryell was raped by about 20 prisoners. He had injuries all over the body, the most serious ones in the anal region. Insatisfied, and still furious about the crime committed by the professor, the prisoners tore apart the stitches that he received and raped him again. The blood stains on the rear of the short of the young man are proof of how much he suffered.

Source: Rapist of one year old boy gets paid back double dose [3‘] [4] [5] [6]

 Alleged child rapist turned over to 20 prisoners, raped, gets anus stitched and turned over again to his rapists Wait, there is more! This article continues! Continue reading “Child rapist raped, stitched by medics, and re-raped by 20 prisoners” »
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Internet Porn harmless for adolescents, sex researchers find

    "Sex Researchers suggest not to worry about the flood of nude movies on the internet"

    In its cover story, German magazine "Der Spiegel" shows how Germans are more relaxed about sexuality: in spite the world wide porn hysteria, science was unable to show that the availability of internet porn is damaging to adolescents or children. 

  • derspiegel-coverFeminist Alice Schwarzer advises women to drop boy friends  that insist on porn consumption. If all women followed such feminist advice, there would be no relationships left in this nation.
  • Canadian sex researcher Simon Lajeunesse failed to find 20 young men that were not yet polluted by the ever present porn flood. "We could not find a single one", he said.
  • In every school yard, every computer, cell phone, game console is a potential porn player.
  • Even more so, every owner of a cell phone is a potential porn producer or porn star. Women take a leading role sending their own photos and movies to their partners or their crushes. This is called "sexting".
  • At the end of relationships, some disgruntled men posts such porn on the internet. This genre is called "revenge porn".
  • 18th century archeologists found huge amounts of smut images under the ashes of Pompeii: man with man, women with woman, gods with goats, anal, oral, vaginal. These shocking images were shamefully hidden in secret museums and could be watched only by men who could prove legitimate research interest.
  • Research is unambiguous: 12, 13 year olds are not endangered, not damaged by porn. They don’t start sex earlier, don’t have more partners, have no more pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, abortions then earlier generations without the internet sex. Sex information even has a potential positive effect as sex education.
  • The English "children’s commissioners" report concluded, in 2013, that a causal relationship between porn and risky behaviors can not be shown.
  • Meta researcher Eric Owens reports in the New York Times that no conclusions can be drawn. A few studies find negative effects, such as violent porn may influence children from already problematic families, or Porn creating negative body images. Others find the opposite.
  • Human-Stupidity Analysis

    1. The negative effects are probably false, a confirmation bias. After all, the powerful feminist and religious dogmatics are eager to prove that porn is terribly damaging.  Porn must be really harmless to children and adults, if a large part of research results dodges feminist and religious dogma and finds no harm, even in adolescents.
    2. As Human-Stupidity would expect, "Der Spiegel" reports that moral panic and sex laws in themselves are detrimental:  giving minors access to porn is a felony. Thus educators and teachers can not teach responsible use of porn, nor clarify doubts, by watching porn with the minors.

    More details from "Der Spiegel"

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    Internet Porn harmless for adolescents, sex researchers find
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    False accusations of blasphemy and the death sentence of Sawan Masih

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