One in two rape accusations are false! Strauss-Kahn, presumed guilty, jailed, slandered without due process, escaped. Others are not so lucky!

One in two rape accusations (over 50%) are false: Dominique Strauss-Kahn escaped the inquisition. Others are not so lucky. They get convicted, falsely. We wish we could say Dominique Strauss-Kahn escaped unscathed. But he suffered tremendously. He lost his job. Speculator could have made Billions, because the value of the Euro dropped due to his arrest, and other unexpected stock market irregularities occurred. 

Let us remember the thousands of men that are less lucky then Dominique Strauss-Kahn.

For every Strauss-Kahn, there are dozens of men that don’t escape unjust persecution

After: strauss-kahn-innocentOne in two rape accusations are false. Like Strauss-Kahn, thousands of men are presumed guilty, jailed and smeared without due process. They can not afford to spend millions of dollars for bail, a dream team of lawyers, detectives, and their own guards for domestic prison as Dominique Strauss-Kahn did. We only hear of the few lucky ones that escape. The Jörg Kachelmann rape case in Germany similarly ruined a successful public man’s career, had a man spend months in jail, because of unproven uncorroborated accusations by a woman, who also was caught red-handed lying about important facts.

"Of course, if she is a liar, that still does not mean she was raped. " Yes, but in that case, she’d better bring a long a tape recording proving the act of rape against her clear resistance. In our legal system, where men accused of sexual offenses are presumed guilty until proven innocent, they have to provide proof of their innocence. In the famous Hofstra false rape case the male victims of false rape accusations were only freed after providing video recording that showed that the sex act was totally consensual and very different then described in the false accusations.

For every acquitted man, there are dozens of unjustly imprisoned victims of false rape accusations.

Before: Guilty until proven innocentNow consider this, how many men take video recordings of their sex acts so that they can later prove the consensual nature of their sex acts? Can you imagine: for every man that can prove his innocence, how many men stay in jail and go to prison, upon unproven, wrong allegations of sexual misconduct? Remember: One in two rape accusations are false.

No wonder, that with such medieval legal practice

Wait, there is more! This article continues! Continue reading “One in two rape accusations are false! Strauss-Kahn, presumed guilty, jailed, slandered without due process, escaped. Others are not so lucky!” »
One in two rape accusations are false! Strauss-Kahn, presumed guil…
» continues here »

Way over 50% of rape accusations are false. 7.4% blatantly enough to prosecute (Bavarian Police research report)

1894 complaints of rape and sexual assault were filed to police of the state of Bavaria in 2000.  The consensus estimate of all responsible officials is that way over 50% of accusations are false.  Even when accusations are very dubious, police still file rape/sexual assault proceedings with prosecutors. Only in 7.4% of the complaints (1 in 13, N= 140) they propose legal action against the accuser for evidently false accusations, when there is clear proof or confession. The results of this meticulous 320 page research about rape and sexual assault in Bavaria replicate a less rigorous study in Schleswig Holstein state in 1994/1995, where 7.6% of complaints led to filing of false police report.


The following 320 page study analyses police inquiries of rape and sexual assault, and how police forwards these cases to prosecutors. It is based on all 1894 such complaints in the state of Bavaria/Germany in the year 2000. It  deserves to be translated into English in its entirety.

  • Police officials agree that way over 50% of accusations are false

  • Even highly dubious and unlikely accusations will be forwarded to prosecutors for rape/ sexual assault prosecution, and not for prosecution for false accusations. This is why statistics show such low numbers for false rape accusations.

  • Only 7.4% of accusers are recommended for prosecution as false accusations (due to clear evidence or confessions)

  • 64% of rape/sexual assault cases dropped by prosecution for lack of evidence are considered false accusations by the police official in charge of the initial complaint

  • Thus 1/5 to 1/3 of all cases were identified as patently false accusations, by  the responsible police officials.

  • Human-Stupidity concludes that false rape is under-reported at least 7-fold

Rape and sexual assault in Bavaria | PDF

Joseph, falsely accused of rape by Potiphar's wife (Genesis 39,1 bis 39,21)Munich 2005

ISBN 3-924400-16-4

6) Faking of or false suspicion of rape or sexual assault

In 2000, among all events, that initially appeared to police to be a cases of rape or sexual assault, only 7.4% were were registered as faking of a crime or false suspicion.  In almost all of these cases there is strong evidence of these crimes [of falsehood]. Cases that remain doubtful and unclear after police inquiry will be handed to prosecutors as accusations of rape or sexual assault. (p. 176)

Police rarely send prosecutors accusations for false rape or sexual assault. This seems in stark contradiction to the [high] frequency estimates (by officials and police responsible for sexual crimes) of such false accusations . These [officials] estimate that such crimes have a very high occurrence, but don’t have statistical research data collections to back up such estimates. One department chief maintains:

"All officials dealing with sexual crimes are in agreement, that way over half the sex crimes reported to police are fake. Many such accusations cause an assumption of a sham or false accusation. But proof is not strong enough to prosecute [the accuser]. (p. 177)

The authors explain, that even in cases where there are very strong doubts about the truthfulness of the accusations, police will only file an accusation of rape or sexual assault, and not one of false accusations. This is why the statistics seem to contradict the above "over half" false accusation statement.

Let this sink in. There are clearly more false accusations then there are true accusations. Police authorities from the Christian conservative state of Bavaria/Germany agree that most rape/sexual assault accusations are false!

The report makes clear that proof of false accusations is very difficult, absent a confession of the alleged victim. In all these cases,  there will be prosecution for rape/sexual assault and not for false accusations, even if there is significant doubt as to the veracity of the accusations.

While the serious psychological and social consequences of rape and sexual assault have been the subject of various investigations, knowledge about the impact on the falsely accused is lacking. The data for our project do not permit us to arrive at definite empirical conclusions. […]

When accusations are dropped due to lack of corroborative evidence and  witnesses, then,  in spite of very significant doubts about the crime description by the alleged victim […] there always remains a residual suspicion because the accused can not totally disprove the accusation. (p. 180)

[…] adding 1754 cases recorded as rape or sexual assault for the year 2000, and 140 false accusations, yields 1894 transactions which the police initially considered rape or sexual assault.  Only 7.4% resulted in charges of false accusations of rape or sexual assault. [… results in the state of Bavaria] correspond exactly to the results of a survey (without scientific rigor) in the state of Schleswig Holstein. For the years 1994/1995 it showed a 7.6% rate of shams and false accusations demonstrated "beyond reasonable doubt". (p. 182)

There is a 1 in 13 rate of obvious false accusations. (7/4%)

The authors speculate that under the assumption of a 3 to 10 fold under-reporting of rape, that would result in a 1 in 38 (3 fold under-reporting) or one in 125 (10 fold under-reporting).  On the other hand, some of the cases passed to courts as rape or sexual assault end with a conviction for false accusations.

Human-Stupidity comment:
False accusations of rape/sexual assault are under-reported 7-fold

The above conclusions are false.

  1. First there is no scientific basis to assume 3 to 10 fold under-reporting of rape
  2. don’t forget, that police experts only report 7.4% false rapes in spite of strongly suspecting false accusations in way over 50%  of the accusations. As mentioned, if in doubt, police file only for rape/sexual assault, even if they are  convinced the complaint is false.

So there is an over 7 fold under-reporting of false rape accusations by police! (7 * 7.4% = 51.8%, which is less then "way over 50%"). Police do  file rape accusations with prosecutors, even if they clearly believe the rape has not happened. And police do not file a false rape accusation, even when they are convinced that such a crime has happened. Probably they should file BOTH rape and false rape accusations at the same time!?

Clearly false rape is an under-reported crime. We need to encourage the victims of false rape accusations to come forward and counter-sue. As quoted in the report, it is the consensus that there are more false accusations then true accusations. Men’s Right activists can learn from feminists. They can demand the same treatment for alleged victims of false rape accusations as feminists have demanded and gotten for alleged rape victims.


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Way over 50% of rape accusations are false. 7.4% blatantly enough …
» continues here »

Paternity Fraud is Rape! Paternity Rape is worse than Rape-Rape.

Paternity rape (aka. paternity fraud, "paternal discrepancy" or a "non-paternity event")  is a life destructing violation of financial, psychological, physical and mental integrity of a man. The cuckold man is profoundly impacted by this heinous crime. Fraudulent cuckolding is comparable to secretly implanting the fertilized egg of her husband’s mistress into the womb of an unsuspecting woman.  Or bringing home the mistress’ baby and hypnotizing his wife into believing that the baby is hers. Or intentionally switching babies in the hospital.

A cuckolded paternity raped man is much worse off then a women raped

  • Paternity fraud gone awry: elephant baby hatches from chick's eggThe victim devotes his life, finances and his dedication, love and effort of decades to a lie. Not just the money, but his life’s dedication
  • to a cuckold child that has zero genetic relatedness to him (evolutionarily the worst disaster and failure)
  • The cuckold victim gets raped by government, who forces him to pay for the cuckold child to the cheating mom. The mighty government takes the cuckold victim’s  money by force, under the threat of prison, often even after he has proven not to be the father. Do you understand? Unjustly robbed and raped by dictatorial government, for life.
    • There is no escape. Not even fleeing to another country because paternity claims are usually enforced internationally, and deadbeat dads lose their passport.
    • Paternity rape is as bad as being locked in a war zone rape camp. Constant, daily, non-stop abuse. Suicide is the only exit.
  • black-babyThe paternity rape victim gets raped, day by day, by a woman he trusts, by a woman that knows (or suspects) that her husband is not responsible for the child’s care. it is a persistent state of rape, sapping away the cuckold’s life energy and force for decades. It is truly life changing.
  • Paternity fraud rape is high treason. Paternity rape is a mean, heinous, abhorrent, abominable, atrocious, awful, evil, execrable, grave, hateful, hideous, infamous, monstrous, nefarious, odious, outrageous, revolting, shocking, unspeakable, vicious, villainous crime

10 best paternity reactions (Video)

Feminists dramatize innuendo, justify fraudulent paternity rape

Feminists dramatize minute inconveniences like cat calls, ogling, objectifying gaze, "elevator eyes" as if they were  "devastating" "life changing events". Feminists created an entire sexual harassment industry (SHI) around such minor issues and achieved laws that violate fundamental human rights, freedom of academic expression in harassment legislation.

Men lose out because they don’t dramatize truly life changing fraud like paternity fraud and birth control lies.

Rape-rape (forcible rape) is much less traumatizing then cuckold paternity rape (paternity fraud)

  • Rape-rape has only an hour’s duration,
  • If rape-rape results in a baby, that baby is the victim’s flesh and blood. Only the father is not the father of her choice. In case of marital rape or date rape the father might even be one she would have chosen to be the father.
  • After rape-rape the woman has the option of aborting the baby. Even countries that prohibit abortion usually make an exception for rape.

Female language manipulation language manipulation created 24 types of rape. We should add

  • Paternity rape
  • Birth Control rape: a sex act without valid consent. A man agrees to sex, based on the lie that the woman is taking birth control. Or worse, the woman damages the condom, or artificially injects sperm from a condom or from oral sex into her vagina. The inverse analogue, the 5 second rape, the man that did not pull out, has already been criminalized.

Free sex? OK. Fraud? NO!

I am a sex positive liberal man!
I think women can fool around!

In that case, just don’t marry! Or make a marriage contract stipulating open marriage!


Wait, there is more! This article continues! Continue reading “Paternity Fraud is Rape! Paternity Rape is worse than Rape-Rape.” »
Paternity Fraud is Rape! Paternity Rape is worse than Rape-Rape.
» continues here »

Actor Dough Hutchinson (51) married Courtney Alexis Stodden (16). Is he a child rapist?

Is actor Dough Hutchinson a child rapist?

51 year old Dough Hutchinson married a 16 year old child (yes, by law she is a child) . Do you think, that, before marriage, Dough Hutchinson never touched Courtney Alexis Stodden indecently? Because that would be a heinous crime of child rape and grave victimization of poor Alexis. Or if he chatted with her on the internet, he would be in violation of grooming laws.

doug-hutchinson-courtney-alexis-stoddenShe is 16 y, he 51 y (35 years difference)

Age ain’t nothing but a number – just ask 51-year-old actor Doug Hutchison. Hutchison, whose film and TV credits include ‘The Green Mile,’ ‘Lost’ and ’24,’ said ‘I do’ to 16-year-old aspiring country star Courtney Alexis Stodden on May 20 in Las Vegas.
While the couple’s 35-year age difference has already raised many eyebrows, the newlyweds insist they are truly in love.
‘We’re aware that our vast age difference is extremely controversial,’ the couple told E! Online. ‘But we’re very much in love and want to get the message out there that true love can be ageless.’ NY Daily News

The age of consent in California is 18, for sex law purposes she is a child. If Dough Hutchinson ever had sex with Courtney before marriage, this is rape. All rapes are equal. Nowadays, marriage does not remedy such heinous felony.

Courtney Alexis Stodden’s mother claims:

"Courtney was a virgin when she married Doug," said Krista Stoddden. "She is a good Christian girl. NY Daily News

If he just engaged in oral sex or indecent touching, indecent acts with a minor are rape too, at least sexual assault. Even if he never touched her, then he might have sent her seductive emails and thus run afoul of grooming laws. If he crossed state lines with the intent of having as much as oral sex with her in a state where it 16 is the legal age of consent, he would be violating federal law in the USA.

Even if he consumated the sexual acts only in marriage, it still leaves open the significant question:

  • why is Courtney unable to *consent to sex, but she can consent to marriage.
  • And why, after marriage, can she consent to sex?

We need a criminal investigation. This husband needs to be arrested without bail, the minor child needs to be saved. Obviously she has been brainwashed. Furthermore, it is just disgusting how an old guy like that can be with an innocent child of 16. We need new laws to outlaw such behavior, to protect innocent 16 year old children from such a marriage. 

In California, any person, of any age, that has sex with a minor, is a child rapist and felon. Most ( teens have sex before 18 years. 65-70% have sex before they are 18.  That means, the average teen gets raped at least once and one person should go to prison.  So Millions of Californians need to be locked up in prison. The law is the law, and the law has to be obeyed.

Do you think our proposals are stupid, wrong, immoral?  Well, stand up and fight for all these laws to be revoked.

Weakness is a mighty weapon for fragile feminist crybaby girls: The Sexual Harassment Industry

stop-whiningSexual harassment started with quid pro quo harassment, (="sexual shakedown", extended to all relationships with power imbalance, added peer harassment (which "sets the stage for campus rape" ),, contrapower harassment”   and closed the circle with grooming and electronic harassment, Thus Title IX, an anti discrimination law, went full circle to selectively discriminate against males and heterosexuality. MacKinnon: sexual harassment ‘ is done by men to women regardless of’ relative position on the formal hierarchy.". 

All quotes from Daphne Patai: Heterophobia

Sandler also displays her gift for concept-stretching by declaring that  rape is "the most extreme form of peer harassment" (p. 51). Could it  not equally well be said that murder is the most extreme form of conflict resolution, and that it has the same effect." 



Men can not resist female weakness & fragility. Women’s weakness wins!

Harassment-feminists dis-empower women

stock-vector-crying-baby-girl-crying-small-child-vector-cartoon-illustration-of-cute-crying-baby-girl-51856987The SHI (sexual harassment industry) trains women to become more and more un-empowered, vulnerable and sensitive. So ridiculously weak, that for a "reasonable woman", innuendo, objectifying gaze , becomes a "devastating, life changing experience".

Weakness as a weapon

SHI never teaches women to become empowered. On the opposite, women get trained to be weak crybabies. It seems that chivalrous men instantly come to save a damsel in distress.

Shoop’s bland words conceal the reality of what is being attempted here, which is a modification of public behavior in accordance with the patronizing assumption that women always need protection from aggressive males. This agenda of social transformation is fundamental to all that the SHI undertakes to do. It explains why there has never (to my knowledge) been a workshop on, say, how to keep oneself from taking offense at trivial slights or innuendos, or how to respond to an unwanted sexual overture in a spirited way that ends the problem. Instead, the suggested (and, increasingly, mandatory) workshops and training sessions are designed to bring an ever greater range of behavior within the purview of sexual harassment regulations.   Daphne Patai: Heterophobia

taylor_swift_mean_1Sleights as small as touching a student’s hair or praising (or criticizing) a student’s paper are dramatized as "devastating experience" that "is life  changing".  Creation of a hostile environment by claiming, in class, that false rape accusations are a frequent and common occurrence was grounds for a harassment suit against a professor.

All quotes from Daphne Patai: Sexual Harassment

Female fragility:
cause to rescind constitutional rights & academic freedom

"We can’t lose track of the wider goal in order to defend some narrow definition of academic freedom." . And the predicament of young women caught in [harassments] relentlessly sexist system makes it a "false conflict" to set constitutional guarantees [of free speech] in opposition to harassment policies.

Damsel in Distress color presentaion piece smlSuch concepts as "merit, rigor, standards, and excellence" are viewed as code words to promote " discriminatorv self-interest" on the part of the powerful (p. 311). "Academic freedom" is it slogan touted by "white male faculty" but, she gleefully affirms, one now increasingly challenged by "nonacademic" folk. "To many," Hippensteele writes, "academic freedom is currently being used as it license to speak and behave irresponsibly" (p. 311). 

Explicit "sensitivity training" creates "victims" to demand redress

Institutions must "encourage" the reporting of "sexual harassment activity"", so that "reluctant complainants", "victims" who fail to complain will become aware of their victim status and file complaints.


in the discourse of sexual harassment, I have argued, training in victimhood plays a distinctive role. I can think of no other areas in life in which putative sufferers require so much help in order to recognize the damage supposedly inflicted on them and have come to depend on such careful instruction in how to script the accounts of their victimhood. Article after article produced by SHI writers insists-and this in itself should arouse our suspicion-that people need to learn how to identify the injuries they suffer.

Sensitive whiny un-empowered women need special legal protection

Wait, there is more! This article continues! Continue reading “Weakness is a mighty weapon for fragile feminist crybaby girls: The Sexual Harassment Industry” »
Weakness is a mighty weapon for fragile feminist crybaby girls: Th…
» continues here »

What’s so terrible about rape? Rape is not as bad as it used to be!

  1. Rape consequences are not what they used to be:

    In our modern technological world with abortion, DNA testing and birth control, rape does no more lead to unavoidable offspring, uncertain paternity, and loss of all-important virginity.

  2. forcible rape-rape in the old fashioned senseRape prevalence is not what it used to be:

    Statistics show that forcible rape is on the decline (probably due to the availability of pornography).

  3. Rape is not what it used to be:

    Many of the modern 20 different types of rape are non-violent, not forcible and often even start out consensual, or are entirely consensual (were it not for the newly changed modern definition of "consent"). The utter linguistic and legal confusion in the watered down rape definition makes discussion of rape almost impossible. In spite of Vice president’s Biden’s claim (shared by feminists) that all rapes are the same, we still are not convinced that forcibly raping a 17 year old is exactly the same rape as consensual love making with the same 17 year old.

  4. Rape is over-rated.

    It is time to stop rape hysteria, to re-think the length of sentencing for rape, to stem the ever growing number of non-violent and even consensual types of rape, to reinstitute due process and constitutional rights for the accused.  Rape has ceased to be a special crime (see (1)), we should treat rape like any other crime. This is not "rape apology", it is down to earth "rape realism". Rape is bad. Rape is wrong. But we believe it is 100 times worse to be paralyzed for life or have large part of our body burned and scarred for life then to suffer a gentle consented-but-drunk-date-rape for half an hour.


Read with open mind. Read first, judge later. Question your moral convictions.

We were brought up with feminist credo, reinforced by politically correct colleges. It took us effort to overcome our brain washing. It required reading articles and books to see the mistakes, the misleading wrong logic, the cruel consequences of feminist and religious dogma. We were not born nor indoctrinated to be "anti-feminists" (a label we can accept), nor "rape apologists" or "misogynists" (labels that we will reject as unjustified).

We have been warned of the dangers of challenging the central tenet of feminist rape culture belief

We are afraid most people will read this with closed mind. Knee jerk reactions and inner convictions warp people’s logic so as to confirm their long held belief. We are attacking rape, the central tenet of feminism, even holier then harassment.

This is far worse then Galileo Galilei’s disrespect of some peripheral topic in the Bible regarding planetary motion. It is like doubting God’s existence.

We have been warned that this irreverent post might lead to vigilante persecution of the authors, with trumped-up false accusations, with Interpol hunting us down for our dangerous politically incorrect ideas.

We have an irrational and probably unwarranted trust that dissenting people could discuss this article on its merit and try to disprove it with arguments and logic. Unfortunately, logic can be very manipulative and confusing because of misleading and confusing terminology (see (3) above).


Men are violently averse to rape, even more so then women

We are very aware then most good men are extremely averse to rape,  "All men are rapists" is as unwarranted and unjust as saying "all women are gold digging cheating paternity fraudsters".

Men, as a class, loathe and detest rape more than women do.[…]

[President] Roosevelt declared without equivocation (and without explanation) that rape is a crime "even worse than murder" that deserves the death penalty.
That might strike modern readers as astonishing, but during the oral argument of the Kennedy v. Louisiana, 2008 U.S. LEXIS 5262 (June 25, 2008), Justice Ginsburg offered an explanation. Ginsburg noted that the historical imposition of the death penalty in rape cases stems from a tradition "when a woman was regarded as as good as dead once she was raped; and the crime was thought to be an offense against her husband or her father as much as it was to her." Treating rape as akin to murder, and thus warranting the death penalty, did "no kindness to women" she noted.
The "legal" executions of men for rape, and the illegal lynchings for rape that President Theodore Roosevelt decried, were carried out almost exclusively by men. Against men. Indeed, as we relate on this site, the killings, the beatings, and virtually all the other physical atrocities perpetrated against men falsely accused of rape are carried out by men.  
The False Rape Society: There is no ‘rape culture.’ Period.

This is probably why man-hating feminists use female superior verbal manipulation skills to ever expand the definitions of "rape" and "non-consent", to con women-loving good men into joining the lynch mob against consenting-but-drunk-girl-rapists, consenting-underage-girl-rapists, and, falsely-accused-but-presumed-guilty-rapists. From there it is only one step to lynch the mean "rape apologist" authors at

[Roosevelt] also warned: "’The mob which lynches a negro charged with rape will in a little while lynch a white man suspected of crime.’

Roosevelt could have never imagined that nowadays US colleges and the US legal system itself lynch white or black men alike.


1) Rape consequences are not what they used to be

Rape was terrible: reproductive and social impact of rape

Why rape was as serious a crime as murder

Wait, there is more! This article continues! Continue reading “What’s so terrible about rape? Rape is not as bad as it used to be!” »
What’s so terrible about rape? Rape is not as bad as it used…
» continues here »

Yes means No! Forcibly raping a 17 year old is the same rape as consensual love making.

“Yes” means “No”

You have a girl friend under the local age of consent, and you (unwisely) want to have sex with her. Don’t bother to ask for her consent to sex.  Just ravish her violently, no matter how much she resists. It makes no difference if she consents or not. Her “yes” means “no”, her consent is invalid. Either way, if she consents or not, you are raping her. And all rapes are the same.

This is not my fault. I am not making this up. This is our modern law and modern logic.

“No” means “No”, too.

Minors under 18 (or 16) years of age can not consent to sex.  If s/he says “Yes”, it means “No”. If she says “No”, it means “No”, too.

A underage girl’s consent it totally irrelevant

  1. On the way home 3 young men drag 15 year old Maria into an abandoned lot, 2 men hold her down and one rapes her violently, against her protests and screams.
  2. 15 year old Maria begs her boyfriend to make love to her and they have a great love-making session.
What is the difference between (1) and (2)?

Both (1) and (2) are exactly the same: non-consensual rape!. If she consented or fought back makes no difference!

I am really sorry, forgive me.

I am not insensitive to rape victims.

Maria, if you think that forcible rape and love making are not the same, you are mistaken! You are too young to understand the wisdom of the elders, that know that these are the same.

I am sorry,it is not my fault. I did not make this up. I swear.  On the contrary, I dare to challenge conventional wisdom and write against this insanity.

There are cases where a 15 or 17 year old girl begs a judge not to jail her boyfriend and common law husband, father, financial supporter and caretaker of her baby. But, the laws are there to protect her (?from what??), and thus she is left a penniless single mother with a jailed boyfriend in prison.

We fail to see how this serves the well being of the child, which is of extreme importance to the law.

All rapes are the same

We just learned, from Vice President Biden “Rape is rape is rape” : all types of rape are the same.  British Kenneth Clarke said  that “some “rapes” are less serious then others” but was forced to recant.  Clarke explicitly stated that a 17 year old boy making love with his 15 year old girl friend is not the same as dragging someone into the bushes. A media outcry corrected him and recanted. So it is the consensus, that both are the same.

Feminist manipulative language made sure that almost every sex act is a potential rape. And now it is clarified that all rapes are the same.

“I love you, please make love to me” = “NOOO, don’t touch me, leave me alone”
lovey-dovey-feeling =

(is equal to)


Offensive to forcible rape victims

"Yes" means "No"

You have a girl friend under the local age of consent, and you (unwisely) want to have sex with her. Don’t bother to ask for her consent to sex.  Just ravish her violently, no matter how much she resists. It makes no difference if she consents or not. Her "yes" means "no", her consent is invalid. Either way, if she consents or not, you are raping her. And all rapes are the same.

This is not my fault. I am not making this up. This is our modern law and modern logic. 

"No" means "No", too.

Minors under 18 (or 16) years of age can not consent to sex.  If s/he says "Yes", it means "No". If she says "No", it means "No", too.

A underage girl’s consent it totally irrelevant

  1. On the way home 3 young men drag 15 year old Maria into an abandoned lot, 2 men hold her down and one rapes her violently, against her protests and screams.
  2. 15 year old Maria begs her boyfriend to make love to her and they have a great love-making session.
What is the difference between (1) and (2)?

Both (1) and (2) are exactly the same: non-consensual rape!. If she consented or fought back makes no difference!

I am really sorry, forgive me.

I am not insensitive to rape victims.

Maria, if you think that forcible rape and love making are not the same, you are mistaken! You are too young to understand the wisdom of the elders, that know that these are the same.

I am sorry,it is not my fault. I did not make this up. I swear.  On the contrary, I dare to challenge conventional wisdom and write against this insanity.

There are cases where a 15 or 17 year old girl begs a judge not to jail her boyfriend and common law husband, father, financial supporter and caretaker of her baby. But, the laws are there to protect her (?from what??), and thus she is left a penniless single mother with a jailed boyfriend in prison. 

We fail to see how this serves the well being of the child, which is of extreme importance to the law.

All rapes are the same

We just learned, from Vice President Biden "Rape is rape is rape" : all types of rape are the same.  British Kenneth Clarke said  that "some "rapes" are less serious then others" but was forced to recant.  Clarke explicitly stated that a 17 year old boy making love with his 15 year old girl friend is not the same as dragging someone into the bushes. A media outcry corrected him and recanted. So it is the consensus, that both are the same.

Feminist manipulative language made sure that almost every sex act is a potential rape. And now it is clarified that all rapes are the same.

"I love you, please make love to me"


"NOOO, don’t touch me, leave me alone"


(is equal to)


Offensive to forcible rape victims

"Yes" means "No"

You have a girl friend under the local age of consent, and you (unwisely) want to have sex with her. Don’t bother to ask for her consent to sex.  Just ravish her violently, no matter how much she resists. It makes no difference if she consents or not. Her "yes" means "no", her consent is invalid. Either way, if she consents or not, you are raping her. And all rapes are the same.

This is not my fault. I am not making this up. This is our modern law and modern logic. 

"No" means "No", too.

Minors under 18 (or 16) years of age can not consent to sex.  If s/he says "Yes", it means "No". If she says "No", it means "No", too.

A underage girl’s consent it totally irrelevant

  1. On the way home 3 young men drag 15 year old Maria into an abandoned lot, 2 men hold her down and one rapes her violently, against her protests and screams.
  2. 15 year old Maria begs her boyfriend to make love to her and they have a great love-making session.
What is the difference between (1) and (2)?

Both (1) and (2) are exactly the same: non-consensual rape!. If she consented or fought back makes no difference!

I am really sorry, forgive me.

I am not insensitive to rape victims.

Maria, if you think that forcible rape and love making are not the same, you are mistaken! You are too young to understand the wisdom of the elders, that know that these are the same.

I am sorry,it is not my fault. I did not make this up. I swear.  On the contrary, I dare to challenge conventional wisdom and write against this insanity.

There are cases where a 15 or 17 year old girl begs a judge not to jail her boyfriend and common law husband, father, financial supporter and caretaker of her baby. But, the laws are there to protect her (?from what??), and thus she is left a penniless single mother with a jailed boyfriend in prison. 

We fail to see how this serves the well being of the child, which is of extreme importance to the law.

All rapes are the same

We just learned, from Vice President Biden "Rape is rape is rape" : all types of rape are the same.  British Kenneth Clarke said  that "some "rapes" are less serious then others" but was forced to recant.  Clarke explicitly stated that a 17 year old boy making love with his 15 year old girl friend is not the same as dragging someone into the bushes. A media outcry corrected him and recanted. So it is the consensus, that both are the same.

Feminist manipulative language made sure that almost every sex act is a potential rape. And now it is clarified that all rapes are the same.

"I love you, please make love to me"


"NOOO, don’t touch me, leave me alone"


(is equal to)


Offensive to forcible rape victims

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Yes means No! Forcibly raping a 17 year old is the same rape as co…
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Some "rapes" are less serious then others. Of course, Mr. Kenneth Clarke is right!

Justice Secretary Kenneth Clarke has been heavily criticized for talking about "serious rape" as compared with other types of rape. But can some rapes be viewed as more serious than others?

The  word "rape" needs to be differentiated, into "serious rape", "forcible rape", "rape rape" because the word "rape" nowadays means everything.

  1. "Rape is rape is rape" is a lie, Joe Biden! 20 different types of rape!
  2. Consent, rape & minors. What is consent to sex?
  3. Victim dupes man into raping her. How can you rape without knowing you are raping?
  4. Judge John Reilly forced to apologize for differentiating nerd’s groping from sexual assault
  5. Republicans re-re-define rape: to the original definition rape had for 2000 years before re-definition 30 years ago
  6. Feminist rape laws don’t apply to male prison rape victims
  7. Hofstra false rape case: any law abiding man can be jailed at a woman’s whim!


Mr. Kenneth Clarke saying the truth (video) (which later on he has to retract)

Speaking to Victoria Derbyshire, the Justice Secretary said some cases of date rape or sex with under-age children might not qualify as rape “in the ordinary conversational sense”.  Ed Miliband, the Labour leader, called for Mr. Clarke’s resignation during Prime Minister’s Questions over the comments. Listen to full interview on BBC Radio 5 Live     Source: Telegraph

The justice secretary’s remarks suggesting some rapes were worse than others has led to a storm of protest and demands for his resignation from Labour.  BBC

Tyrannical political correctness speech code taboos prohibit sensible discussions

Political correctness is a speech code to silence discussion. It erects taboos: don’t talk, don’t question. Making a comment on a taboo topic yields to  ad hominem attacks, demands of resignation! Like a medieval church. The topic is taboo, critics are silenced, no discussion is allowed.

In the rape issue, there are stupid anecdotal one sided arguments.

"If we listen to what the victims of rape tell us about its impact, there is no difference between those who have suffered date rape and those who have been attacked by strangers. BBC

What a stupid comment! The "victim-feminists" who claim that a drunk-party-girl-who-next-day-is-sorry-she-consented-rape is the same as the mauled-in-the-forest-at-knife-point-rape are an offense to true forcible rape victims. These are the same people that say: consensual sex with an adolescent minor is rape, the same as violently raping the adolescent minor against her or his will. And such insanity pervades world wide press and politics.

Nation-wide and world wide politics are based on such drivel. Where is the peer reviewed research that supports such statements?

"If we listen to what the victims of rape tell us about its impact, there is no difference between those who have suffered date rape and those who have been attacked by strangers. BBC If we listen to what paralyzed victims of car accidents tell us about its impact, there is no difference between those that were accidentally run over due to a blown tire, a driver’s mistake or those that were  run over by a maniac assassin driver. 
  In either case, the victims are equally paralyzed.. The punishment for the perpetrator, though, is very different.


Unlike the car accident example with subsequent paralysis, as shown in the articles linked above, the modern revised definition of "rape" encompasses total different things

  • violent forcible rape,
  • consensual sex where consent is considered invalid later on, if the "victim" convinces a judge that she was too drunk, if she was underage, if she presented a fake ID and the perpetrator could not know he did commit "rape"
  • consensual sex where consent is withdrawn in the middle of the act and he continued for 5 more seconds (yes, google "5 second rape" if you don’t believe it.
  • consensual sex when the woman only felt raped 2 days later when he did not call her
  • consensual sex with an adolescent minor
  • When is a rape not a rape? | Police Inspector Blog mentions the pervasiveness of false rape accusations but fails to mention that lots of these lead to false rape convictions:  because of the dogma "women don’t lie", and the perverted suspension of due process, the "presumption of guilt of the accused in rape cases", it is very easy to be unjustly harassed and tried for years (Kachelmann, Strauss-Kahn) and possibly convicted of rape that has never happened 

Most men have already been raped by a woman, but are unaware of it

I have asked many men: "Have you ever said no to a woman and she continued with sexual activities like oral sex or sex?".  Almost all of them said they told a woman "Stop, I am tired" and she just continued.This happens when a man had enough sex but an insatiable woman wants more. It could happen early in the morning when the man wants to sleep.

I believe Britain has a sexist rape law where women can not rape. But by gender neutral rape laws this clearly constitutes rape. By the feminist rape definition that a simple "no" or "stop" in a consensual sexual relationship means "rape". And this is the same as dragging a screaming woman into the forest? Or 5 guys in prison holding down a man to rape him? David Cameron, thank you for your honest truth. Too bad you weaseled out and retracted, though half-heartedly

Kenneth Clark retraction (Video)

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Some "rapes" are less serious then others. Of course, Mr…
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