Berlusconi’s worst crime: to give money to a 17 year old. For sex she denies ever happened

An immense amount of money and time has been spent by the Italian legal system, and the world press, to  protect a 17 year old woman from getting lots of money, possibly in exchange for consensual sex.

  • Having sex with a 17 year old is perfectly legal in Italy (age of consent is 14).
  • But, giving her tens or hundreds of thousands Euros makes it illegal. This is a terrible crime.
  • Paying for sex (prostitution) is also legal in Italy
  • The "victim" denies sex has ever happened.
  • Prostitution laws were made for short term sex for money exchanges. Berlusconi seems to have a quite long and regular relation with this girl


Sex laws traumatize children

Courts, and the world press, publicly call "Ruby the Heart stealer" a prostitute.  This is certainly traumatizing, As usual, our repressive sex laws, devised by the sexual trade union, traumatize the very people they are meant to protect.

Dancer Karima El-Mahroug – known as "Ruby Heartstealer" – has staged a protest outside a court in Italy to deny claims she was paid for having sex with former PM Silvio Berlusconi. […]  Prosecutors say Ms Mahroug and Mr Berlusconi had sex on 13 occasions.

Surprisingly, no feminist support for Miss El-Mahroug’s suffering. Feminist support seems to be reserved for women who cut off penises (Lorena Bobbitt), or who murder sleeping husbands

Berlusconi probably deserves punishment for other behaviors. But helping a post pubertal girl to riches should not be a problem for the legal system.


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Berlusconi’s worst crime: to give money to a 17 year old. Fo…
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Holland increases minimum age for combat soldiers to 21


2) What is the legal age for military service?

The legal age for military service in Amsterdam is 21 years old. In February 2013, Amsterdam is to become the first municipality in the Netherlands to officially increase the legal age for military to fight in war from 18 to 21 years. Increasing the legal age is part of a set of measures designed to tackle abuse in the war industry and strengthen the position of soldiers. The City of Amsterdam believes that people aged 21 are better able to make a well-considered decision about fighting and killing in combat than those aged 18 as well as being better able to cope with serving in a war zone.  2

"In the Netherlands, voluntary military service is a legal profession. Forced military service is illegal." 3

This was just an April’s fools joke. In most of human history in most countries in the world men were forced to serve in wars, with not much concern for age.

"In the Netherlands, voluntary prostitution is a legal profession. Forced prostitution is illegal." 3

Countries with mandatory military service include Denmark and Austria. Nobody, of course, is concerned with psychological problems of involuntary or voluntary draftees into military combat and killing service. No concern with Post Traumatic Stress disorder, freedom of choice, when it concerns MEN.

But feminist activists never stop preventing women against their will from their own choices.

Age of consent 70 years: The future of prostitution

The ever rising age of consent

It is no joke that the prediction of the antifeminist regarding sexual trade union policy has become true: a country where the age of consent is 16, the age for prostitution is 18,  20 year olds are not allowed to choose to work as prostitutes in Amsterdam. The Deutsche Welle, in a mistaken Freudian slip, advances the (soon to become true?) news that it has been increase to 23 years of age.

Will the age of consent for prostitutes eventually, be increased to 70, the age of The Fokkens sisters on the picture?

2) What is the legal age for prostitution?

The legal age for prostitutes in Amsterdam is 21 years old. In February 2013, Amsterdam is to become the first municipality in the Netherlands to officially increase the legal age for prostitutes to work in the profession from 18 to 21 years. Increasing the legal age is part of a set of measures designed to tackle abuse in the prostitution industry and strengthen the position of prostitutes. The City of Amsterdam believes that people aged 21 are better able to make a well-considered decision about working as a prostitute than those aged 18 as well as being better able to cope with working in the industry. 2

Watch Fokkens sisters video trailer!

Louise And Martine Fokkens, Amsterdam’s Oldest Prostitutes, Retiring At 70 Years Old


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Holland increases minimum age for combat soldiers to 21
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Lower age of consent to 13. Who is in support of Barbara Hewson?

It is very courageous for Barbara Hewson to out herself as a *child sex apologist. She draws a lot of negativity, unfortunately, very few people agree with her.

Among all the bad press, here a few positive voices


Lowering the age of consent merits open debate, not closed minds

[Hanson] made light of what she regards as trivial sexual touching of young people by adults, saying that making an issue of it distracts people from really serious abuse, such as rape. Her view is that there are qualitatively different forms of sex abuse and they shouldn’t be lumped together.

Positive reactions to Barbara Hewson’s proposals are rare. Who dares to favor "child abuse", teenage sexuality, to protect "dirty old men"?

Child Abuse Moral Panic: a dozen great articles from Spiked Magazine

Age of Consent Should Be 13 Says Prominent Barrister | The Antifeminist

Scientific Evidence That Men Dig Barely Legal Chicks

scientists have found that men DO NOT prefer maximally fertile women.

An interesting suggestion how to implement age of consent laws

Ok, fix specific age at 12 or 13, the normal age of puberty (though apparently it is shifting). Make consent completely impossible below this age. From 13 to 18, when the person is legally a minor, give parents authority to demand any relationship stop, without making that relationship automatically illegal. Then, from 13 to 15, impose a maximum age difference of 7 years (beyond which consent is assumed to have been obtained through coercion), where a high burden of proof is needed to make consent valid. Between 3 and 7 years of age difference, decide on a case by case basis (to see if consent was obtained through coercion) and below 3 years of age difference, make it legal. How’s that for specificity? permalink

Judgy Bitch has very refreshing strong opinions:

Should 13 year olds be having sex? Probably not. They shouldn’t be fame whores, either


Lower age of consent to 13: Barbara Hewson faces outrage

Lower age of consent! Such a daring proposal by prominent barrister Barbara Hewson exposes her to death and rape threats by the vicious political correctness and sexual panic crowd of today and subjects her to fierce criticism.  In today’s lunacy of ever expanding sex crimes, ever rising age of consent3, a rare voice of reason gets drowned out quickly by the ruling powerful moral panic mongers, led by feminists.

Human-Stupidity wonders where she got the courage to voice such taboo opinions. We encourage all to read Barbara Hewson’s original article and to promote and encourage her views. One such rare positive blog is the antifeminist.

Outrage at barrister who called Stuart Hall’s crimes ‘low level’

  • Barbara Hewson also said aged of consent should be lowered to 13
  • She described Operation Yewtree arrests as a ‘grotesque spectacle’
  • Claimed disgraced Stuart Hall’s crimes were ‘low level misdemeanors’
  • NSPCC said her ‘outdated and simply ill-informed’ views ‘beggars belief’
  • Dr Brooke Magnanti, formerly know as prostitute  Belle de Jour is also fairly negative, in spite of her positive experience with older men she titles her article Making sex legal at 13 is pure lunacy

    Ironically I became very aware of this reality as a second-year student at university, dating someone twice my age. In our case, the problem was not that he took advantage of me – far from it – but rather that the age difference meant our expectations and hopes for dating were very different. To me, he was a cool, smart guy with his own flat and car. Score! What it took me much longer to see is that he was losing out by getting involved with someone who expected casual dating, not a potential long term partner. Not too long after we split, he married…someone his own age. (We’re still friends by the way. At least he saved me from having to ever date any 18-year-old boys.)


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Lower age of consent to 13: Barbara Hewson faces outrage
» continues here »

17 year old Ruby the Heart stealer exploited Silvio Berlusconi, 76

Feminist initiated age of consent and prostitution sex laws protect poor 17 year old *child Ruby the Heart stealer from the terrible trauma of maybe having engaged in *consensual sex, and having received thousands or millions of Euros. Luckily nobody took nude photos of her, which according to the voodoo theory of child porn would have scarred her for life.
So powerful is feminism that a rich, old, powerful man spends such sums on a young pretty woman. And so powerful is feminist matriarchy that they created all these laws to criminalize normal male sexual behavior.


Prosecutors have demanded a six-year sentence and lifetime ban from public office at the latest trial of former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.

In addition to having been taken advantage of, financially, he ought to go to prison, for showering riches upon a young women old enough to have healthy children and be married? Italian law does not protect her from sex, but protects her from getting money. Age of consent in Italy is 14.

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17 year old Ruby the Heart stealer exploited Silvio Berlusconi, 76
» continues here »

Lower age of consent to 13. Yes! Barbara Hewson, lone voice of reason

      Barbara Hewson has the courage to make such suggestions in today’s sex hysterical climate. Unfortunately, she is alone, against the hysterical masses, the mainstream press and loud feminists and so called child protection agencies.

      the most remarkable facet of the Savile scandal is how adult complainants are invited to act like children. Hence we have witnessed the strange spectacle of mature adults calling a children’s charity to complain about the distant past.

      The acute problems of proof which stale allegations entail also generates a demand that criminal courts should afford accusers therapy, by giving them ‘a voice’. This function is far removed from the courts’ traditional role, in which the state must prove defendants guilty beyond reasonable doubt.

      Constitutional rights to due process have been abolished for men.

      What this infantilising of adult complainants ultimately requires is that we re-model our criminal-justice system on child-welfare courts. These courts (as I have written in spiked previously) have for some decades now applied a model of therapeutic jurisprudence, in which ‘the best interests of the child’ are paramount.

      It is depressing, but true, that many reforms introduced in the name of child protection involve sweeping attacks on fundamental Anglo-American legal rights and safeguards, such as the presumption of innocence. This has ominous consequences for the rule of law, as US judge Arthur Christean pointed out: ‘Therapeutic jurisprudence marks a major and in many ways a truly radical shift in the historic function of courts of law and the basic purpose for which they have been established under our form of government. It also marks a fundamental shift in judges’ loyalty away from principles of due process and toward particular social policies. These policies are less concerned with judicial impartiality and fair hearings and more concerned with achieving particular results…

      The therapeutic model has certain analogies with a Soviet-style conception of justice, which emphasizes outcomes over processes.    Yewtree is destroying the rule of law

      Courageous words for a famous lawyer

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      Lower age of consent to 13. Yes! Barbara Hewson, lone voice of rea…
      » continues here »

      Sex Offenders one third of prisoners, suffer bullying


      HM Inspectorate of Prisons found evidence of bullying at HMP Moorland, and “limited provision for the third of prisoners who were sex offenders” antifeminist citing BBC


      Too many "sex offenders" in prison

      33%, approximately, of prison inmates in a British prison are sex offenders!!!? I do hope this is an atypical prison and sex offenders do not yet constitute a third of all British prisoners.

      The THIRD of prisoners who were sex offenders are likely to disproportionally suffer from bullying. In Brazil it is a known fact that true gangsters hate rapists and make them into their "women", give them a taste of their own medicine.

      Too much inhumane prison bullying towards sex offenders.

      Be they true forcible sex offenders or consensual offenders with no real victims, sex offenders tend to be singled out.

      "Bullying" by groups of hard core prison gangs is unlike your high school bullying experience, or unlike sexual harassment or date rape. 

      And possibly, the bullies are of the majority prison race that hates you for your race too.


      What percentage of imprisoned sex offenders are REAL FORCIBLE non-consensual sex offenders in the classic sense?

      Who were proven, beyond reasonable doubt, with due process, to have raped a resisting woman?

      Wait, there is more! This article continues! Continue reading “Sex Offenders one third of prisoners, suffer bullying” »
      Sex Offenders one third of prisoners, suffer bullying
      » continues here »

      Child Sex Trauma Theory Traumatizes Children (#6)


      Child Sex Trauma myth, a self fulfilling prophecy.
      The faulty child sex trauma theory is the cause of child sex trauma.

      Children generally do not get traumatized by *consensual adult/child sexual experiences. Rather the trauma is caused  by the reaction of parents, peers, teachers,  police, and, yes, therapists. Therapy is often traumatizing.

      This conclusion is so drastic and shocking that even we, at only recently understood the profound implications. The hysterical falsification of science doesn’t just put men in prison with draconian punishments, it actually causes damage to children it purports to protect (compare also Milton Diamond) .

      Prohibition of adult/child sexual contact must be justified on ethical, not on scientific grounds. In other words, don’t use false science to justify your moral rules. Disclaimer

      Finkelhor (1979) proposed an ethical justification for prohibiting adult/child (defined as a prepubertal youngster) sexual behavior. The reason for using an ethical justification was that the justification based on psychological harm lacked cogency. According to Finkelhor, it was empirically weak since "it is possible that a majority of these children are not harmed" (p.693

      Forcible, non-*consensual CSA (Child Sex Abuse), of course, is very different.

      From the child’s point of view and from the commonsense point of view, there is an enormous difference between intercourse with a willing little girl and the forcible penetration of the small vagina of a terrified child. One woman I know enjoyed sex with her uncle all through her childhood, and never realized that anything was unusual until she went away to school. What disturbed her then was not what her uncle had done but the attitude of her teachers and the school psychiatrist. They assumed that she must have been traumatized and disgusted and therefore in need of very special help. In order to capitulate to their expectation, she began to fake symptoms she did not feel, until at length she began to feel truly guilty for not having felt guilty. She ended up judging herself quite harshly for this innate lechery (cited in Schultz, 1980, p. 39).   Rind, Tromovitch, and Bauserman: Politically Incorrect – Scientifically Correct

      In addition to such anecdotal evidence, research with large samples clearly showed that many children did not get harmed by such adult/child sexuality. Disclaimer

      But sex, in general, is not like being mauled by a dog or torture, which are always painful and traumatic. Sex is often just the opposite–the most pleasurable experience one can have. It therefore cannot be assumed a priori that a fourteen- or fifteen-year-old, for example, will react with trauma rather than pleasure just because his or her partner is older. In fact, teens of this age often do not react as the orthodoxy insists they must, as the following example illustrates. It was related by Dan Savage, in relation to the attacks on our study, in his nationally syndicated column “Savage Love” (July 29, 1999):

      Why is this controversial? Speaking as a survivor of CSA at fourteen with a twenty-two-year-old woman; sex at fifteen with a thirty-year-old man–I can back the researchers up; I was not traumatized by these technically illegal sexual encounters; indeed, I initiated them and cherish their memory. It’s absurd to think that what I did at fifteen would be considered “child sexual abuse,” or lumped together by lazy researchers with the incestuous rape of a five-year-old girl.
      The Condemned Meta-Analysis on Child Sexual Abuse

      (The Child Sex Trauma Myth #6)

      This is the 6TH in a series of articles about the Child Sex Trauma Myth
      (#1 disclaimer, #2, #3, #4, #5)

      Unlike Susan Clancy, who stumbled upon the truth and partially retracted:

      • Rind, Tromovitch, and Bauserman are the intellectual academic elite,
      • worthy of being published in the top journals of the American Psychological Association and
      • worthy of being unanimously condemned by US congress and senate

      Such research and its unpopular results are absolutely taboo and verboten

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      Child Sex Trauma Theory Traumatizes Children (#6)
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