Lower age of consent to 13. Yes! Barbara Hewson, lone voice of reason

      Barbara Hewson has the courage to make such suggestions in today’s sex hysterical climate. Unfortunately, she is alone, against the hysterical masses, the mainstream press and loud feminists and so called child protection agencies.

      the most remarkable facet of the Savile scandal is how adult complainants are invited to act like children. Hence we have witnessed the strange spectacle of mature adults calling a children’s charity to complain about the distant past.

      The acute problems of proof which stale allegations entail also generates a demand that criminal courts should afford accusers therapy, by giving them ‘a voice’. This function is far removed from the courts’ traditional role, in which the state must prove defendants guilty beyond reasonable doubt.

      Constitutional rights to due process have been abolished for men.

      What this infantilising of adult complainants ultimately requires is that we re-model our criminal-justice system on child-welfare courts. These courts (as I have written in spiked previously) have for some decades now applied a model of therapeutic jurisprudence, in which ‘the best interests of the child’ are paramount.

      It is depressing, but true, that many reforms introduced in the name of child protection involve sweeping attacks on fundamental Anglo-American legal rights and safeguards, such as the presumption of innocence. This has ominous consequences for the rule of law, as US judge Arthur Christean pointed out: ‘Therapeutic jurisprudence marks a major and in many ways a truly radical shift in the historic function of courts of law and the basic purpose for which they have been established under our form of government. It also marks a fundamental shift in judges’ loyalty away from principles of due process and toward particular social policies. These policies are less concerned with judicial impartiality and fair hearings and more concerned with achieving particular results…

      The therapeutic model has certain analogies with a Soviet-style conception of justice, which emphasizes outcomes over processes.    Yewtree is destroying the rule of law

      Courageous words for a famous lawyer

      Wait, there is more! This article continues! Continue reading “Lower age of consent to 13. Yes! Barbara Hewson, lone voice of reason” »
      Lower age of consent to 13. Yes! Barbara Hewson, lone voice of rea…
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      Child Sex Trauma Theory Traumatizes Children (#6)


      Child Sex Trauma myth, a self fulfilling prophecy.
      The faulty child sex trauma theory is the cause of child sex trauma.

      Children generally do not get traumatized by *consensual adult/child sexual experiences. Rather the trauma is caused  by the reaction of parents, peers, teachers,  police, and, yes, therapists. Therapy is often traumatizing.

      This conclusion is so drastic and shocking that even we, at Human-Stupidity.com only recently understood the profound implications. The hysterical falsification of science doesn’t just put men in prison with draconian punishments, it actually causes damage to children it purports to protect (compare also Milton Diamond) .

      Prohibition of adult/child sexual contact must be justified on ethical, not on scientific grounds. In other words, don’t use false science to justify your moral rules. Disclaimer

      Finkelhor (1979) proposed an ethical justification for prohibiting adult/child (defined as a prepubertal youngster) sexual behavior. The reason for using an ethical justification was that the justification based on psychological harm lacked cogency. According to Finkelhor, it was empirically weak since "it is possible that a majority of these children are not harmed" (p.693

      Forcible, non-*consensual CSA (Child Sex Abuse), of course, is very different.

      From the child’s point of view and from the commonsense point of view, there is an enormous difference between intercourse with a willing little girl and the forcible penetration of the small vagina of a terrified child. One woman I know enjoyed sex with her uncle all through her childhood, and never realized that anything was unusual until she went away to school. What disturbed her then was not what her uncle had done but the attitude of her teachers and the school psychiatrist. They assumed that she must have been traumatized and disgusted and therefore in need of very special help. In order to capitulate to their expectation, she began to fake symptoms she did not feel, until at length she began to feel truly guilty for not having felt guilty. She ended up judging herself quite harshly for this innate lechery (cited in Schultz, 1980, p. 39).   Rind, Tromovitch, and Bauserman: Politically Incorrect – Scientifically Correct

      In addition to such anecdotal evidence, research with large samples clearly showed that many children did not get harmed by such adult/child sexuality. Disclaimer

      But sex, in general, is not like being mauled by a dog or torture, which are always painful and traumatic. Sex is often just the opposite–the most pleasurable experience one can have. It therefore cannot be assumed a priori that a fourteen- or fifteen-year-old, for example, will react with trauma rather than pleasure just because his or her partner is older. In fact, teens of this age often do not react as the orthodoxy insists they must, as the following example illustrates. It was related by Dan Savage, in relation to the attacks on our study, in his nationally syndicated column “Savage Love” (July 29, 1999):

      Why is this controversial? Speaking as a survivor of CSA at fourteen with a twenty-two-year-old woman; sex at fifteen with a thirty-year-old man–I can back the researchers up; I was not traumatized by these technically illegal sexual encounters; indeed, I initiated them and cherish their memory. It’s absurd to think that what I did at fifteen would be considered “child sexual abuse,” or lumped together by lazy researchers with the incestuous rape of a five-year-old girl.
      The Condemned Meta-Analysis on Child Sexual Abuse

      (The Child Sex Trauma Myth #6)

      This is the 6TH in a series of articles about the Child Sex Trauma Myth
      (#1 disclaimer, #2, #3, #4, #5)

      Unlike Susan Clancy, who stumbled upon the truth and partially retracted:

      • Rind, Tromovitch, and Bauserman are the intellectual academic elite,
      • worthy of being published in the top journals of the American Psychological Association and
      • worthy of being unanimously condemned by US congress and senate

      Such research and its unpopular results are absolutely taboo and verboten

      Wait, there is more! This article continues! Continue reading “Child Sex Trauma Theory Traumatizes Children (#6)” »
      Child Sex Trauma Theory Traumatizes Children (#6)
      » continues here »

      Balkanized Men’s Rights Movement vehemently supports feminist sex hysteria. MRA easily defeated by feminist unity (#5)

      Men, even men’s rights activists (MRA), have definitely and permanently yielded to many feminist issues. Feminists have won the war on many fronts. Men are disunited, no match for unified women’s front. Frequently men, including MRA, even activelysupport feminist issues.


      MRA against men. MRA (men’s rights activist) support draconian prison sentences for men #4

      Old style anti-feminists like Ernest Belfort Bax still opposed sex hysteria and the relentless increase of age of consent. Similarly Angry Harry, universally acclaimed father of the men’s rights movement speaks up against sex hysteria.

      This psychologist, Angry Harry is admired by Paul Elam at AVoiceForMen in unison with r/mensrights and most men’s rights activists. So much that the header of Avoiceformen is permanently adorned with Angry Harry‘s banner.avoiceformen-angryharry_thumb4_thumb.

      But these modern father’s rights activists are in full support of feminist inspired  teenage sexuality and child porn hysteria. Worse, these modern MRA actively oppose sex positive men’s rights activist. See our article


      (The Child Sex Trauma Myth #5)

      This is the 5TH in a series of articles about the Child Sex Trauma Myth (#1 disclaimer, #2, #3, #4)


      Anyone opposing 5++ year prison sentences for consensual sex with 15 year olds (teenage sexuality), or opposing draconian punishment for mere possession of nude "child porn" photos of 15 year olds (i.e. 0’1 and 1’s in a computer file)  will be unceremoniously kicked out.

      Not only out of feminist sites but men’s rights sites.   Human-Stupidity was evicted recently for this comment. And these men’s rights activist then bemoan the lack of unity of the men’s rights movement.

      Angry Harry, though universally admired as the father of MRA (men’s rights activism), would not be allowed to comment in most modern father’s rights MRA sites, like avoiceformen or r/mensrights. It reminds me of the joke where the bishop calls police to arrest Jesus who dared to show up in a church.

      We expect it will be only a matter of time, until A Voice For Men disavows any links and relations to Angry Harry. We also would not be surprised if they support increasing the age of consent to 21 and then ban anyone who would support impunity for sex with 20 year old women.

      Human-Stupidity certainly fully agrees with AngryHarry on these issues. We bemoan the fact that modern men’s rights has sold out many of men’s rights issues to feminists. Especially the child sex trauma myth has been totally accepted and assimilated by most MRA, has become the unassailable bedrock foundation of all feminist sex hysteria.


      Angry Harry states the inconvenient truth not only on sex hysteria,

      but also on issues as

      • Is the Training of Women Doctors A Waste of Money?  (Same issue is relevant in Australia where rural veterinarians are scarce. Women get most University spaces for veterinary medicine, because they have better grades. Once graduated, women mostly don’t have the physical strength to give birth to calves or sheep, don’t  want to work in rural areas, want to take care of pet dogs and cats in cities with normal office hours,  don’t want to work overtime, and retire early. Similarly, rural physicians are scarce in Germany, partly because of large number of female graduates that don’t accept to work in rural areas 2).

        Note that no modern MRA would dare to attack egalitarianism like this. As Angry Harry‘s article shows, feminist egalitarianism is expensive for society.  Women’s equality comes at a high cost to society. To be on equal footing with men, women would need quotas even in cooking, chess, snooker and tennis

      • Equality Between Men And Women Is Not Achievable
      • Wait, there is more! This article continues! Continue reading “Balkanized Men’s Rights Movement vehemently supports feminist sex hysteria. MRA easily defeated by feminist unity (#5)” »
        Balkanized Men’s Rights Movement vehemently supports feminis…
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      MRA against men! Most MRA (men’s rights activist) actively support draconian prison sentences for men #4

      Most men’s rights activists actively and vehemently support the relentless century-old feminist agenda 1 2 3 against male sexuality.

      They became MRA (Men’s Rights Activist) after being stiffed by family court, divorce law, false accusations by their wives. They often have daughters. Thus these MRA are totally protective and sexually conservative, repressive and not libertarian.

      These MRA totally agree with feminist inspired laws that cruelly imprison men for victimless crimes of *consensual sex with adolescents, for visits to voluntary prostitutes and for possessions patterns of 0’s and 1’s on their hard drive defined as child porn (see voodoo theory, disclaimer, Robert Kurzban)


      MRA (Men’s rights activists) rightly assail biased anti-male laws regarding
      Domestic Violence, *rape, due process, false rape accusations, child support, divorce.
      But MRA are in full support of anti-male sex laws.


      Even MRA are avid supporters of the feminist Child Sex Trauma Myth (#4)

      This is the 4TH in a series of articles about the Child Sex Trauma Myth (#1 disclaimer, #2, #3)



      Strict liability to compound the injustice

      Feminists fought for the increase of age of consent and  the subsequent criminalization of normal male post-pubertal sexuality. This is further enhanced by unjust  Strict liability*
      Strict liability crime” [1] [2] [3] [4] means: if you commit an act, (e.g. if you have sex with a minor) you are guilty and will be convicted. Even if she had a valid true government ID. because she duped the department of motor vehicles into giving her a incorrect age ID. It does not matter. If you had sex with a 17 year old, you are a *child *rapist.


      Human-Stupidity hostilized, warned, banned by MRA

      Human-Stupidity was blocked, chided, and banned at leading men’s rights sites r/mensrights and AVoiceForMen.

      Check how Human-Stupidity’s moderate and reasonable comment 1, 2 led to banning from the otherwise excellent MRA activism site AVoiceForMen. My comments 1, 2 at the excellent article cited below (in #5) were understood by a few, but misunderstood by Paul Elam, who stands for many sex-repressive MRA’s

      Can you share my outrage on this Family pictures of nude baby bath: ruinous child porn prosecution or this Mandatory 15 years jail for photos of legal girl friend: You Can Have Sex With Them; Just Don’t Photograph Them | 2

      The comment above led to Human_Stupidity.com’s definite expulsion from the site of the most active and very representative MRA, AVoiceForMen.


      If these are the best defenders of men’s rights, we have a long way to go. Tens of thousands of men will be singled out for daily anal rape by common criminal prison gangs who hate "*child *rapists ".

      Those prison rapists certainly will not understand the fine distinction between *consensual sex with 17 or 15 year olds and "real forcible rape of a real child" (in the classic sense of the words pre-pubertal *child and forcible *rape) . Even leading MRA Paul Elam succumbed to feminist brain washing and refuses to understand such obvious differences.

      Paul Elam might even understand it. But he chooses not to enter a hopeless fight After all the prestigious peer reviewed Rind Study was rejected unanimously by both the US congress and senate. Academic research decided by politicians

      So feminists have won the war on underage sex repression, so much that even MRA (men’s rights activists) don’t dare to even touch the topic.

      Our pleading for unity among MRA leads to expulsion, not introspection and self analysis

      AVoiceForMen pleaded for unity among MRAs. So we tried to help to raise awareness that they, themselves, actively abet and support the persecution of men. We did not manage to raise such awareness See our unwelcome comment further below.


      Child Porn laws made specifically to criminalize men

      Why may women legally devour Child abuse books by Amazon but inadvertent possession of a picture (usually by a man) is a heinous crime punishable by decades in jail? (Judge Weinstein, voodoo theory) What about the children photographed on the cover of the child abuse books?

      Finally, I was shopping at ASDA (Wal-Mart) last week. They have a very small selection of books on sale. And I presume that they only sell those books that are in particularly high demand by the public. About 20% of the titles of the entire range were to do with ‘abuse’, and another 20% were to do with serial killers, murderers, torturers and, in general, ‘evil’ people. You know the type. angryharry.com/es_chris_langham.htm

      Female pornography, the romance novel, is socially very acceptable. We specifically criminalize male preference for pictures. The handsome, witty, intelligent, rich, young physician, hero of a typical female romance novel humbles the average male and unrealistically raises women’s expectations.


      Age of consent laws (sponsored by feminists) specifically target and criminalize men

      Since long before biblical times, women choose older men for relationship and marriage.  Thus, automatically,age of consent laws ensnare mostly men.

      Girls mature faster: marriageable age was lower for girls throughout history

      One could make a very strong argument to imprison a 16 year old mature female for seducing a hormonally challenged mentally more immature 18 year old male.

      Nowadays, sex has more traumatic consequences for boys then for girls

      Wait, there is more! This article continues! Continue reading “MRA against men! Most MRA (men’s rights activist) actively support draconian prison sentences for men #4” »
      MRA against men! Most MRA (men’s rights activist) actively s…
      » continues here »

      Tea Abuse: How a traumatic event impacts children depends on how the adults cope with it. (MRA Angry Harry)

      In a nutshell: Whatever kind of ‘abuse’ people have experienced in the past (rape, harassment, assault etc) is made CONSIDERABLY WORSE by those whose self-serving propaganda is designed to make them feel worse.

      And then, unsurprisingly, the ‘researchers’ will ERRONEOUSLY interpret the CONSIDERABLY WORSE outcome as being caused by the ‘abuse’ rather than by the self-serving propaganda.

      This is how those working in the abuse industry – which is vast in size – nowadays make their living.

      And it is mostly at the expense of men.

      Angry Harry is a widely admired MRA (men’s rights activist) from the old times, when MRA were not yet actively abetting feminist sex hysteria that imprison thousands of men for *consensual sex with post-pubertal willing girl friends or for possession of photos of girls that are legal to ‘f.uck but not legal to photograph. The antifeminist‘s blog roll lists the few remaining sites that oppose sex hysteria (disclaimer),  

      How a traumatic event might impact on children
      depends on how the adults around them cope with it.

      (The Child Sex Trauma Myth #3)

      This is the 3rd in a series of articles about the Child Sex Trauma Myth (#1 disclaimer, #2)

      Studies looking at the effect of early traumatic experiences on children – that is, events experienced DIRECTLY by children rather than just images they have seen – have found that neither the severity of the event nor the age of the child at the time can help us predict whether the child will experience behavioural or emotional problems later on.

      As child development expert Rudolph Schaffer points out:

      ‘It has become apparent that there is no direct relationship between age and the impact which experience has on the individual, that young children are not necessarily more vulnerable even to quite severe adversities than older children, and that considerable variability exists in long-term outcome.’

      The one variable that does help to predict how a traumatic event might impact on children is how the adults around them cope with it.

      From: Are the kids all right? Dr Helene Guldberg (PhD in Child Development) 
                 quoted in `Tea Abuse | Angry Harry

      Child sex abuse trauma is caused by society’s hysteria

      Putting it bluntly: Any long-term negative effects stemming from events that happened in the past are considerably worsened – if not completely manufactured – by negative propaganda concerning such events.  `Tea Abuse | Angry Harry


      Tea Abuse | Angry Harry

      Wait, there is more! This article continues! Continue reading “Tea Abuse: How a traumatic event impacts children depends on how the adults cope with it. (MRA Angry Harry)” »
      Tea Abuse: How a traumatic event impacts children depends on how t…
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      Child sex is not traumatic when it happens. Only much later (Child Sex Trauma Myth #2)

      Susan Clancy was a firm believer in the conventional wisdom: adult child sex is a profoundly traumatic. devastating terrible experience. As a psychology graduate student, Susan Clancy trusted, that scientist’s unwavering certainty in the childhood trauma theory of sexual abuse was based on firm scientific proof.  We used to be equally trusting believers

      Disclaimer: We are not pedophiles and do not consume child porn. Rather we are interested in the truth to prevail and to become known. We demand unbiased academic research and laws to be informed by true facts and not to be based on myth and lies.

      1) No Trauma: Child sex is mostly NOT traumatic when it happens! 

      Susan Clancy

      The Trauma Myth: The Truth About the Sexual Abuse of Children–and Its Aftermath

      When Susan Clancy interviewed child abuse victims, most of them had not felt profound trauma during or after their abuse. Rather their feelings at the time of the sexual act ranged from somewhat positive to negative. The feelings were far from the level of profound trauma as violent forcible rape or war. These results were very surprising and totally counter to Susan Clancy’s expectations (The results were, though,  in agreement with the maligned Rind Study.)   [Disclaimer]

      1b) The above refers to *consensual sex


      2) Sigmund Freud’s was in denial about child sex reports

      Sigmund Freud had simply ignored and denied the frequent self-reports of child sexual abuse. He heard reports about child sexuality and discarded them as childhood fantasies.  Until as late as the 1960ies, child sexuality was considered shocking, unusual, or criminal.

      3) "Child sex trauma myth" was intentionally created to counter Freud’s denial

      Susan Clancy suggests: As a counter-reaction to Freud’s denial, in order to protect children from sexual abuse, the theory of child sex trauma was created and dogmatically made unassailable.

      4) Clancy backpedals: claims long term damage

      Later, when children understand about sex, understand what they did, and understand that society considers this a extremely serious traumatic event, they reframe the event and perceive it as traumatic and damaging.

      Clancy does NOT say this, but maybe the trauma theory causes the traumatic reframing. Or as one reader succinctly put it: "Society’s trauma myth is the real child abuse".

      Wait, there is more! This article continues! Continue reading “Child sex is not traumatic when it happens. Only much later (Child Sex Trauma Myth #2)” »
      Child sex is not traumatic when it happens. Only much later (Child…
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      The Child Sex Trauma Myth. #1: You must be a pedophile, if you defend child porn and pedophiles

      We are not pedophiles. We have no interest in children or their indecent depictions.

      We make extreme efforts to not run afoul of any law, not even by mistake or accident 1 2 3 .

      We are interested in truth, free academic research, in protection and happiness for children 5.
      We are against unnecessary witch hunts that demonize and imprison people with unnecessary rigor and that criminalize a huge percentage of the (male) population.

      The biggest of all taboos: to research, study or discuss adult-child sexuality.

      We have been warned. We will be called pedophiles. We may suffer vigilante action. We may suffer government prosecution. We should not mess with the topic adult-child sex.

      Yes we are talking about real children under 12 years of age, not just 17 year old adolescent young adults, re-defined as "children" by feminist dogma and by the *United Nations.

      The Rind Study serves as a warning: a prestigious, peer reviewed meta analysis, published in one of the most prestigious journals of the American Psychological Association: probably the only piece of peer reviewed academic research condemned by unanimous vote by both the United States Senate and Congress.

      The authors’ stated goal was “…to address the question: In the population of persons with a history of CSA [child sexual abuse], does this experience cause intense psychological harm on a widespread basis for both genders?” Some of the authors’ more controversial conclusions were that child sexual abuse does not necessarily cause intense, pervasive harm to the child;[3] that the reason the current view of child sexual abuse was not substantiated by their empirical scrutiny was because the construct of CSA was questionably valid; and that the psychological damage caused by the abusive encounters depends on whether the encounter was consensual or not.  Wikipedia on Bruce Rind 

      The US Senate and Congress have decided, once and for all, by dogmatic fiat: "child sexual abuse" is is extremely traumatic under all circumstances.  Academic research must not arrive at any different conclusions.

      Such a shocking interference of religious and moral zealots with scientific truth has not happened since Galileo Galilei: a few centuries ago, the catholic church decreed the "scientific truth" that the sun revolves around the earth.

      The Trauma Myth

      Susan Clancy inadvertently stumbled over the unpopular truth, as published in

      The Trauma Myth: The Truth About the Sexual Abuse of Children–and Its Aftermath .

      All hell broke loose. I was bombarded with accusations that I was hurting victims even more than they already had been and that I was a friend of pedophiles. I was also vilified by many in my own scientific community. Some colleagues and graduate students stopped talking to me. A well-meaning professor told me to pick another research topic because I was going to rule myself out of a job in academia. Some felt my research had a political agenda, one biased against victims. I was invited to give a talk about my research at Cambridge Hospital—home of the tremendously influential sexual abuse treatment program Victims of Violence. No one from the program showed up. Clancy (pp. 77-78).

      Researchers refuse to discuss issues in a seminar?! The most convinced adversaries never counter with true research, with true arguments?

      This is the sad state of affairs. A dogma does not need to be discussed scientifically. The Bible has the definite answer. The US senate made the scientific decision.

      And Human-Stupidity has the insanity to question and analyze the dogma.


      Human-Stupidity is open to science. Just prove me wrong, using science.

      1. TruthWillSetYouFreeIf unbiased free academic research can show that 17 year olds get traumatized for life for having sex with older people, we will support age-of-consent laws.
      2. If the Rind study, and Susan Clancy can be proven wrong, by free unbiased academic research, we will support draconian decade-long punishments for all childhood sexuality. 
      3. We would stand corrected if the voodoo theory could be proven true, by free unbiased academic research: if it were proven that looking at photos of lightly clothed 15 year olds, downloaded for free from the internet does irreparable harm to the minors depicted. If that harm is so perverse that looking at the photos ruins the model’s life forever. And that downloading free photos truly stimulates the rape and abuse of innumerous children. Then we might agree that life in prison without parole is a proper punishment for possession of a few hundred photos, which are nothing else then 0’s and 1’s in files on a computer hard drive.

      But against all odds, Milton Diamond, in peer reviewed research, proved the opposite: freely available child pornography reduces sex crimes against children, because many pedophiles can satisfy themselves merely by perusing pictures.


      Wait, there is more! This article continues! Continue reading “The Child Sex Trauma Myth. #1: You must be a pedophile, if you defend child porn and pedophiles” »
      The Child Sex Trauma Myth. #1: You must be a pedophile, if you def…
      » continues here »

      Reported accidentally downloaded child porn: computer taken for a year, needs supervision to see own child

      A man who informed police when he found child abuse images on his computer has not been allowed to be alone with his daughter for four months.   Nigel Robinson from Hull said he called police after trying to download music but instead finding pornographic images on his laptop last November.  As a result social services said he "should not have unsupervised access with his own or other children". […]

      When his wife works late, as regularly happens, Mr Robinson’s daughter goes to his mother-in-law’s home.

      nigel_robinson reported child porn accidentally foundNigel Robinson can not be alone with his child. And his laptop taken away for a year. Quite disruptive.

      The police took the laptop away for investigation and said it could be a year before it is returned, Mr Robinson said. Council bans daughter contact over child images | BBC

      I hope he learned his lesson. Never ever report child pornography, when found on your computer.

      Now forever his name and photo are on the web, connected to child pornography. I wonder why they did not arraign him for illegal music download.

      Read more about child porn insanity:
      • All this effort to stamp out child porn causes to more child abuse, as proven by distinguished Professor Milton Diamond: many potential child abusers take off the pressure perusing child pornography, avoiding real children
      • Due to feminist language abuse, so called "child pornography" may actually consist of 17 year old girls dancing seductively, fully dressed in Leotards (see Knox vs. USA andcopine scale)