My 12 year old daughter brutally attacked by refugee boys at school.

My 12 year old daughter brutally attacked by refugee boys at school

Apparently two weeks prior to my daughter getting attacked at school, she was punched in the face by one of the boys on the bus. […]   Meanwhile she is receiving threats from these boys that they are going to “f**k up her face so she isn’t pretty anyone”.  […]

Once the principal received notification about the bus incident, he took another week to address it.  Not once was I ever notified that my daughter was assaulted on the bus.  The principal questioned my daughter and the boys that had been threatening her.  The boys were never suspended or removed from school.  Shortly after the conversation the students had with the principal, Morgan was brutally attacked.  First elbowed in the face, followed by 6 to 7 punches knocking her front teeth out and leaving her with a concussion.  It took four teachers to get one of the boys off her.

The boys are refugees brought over from Kenya and Ethiopia. […]

This incident happened on Tuesday February 15th, I have called the police department numerous times with no luck.

Girl punched in alleged bullying attack:

Note that television

  • does not mention race of attackers
  • blames facebook. Why should words justify punches?
  • carefully talks about alleged attacks (even though there were witnesses). Rape accusations without witnesses never are “alleged” rapes.

Imagine the terror at school. A child threatened by a group of guys that are a couple of years older and willing to resort to real physical violence. Cowardly ganging up against a single girl.  Imagine the effect on concentration, on studies. And all the other students that have to live in such an unhealthy, dangerous, violent environment.  That get beaten, with less press to report about it. Or kids that budge before they get beaten. Or that simply drop out of school, lose their education.

Real dangerous physical violence  is taken less seriously then virtual or lewd behavior.  Serious physical violence in our schools is not given sufficient attention. Bullying, school violence can destroy a child’s academic and professional career, psychological well being, physical health. Knocked out teeth are hard facts, undeniable long term injury.

The most important human right is physical safety. It is the most important obligation of government, school, parents to provide an environment of physical safety for children alike.

Real bone and tooth breaking violence is relegated to the back burner, while all the might of our justice system is busy fighting virtual cyberbullying, possession of photos, sexting and consensual teenage sexual behavior.

Instead or paying extreme attention to real crime and real violence, we obsess about consensual teenage sexuality, virtual cyberbullying, cyberstalking, a rape epidemic that can never be shown to exist, possession of photos and the imaginary damage to victims due to remote watchers of photos. Our sex obsession and the manipulative language distortions geared towards criminalizing virtual crimes of looking, thinking, consensual touching (that is statutorily re-defined non-consensual).  Imagine if women’s studies would put all their energy into seeking to guarantee physical safety of our children.

This should be top priority for government, law makers, and law enforcement. Children victims of clear violence too strong to possibly resist. Under constant threat for weeks and months, not knowing when violence will strike.

NO CHILD should be afraid to get on a bus!!No child should have been beaten at all…When we were younger bullies were dealt with by the kids or by a bigger person and the principle […]

Kids need to be able to band together against bullies…even ENCOURAGED to do so!! February 26, 2011 12:22 PM

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My 12 year old daughter brutally attacked by refugee boys at schoo…
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Márcio Costa accuses pretty funk rapper politician wife Verônica Costa of 20 hours of torture. No domestic violence arrest was made.


Verônica Costa, city councilwomen and famous funk rapper in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,  was accused by her husband Márcio Costa to have ordered her brother and step father to savagely torture him for 20 hours with beatings and acid. He claims they tied his arms and legs with chains, beat him, doused him in kerosene or gasoline and threatened to set him ablaze. As proof he has his serious injuries, second and third degree burns. Police found gasoline in their home, an item that most people would not be possessing routinely in their home. 

Torture victim in hospital Márcio Costa Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, husband of funk rapper Verônica da Costa

There could be potential doubts about the accuser’s truthfulness. Though it would be the first time of a victim inflicting serious injury upon himself in order to make false accusations.

Brazilian men accused of domestic violence get arrested and jailed without bail for accusations of merely shoving or lightly slapping a woman. (google "lei Maria da Penha") 

Detail of severe burns on the tortured husband's legs

Márcio Costa claims that, during the torture session, his wife asked him about marital infidelity, asking for the name of his alleged lover. She also kissed him in the midst of the torture.

The alleged domestic violence torturer was not arrested, rather she is counter-accusing her husband of being a violent drug addict. She claims he arrived home with all the injuries.  Domestic violence is an unbailable crime.

Husband claims to have escaped when he was left with only one relative guarding him, he claims they were planning to kill him. Immediately after his escape he already told a neighbor about the torture. Women can get men arrested even if they tell the story months after the alleged facts.

In addition, torture is a special crime with specially severe punishment in Brazil.


More misandry from Brazil

The Brazilian congress just approved a law that prohibits bodily searches of women. No word about men.

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Márcio Costa accuses pretty funk rapper politician wife Ver…
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Nato navies no match for Somali Pirates (aided by human-rights laws)

Somali Pirates just killed 4 hostages.

The entire world’s navies cannot win against a rag-tag "navy" of 3rd world bandits? At sea, where without the typical guerrilla war problems. The bandits cannot hide among the masses. Still they are almost safe.   Human rights sensitivities protect them.

As human-stupidity has noted before, Somali pirates rewarded with asylum in Europe.   Often, Somali Pirates are just released. If they drowned their weapons, and no positive proof can be found, then obvious pirates are just sent home to come back and try again next week We don’t have enough proof to convict in a far away court.

Our human rights laws were not made for Somali pirates. Our human rights laws are well intended, but often ineffective. They often cost us not only money, but cost victimization of innocent upstanding citizens. Of course the cost is exorbitant. Entire navies are there to arrest them. Free flights to Europe. free defense lawyers, and free housing for 5 years in jail. Asylum, welfare, and family immigration to Europe later on. And we all pay in higher merchandise cost for the vastly increased shipping insurance rates.

No wonder many people think that old fashioned methods like summary execution would be much more appropriate methods to nip piracy in the bud. The same way as Guantanamo’s human rights violations probably are saving lives and stemming the terrorist tide.

Late action is another problem. The problem has grown, it is very late. The enemy has become rich and powerful. Now the pirates have good weapons, equipment, good logistics. Similar things have happened in the drug war and with the spam problem. We created the monsters ourselves. Had we acted forcefully beginning, there would be no spam problem. Now the top spammers make millions a month, and enlist the worlds best hackers to aid them.

Admiral MARK FOX (Commander, U.S. 5th Fleet): At 8 o’clock this morning local time, a rocket-propelled grenade was fired from the Quest, by the pirates, towards the Starrett. Immediately thereafter, gunfire also erupted inside the cabin of the Quest.

Several pirates appeared on deck and moved up to the bow with their hands in the air in surrender.

LANGFITT: When U.S. Special Forces boarded the yacht, they said they found the Adams and two fellow American sailors dead or dying. The other sailors were identified as Phyllis Macay and Bob Riggle, both of Seattle, Washington.

Admiral Fox also said they found two pirates who had already been killed. He emphasized that U.S. Special Forces did not shoot those pirates, and had not tried to launch a rescue.

Officials: Somali Pirates Kill 4 American Hostages|NPR

Somalische Piraten immer brutaler|Der Spiegel (in German, with very intelligent comments)


Brazilian Parental Alienation Law (English translation)

Brazil’s Parental Alienaton law is in the vanguard. Law No. 12318, FROM 26 AUGUST 2010 is directed against the scourge of parental alienation (). The law is in a very convoluted langluage so machine translation is horrific and totally incomprehensive. Human-Stupidity provides the English translation.

Acts of parental alienation, according to the Brazilian Parental Alienation law

  1. I – organizing a campaign to discredit the the parent’s conduct as a father or mother
  2. II – to make it difficult [for the other parent] to exercise parental authority;
  3. III – to make it difficult for the  child or adolescent  to have contact with the parent;
  4. IV – to make it difficult to exercise decreed right to visitation
  5. V – deliberately hide from the other parent relevant personal information about the child or adolescent, like school  and medical information, and changes of address;
  6. VI – to make false legal complaints against the parent, the parent’s family, or against grandparents in order to prevent or complicate their interaction with the child or adolescent;
  7. VII – changing, without justification, the residence to a distant location, in order to hamper interaction and visitation of the child or adolescent with the other parent, the parent’s family or grandparents.


Article 3 Practicing acts of parental alienation violates basic fundamental rights of the child or adolescent to have healthy family interaction and family life, prevents affect and emotion from happening in relationships with the parent and the family group. It is moral abuse against the child or adolescent and breach of the duties that are inherent to parental authority or that stem from guardianship or custody.


Law No. 12318, FROM 26 AUGUST 2010.



Click on "more" for the translation of the complete text of Brazil’s Parental Alienation Law 12 318

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Brazilian Parental Alienation Law (English translation)
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"Operation Protect Our Children" mistakenly shuts down 84,000 Sites with no child porn

What if you woke up one morning and your blog’s URL pointed to a Department of Homeland Security page that said, "Website seized for trafficking in child pornography"? That’s what happened to 84,000 innocent site owners this week, and there’s no guarantee it won’t happen again.

Over the past few months, Homeland Security’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) division has been seizing the website domain names of alleged copyright and trademark infringers.  […]

Fast forward to last Tuesday when DHS announced that it had seized 10 domain names allegedly involved in advertising or distributing child pornography. Caught up in that sweep, however, were 84,000 innocent domains, all of which were redirected to the imposing "seized for child porn" banner, which announced that "Advertisement, distribution, transportation, receipt, and possession of child pornography constitute federal crimes that carry penalties for first time offenders of up to 30 years in federal prison, a $250,000 fine, forfeiture and restitution." Exactly how this happened is unclear, but one likely scenario could have been prevented with better due process. /// Source;

Domain seized for Child porn

No, Human-Stupidity has not (yet) been confiscated for criticizing the child porn witch hunt.  We were careful to black out photos of 10 year old Brooke Shields, and of the 1977 "Der Spiegel" cover. Legal mainstream press that became child porn!

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Medical research and treament for Blacks hampered by "race does not exist" dogma

Political correctness backfires and vicitmizes Blacks: research about how to improve black health care gets attacked and repressed. If optimal medical treatment differs by race, then researchers gets attacked. After all, race does not exist and is only a construct. And it is only skin deep.

Our comments about such nonsense are at race and intelligence  and political correctness. Any forensic specialist can tell the race of a person from a few bones. (Is Race A Valid Taxonomic Construct?)

The "race does not exist dogma" and "all races are equal dogma" is an impediment to medical research and victimizes black people who are denied optimal medical treatment.

Why Racial Profiling Persists in Medical Research

Experts within the research community say a small but stubborn streak of racial profiling has long persisted in the medical literature, borne out in studies that attribute health disparities between blacks and whites not to socioeconomics or access to health care alone but also to genetic differences between the races — a concept that implies that a biological category of race exists. […]

Researchers said also that even after adjusting for patients’ socioeconomic status, the survival gap between black and white patients remained for three of the cancers studied: breast, ovarian and prostate. […]

That conclusion, critics quickly responded, was flawed. "Race is a sociological concept, not a biological category," says Otis Brawley, the chief medical officer for the American Cancer Society, who wrote an editorial accompanying the study. "But this study brings race into medicine as a biological categorization." […]

But even while Albain’s and other similar studies don’t do much to shift the prevailing medical opinion — that disparities in health are fueled mainly by socioeconomics and access to care — they remind us that antiquated and unscientific ideas about race are alive and well in medical research in America.


Now the author is a little concerned about being seen as attacking academic research.

To be sure, no one is accusing authors like Albain of racism,

oh, really?

and people on both sides of the debate want to save lives.

as long as saving lives would not violate the racial equality dogma, of course

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Medical research and treament for Blacks hampered by "race do…
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Jörg Kachelmann rape case in Germany: useless court excursion to Switzerland

The entire Jörg Kachelmann rape case court went on an excursion to Zurich, Switzerland.  The prosecutor wanted to hear testimony of Swiss photographer Linda T. who had met the weather TV Anchor (Kachelmann) for a photo shoot in 2010. She was often called Kachelmann’s "Lover #10", and rumors were that she was so traumatized from sexual harrassment by Kachelmann that she took a sick leave from work. Linda T’s testimony proved all these allegations wrong.

Linda T. had refused to come to Germany to testify. So two judges, two prosecutors, and the lawyers travelled to Switzerland. They presented their questions to a Swiss prosecutor who questioned the woman in the presence of the German legal team."

Source: News Magazine "Der Spiegel" about Kachelmann

Human-Stupidity is the lone English speaking publication reporting about the Jörg Kachelmann rape case, the court case of the year in Germany. Jörg Kachelmann was a famous TV anchor or the main German TV channel. A woman he had a 15 year love affair with accused him of rape. Exactly on the day when they broke up, after she found out he had another women lover (Details here:


Related Human-Stupidity topics: Men’s Rights & Feminism teenage sexuality child porn witch hunt.

"Rape on breakup day"

"Hell has no fury like a woman scorned" revenge false rape accusation?

A famous, very good looking single man, seen daily by millions of German women on TV,  after a 15 year long affair with a woman (whose sexual attractiveness wanes faster then a man’s) will rape her exactly when they decide to break up the relationship. Or the woman was hurt and wanted to get even. Which one is more likely?

With no corroborating proof whatsoever, according to the legal principle "Men accused by women or children are guilty until proven innocent" he was arrested for 4 months, obviously lost his job as a TV weather man, and must have spent hundreds of thousands of legal cost.


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Jörg Kachelmann rape case in Germany: useless court excursion…
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Feminist rape laws don’t apply to male prison rape victims

A prisoner is under the control and mercy of gangs of violent felons, all day long, unable to escape.  Under the guardianship and responsibility of government. Feminist anti-rape activists are not concerned about the grave injustice of prison rape, which is on-going long term year-long power, humiliation, and sexual violence. Prison rape accusations get ignored. Even "voluntary" sex in prison is often rape, due to power differential and serious consequences of saying "no". Why this deafening silence of the feminists regarding prison rape? Only Human-Stupidity points out that prison rape epidemic is only the tip of the iceberg: has a hidden prison-rape-by-intimidation part larger then the know forcible rape cases.

compare: Stop Prison Rape! Legalize Corporal Punishment (Whipping) 

The following article shows a light at the end of the tunnel. US authorities are starting to take the prison rape epidemic more seriously.

Raped and extorted by a prison gang, Scott Howard was called a "drama queen" by corrections officials 

This is a lengthy 8 page report. Read it all, don’t get stuck on the first page only

I served time in the Colorado Department of Corrections, and it was there that I was repeatedly raped, assaulted and extorted by members of a large, notorious gang." […]

"I spent well over a year trying to get protection by writing to officials," he said. "My efforts to report were mostly fruitless — and often put me at greater risk. Because I am openly gay, officials blamed me for the attacks. They said as a homosexual I should expect to be targeted by one gang or another."

Howard didn’t tell the whole squalid story. He didn’t mention the evidence of staff involvement with the gang that made his efforts to seek protection even dicier. He didn’t go into how, once he finally started "naming names," as prison investigators demanded, they accused him of crying rape to cover up his own criminal activities. He barely referred to his last day as a Colorado prisoner, when, he says, he was put in a cell with one of the gang leaders and sexually assaulted again. Despite being a bare summary, the statement was still graphic — and powerful. At times his voice choked up, but Howard kept reading.


Human-Stupidity Analysis

Prison rape is comparable to being locked for years in Mr. Fritzl’s rape dungeon. Years under the power of rapists with nowhere to escape. Prison rape is aggravated because

  • the victim is under the threat of violence and repeated rape for hours, days, weeks, months, and years. No escape possible
  • At all times, while sleeping, while in the shower. The threat is always there
  • gangs gang up on him. No chance to resist.
  • The perpetrators continuously have power over the victim. It is not a "one shot crime". It is constant and repeated.
  • Many many prison rape victims are never seen as rape victims. They probably don’t even see themselves as rape victims. Many just give in and become long term sex slaves in order to avoid gang rapes and gang beatings.
    • females that suffer the slightest, barely noticeable, coercion, are rape victims
    • I have never heard of "voluntary" sex slaves in prison being called "rape victims". By feminist rape standards, a prisoner is unable to consent to sex, because he has no safe option to say "no". Unless he is willing to fight to death, is a member of a gang, etc, his "no" just puts him into more danger
  • the victim is under the power and protection of the state. The government is locking him together with felons, the government is responsible for his safety
  • There is a popular misconception: "he is a criminal, he deserves to get ass-raped". Problems
    • this is cruel and unusual punishment through the back door.
    • If you think people deserve corporal punishment, be honest and adopt the Sharia or something similar.Stop Prison Rape! Legalize Corporal Punishment (Whipping) 
    • In the case of legalized flogging, the corporal punishment follows due process and does not transmit Aids.
    • Usually the serious criminal gangs prey upon the first time light criminal (drug users, people who did not pay their parking tickets). So the wrong ones get punished


Clearly double standards for female and male rape victims

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Feminist rape laws don’t apply to male prison rape victims
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