My 12 year old daughter brutally attacked by refugee boys at schoolApparently two weeks prior to my daughter getting attacked at school, she was punched in the face by one of the boys on the bus. […] Meanwhile she is receiving threats from these boys that they are going to “f**k up her face so she isn’t pretty anyone”. […] Once the principal received notification about the bus incident, he took another week to address it. Not once was I ever notified that my daughter was assaulted on the bus. The principal questioned my daughter and the boys that had been threatening her. The boys were never suspended or removed from school. Shortly after the conversation the students had with the principal, Morgan was brutally attacked. First elbowed in the face, followed by 6 to 7 punches knocking her front teeth out and leaving her with a concussion. It took four teachers to get one of the boys off her. The boys are refugees brought over from Kenya and Ethiopia. […] This incident happened on Tuesday February 15th, I have called the police department numerous times with no luck. |
Girl punched in alleged bullying attack: Note that television
Imagine the terror at school. A child threatened by a group of guys that are a couple of years older and willing to resort to real physical violence. Cowardly ganging up against a single girl. Imagine the effect on concentration, on studies. And all the other students that have to live in such an unhealthy, dangerous, violent environment. That get beaten, with less press to report about it. Or kids that budge before they get beaten. Or that simply drop out of school, lose their education.
Real dangerous physical violence is taken less seriously then virtual or lewd behavior. Serious physical violence in our schools is not given sufficient attention. Bullying, school violence can destroy a child’s academic and professional career, psychological well being, physical health. Knocked out teeth are hard facts, undeniable long term injury.
The most important human right is physical safety. It is the most important obligation of government, school, parents to provide an environment of physical safety for children alike.
Real bone and tooth breaking violence is relegated to the back burner, while all the might of our justice system is busy fighting virtual cyberbullying, possession of photos, sexting and consensual teenage sexual behavior.
Instead or paying extreme attention to real crime and real violence, we obsess about consensual teenage sexuality, virtual cyberbullying, cyberstalking, a rape epidemic that can never be shown to exist, possession of photos and the imaginary damage to victims due to remote watchers of photos. Our sex obsession and the manipulative language distortions geared towards criminalizing virtual crimes of looking, thinking, consensual touching (that is statutorily re-defined non-consensual). Imagine if women’s studies would put all their energy into seeking to guarantee physical safety of our children.
This should be top priority for government, law makers, and law enforcement. Children victims of clear violence too strong to possibly resist. Under constant threat for weeks and months, not knowing when violence will strike.
NO CHILD should be afraid to get on a bus!!No child should have been beaten at all…When we were younger bullies were dealt with by the kids or by a bigger person and the principle […]
Kids need to be able to band together against bullies…even ENCOURAGED to do so!! February 26, 2011 12:22 PM
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My 12 year old daughter brutally attacked by refugee boys at schoo…
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