A Swedish sex worker on absurdity of Swedish prostitution laws

  1. We want to save you (the sex worker). And if you don’t want to be saved, you will be punished.
  2. Are women prostituting themselves out of free choice?  Does a nurse work long night shifts out of free choice?  Or because she needs to pay the rent.
  3. It is illegal to buy temporary sexual services. What about clients that come for 20 years, outlasting several marriages?
  4. It is illegal to pay sex with money, or drugs. So if "paying" sex with a few drinks is illegal, then almost all sex is illegal prostitution.
  5. Landlords are obliged to kick out prostitutes, lest they will be charged with pimping
  6. even roommates can be charged with pimping, so sex workers MUST work alone, reducing safety.
  7. grown-up children who live for free with their mother, while studying, can get convicted for pimping.
  8. clients can not call police if they suspect trafficking or pimping. They would be accused of a crime if they called police

A Swedish sex worker on absurdity of Swedish prostitution laws


We discuss only

the impediments for responsible adults to decide about their own work and fate. The serious issues of teenage sexuality are not even mentioned. For example, in many countries one can have sex with a 16 year old. But if one gives her money, it becomes a felony.

100 Countries and Their Prostitution Policies. Germany fully legalized prostitution in 2002


100 Countries and Their Prostitution Policies

This page details 100 countries’ policies on prostitution, brothel ownership, and pimping. These countries were chosen in order to be inclusive of major religions, geographical regions, and policies towards prostitution. Taiwan and Scotland were included in the country listings for China and the United Kingdom, respectively, in accordance with the country listings and population estimates provided in the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) World Factbook.

Whenever possible, we have included government documents regarding prostitution such as laws, court decisions, employment information, etc. under the name of the country. While reasonable efforts have been made to assure the accuracy of the data provided, do not rely on this information without first checking an official edition of the applicable law. This page was last updated Nov. 4, 2009.


Legal in 50 (50%); Limited Legality in 11 (11%); Illegal in 39 (39%); Total: 100 (100%) [of the countries surveyed]

In some sex tourist destinations (Thailand, Cambodia, Philippines) prostitution is totally illegal. Amazingly, Germany is one of the most liberal countries. Brothels are legal, prostitution is legal, pimping is legal. 


Prostitution: Legal
Legalized in 1927.

[Editor’s Note: The date of the legalization of prostitution in Germany is disputed. Some consider prostitution to have been legalized or decriminalized since the passage of the 1927 Law for Combating Venereal Diseases. However, others consider prostitution was legalized through the Prostitution Act of January 2002 that improved the social welfare and legal rights of prostitutes. Although prostitution is legal under the German Constitution, prior to the 2002 Prostitution Act, a series of regulatory laws and court rulings had restricted the legal and social welfare rights of prostitutes because prostitution was considered in violation of Germany’s moral code.]

Brothel Ownership: Legal

Pimping: Legal
Exploitative behavior considered criminal.


"An estimated 400,000 prostitutes work in Germany, and 1.2 million customers are said to use their services daily. Revenues are estimated at 6 billion euros every year – equivalent to those of companies like Porsche and Adidas.



It is interesting how two of the most organized countries in the world have legal prostitution, instead of the morass of prohibition and illegality.

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100 Countries and Their Prostitution Policies. Germany fully legal…
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Age of Consent and the Demonization of Normal Male Sexuality

Which brings me to a larger issue. What the fuck is up with statutory rape? It’s a joke law made up by joke legislators without a scintilla of real world experience with women. Am I supposed to request age identification from every full-bodied young woman who comes onto me? There are 13 year olds out there who look like grown women. At the borderline of 16 to 18 years old, many women could easily pass for mid to late 20s. It is well known by neuroscientists and psychologists studying these things that women mature faster than men. Women’s brains gel into adult-shaped contours sooner. A full breasted and wide-hipped 17 year old hottie who flirts with me knows exactly what she is doing and what she wants. She is no child to be coddled. And yet, I could be thrown in jail if I slept with her assuming she was an older girl, even if it was something we both consensually desired.

This is abject bullshit. The law makes it a necessity to demand age identification with every young woman a man might want to fuck who could conceivably pass for a teenager. This means background checks on women in their 20s. And what about women who lie? They exist, lots of them. Is a statutory rape charge for the man the just response — the *fair* response — to a lying woman who wanted the sex as much as he?

It’s time to end the charade of statutory rape. If the “underage” woman is physically developed, and she consents to the sex, there is no rape charge, period. For chrissakes, there are 14 year olds in parts of the world getting married off and pumping out children of their own.

– Roissy, http://heartiste.wordpress.com/2010/07/08/hank-moody-chump/

This is the first in a series of link lists by Ultra-Conservative-MRA.  Human-Stupidity does not always fully agree with the often provocative content, but considers it food for thought, to shake up conventional thinking. See our 80 posts on Teenage Sexuality 

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Age of Consent and the Demonization of Normal Male Sexuality
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Child sex is not traumatic when it happens. Only much later (Child Sex Trauma Myth #2)

Susan Clancy was a firm believer in the conventional wisdom: adult child sex is a profoundly traumatic. devastating terrible experience. As a psychology graduate student, Susan Clancy trusted, that scientist’s unwavering certainty in the childhood trauma theory of sexual abuse was based on firm scientific proof.  We used to be equally trusting believers

Disclaimer: We are not pedophiles and do not consume child porn. Rather we are interested in the truth to prevail and to become known. We demand unbiased academic research and laws to be informed by true facts and not to be based on myth and lies.

1) No Trauma: Child sex is mostly NOT traumatic when it happens! 

Susan Clancy

The Trauma Myth: The Truth About the Sexual Abuse of Children–and Its Aftermath

When Susan Clancy interviewed child abuse victims, most of them had not felt profound trauma during or after their abuse. Rather their feelings at the time of the sexual act ranged from somewhat positive to negative. The feelings were far from the level of profound trauma as violent forcible rape or war. These results were very surprising and totally counter to Susan Clancy’s expectations (The results were, though,  in agreement with the maligned Rind Study.)   [Disclaimer]

1b) The above refers to *consensual sex


2) Sigmund Freud’s was in denial about child sex reports

Sigmund Freud had simply ignored and denied the frequent self-reports of child sexual abuse. He heard reports about child sexuality and discarded them as childhood fantasies.  Until as late as the 1960ies, child sexuality was considered shocking, unusual, or criminal.

3) "Child sex trauma myth" was intentionally created to counter Freud’s denial

Susan Clancy suggests: As a counter-reaction to Freud’s denial, in order to protect children from sexual abuse, the theory of child sex trauma was created and dogmatically made unassailable.

4) Clancy backpedals: claims long term damage

Later, when children understand about sex, understand what they did, and understand that society considers this a extremely serious traumatic event, they reframe the event and perceive it as traumatic and damaging.

Clancy does NOT say this, but maybe the trauma theory causes the traumatic reframing. Or as one reader succinctly put it: "Society’s trauma myth is the real child abuse".

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Child sex is not traumatic when it happens. Only much later (Child…
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Burglary, robbery, rape of 90 year old woman by 13 y old child. By strict liability, she is a (statutory) rapist!

Maurice McGill, 13   at the time of the alleged assault, is charged with one count each of rape, aggravated burglary, aggravated robbery, and abduction, according to the Lima Police Department.

Police say the McGill youth, who will be tried in the Allen County Juvenile Court on Aug. 13, allegedly broke into the woman’s home in the 200 block of Haller Street and sexually assaulted the victim. Boy, 13, raped woman, 90

This is an (alleged) case of forcible true rape, rape-rape in the classical sense of the word “rape”, Not one of the dozens of new versions of re-defined *rape.

A child (monster) of 13 years breaks into a house, robs, burglars, abducts and rapes an old lady. Shocking in every respect. A nightmare. In her own house she gets robbed and raped. The kid deserves strict punishment, and society deserves to be protected from such animals

Strict liability laws for statutory rape

But the 90 year old lady had sex with a 13 year old child. In many US states, this is a *strict liability crime.

So the poor old lady could be charged with child rape. Due to the extreme circumstances of the case, prosecutors were wise enough not to press charges, so our analysis is theoretical.

If you have sex with a person under the age of consent, you are a child rapist

“Strict liability crime” [1] [2] [3] [4] means: if you commit an act, (e.g. if you have sex with a mnior) you are guilty and will be convicted.  Mens rea, criminal intent is not required , no knowledge needed that you are committing a crime.

The liability is said to be strict because defendants will be convicted even though they were genuinely ignorant of one or more factors that made their acts or omissions criminal. The defendants may therefore not be culpable in any real way, i.e. there is not even criminal negligence, the least blameworthy level of mens rea. Strict liability (criminal)

Men get convicted for sex with underage women, even if they thought she was over the age of consent. Even if they have very good reasons to believe she was of age, because they met her in a 21-and-over bar with ID check. Even if she had a valid true government ID. because she duped the department of motor vehicles into giving her a incorrect age ID. It does not matter, if they had sex with a 17 year old, they are *child *rapists.

So, by modern re-definition of the word *rape, poor 90 year old lady would be a child rapist and could be indicted. She had sex with a 13 year old child (under 14 year old is a further aggravation). No criminal intent nor further proof is needed.

Maurice McGill, 13   at the time of the alleged assault, is charged with one count each of rape, aggravated burglary, aggravated robbery, and abduction, according to the Lima Police Department.

Police say the McGill youth, who will be tried in the Allen County Juvenile Court on Aug. 13, allegedly broke into the woman’s home in the 200 block of Haller Street and sexually assaulted the victim. Boy, 13, raped woman, 90

This is an (alleged) case of forcible true rape, rape-rape in the classical sense of the word “rape”, Not one of the dozens of new versions of re-defined *rape.

A child (monster) of 13 years breaks into a house, robs, burglars, abducts and rapes an old lady. Shocking in every respect. A nightmare. In her own house she gets robbed and raped. The kid deserves strict punishment, and society deserves to be protected from such animals

Strict liability laws for statutory rape

But the 90 year old lady had sex with a 13 year old child. In many US states, this is a *strict liability crime.

So the poor old lady could be charged with child rape. Due to the extreme circumstances of the case, prosecutors were wise enough not to press charges, so our analysis is theoretical.

If you have sex with a person under the age of consent, you are a child rapist

“Strict liability crime” [1] [2] [3] [4] means: if you commit an act, (e.g. if you have sex with a mnior) you are guilty and will be convicted.  Mens rea, criminal intent is not required , no knowledge needed that you are committing a crime.

The liability is said to be strict because defendants will be convicted even though they were genuinely ignorant of one or more factors that made their acts or omissions criminal. The defendants may therefore not be culpable in any real way, i.e. there is not even criminal negligence, the least blameworthy level of mens rea. Strict liability (criminal)

Men get convicted for sex with underage women, even if they thought she was over the age of consent. Even if they have very good reasons to believe she was of age, because they met her in a 21-and-over bar with ID check. Even if she had a valid true government ID. because she duped the department of motor vehicles into giving her a incorrect age ID. It does not matter, if they had sex with a 17 year old, they are *child *rapists.

So, by modern re-definition of the word *rape, poor 90 year old lady would be a child rapist and could be indicted. She had sex with a 13 year old child (under 14 year old is a further aggravation). No criminal intent nor further proof is needed.

Maurice McGill, 13   at the time of the alleged assault, is charged with one count each of rape, aggravated burglary, aggravated robbery, and abduction, according to the Lima Police Department.

Police say the McGill youth, who will be tried in the Allen County Juvenile Court on Aug. 13, allegedly broke into the woman’s home in the 200 block of Haller Street and sexually assaulted the victim. Boy, 13, raped woman, 90

This is an (alleged) case of forcible true rape, rape-rape in the classical sense of the word “rape”, Not one of the dozens of new versions of re-defined *rape.

A child (monster) of 13 years breaks into a house, robs, burglars, abducts and rapes an old lady. Shocking in every respect. A nightmare. In her own house she gets robbed and raped. The kid deserves strict punishment, and society deserves to be protected from such animals

Strict liability laws for statutory rape

But the 90 year old lady had sex with a 13 year old child. In many US states, this is a *strict liability crime.

So the poor old lady could be charged with child rape. Due to the extreme circumstances of the case, prosecutors were wise enough not to press charges, so our analysis is theoretical.

If you have sex with a person under the age of consent, you are a child rapist

“Strict liability crime” [1] [2] [3] [4] means: if you commit an act, (e.g. if you have sex with a mnior) you are guilty and will be convicted.  Mens rea, criminal intent is not required , no knowledge needed that you are committing a crime.

The liability is said to be strict because defendants will be convicted even though they were genuinely ignorant of one or more factors that made their acts or omissions criminal. The defendants may therefore not be culpable in any real way, i.e. there is not even criminal negligence, the least blameworthy level of mens rea. Strict liability (criminal)

Men get convicted for sex with underage women, even if they thought she was over the age of consent. Even if they have very good reasons to believe she was of age, because they met her in a 21-and-over bar with ID check. Even if she had a valid true government ID. because she duped the department of motor vehicles into giving her a incorrect age ID. It does not matter, if they had sex with a 17 year old, they are *child *rapists.

So, by modern re-definition of the word *rape, poor 90 year old lady would be a child rapist and could be indicted. She had sex with a 13 year old child (under 14 year old is a further aggravation). No criminal intent nor further proof is needed.

Wait, there is more! This article continues! Continue reading “Burglary, robbery, rape of 90 year old woman by 13 y old child. By strict liability, she is a (statutory) rapist!” »
Burglary, robbery, rape of 90 year old woman by 13 y old child. By…
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The Child Sex Trauma Myth. #1: You must be a pedophile, if you defend child porn and pedophiles

We are not pedophiles. We have no interest in children or their indecent depictions.

We make extreme efforts to not run afoul of any law, not even by mistake or accident 1 2 3 .

We are interested in truth, free academic research, in protection and happiness for children 5.
We are against unnecessary witch hunts that demonize and imprison people with unnecessary rigor and that criminalize a huge percentage of the (male) population.

The biggest of all taboos: to research, study or discuss adult-child sexuality.

We have been warned. We will be called pedophiles. We may suffer vigilante action. We may suffer government prosecution. We should not mess with the topic adult-child sex.

Yes we are talking about real children under 12 years of age, not just 17 year old adolescent young adults, re-defined as "children" by feminist dogma and by the *United Nations.

The Rind Study serves as a warning: a prestigious, peer reviewed meta analysis, published in one of the most prestigious journals of the American Psychological Association: probably the only piece of peer reviewed academic research condemned by unanimous vote by both the United States Senate and Congress.

The authors’ stated goal was “…to address the question: In the population of persons with a history of CSA [child sexual abuse], does this experience cause intense psychological harm on a widespread basis for both genders?” Some of the authors’ more controversial conclusions were that child sexual abuse does not necessarily cause intense, pervasive harm to the child;[3] that the reason the current view of child sexual abuse was not substantiated by their empirical scrutiny was because the construct of CSA was questionably valid; and that the psychological damage caused by the abusive encounters depends on whether the encounter was consensual or not.  Wikipedia on Bruce Rind 

The US Senate and Congress have decided, once and for all, by dogmatic fiat: "child sexual abuse" is is extremely traumatic under all circumstances.  Academic research must not arrive at any different conclusions.

Such a shocking interference of religious and moral zealots with scientific truth has not happened since Galileo Galilei: a few centuries ago, the catholic church decreed the "scientific truth" that the sun revolves around the earth.

The Trauma Myth

Susan Clancy inadvertently stumbled over the unpopular truth, as published in

The Trauma Myth: The Truth About the Sexual Abuse of Children–and Its Aftermath .

All hell broke loose. I was bombarded with accusations that I was hurting victims even more than they already had been and that I was a friend of pedophiles. I was also vilified by many in my own scientific community. Some colleagues and graduate students stopped talking to me. A well-meaning professor told me to pick another research topic because I was going to rule myself out of a job in academia. Some felt my research had a political agenda, one biased against victims. I was invited to give a talk about my research at Cambridge Hospital—home of the tremendously influential sexual abuse treatment program Victims of Violence. No one from the program showed up. Clancy (pp. 77-78).

Researchers refuse to discuss issues in a seminar?! The most convinced adversaries never counter with true research, with true arguments?

This is the sad state of affairs. A dogma does not need to be discussed scientifically. The Bible has the definite answer. The US senate made the scientific decision.

And Human-Stupidity has the insanity to question and analyze the dogma.


Human-Stupidity is open to science. Just prove me wrong, using science.

  1. TruthWillSetYouFreeIf unbiased free academic research can show that 17 year olds get traumatized for life for having sex with older people, we will support age-of-consent laws.
  2. If the Rind study, and Susan Clancy can be proven wrong, by free unbiased academic research, we will support draconian decade-long punishments for all childhood sexuality. 
  3. We would stand corrected if the voodoo theory could be proven true, by free unbiased academic research: if it were proven that looking at photos of lightly clothed 15 year olds, downloaded for free from the internet does irreparable harm to the minors depicted. If that harm is so perverse that looking at the photos ruins the model’s life forever. And that downloading free photos truly stimulates the rape and abuse of innumerous children. Then we might agree that life in prison without parole is a proper punishment for possession of a few hundred photos, which are nothing else then 0’s and 1’s in files on a computer hard drive.

But against all odds, Milton Diamond, in peer reviewed research, proved the opposite: freely available child pornography reduces sex crimes against children, because many pedophiles can satisfy themselves merely by perusing pictures.


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The Child Sex Trauma Myth. #1: You must be a pedophile, if you def…
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Teacher(41) Leaves Wife, Kids, Quits School, to Live With High School Student (18)

Teacher Leaves Wife, Kids for High School Student |Yahoo

James Hooker — the 41-year-old married father who left his wife and kids for his 18-year-old-student — might be the worst teacher ever. Last week, he resigned from his job at Enochs High School in Modesto, California over the scandal that’s shaken up a community and pit one mom on a crusade to save her daughter from a man she calls a "master manipulator."  […]

teacher-moves-in-with-studentWe understand concerns about teacher-student sex. But didn’t he do everything right here?

Jordan met her teacher as a freshman, but both maintain nothing physical happened until she turned 18 this past September. Hooker claims he saw Powers as "just a student" and had no romantic feelings toward her at first, but when her most recent birthday came around, things changed.

Waited until she was 18? Isn’t that what he is supposed to do?

Or is the antifeminist right that the 18 year age of consent limit serves to instill terror in men, to prevent sex with women even older then that limit?

They changed so much, in fact, that Hooker, left his wife and three kids (one of them a 17-year-old Enochs high school student as well) so that he could move in with Jordan.

James Hooker is the target of a vindictive vendeetta. Not by Hooker’s wife, but by the girl’s mother. 

Tammie Powers said her daughter, Jordan, has known Hooker since her freshman year at James Enochs High School.  She said the two exchanged a flood of text messages and phone calls the day after Jordan’s 18th birthday on Sept. 5.

Tammie Powers said she had also obtained evidence that the two were corresponding regularly before Jordan began her senior year and she believes Hooker has committed a crime.

"That’s pursuit, in my opinion, with some type of intent," she said.

Watch Video: Mom blasts Modesto teacher’s affair with her daughter

Again, avoiding sex with under 18 year olds is not enough. One should not even text or phone with her. Mr. Antifeminist you are so right! The law is not just concerned with "protecting" 17 year olds from having sex.

Still, Hooker claims he has no regrets. In an interview with Good Morning America, he shut down Tammie’s accusations as a "pack of lies" and said of his new love, "we really do want to have a future together."

Human-Stupidity believes that teenage sexuality laws create lots of suffering and prevent true love from  happening. Read our 60 posts on the issue of teenage sexuality and its legal problems.

I hope Mr. Hooker is also fully aware that he is totally in the hands of his young lover. If, during the next 4 years (statute of limitations) she claims she was coerced to lie and in reality they had sex while she was under 18 and/or his student, his life is over. There is no due process in such accusations, so there is almost no defense in case she accuses him. It does not matter if the accusation is true or a malicious lie.

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Teacher(41) Leaves Wife, Kids, Quits School, to Live With High Sch…
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Teacher Sex with 14 Year Old: 40 year Prison in USA, Acquittal in Germany

Germany: High court acquitted teacher for 22 sex acts with 14 year old student.
It voided a 2 year suspended sentence proffered by two lower courts

A a German appeal court voided of a lower court’s  suspended 2 year sentence for a 32 year old male teacher. He had sex with a 14 year old student on 22 occasions. The court decision is final. The court justified the decision:

  1. Sex with a 14 year olds is not a crime. Article 176 of the German penal code only covers sexual abuse of children under 14 years , unless it is paid (Art. 182) [6].
  2. According to the Penal Code Art 174 [6],  sexual abuse of wards occurs only when a minor under 18y has been entrusted to the offender "for the education, training or supervision". The student was not entrusted to the accused, because he only covered for the teacher’s absence and only gave very occasional classes to her. If he were her regular teacher, he would have been convicted [6].

USA: 40 years for the same crime: for female teacher’s sex with 14 year old boy

shannon-alicia-schmieder-teacher-sexFemale teacher Shannon Alicia Schmieder (39) in Coweta, Georgia received a 40 year jail sentence for sex with a 14 year old boy [2][3]. This fills some men’s rights proponents with glee: finally a woman gets a taste of the bitter "age of consent"  medicine concocted by feminists and religious zealots:  the same high jail terms men routinely get sentenced to.  Making love carries the same prison term as as murder or manslaughter [4]

The randomness of adolescent sex laws

Teenage sexuality is plagued by arbitrary laws which vary a lot over time and over places [1]. So much that children need a lawyer before playing doctor [8].

Human-Stupidity never made it a secret that we don’t think that the might of the state needs to interfere in such consensual adolescent affairs. We think that it is the parents’ have the duty to supervise and educate their children and that parents have a right set limits for them [5].  German law is inspired by sensible sex positive realists.

Teacher still faces disciplinary action and protests

The teacher still faces disciplinary action from the school. "Der Spiegel" calls the verdict "controversial". Sensationalist yellow press Bild calls it a "scandalous verdict" [6]. Parent organizations, press organs and the German Child Protection Association vehemently protests [6].

Human-Stupidity Analysis

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Teacher Sex with 14 Year Old: 40 year Prison in USA, Acquittal in …
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