Holland increases minimum age for combat soldiers to 21


2) What is the legal age for military service?

The legal age for military service in Amsterdam is 21 years old. In February 2013, Amsterdam is to become the first municipality in the Netherlands to officially increase the legal age for military to fight in war from 18 to 21 years. Increasing the legal age is part of a set of measures designed to tackle abuse in the war industry and strengthen the position of soldiers. The City of Amsterdam believes that people aged 21 are better able to make a well-considered decision about fighting and killing in combat than those aged 18 as well as being better able to cope with serving in a war zone.  2

"In the Netherlands, voluntary military service is a legal profession. Forced military service is illegal." 3

This was just an April’s fools joke. In most of human history in most countries in the world men were forced to serve in wars, with not much concern for age.

"In the Netherlands, voluntary prostitution is a legal profession. Forced prostitution is illegal." 3

Countries with mandatory military service include Denmark and Austria. Nobody, of course, is concerned with psychological problems of involuntary or voluntary draftees into military combat and killing service. No concern with Post Traumatic Stress disorder, freedom of choice, when it concerns MEN.

But feminist activists never stop preventing women against their will from their own choices.

Age of consent 70 years: The future of prostitution

The ever rising age of consent

It is no joke that the prediction of the antifeminist regarding sexual trade union policy has become true: a country where the age of consent is 16, the age for prostitution is 18,  20 year olds are not allowed to choose to work as prostitutes in Amsterdam. The Deutsche Welle, in a mistaken Freudian slip, advances the (soon to become true?) news that it has been increase to 23 years of age.

Will the age of consent for prostitutes eventually, be increased to 70, the age of The Fokkens sisters on the picture?

2) What is the legal age for prostitution?

The legal age for prostitutes in Amsterdam is 21 years old. In February 2013, Amsterdam is to become the first municipality in the Netherlands to officially increase the legal age for prostitutes to work in the profession from 18 to 21 years. Increasing the legal age is part of a set of measures designed to tackle abuse in the prostitution industry and strengthen the position of prostitutes. The City of Amsterdam believes that people aged 21 are better able to make a well-considered decision about working as a prostitute than those aged 18 as well as being better able to cope with working in the industry. 2

Watch Fokkens sisters video trailer!

Louise And Martine Fokkens, Amsterdam’s Oldest Prostitutes, Retiring At 70 Years Old


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Holland increases minimum age for combat soldiers to 21
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Feminist protest against sexist Barbie house in Berlin

Barbie dream house opened in Berlin. The little children are happy. Feminists are aghast and protest against sexist Barbie. Her curves are unattainable by the average woman, thus Barbie ought to be abolished.

We suspect that children will be seriously traumatized seeing pictures of Barbie crucified and burned alive by a naked woman that looks like Barbie. Feminists burn witch Barbie at the stake., for being too attractive.   We are speechless and rest our case.

Video in German

barbie-crucified-burnedIn pictures: Berlin Barbie doll house attracts fans and foes |BBC

‘Pink stinks’: Protests greet Berlin’s Barbie Dreamhouse

Sex Offenders one third of prisoners, suffer bullying


HM Inspectorate of Prisons found evidence of bullying at HMP Moorland, and “limited provision for the third of prisoners who were sex offenders” antifeminist citing BBC


Too many "sex offenders" in prison

33%, approximately, of prison inmates in a British prison are sex offenders!!!? I do hope this is an atypical prison and sex offenders do not yet constitute a third of all British prisoners.

The THIRD of prisoners who were sex offenders are likely to disproportionally suffer from bullying. In Brazil it is a known fact that true gangsters hate rapists and make them into their "women", give them a taste of their own medicine.

Too much inhumane prison bullying towards sex offenders.

Be they true forcible sex offenders or consensual offenders with no real victims, sex offenders tend to be singled out.

"Bullying" by groups of hard core prison gangs is unlike your high school bullying experience, or unlike sexual harassment or date rape. 

And possibly, the bullies are of the majority prison race that hates you for your race too.


What percentage of imprisoned sex offenders are REAL FORCIBLE non-consensual sex offenders in the classic sense?

Who were proven, beyond reasonable doubt, with due process, to have raped a resisting woman?

Wait, there is more! This article continues! Continue reading “Sex Offenders one third of prisoners, suffer bullying” »
Sex Offenders one third of prisoners, suffer bullying
» continues here »

Paul Elam’s Jury Nullification applies only to VIOLENT sex offenders?

The main stream of the men’s rights movement is not worried about men’s sexual freedom. Notable exceptions are the antifeminist and sites linked in his right side bar.

The following post is about the internal rift between the father’s rights main wing of MRA, and the few true men’s rights activists that want to free men from persecution for normal male sexuality.

Google "Paul Elam jury nullification" 1 2.3 4 6 7 You find Paul Elam at avoiceformen would want all of these forcible rapists set free, because in today’s climate they can get no due process. I thought he was pretty courageous to suggest jury nullification, because really, men can not get due process when accused of rape. Most likely Paul wants to make a provocative statement, to cast light on unjust *rape laws.

But I wonder:

Does Paul Elam’s Jury Nullification apply only to violent sex offenders?

The rest of the sex offenders also suffer from lack of due process . Rarely their "crimes" are proven beyond reasonable doubt. Non-forcible *rape, or child abuse, reported long after the fact are hard to prove with good corroborating evidence.

Wait, there is more! This article continues! Continue reading “Paul Elam’s Jury Nullification applies only to VIOLENT sex offenders?” »
Paul Elam’s Jury Nullification applies only to VIOLENT sex o…
» continues here »

Women can prevent rape. Don’t drink, don’t dress provocatively, don’t be promiscuous: don’t get raped.

Misguided feminist ideology causes rape and suffering, "Men can stop rape" they teach. As if the average well behaved middle class chump had the power to prevent predatory rapists from attacking women.

Peer reviewed academic research has proven that common sense advice is correct.

Common sense advice (don’t drink, don’t behave slutty,dress modestly,  be careful of your surroundings) have been discredited as "blaming the victim" and opposed in slut walks.

Feminist ideology causes rape and child abuse

Antecedents of sexual victimization: factors discriminating victims from nonvictims. J Am Coll Health. 1998 Jan;46(4):151-8.

A sexual victimization survey was used to assess the factors that would discriminate between victims and nonvictims of sexual assault. The sample consisted of 241 female college students at a large Midwestern university. [,,,]  Discriminant function analysis was used to develop a set of variables that significantly identified victimization status. The variables found to be related to women’s being sexually victimized were (a) number of different lifetime sexual partners, (b) provocative dress, and (c) alcohol use.

I am amazed, that in spite of feminist control of our Universities, the above study and the more recent survey below swere allowed. Feminism curtails free academic research in order to foster its false ideology. Feminism is about ideology, about demonizing men, not about protecting women from rape.

Feminism actively encourages slut walks and encourages women to behave in ways that victimizes them. Professor Milton Diamond has shown that free access to child porn reduces child sexual abuse, and free access to porn reduces sex crimes. 

A review of the literature on women’s substance use and sexual victimization points to women’s heavy episodic drinking as a proximal risk factor, particularly among college samples. At least half of sexual victimization incidents involve alcohol use and the majority of rapes of college women occur when the victim is too intoxicated to resist (“incapacitated rape”). Despite the importance of women’s heavy episodic drinking as being a risk factor, existing rape prevention programs have rarely addressed women’s alcohol use and have shown little success in reducing rates of sexual victimization.
Alcohol consumption and women’s vulnerability to sexual victimization: can reducing women’s drinking prevent rape? Subst Use Misuse. 2009;44(9-10):1349-76. Full text of peer reviewed research paper

Everyone suffers, due to such ideology driven theories. Women get raped, usually with their *consent, sometimes forcibly and without consent.  Good men go to prison for *consensual rape.

Illegally drinking underage females, who drink themselves into stupor and unconsciousness are never held liable for their poor life choices.  Men are always responsible, no matter if they are drunk or sober.  MRA (men’s rights activists) call this the "pussy pass".

Ideology prevents school, parents, and police from education young women to take precautions.  Women are not told which behavior helps them to safely navigate the world with greatly reduced risk of being raped.

Men and society at large pay the price for expensive court cases and prison.

1) Consensual date rape is preventable and can be totally avoided.

Wait, there is more! This article continues! Continue reading “Women can prevent rape. Don’t drink, don’t dress provocatively, don’t be promiscuous: don’t get raped.” »
Women can prevent rape. Don’t drink, don’t dress provo…
» continues here »

A Swedish sex worker on absurdity of Swedish prostitution laws

  1. We want to save you (the sex worker). And if you don’t want to be saved, you will be punished.
  2. Are women prostituting themselves out of free choice?  Does a nurse work long night shifts out of free choice?  Or because she needs to pay the rent.
  3. It is illegal to buy temporary sexual services. What about clients that come for 20 years, outlasting several marriages?
  4. It is illegal to pay sex with money, or drugs. So if "paying" sex with a few drinks is illegal, then almost all sex is illegal prostitution.
  5. Landlords are obliged to kick out prostitutes, lest they will be charged with pimping
  6. even roommates can be charged with pimping, so sex workers MUST work alone, reducing safety.
  7. grown-up children who live for free with their mother, while studying, can get convicted for pimping.
  8. clients can not call police if they suspect trafficking or pimping. They would be accused of a crime if they called police

A Swedish sex worker on absurdity of Swedish prostitution laws


We discuss only

the impediments for responsible adults to decide about their own work and fate. The serious issues of teenage sexuality are not even mentioned. For example, in many countries one can have sex with a 16 year old. But if one gives her money, it becomes a felony.

Nordic Countries to criminalize antifeminist speech.

Criminalize anti-feminist statements in the public debate, just as hate speech is criminalized today. A tax-funded Nordic expert group of 35 experts on anti-feminism and right-wing extremism proposed this in a report to the Norwegian government.. N1

make-criticism-of-feminism-a-hate-crime-25.3.2013Opposing feminism will soon be a crime?

  1. Feminism already falsifies academic research, even with violence
  2. abolished  due process in legal proceedings against men
  3. re-introduced debtor’s prison.
  4. Feminism is now planning the final solution of the male question.

Soon all opponents of feminism  can be persecuted by the feminist grand inquisitor?

– We believe that the legislation is too weak to counter the wave of anti-feminist threats, says CEO Reforms Are Saastad to NRK.no.  Nyheter

Norway secretary of state is looking at the proposal favorably:

State Secretary Ahmad Ghani Zadeh believes that it is appropriate to punish threats and harassment based on sex, as proposed by the committee. […]

It is necessary to look at. I think it is a very good initiative that comes from expert committee, commenting Ghani Zadeh.

Though some utterances are gender neutral, we know that feminist threats and violence against men, are never opposed by courts and governments. On the contrary, women can avail themselves of proxy violence through police and common men.  With impunity they can engage in false rape accusations, defend Lorena Bobbitt, put men in debtor’s prison etc.

The proponents of the anti-anti-feminism laws honestly state that they fight ANTIFEMINISM

What is anti-feminism?

Reforms leader admits that the definition is difficult, but in the report they write the following:

Anti Feminism is:

  • attitude, behavior and action.
  • opposition to feminism and equality.
  • a desire to recreate a hierarchical social order in which heterosexual men are privileged.
  • resistance to challenge gender, sexuality and race categories. Nyheter

With such laws, University of Toronto feminists would not need to resort to violent blockades. Rather they could get Warren Farrell arrested, so he can not speak about male suicide and feminist repression. After all, he is against "equality", against quotas for less qualified women and against equal pay for unequal work. He also wants privilege for heterosexual men who choose more relevant career in STEM fields and work harder.

Men who harass, bully and threaten female debaters and feminists over the internet belong Into the category of "anti-feminists" . We can also include men debating equality through unfair and aggressive statements. NRK.NO

Women who harass, bully and threaten Erin Pizzey, of course, belong into the category of state sanctioned feminists. This is why feminist extremists  SCUM writers and "all men are rapists" hate authors are never mentioned nor prosecuted.

Wait, there is more! This article continues! Continue reading “Nordic Countries to criminalize antifeminist speech.” »
Nordic Countries to criminalize antifeminist speech.
» continues here »

Conservative backbencher Philip Davies thoroughly debunks feminist politician’s "politically correct nonsense"

Sentencing of female offenders Conservative backbencher Philip Davies has accused politicians of indulging in "politically correct nonsense" for saying that women are treated more unfairly than men in sentencing policies. Speaking during a Westminster Hall debate on 16 October 2012 on the sentencing of women, the MP for Shipley said there was "unequivocal evidence that women are treated far more favourably than men". He claimed that 58% of male offenders who entered a guilty plea were given a custodial sentence compared with just 34% of women. There are currently 13 women’s prisons in England, two of which are privately run. According to the Ministry of Justice, prisons for men and those for women operate within the same rules and policies; however all women’s prisons are additionally required to comply with "gender specific standards". Mr Davies’s Conservative colleague, Hexham MP Guy Opperman, argued that women sometimes needed to be treated more favourably due to their responsibilities for children. BBC: Sentencing of female offenders


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