Could easy access to legalized prostitution have taken the wrath out of Santa Barbara shooter Elliott Rodger?
Peer reviewed scientific research by Professor Milton Diamond conclusively proved that access to porn and, yes, even child porn take the edge off natural or perverted sex drives and thus clearly reduces sex crimes. (Disclaimer)
Nevertheless, feminists and religious zealots strive to take all sexual outlets away from men, be it prostitution, sex travel, or mere pornography for masturbation. Thus these politicians bear partial responsibility for increasing sex crimes against women and children, and probably for the mayhem created by Elliot Rodger.
Feminist "women studies" junk science (domestic violence, objectifying gaze) backs up such misguided policies. Additionally these policies needlessly cause silent suffering of millions of non-violent non criminal male losers who are strong enough not to be taken over the edge to violence.
"Girls, all I ever wanted was to love you, be loved by you.
I wanted a girlfriend. I wanted sex, love, affection, adoration."
"Hi, Elliot Rodger here. Well, this is my last video. It all has to come to this. Tomorrow is the day of retribution, the day I will have my revenge against humanity, against all of you
"For the last eight years of my life, since I hit puberty, I’ve been forced to endure an existence of loneliness, rejection and unfulfilled desires, all because girls have never been attracted to me. Girls gave their affection and sex and love to other men, never to me.
"I’m 22 years old and still a virgin, never even kissed a girl. And through college, 2 1/2 years, more than that actually, I’m still a virgin. It has been very torturous. Shooter’s video transcript
40 year old male virgins are considered funny and rarely pitied or offered reprieve. In Maslow’s hierarchy of needs sex is in the lowest, most basic level:"breathing, food, water, sex, sleep, homeostasis, excretion".

Men’s life long solitude does not concern anyone. DNA testing has proven that in the EEA
Every slightest inconvenience to women, harassment, no matter how light, objectifying gaze, same salary for less work (fire fighters, tennis). Women who cut of penises (Lorena Bobbitt) or who outright murder men get feminist support in academia and law:
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