Violence: Feminist’s threaten Men’s Right’s Conference in Detroit

The international Conference on Men’s Issues in Detroit is in danger because of threats of violence against people, property, the hotel and the surrounding inner city properties. Feminism, and political correctness pretend to be "good", but if necessary are fully prepared to use violence.

  1. Read the comments there


Feminist violence has happened before:

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Shooter Elliot Rodger: Could prostitutes placate wrath of lonely male virgins?

Could easy access to legalized prostitution have taken the wrath out of Santa Barbara shooter Elliott Rodger?

Peer reviewed scientific research by Professor Milton Diamond conclusively proved that access to porn and, yes, even child porn take the edge off natural or perverted sex drives and thus clearly reduces sex crimes. (Disclaimer)

Nevertheless, feminists and religious zealots strive to take all sexual outlets away from men, be it prostitution, sex travel, or mere pornography for masturbation. Thus these politicians bear partial responsibility for increasing sex crimes against women and children, and probably for the mayhem created by Elliot Rodger.

Feminist "women studies" junk science (domestic violence, objectifying gaze) backs up such misguided policies. Additionally these policies needlessly cause silent suffering of millions of non-violent non criminal male losers who are strong enough not to be taken over the edge to violence.


"Girls, all I ever wanted was to love you, be loved by you.
I wanted a girlfriend. I wanted sex, love, affection, adoration."

"Hi, Elliot Rodger here. Well, this is my last video. It all has to come to this. Tomorrow is the day of retribution, the day I will have my revenge against humanity, against all of you

"For the last eight years of my life, since I hit puberty, I’ve been forced to endure an existence of loneliness, rejection and unfulfilled desires, all because girls have never been attracted to me. Girls gave their affection and sex and love to other men, never to me.

"I’m 22 years old and still a virgin, never even kissed a girl. And through college, 2 1/2 years, more than that actually, I’m still a virgin. It has been very torturous.  Shooter’s video transcript

40 year old male virgins are considered funny and rarely pitied or offered reprieve.  In Maslow’s hierarchy of needs sex is in the lowest, most basic level:"breathing, food, water, sex, sleep, homeostasis, excretion".



Men’s life long solitude does not concern anyone.  DNA testing has proven that in the EEA

Every slightest inconvenience to women,  harassment, no matter how light, objectifying gaze, same salary for less work (fire fighters, tennis). Women who cut of penises (Lorena Bobbitt) or who outright murder men get feminist support in academia and law:


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Military Draft & Permanent Alimony are Forced Labor & Slavery?

The International Labour Organization’s report Profits and Poverty: The Economics of Forced Labour [Full report] (Executive Summary) was just published and garners international attention.

Forced labour is any work or services which people are forced to do against their will under the threat of some form punishment.

Sadly, no comment on two types of Slave Labor that 49% of humanity (men) are exposed to or threatened by.

Military Conscription fits the definition of Forced Labour or Slave Labour

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Condoms in Porn mandatory in Los Angeles: threat to free expression

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Rape Hysteria’s legal proceedings questioned by Spiked Online

Feminist rape hysteria re-defines and extends rape definitions with manipulative language, abolishes due process, and infantilizes women whose enthusiastic consent is frequently invalid. The goal is to convict as many men as possible, for the most flimsy and unproven accusations, even if the alleged crime stems from the 1970’ies. False rape revenge accusations are always to be believed and to be taken at face value, liars almost never punished.

Britain’s Spiked-Online is one of the few sites opposing the rape hysteria. We recommend clicking on the links to read the  following articles in their entirety, also Barbara Hewson‘s writings.

The Sexual Offences Act 2003 declared that consent must be ‘active, not passive’; in rape cases, consent is now taken to mean agreement rather than the absence of a refusal. So if a woman goes along with sex, but doesn’t make it explicitly clear that she is actively consenting to it, it can be deemed to be rape. The government has even moved towards ensuring that no agreement can be taken as consent if it is given under the influence of alcohol.  [1]

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Punish more Asian and White Students – demands Eric Holder

US Attorney General Eric Holder complained about subtle Racism "cited disciplinary practices in schools that punish black males at three times the rate of their white peers."

Should Schools Have Racial Disciplinary Quotas? When we have misbehaving Blacks, we will have to punish enough Asians, or else. If schools want to be allowed to evict misbehaving Blacks, they must evict equal percentages of well behaved Asians. This is why Trayvon Martin was not sent to police for graffiti, drugs, loot, burglary tools.   

"The progressives campaign for race-based discipline policies also won a victory in Maryland July 24. The state’s board of education established a policy demanding that each racial or ethnic group receive roughly proportional level of school penalties, regardless of the behavior by members of each group."

Due to the same impeccable logic, UK: Police stop and search innocent old white ladies for bombs to balance race figures when searching young muslim males.

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Punish more Asian and White Students – demands Eric Holder
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World champion women athletes vastly slower then US school boys


Not only can’t the best female athletes compare with their male counterparts, but they can barely compete with male children.

These two links show two sets of track and field records. This one is for female world record holders: (

… and this one is for U.S. amateur high school boys: (

The boys win in every category… by a wide margin. And those are just high-school age male children in one country that has about 5% of the world’s population, compared to the best adult female athletes in the entire world.

Let’s allow that to sink in for a moment… The fastest female athletes in the world – professionals who have received years of the best coaching and equipment money can buy, cannot even come close to the best efforts of amateur U.S. high school boys in after-school programs.

Comment courtesy of: Lyn87 April 24, 2014 at 05:03
High School record’s by age show that boys start surpassing female world champions by age 14 or 15.
Human Stupidity has documented that women are outclassed can not even compete in cooking, much less in snooker, chess. But women actually get the same pay for less work and infinitely lower performance in tennis and endanger lifes among fire fighters. Feminism gets undeserved perks for underperforming women while bemoaning the fake wage gap. Now political correctness is destroying the US armed forces where underperforming women cause airplane accidents and tend to get pregnant to escape war zones.  All these issues are, of course, covered up just like the academic lies that hide equality in domestic violence.

Legal Pot in the US Is Crippling Mexican Cartels finances

Legalization of drugs is cutting into the profit margins of drug cartels. Just like ending alcohol prohibition ended alcohol smuggling and alcohol mafia dealings.  Are the DEA and the US prison industry interested in keeping up the war against marijuana?

“Is it hurting the cartels? Yes. The cartels are criminal organizations that were making as much as 35-40 percent of their income from marijuana,” Nelson said, “They aren’t able to move as much cannabis inside the US now.”

Seven important truths about how the world takes drugs in 2014. Read more here.

In 2012, a study by the Mexican Competitiveness Institute found that US state legalization would cut into cartel business and take over about 30 percent of their market.

Former DEA senior intelligence specialist Sean Dunagan told VICE News that, although it’s too early to verify the numbers: “Anything to establish a regulated legal market will necessarily cut into those profits. And it won’t be a viable business for the Mexican cartels — the same way bootleggers disappeared after prohibition fell.”

DEA chief of operations James Capra told senators this January that legalization "scares us" and is "reckless and irresponsible." And the agency is continuing to crack down on marijuana.

Given the DEA’s historic relationship with the Sinaloa cartel, and the agency’s fury over legalized marijuana, it almost seems like the DEA wants to crush the legal weed market in order to protect the interests of their cartel friends. Almost.

‘I am the person who handed over El Chapo’: A VICE News exclusive. Read here.

“The DEA doesn’t want the drug war to end,” said Nelson, when asked about a possible connection between the agency’s hatred of legal pot and its buddies in Sinaloa. “If it ends, they don’t get their toys and their budgets. Once it ends, they aren’t going to have the kind of influence in foreign government. I’m not a conspiracy theorist, but where there’s smoke there’s probably fire.”

Source: Legal Pot in the US Is Crippling Mexican Cartels