"Fünf vom Central Park": Verurteilte Verbrecher erhalten 40 Millionen Dollar Entschädigung. Der Spiegel lügt.

"Fünf vom Central Park": Unschuldig Verurteilte erhalten 40 Millionen Dollar Entschädigung lügt der Spiegel zusammen mit den linken anti-rassistischen Gutmenschen. Kein Mitleid mit der brutalst massen-vergewaltigten und ins todesnahe Koma geprügelten Frau. Nein, es darf nicht sein dass die Meute die massenweise Leute im Central Park anfiel, ausraubte, und vergewaltigt, schwarze und Hispanische Männer waren.

Die verurteilten Verbrecher hatten gestanden, und es war mit vielfachen Zeugenaussagen bewiesen, dass sie nicht nur die Frau vergewaltigt und schwerstens mit Eisenstangen verprügelt hatten. Sie hatten auch diverse andere Leute verschlagen und ausgeraubt.

Dann gestand ein vielfach verurteilter Mörder und Serien-Vergewaltiger dass er die Frau vergewaltigt hatte. DNA bewies dass das wahr war. Die Frau war von bis zu einem Dutzend Männern vergewaltigt worden. Es ist also völlig falsch, aus dem Geständnis zu schliessen dass diese Männer unschuldig wären.

Weiterhin waren sie wegen diversen Überfällen, Raub, und Gewalt verurteilt worden.

Diese Männer freizusprechen und sie noch mit Entschädigungen zu belohnen ist eine Schande, die von anti-rassistischen Gutmenschen mit viel Lügen durchgesetzt wurde.

Und dann wurde noch ein Film gemacht, der alles verdrehte. Das ganze Urteil war politisch. Den Gutmenschen war es wichtiger, Minderheiten freizusprechen als einer extreme schwer misshandelten Frau Gerechtigkeit zukommen zu lassen. Diese Männer hatten alle viel mehr auf dem Kerbholz, mit klaren Beweisen. Alles wird verschwiegen.

Der Spiegel hat meine Kommentare wegzensiert und nicht veröffentlicht. Sonst würde ja noch die ganze Lügengeschichte kaputt gemacht werden.

Ähnliche Lügen hatte der Spiegel über George Zimmerman und Trayvon Martin aufgetischt.

Details und Beweise in meinem englischen Artikel

"The Central Park Five": Hoodlum robber rapists unjustly rewarded with US$ 40 million

"The Central Park Five": Hoodlum robber rapists unjustly rewarded with US$ 40 million

Ken Burns’ THE CENTRAL PARK FIVE: The New TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD—Fiction Designed To Induce White Guilt

[See also:“It Was Fun”—Robert K. Tanenbaum vs. the Central Park Five, 25 Years Later]

“It Was Fun”—Robert K. Tanenbaum vs. The Central Park Five, 25 Years LaterKen (The Civil War) Burns’ 2012 documentary The Central Park Five, nominally about the Central Park Jogger Case, has become this generation’s To Kill a Mockingbird—now regularly assigned by Leftist educators to brainwash impressionable school kids and induce white guilt. As is typical for Burns, a story about black and Hispanic crime is transformed into a morality play set in the notorious bastion of white racism that is New York City.

Needless to say, the actual facts of the case tell a more complicated (and damning) story. But unfortunately, Burns’ agitprop may facilitate yet another $250 million-plus racial extortion payment in the form of a predatory civil suit against the city—and, ultimately, cripple law enforcement

Political correctness and "civil rights" managed to get a 40 million reward for criminals, by omitting and distorting facts about heinous crimes. Similar to the Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman hoax.

It is shocking that feminists obsess about all kind of non-violent and consensual *rape, but are quiet about a heinous mass rape with mutilating beatings with iron pipes.

A 43 page legal analysis and summary is here:

In addition to their convictions for the rape and assault on the female jogger, the
defendants were also convicted of crimes with respect to other attacks occurring that
evening; Kevin Richardson, Antron McCray, Raymond Santana and Yusef Salaam were
convicted of riot, the robbery and assault of John Loughlin and the assault upon David
Lewis. Kharey Wise was convicted of riot. Another defendant, Steven Lopez, who was
a central defendant in the case of the female jogger, arranged a plea bargain whereby
he pleaded guilty to the assault on Loughlin and received a sentence of 1 ½ to 4 years.

In addition, Michael Briscoe, Jermaine Robinson, Antonio Montalvo and Orlando
Escobar pleaded guilty to various charges of riot, assault, robbery and attempted
robbery with respect to the attacks upon Antonio Diaz, Loughlin and Lewis.
Justice Tejada ruled, as the District Attorney recommended, that the convictions on
these charges against the defendants, as well as those involving the female jogger,
should be vacated, although the newly discovered evidence of Matias Reyes’s rape of
the female jogger related only to that event. We understand the legal position
underlying Justice Tejada’s ruling, that the existence of new evidence regarding the
most significant charge against the defendants may have affected the juries’ ability to
consider evidence regarding the other charges. However, we believe that there is no
reason, on the merits, to think that a jury fairly presented with the evidence against the
defendants would come to a different conclusion than was reached before.


Ann Coulter: What You Won`t Read In The Papers About The `Central Park Five`

By Ann Coulter on April 24, 2014

[See also “It Was Fun”—Robert K. Tanenbaum vs. The Central Park Five, 25 Years Later, and Peter Brimelow`s 1989 London Times reaction Beasts In The Park]

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"The Central Park Five": Hoodlum robber rapists unjustly…
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Soccer World cup would gain from diversity: dwarfs, transsexuals, mature, women need quotas

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Soccer World cup would gain from diversity: dwarfs, transsexuals, …
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MHRA clueless about sex laws: AvoiceForMen victimizes boys


Fathers rights defenders at AvoiceForMen call themselves MHRA, men’s human rights activists. They defend the rights of fathers and family men, and even some rights for boys. Glaringly absent is the defense of sexual rights for men and boys. Feminists and religious zealots have united to create draconic sex laws. The declared goal of the suffragettes was to use the power of the vote to increase the age of consent and to close brothels and to end prostitution.

These clueless male equal rights feminists MHRA put up this nice touching movie about a 16 year old boy with his jailbait girlfriend. No mention about the serious dangers this boy is in:

MHRA put up this nice touching movie about a 16 year old boy with his jailbait girlfriend. "A 16-year old’s tribute to Father’s Day". No mention about the serious dangers this boy is in, due to the sex laws MHRA and feminists wholeheartedly agree on.

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MHRA clueless about sex laws: AvoiceForMen victimizes boys
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American Family Courts’ wholesale destruction of constitutional rights

"Family Court" tramples due process, puts men into life long indentured slavery, confiscates property worth Millions and Billions, confiscates future income and pension, re-instated debtor’s prison where men are imprisoned for a decade for non-payment of spousal support to the slave owner. "Family Court" accepts hearsay as proof enough to kick a man out of his home (SAID: Sexual Allegations in Divorce). Ex parte (one party accusation) orders are based on the flimsiest of evidence or upon mere accusations, "temporary" orders allow unconstitutional orders to be extended for years on end. "Protection from Abuse" (restraining) orders, like all other abominations of family court, abuse mostly men and confer special rights upon women.  Human Rights are enforced for criminals, but not for law abiding family men.

We recommend you read the entire post we excerpt here

American Family Courts, the First Amendment, and Violations of Free Speech

Family Court.  What a friendly sounding name. A court for families, so open and inviting.

A place where families are welcome and invited, a place for families to bring their troubles and disagreements, where there are people specially trained to help them with their problems, and where issues can be resolved in a fair compromise, so that everyone can be happy. […]

How true. What a promising nice name

And yet, nothing could be better Orwellianly named than this institution; there is nothing friendly about it. It is a snakepit of anguish and despair, impacting millions of people each year.

By re-casting all familial issues into a mutated type of civil court action variously termed  “special proceedings”, and by radically recasting the concepts of just what a judicial court is, e.g., its procedures, discretions and evidentiary standards, the state had effectively done away with all the inconvenient and expensive due process and constitutional protections required in every other American court.

While retaining the traditional powers of a judicial court – enforcement, fines and imprisonment – none of the checks and balances against those powers were concomitantly retained. Expedience of process and the legitimization of raw state power was the goal.

In creating these special “People’s Courts”  – not-quite-criminal, not-quite-civil – dozens of  due process protections were sloughed away leaving a raw, grinning changeling in its place.

Domestic violence abuse is based on falsified science and enforced by unconstitutional family court. SAID: Sexual Allegations in Divorce is a potent weapon thanks to complicity of family courts. Debtor’s prison longer then a decade has been reinstated under the guise of "contempt of court".

Constitutional procedural protections against self-incrimination, right to an attorney, presumptions of innocence, right to jury were done away with.

Inviolable substantive rights to federal parenting guarantees, property and liberty, became optional concerns and subordinate to statutory directives. Legal financial obligations to others persons were created out of whole cloth and determined from the flimsiest allegations.

The rights to financial and medical privacy were extorted away, as was the Constitutional right to free travel.

Astonishing. Men can get deprived of their passports to prevent them from fleeing their indentured wage slavery. Fugitive slave laws are still in effect world wide: Robert Sand: ‘Most wanted deadbeat dad’ arrested in Thailand for owing millions to his slave owner wife.

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American Family Courts’ wholesale destruction of constitutio…
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White men and lack of diversity ruined Google & Apple

#1 Google and #2 Apple, the world’s most valuable, profitable, successful companies have rapidly grown while deprived of the benefits of racial and gender diversity.

Imagine how much more profitable these companies could have been if white men had not made irrelevant products and bad decisions. Diversity is strength!

Having a diversity of perspectives leads to better decision-making, more relevant products, Google diversity report 

  1. Had Google and Apple embraced diversity,  hired lots of women and Blacks, had they been led by minorities, Google and Apple would be much more valuable then they already are. They would not merely be the two most valuable companies in the world.
  2. White men created the two most successful enterprises in the world. White men are especially capable and successful.

Please chose (1) or (2)

Economic success is racist! Economic success favors White men!

(2) must not be true because it is racist and sexist.  Occam’s razor is racist. The obvious easy explanation must not be true.

the data — which in Silicon Valley usually reigns supreme — shows that diversity on groups benefits research, development, innovation and profit. [New York Times]

The data:

The two companies with the best profit, innovation, development and research are led by white men and lack diversity. This proves that diversity benefits company success.

Had they only hired Blacks with lower IQ (see Bell curve) these companies would not be such failures.

Racist white male patriarchy’s logic needs to be abolished in favor of political correctness own logic


How the Asians Became White 

Asians are around 30% in these companies, according to  Google diversity report. Numbers about Jews are glaringly absent.


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White men and lack of diversity ruined Google & Apple
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British witch hunt continues: Rolf Harris chided for complimenting 13 year old bikini body in the 1970ies

Operation Yewtree’s witch hunt continues in Great Britain. 80 year old entertainers get ruinous persecutions and rare convictions for groping willing groupie fans in the 1960íes to 1980’ies.

This was the rolling sexual liberation time before the feminist sex repression backlash. Britain’s sun had sexy topless 15 year olds on page 3, like Samantha Fox. In Germany, one could legally buy creepy nudist magazines with nude children of all ages. Playboy and Rock stars had their stable of 14 year old groupies that flew with them around the world. Child Porn was legal in most of the world.

Recent scandals about historic abuse accusations against deceased men have typically led to a media-feeding frenzy, with lurid accounts in TV documentaries and newspapers, often alleging paedophilic abuse. They come with a Greek chorus of activists and campaigning charities demanding justice for ‘victims’ or, more accurately, complainants.

The result is a veritable tsunami of blame, engulfing every institution with which the deceased had dealings, each of which is targeted by claimant lawyers looking for compensation. Undeniably, the money motive looms large in these historic sex scandals.

And now:

Veteran entertainer Rolf Harris has admitted that he admired a 13-year-old friend of his daughter sexually while on holiday.

Harris, who wore a dark suit and red tie and was supported in the public gallery by wife Alwen and other family members, sat in the witness box as he admitted that he might have complimented the girl’s bikini on holiday when she was 13.

What extreme worry: murder has a statute of limitation, but admiring adolescent beauties does not. Note that legal movies like blue lagoon could never be made again, as they clearly would be child porn by today’s laws.

Women are encouraged to come forward with false and exaggerated old claims, because they get government moneys and the right so sue for huge damages. And, of course, female false accusers (almost) never get as much as a slap on the wrist.

10 unproven allegations are considered proof of the crime. But these allegations were called for by a media frenzy that actually calls for such allegations and rewards them. Note also that there is a percentage of mentally unstable women who confuse fantasy with reality, and

Jimmy Saville

Sex Trafficking Lies Debunked: Somaly Mam, top 100 most influential person is a prostitution slavery trafficking hoax

Somaly Mam, the poster child of the child sex trafficking hoaxes, has been debunked. Children were trained and auditioned to tell heart wrenching false sob stories of childhood sex slavery, rape and torture in brothels. Even her own childhood rape, slavery, prostitution and trafficking stories were proven false.
Somaly Mam Sex Slavery Hoax ---NewsWeek20140523cover600x800Somaly "Mam was one of Time’s 100 most influential people in 2009 and has over 400,000 followers on Twitter", spoke in the White house and admitted to lying to the UN General assembly.

Feminism, political correctness and sex repressing traditionalists lie to the entire world press and world elite, presidents, Oscar winners.

Unfounded sex repressive laws regarding age of consent, prostitution, are based on such lies and hoaxes. The lies caused Cambodian prostitutes to suffer raids, abuses, prohibitions, to be thrown back into poverty.

Another of Mam’s biggest “stars” was Meas Ratha, who as a teenager gave a chilling performance on French television in 1998, describing how she had been sold to a brothel and held against her will as a sex slave.

Late last year, Ratha finally confessed that her story was fabricated and carefully rehearsed for the cameras under Mam’s instruction, and only after she was chosen from a group of girls who had been put through an audition.  [Newsweek]

You may be amazed about the profundity of these world changing lies. We are amazed that they actually got uncovered and published by mainstream press.

According to a close acquaintance of Mam’s in Phnom Penh, who insisted on remaining anonymous for fear of retribution, there have been doubts about Mam’s life story for years, but “it’s all about image, getting to the big shot who has a lot of money and who feels sorry for this kind of story. They’re very successful, and they have been very successful in an incredible way because they connect with the right people, and they have all the movie stars, famous rock stars and famous people supporting them, and [all those people] are still being taken for a ride now.” [Newsweek]

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