Rapper DMX vows to break every rule to hurt George Zimmerman in celebrity boxing match

George Zimmerman offered to fight anyone, in a celebrity boxing match. Among 15000 eager candidates, rapper DMX was selected.Wanted dead or alive george zimmerman

DMX promised to massacre Zimmerman in the ring if he got the chance. To be exact, he said, “I am going to beat the living f**k out him … I am breaking every rule in boxing to make sure I f**k him right up.” He then said he’d literally piss on George’s face. [1]

Black violence is socially acceptable

Amazing that nobody demands a fair fight. George Zimmerman is such a a pariah, that MSN and the Florida State Attorney, with impunity, could call him “murderer” after his acquittal. 2 5

As you can imagine, the list of people willing to fight Zimmerman was long. Among the 15,000 candidates was the rapper Game, who told TMZ: “I would not be boxing for me… I’d be boxing for the legacy of Traven Martin and his family.” DMX also told TMZ that he wants to fight on behalf of “every black person who has been done wrong in the system…

That of course is a problem. A relentless slandering campaign by the press, led by the justice department has spread lies about a clear cut case of self defense against the vicious life threatening attack by Trayvon Martin. See details further down.

I am going to beat the living fuck out of him. I am breaking every rule in boxing to make sure I fuck him up right.” He also threatened to piss on Zimmerman’s face. 3

In the press and in comments hardly anyone would condemn DMX for his violent unfair criminal attitude. Is unfair violence really an accepted part of rap culture? Black misbehavior is usually excused, if not expected. It was perfectly acceptable that, last year, the New Black Panthers put up a US$ 10 000 bounty on Zimmerman, dead or alive.

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Convicted false rape accuser Heidi K. will not pay damages to falsely imprisoned Horst Arnold

Teacher Horst Arnold served his 5 year prison term for rape to the very last day. Soon thereafter a high court declared him obviously innocent and the accusations blatantly false. Still, he was not reinstated to the job he had lost. His false accuser, still anonymous, escapes financial damages by infinite appeals, using government paid lawyers. The real victim of her false accusations has to pay legal fees and thus threw the towel. The false accuser still receives government pension but applied legal trickery to make sure the victim of her accusation can never get at that money.


The teacher Heidi K. falsely accused her now deceased colleague Horst Arnold of rape. Arnold had five years in prison, was acquitted recently. Shortly thereafter, he died. Now it is official: Heidi K. will not have to pay damages to his daughter.

  • Even now, the false accuser’s last name is secret. "Heidi K". She is photographed with her face covered.  And the falsely convicted victim’s name is public.  It is disgusting.
  • The case of the teacher Horst Arnold,  accused wrongly of rape,  was one of the most spectacular miscarriages of justice in recent history. His colleague, Heidi K. had brought him to court, he was jailed, was later acquitted, but died shortly afterwards.

    The formerly in shape sports teacher died a broken man, having lost his house, money, job, reputation and health after an unjust 5 year prison term

    Horst Arnold’s daughter Heidi K. sued for damages. Now it is official: Heidi K. will not have to pay. Heidi K. gave up, due to excessive legal costs and small chance to actually receive the financial compensation.

    False accuser gets 5 1/2 years in prison for 5 year imprisonment of an innocent man

    Here is the good news: Heidi K got a 5 1/2 years prison term as a notorious and patholgical liar, pending appeal. (German). She  still remains anonymous and shamelessly uses government-paid lawyers to avoid paying her victim’s heirs. She was sentenced for false imprisonment. She could not be prosecuted for false accusations due to statute of limitations.


    Perverted Justice system imprisons innocent men with no due process 

    This begs the question: how has feminist rape hysteria managed to totally pervert due process in  our justice system , that any psychologically deranged woman can get a decent law abiding man into prison with the most absurd and incoherent rape accusations.

    In the original rape trial "the prosecution could not present any conclusive evidence, but the court believed Heidi K., amd followed their presentation in full. […] She had Charisma and could convince people. In her tears, evidence seemed to crystalize" [4] Impeccably groomed Heidi K. had taught class, minutes after the alleged rape in a much frequented room, after an alleged escape over a fire ladder and vomiting. Her anal fissure was found in her second medical exam, non-existent in the first exam. She alleged to have been threatened by the accused, a week after the fake rape. But the accuse had a good alibi he was in prison. In spite of such glaring inconsistencies, Horst Arnold was convicted. Felow teachers became suspicious only after several more years of Heidi K. telling fabulous stories that would make Baron von Münchhausen blush. The erroneous expert witnesses, and shoddy justice officials suffered no punishment at all. [4 5]

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    No Sex Please, we’re Japanese: virtual girlfriends and the closing of maternity wards and elementary schools

    Japan is closing maternity wards and elementary schools. Not many children get born. Society is aging quickly.


    • @14 minutes: fewer Japanese marry. Only 2% of children born out of wedlock. Only 27% of couples have sex every week.
    • @15 minutes: Don’t miss the men with the virtual girl friends. One of them is married and hides the girl friend from his wife. He is not sure which of the two he would choose: wife or computer program.


    In the video, Japanese men keep repeating that a virtual girl friend is much nicer. The virtual girl friends are usually are teenage age, and the man plays the role of a teenager, too. Virtual girl friends are not messy, no trouble. Why bother with a real woman.

    Though, there is a certain desire for a real woman.

    • @32 minutes: Amazing Japanese Pompom dancers, minimum age requirement: 55 years, oldest is 81. They dance nicely enough to look like teenage cheer leaders, when seen from a distance.
    • @40: 20% of Japanese prisoners are over 65 years old. 50% of them reoffend.
    • @45: 70% of Japanese women drop out of the work force after they get children. With a lack of work force, this is considered a calamity.
    • @40 minutes: immigration as the solution?



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    Help! My 18 year old girl friend has raped me 298 times

    "Please stop", he begged her. "I already came, I am tired, I need to sleep". To no avail. 19 year old Maria (name has been changed) will not take no for an answer. She straddles his face, pushes her pussy onto his mouth, taking his breath away: " Make me come!"  she demands of the groggy, sleepy, half drunk Paul (name has been changed). After one screaming orgasm, she puts a condom on his member and rides herself, cowgirl style, to another orgasm, over Paul’s protests.

    During the first 290 rapes (or "sexual assaults" , in some jurisdictions) Paul did not know he was a victim of rape, or felony sexual assault. That the constant barrage of sexual assaults by a gorgeous 19 year old blonde was deeply traumatizing for him. and would scar him for life. He was unaware that he was a date rape or marital rape survivor.

    He already knew that feminists had re-defined rape.  That consent could be withdrawn at any moment. That "No means No". That a man got convicted for 5 second *rape because he stopped only 5 seconds after the hitherto consenting girl said "stop".

    Still Paul was unaware that he was a rape victim. He thought that rape hysteria was a feminist ruse.

    Then he started reading avoiceformen and r/mensrights. The leading men’s rights web sites. There he found out that MRA actually agree with most of the feminist rape hysteria,  as long as pretty 25 year old female cheer leaders also get punished [4] for having sex with  220 pound 17 year old adolescent football player hunk victims.  

    He read how boys and men are frequent rape victims:  Boys raped more often than girls. Eivind Berge The Antifeminist

    Paul is still getting raped almost daily, but now he is aware that he is a victim of a terrible crime. Paul is asking for your advice:

    1. Is he actually getting raped or sexually assaulted?
    2. Is he traumatized for life
    3. Should he go to police and press charges against his abuser?
    4. Will he be believed? You know, women never lie about rape. But will they think men lie about rape (sexual assault).
    5. Should he record the sex act and his protests, to have PROOF of the vile crime he suffers from?
    6. Should he just enjoy the sex and then, a few years later, file charges of rape, like many women do nowadays? Or 40 years later, like in the Saville case
    7. He actually likes the sex in the morning. It is rape only in the evening. If she goes to prison for many years, he will miss it.  (this is not a joke; there was a case where a woman pressed rape charges. Among 30 sex acts, only #25 and #18 were rapes, the others, she confided, were consensual)

    Please answer the questions  in the comments below


    Further comments and questions

    1. Be aware, if the "victim" was a woman, the male "rapist" would be convicted, no doubt.
    2. Should MRA (men’s rights activists) be only concerned to make sure that a woman "rapist" would be treated with equal rigor. Or should MRA actually be concerned to keep men out of prison for travesties like 32-year-old man’s sex with 17-year-old was legal… but pictures of it cost him 8 years in prison. Note too that feminists are seriously concerned with keeping female husband assassins out of prison and successfully do so: How to Kill your Husband! A Tutorial. (Susan Falls’ Licence to Kill) .
    3. According to Human-Stupidity’s research, most sexually active heterosexual men suffered "rape" episodes like the above. Remember: once you say now, even in the slightest way, consensual sex becomes RAPE: Consensual sex becomes rape as soon as woman says "I need to go home", says California Supreme Court..
    4. Please report if you were victim or perpetrator of such rape, or if this never happened in your life.

    Though shalt not dispute or oppose teaching of homosexuality in schools

    Homosexuality is not a problem to us.

    Mandatory homosexuality education, and repression of free speech discussion any restriction on homosexuality, its teaching, and its exercise bothers us a little.

    Disciplinary action, dismissal, hostility for discussing or opposing mandatory homosexuality teaching in school, this we consider serious violation of civil liberties and free speech.

    The slippery slope of political correctness

    Political correctness and hate speech laws have been sliding a 50 year long slippery slope. About 60 years ago, homosexuality was a felony, punished with long prison sentences In many Western countries and US states,

    Heterosexual men less equal then homosexuals

    Political correctness started innocuously, punishing hate crimes like physical gay bashing or verbal calls to violence.   And ended with repressive speech codes (see below) and "equal rights" for gays. At the same time, heterosexual male’s rights became, well, less equal.

    A prime example is Rio de Janeiro. Brazil  fights  "sex tourism" by heterosexual men, while at the same time proudly displaying its title as the #1 gay friendly travel destination. 7 8 Guess what many gays will do when in Brazil? Sex with Brazilian gays, of course, including gay prostitutes in gay bath houses.

    Heterosexual males are less equal, because they are repressed more and more, be it their sexuality (age of consent laws, prostitution, prohibition of pornography and the child porn hysteria. Yes, even in Germany with an age of consent of 14/16, photos of nude 17 year old children are a heinous crime. In Germany, you can have sex with 16 year olds, but you can not photograph them  (child porn) nor give them money (prostitution)

    Heterosexual men suffer from unjust divorce law, alimony, child support, domestic violence, loss of due process in rape prosecution. I am not sure if Germany is much better then the US or Britain.  See the German Jörg Kachelmann rape case and the criminalization of men for DNA testing ones putative offspring {1, 2, 3, 4, 5)


    Hidden Homophobia: Is Germany Really as Liberal as It Seems?

    This parallelism comes closer to the German reality. Another element to consider is Chancellor Angela Merkel’s strict opposition to adoption rights for homosexual couples. How great really is the cause for celebration in Germany?

    It started out with freedom for gays in their private home. And ended up as mandatory totally equal public rights for gays, and moving towards privileges for gays compared to heterosexual men.

    Secondary school teacher Gabriel Stängle is likewise concerned about public school students in Baden-Württemberg. The 41-year-old, lives in the Black Forest and launched an online petition in November of last year that had been signed some 90,000 times by last Friday evening. His campaign is entitled: "Future — Responsibility — Learning: No Curriculum 2015 under the Ideology of the Rainbow." Stängle’s primary concern is what he describes as sexual "reeducation."

    Stängle is angry with the state government — a coalition of the center-left Social Democrats and the Green Party — which is currently developing an educational program for public schools which will include the "acceptance of sexual diversity." Students are to learn the "differences between the genders, sexual identities and sexual orientations." The goal is to enable students to "be able to defend equality and justice."

    Stängle sees this as being in "direct opposition to health education as it has been practiced thus far." Completely missing, he writes, is an "ethical reflection on the negative potential by-products of LSBTTIQ (which stands for "lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transsexuals, transgender, intersexual and queer people) lifestyles, such as the increased danger of suicide among homosexual youth, the increased susceptibility to alcohol and drugs, the conspicuously high rate of HIV infection among homosexual men, the substantially lower life-expectancy among homo- and bisexual men, the pronounced risk of psychological illness among men and women living as homosexuals."

    Elsewhere, "Der Spiegel" tells us the teacher is suffering disciplinary action for his activity. In other words, it is a thought crime to oppose any favoritism for gays.

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    A woman won the 2013 Asics LA Marathon ahead of all men, won $ 50000 gender challenge. What’s the catch?


    In a surprising and inspiring race, a female first-time marathon runner won the 2013 LA Marathon.

    Aleksandra Duliba, a 27-year-old woman from Belarus, was the first runner, male or female, to cross the finish line Sunday, KTLA reports.    Aleksandra Duliba, LA Marathon 2013 Record-Breaking Winner, Was A First-Time Marathoner

    Isn’t it great. We knew it: women are superior to men in sports. It is only the patriarchy stops holding them back.

    Aleksandra Duliba of Belarus wins the 2013 Asics LA Marathon women’s race in her marathon debut with a time of 2:26:05 to beat the men and claim the $75,000 Asics challenge in Santa Monica Sunday morning March 17.   source

    This is well deserved.

    She earned $75,000 for her victory, $25,000 as the top women’s finisher and a $50,000 bonus for beating the top men’s finisher.  Huff post

    She won the "gender challenge".  The first to cross the finish line, proving female superiority. She should get a Million.

    2013 LA Marathon: Erick Mose finishes 2nd overall

    Erick Mose of Kenya finished first in the men’s competition with a time of 2:09:43, outrunning his fellow countryman Julius Keter in the final mile of the the marathon. Aleksandra Duliba won the overall competition  Universalsports

    Great. At least a man in second place.

    What a cheat!

    The were given women an 18:35 head start and Duliba ran the race 16:36 behind the men.  source


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    A woman won the 2013 Asics LA Marathon ahead of all men, won $ 500…
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    Court rules that 32-year-old man’s sex with 17-year-old was legal… but pictures of it cost him 8 years in prison

    Court rules that 32-year-old man’s sex with 17-year-old was legal… but pictures of it were not


    Although a man who was 32 wasn’t breaking the law by having sex with a 17-year-old girl in 2008, he was by photographing the act, the Illinois Supreme Court ruled Thursday.

    Marshall Hollins was convicted in Stephenson County of making child pornography and sentenced to 8 years in prison.

    Is this not sad? It brings me to tears.

    A good black man’s life destroyed, a girl’s boy friend taken away. All to protect her from "abuse". 

    Where is Al Sharpton?

    Where is President Barack Obama. I know, if he had a son, it would be a street fighting thug like Trayvon Martin. Where are men’s rights activists?

    Where are the feminists, for the girl’s rights to have a boy friend, and to have her pictures taken?


    He admitted he had sex with the girl when she was 17, which is the age of sexual consent in Illinois.

    In a 5-2 ruling, the high court said that although the law allows 17-year-olds to consent to sex, they are still minors, making photos or video of such sex child porn.

    This is nothing new:

    The two dissenting justices said that because the photos don’t show an illegal act, they shouldn’t be illegal.

    The dissenting minority has a bit of decency and common sense.

    ‘There was nothing unlawful about the production of the photographs taken by defendant in this case because the sexual conduct between defendant and (the girl) was entirely legal,’ wrote Justice Anne Burke, who was joined by Justice Charles Freeman.

    ‘The photographs are therefore not child pornography as defined by the U.S. Supreme Court for purposes of the First Amendment.

    Due to voodoo theory and falsified research about the child sex trauma myth (Rind Study), the US supreme court made an EXCEPTION to constitutional rights of the First Amendment.

    In the above case, no "*child" has been harmed through an illegal act, so there should be no reason to make an exception to constitutional first amendment rights.

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    TheAntiFeminist.com closing down? MRA (Men’s right) support incarceration of men for normal male sexuality

    The Antifeminist is ready to throw the towel. One of the lone sex positive MRA’s who oppose the long draconic prison terms for millions of men for doing things men have done for tens of thousands, if not millions of years:

    • having sex with fertile post pubertal 17 year old women or
    • looking at cave paintings of girls who could be under 18 years. 2 3

    Well, it is time as antifeminism will be illegal hate speech all over the world

    The antifeminist‘s biggest despair is the treason by the men’s rights movement, who support draconian prison terms for millions of men, and support ever growing sex offender lists …..

    as long as pretty 25 year old female cheer leaders also get punished [4] for having sex with  220 pound 17 year old adolescent football player hunk vicims.  As the antifeminist would put it: equal injustice for all is the goal of most MRA.

    Human-Stupidity encourage discussion in the comment section below.


    Human-Stupidity.com is ne of the last free unconsored places on the internet, after we got kicked out from AVoiceForMen and shadowbanned in Reddit. We appreciate free speech laws enshrined in the US constitution! Citing the  antifeminist’s despair.

    The legislative creep of feminists is ultimately going to embrace us all, it will not stop of its own accord, and it will require an army of angry young men to defeat it.  After 6 years, it’s evident to me now that I can never hope to attract here an army of angry young men, and the best I will get is a handful of ungrateful, creepy, aspie young men who are more of a burden than an asset.

    I have to stress that the word " angry" does not mean we support or call for violence.

    The other reason for my despair is the evident reality that Paul Elam and his co-bandits have effectively killed the men’s rights movement and turned it into a mirror version of that very same corrupt feminist financial industry that we have been fighting.  Now, turning the MRM into a donations industry is not in itself a bad thing, given that we face an enemy with a trillion dollars of financial backing.  But as I said, they have simply created a mirror version of feminism, and in their ‘equality of injustice’ stupidity, and desire for ‘liberal progressive rights’ legitimacy, have chosen to adopt the same values of feminism and applied them to men (and boys) unable to grasp (or rather to admit) that those values were chosen because they served feminists and women, not men and boys.

    Thus the MHRM, although still doing some very good things for men, is now financing itself, and trying to legitimize itself, through the forced abusive victim labeling of even 17 year old boys who have sex with partners 5 years older than themselves (who in most cases would be other men). And hand in hand with that goes the validation of the entire feminist abuse industry that is behind the never ending legislative creep that now sees almost 2 million men in the USA and Europe on the sex offenders register, increasingly under undeniably insane feminist anti-sex laws and facing ever more draconian and degrading punishments, both in prison and after.

    And the real violent forcible rapists hide behind the inumerous consensual sex offenders, Who had sex with women that enthusiasticaly consented but were a bit drunk, or 17 years old.

    But what is even worse, is that these ‘men’s human righVoicts activists’ appear to be supporting the feminist mind rape of teenage boys and validating the persecution of millions of decent men as a means to fund a lavish lifestyle for themselves : http://manboobz.com/2014/01/06/a-voice-for-mens-paul-elam-finally-admits-that-hes-been-pocketing-an-unspecified-chunk-of-site-donations/

    We actually don’t mind if activists who dedicate their life to a good cause, get financial support from donations. We do mind if MRA’s actively attack, threaten, malign and ban other MRA’s (Men’s rights activists) fornot condoning the feminist sex crime industry.

    I don’t want to share in any responsibility for the forced mental anguish of millions of boys, based only upon feminist logic and self-interest, nor for the real violent anal rape of potentially millions of men under injust feminist laws accepted and validated by these frauds and traitors.  I want to be able to sleep at night, and I don’t want to go to hell.  My journey in the men’s rights movement over the last 6 years has been one of ever greater disillusionment, and maybe its time to admit that the road is going nowhere.

    We beg the antifeminist to continue. We offer to take over the site, and leave it dormant as a document, if he decides to rescind responsibility.


    While being represseb by the men’s rights movement

    We still have the support of a few respectable main stream people


    These sex persecutions of men are accompanied with life long sex offender listings, vigilante death threats. As normal criminals hate "sex offenders", these male victims of feminist and religious zealot sex laws almost certainly will suffer beatings and ass rape in prison by HIV positive felons for crimes such as

    These feminists and their MHRA don’t even mind increasing real sex abuse of children: Legalizing Child Pornography reduces child sex abuse crimes (Scientific study by Dr. Milton Diamond, U. Hawaii)



    2013 Was Bad, 2014 Will Be Worse

    The Worst of 2013

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