MRA against men! Most MRA (men’s rights activist) actively support draconian prison sentences for men #4

Most men’s rights activists actively and vehemently support the relentless century-old feminist agenda 1 2 3 against male sexuality.

They became MRA (Men’s Rights Activist) after being stiffed by family court, divorce law, false accusations by their wives. They often have daughters. Thus these MRA are totally protective and sexually conservative, repressive and not libertarian.

These MRA totally agree with feminist inspired laws that cruelly imprison men for victimless crimes of *consensual sex with adolescents, for visits to voluntary prostitutes and for possessions patterns of 0’s and 1’s on their hard drive defined as child porn (see voodoo theory, disclaimer, Robert Kurzban)


MRA (Men’s rights activists) rightly assail biased anti-male laws regarding
Domestic Violence, *rape, due process, false rape accusations, child support, divorce.
But MRA are in full support of anti-male sex laws.


Even MRA are avid supporters of the feminist Child Sex Trauma Myth (#4)

This is the 4TH in a series of articles about the Child Sex Trauma Myth (#1 disclaimer, #2, #3)



Strict liability to compound the injustice

Feminists fought for the increase of age of consent and  the subsequent criminalization of normal male post-pubertal sexuality. This is further enhanced by unjust  Strict liability*
Strict liability crime” [1] [2] [3] [4] means: if you commit an act, (e.g. if you have sex with a minor) you are guilty and will be convicted. Even if she had a valid true government ID. because she duped the department of motor vehicles into giving her a incorrect age ID. It does not matter. If you had sex with a 17 year old, you are a *child *rapist.


Human-Stupidity hostilized, warned, banned by MRA

Human-Stupidity was blocked, chided, and banned at leading men’s rights sites r/mensrights and AVoiceForMen.

Check how Human-Stupidity’s moderate and reasonable comment 1, 2 led to banning from the otherwise excellent MRA activism site AVoiceForMen. My comments 1, 2 at the excellent article cited below (in #5) were understood by a few, but misunderstood by Paul Elam, who stands for many sex-repressive MRA’s

Can you share my outrage on this Family pictures of nude baby bath: ruinous child porn prosecution or this Mandatory 15 years jail for photos of legal girl friend: You Can Have Sex With Them; Just Don’t Photograph Them | 2

The comment above led to’s definite expulsion from the site of the most active and very representative MRA, AVoiceForMen.


If these are the best defenders of men’s rights, we have a long way to go. Tens of thousands of men will be singled out for daily anal rape by common criminal prison gangs who hate "*child *rapists ".

Those prison rapists certainly will not understand the fine distinction between *consensual sex with 17 or 15 year olds and "real forcible rape of a real child" (in the classic sense of the words pre-pubertal *child and forcible *rape) . Even leading MRA Paul Elam succumbed to feminist brain washing and refuses to understand such obvious differences.

Paul Elam might even understand it. But he chooses not to enter a hopeless fight After all the prestigious peer reviewed Rind Study was rejected unanimously by both the US congress and senate. Academic research decided by politicians

So feminists have won the war on underage sex repression, so much that even MRA (men’s rights activists) don’t dare to even touch the topic.

Our pleading for unity among MRA leads to expulsion, not introspection and self analysis

AVoiceForMen pleaded for unity among MRAs. So we tried to help to raise awareness that they, themselves, actively abet and support the persecution of men. We did not manage to raise such awareness See our unwelcome comment further below.


Child Porn laws made specifically to criminalize men

Why may women legally devour Child abuse books by Amazon but inadvertent possession of a picture (usually by a man) is a heinous crime punishable by decades in jail? (Judge Weinstein, voodoo theory) What about the children photographed on the cover of the child abuse books?

Finally, I was shopping at ASDA (Wal-Mart) last week. They have a very small selection of books on sale. And I presume that they only sell those books that are in particularly high demand by the public. About 20% of the titles of the entire range were to do with ‘abuse’, and another 20% were to do with serial killers, murderers, torturers and, in general, ‘evil’ people. You know the type.

Female pornography, the romance novel, is socially very acceptable. We specifically criminalize male preference for pictures. The handsome, witty, intelligent, rich, young physician, hero of a typical female romance novel humbles the average male and unrealistically raises women’s expectations.


Age of consent laws (sponsored by feminists) specifically target and criminalize men

Since long before biblical times, women choose older men for relationship and marriage.  Thus, automatically,age of consent laws ensnare mostly men.

Girls mature faster: marriageable age was lower for girls throughout history

One could make a very strong argument to imprison a 16 year old mature female for seducing a hormonally challenged mentally more immature 18 year old male.

Nowadays, sex has more traumatic consequences for boys then for girls

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MRA against men! Most MRA (men’s rights activist) actively s…
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Prominent Victim of False Rape Accusations and Biased Court System Becomes Activist, Writes Book (Jörg Kachelmann in Germany)

A famous and highly popular TV weather anchor man languished in jail for months, suffered over year in court, spent a fortune in legal cost, lost his TV job and reputation. Because of a rape accusation that was unfounded. And now Jörg Kachelmann becomes an activist to fight unjust convictions due to false accusations.

Slander is a popular weapon, these days

"Verleumdungen sind heute eine beliebte Waffe"

– Joerg Kachelmann and Miriam are getting even – with "ill-trained" police officers, prosecutors, judges and expert witnesses, and a "habitual men sentencing justice". At the same time, they expect to establish "an informal network". Their goal: "That in the future is less innocent people are convicted because of false accusations." This they announce  in an interview with SPIEGEL.

"In the area of ​​abuse and rape false accusations have become a mass phenomenon," said Kachelmann ("tile man") who was acquitted about a year ago after a spectacular marathon process  charged with raping a former girlfriend.

Human-Stupidity covered the scandalous Jörg Kachelmann rape case . It was the German court case of 2011. The prominent TV weatherman, had been accused by his ex girl friend to have raped her, exactly on the day they split up because of her discovering his infidelity. A famous man, not only TV weather anchor but owner of the company that produced the weather reports. Attractive, well off, with several lovers and millions of women swooning after him.

Video: Lupine the cat comes into the weather forecast


Kachelmann would "really want every rapist behind bars". But for women, slander has become a popular and effective weapon." Kachelmann’s wife Miriam added: with abuse allegations women today can "very easily take revenge on bosses and life partners" and "easily obtain custody of children." There  a "victim industry, which in this sick form must definitely go," said the 26-year-old psychology student.

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Prominent Victim of False Rape Accusations and Biased Court System…
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Dangerously incompetent fire fighters, weakened by gender quotas, dumbed by racial quota nonsense

Political correctness‘ quota nonsense gives us firefighters that are too weak to carry an injured person and too dumb to read maps and street signs. Gender and racial quotas are equally harmful, unjust, and outright dangerous.

firefighter--300x450Feminist gender "equality" sets fire fighters’ physical standards lower, so the average woman can pass.  Safety be damned.

Political correctness‘ racial equality dogma gives us low iq and low education firefighters who can not read and reason adequately. Testing for 10th grade reading and logic abilities discriminates against Blacks (race and iq), so the basic literacy, logic and iq test has to be scrapped to force more black firemen into the New York fire department.  (Judge orders millions paid in NYC firefighter bias case).  (Women’s suit highlights differences in city, suburban firefighter tests)

Sorry, ladies, but I want a fireman

Currently, there are just 32 women in the FDNY, a number based less on discrimination than on the biological fact that the vast majority of women are not built to carry 100 pounds of gear. And yet, that’s not good enough. […]

"I have a family," another fireman said. "I can’t count on a 110-pound female to carry me out of a burning building."

Maybe it’s me. But if I were to be caught in a fire, I’d feel a lot safer in the arms of a 6-foot man than those of a 5-foot girl.

You can’t choose the one who will rescue you. You can weaken the pool. And that is something this city can’t afford in the name of "diversity."

Human-Stupidity Analysis

Unfortunately, MRA (men’s rights activists) are unaware that male gender quotas are quite similar to racial quota issues. What is falsely perceived as discrimination is to be remedied.

Once gender and racial differences are being recognized as true, one can find true alternative solutions:

  • really hire and pay by merit would be the best solution
  • if there is a desire to institute quotas, compensate weaknesses with extraordinary skills. Those who underperform at IQ and aptitude tests will only be hired if they strongly over-perform at physical tests, and are aware that they will not be apt for leadership positions.  Women who underperform in brute strength of lifting heavy weights may compensate with extremely high scores in speed, endurance, IQ.

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Dangerously incompetent fire fighters, weakened by gender quotas, …
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Daughter awarded US$ 110,000 for father’s emotional neglect- Brazilian Supreme Court

The Brazilian Supreme court awarded US$ 110,000 of moral damages to a daughter who felt emotionally abandoned and felt treated as second class daughter by her father. The court dismissed the father’s defense that this emotional abandonment was caused by the mother’s aggressive behavior. Also the fact that paternity of the now adult daughter was only officially established recently.

Such legal liability is now in the process of being incorporated into the ECA statute of adolescent and children’s rights.

The intent of giving emotional support is noble. Human-Stupidity deplores the overcriminalization and total regulamentation of all aspects of human behavior under the threat of heavy civil liabilities.

Due to the importance of such decisions to Libertarians,  the men’s rights (and feminist) movement, we translated two newspaper articles in their entirety.

Translation: Superior Tribunal in Brazil orders father to pay compensation for emotional abandonment 
(STJ condena pai a indenizar filha por abandono afetivo)brazilian-supreme-court

SAO PAULO – The Third Chamber of the Superior Court of Justice (STJ) ordered a father to pay R $ 200 thousand [US$ 110 000] to his daughter for "emotional distance". The decision is unprecedented. In 2005, the Fourth Chamber of the Supreme Court had rejected moral damages for emotional distance.

The case judged originates from São Paulo. The author of the case obtained judicial recognition of paternity and filed suit against the father because he had suffered material and emotional neglect during childhood and adolescence. The trial judge dismissed the petition and attributed the father’s distance to "aggressive behavior" of her mother towards the father. The woman appealed to the appeals court and said the father was "wealthy and prosperous." The Court of São Paulo (TJSP) reversed the judgment and set the compensation for R$ 415,000.

On appeal to the Supreme Court, the father argued that there was no abandonment, and even if he had done so, there would be illegal to be financially indemnified and the only possible punishment for failing with such obligations fathers would be the loss of family power.

Minister Nancy Andrighi , the of the court’s third chamber, however, understood that it is possible to demand compensation for moral damage caused by emotional abandonment by parents. "Love is optional, care is duty," she said in the sentence. For her, there is no reason to treat the damage to family relationships differently from other civil damages.

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Daughter awarded US$ 110,000 for father’s emotional neglect-…
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Brazilian congress plans heavy fines to companies whenever a woman gets paid less then a man

Even in countries with Latin machismo like Brazil, feminism is almost unopposedly changing laws to unjustly benefit women at the detriment of men. They even have slut walks in Brazil on 4th of July in São Paulo.

The Brazilian congress is examining the bill 6.393/2009. If passed into law, companies will be fined retroactively every time a woman earning less than a man. The fine is five times the pay difference observed throughout the entire employment period.
The retroactive effect is one of the absurdities that inhabit that bill. Another is the direction of the fine to the affected employee. […]And the men? What will they say this measure? What can they do if your salary is lower than that of a woman? 
Salários: interferência indevida – JOSÉ PASTORE  Wages: improper interference (Translation)

This is the opinion of a reasonable blogger, published in today’s newspaper "O Globo". . He worries that companies lose discretion to reward performance and differentiate pay. Probably, he thinks, the result will be that nobody gets a raise, everyone gets the base salary for his profession. So nobody can feel discriminated against.

feminista-conceicao-sampaioOf course, feminists and politicians think differently.

Mrs. Conceição Sampaio estimates that as a woman qualifies for and enters the job market she wins autonomy and thus can also change the statistics of crimes against women." […] The domestic violence, according to Mrs. Conceição, has always been an important issue and will remain so, but the quest for empowerment and independence of women is also important.

The MP emphasizes the approval of Law project No. 6.393/2009, of congressman Marcal Filho (PMDB / MS), which establishes fines to combat the difference in pay between men and women in Brazil.
"Many advances have been achieved, but we still have inequality in the Brazilian labor market. People need to get paid for what they do. This is important. And the Legislature could not stay out of this discussion, "said the councilor.


According to president of ALEAM State Representative Richard Nicholas (PSD), the public hearing is extremely important, because in addition to recognizing the importance of women in the labor market, since they already occupy  various management positions, it shows that progress is needed. Ricardo Nicholas points out that there are data showing that women in the same work as men still receive a lower salary. "It is necessary to fight this," emphasizes Nicholas.
The President of the Legislative adds that women have distinguished themselves not only the sensitivity but also for their skill, dedication and discipline. And he recalled that the woman has more than one work shift. "She has the business and also works part to take care of family, children, home. Our tribute is for women to be placed increasingly on the labor market, with the certainty of having the same rights, "he said.


  1. Example how to calculate the fine: suppose the man earns $ 3300, the woman earns $ 3000 monthly. For 5 years of work, the difference would be 5 * 12 * $ 300 multiplied by 5 for the fine:  $ 90 000.
  2. Women having more days off, maternity leave, pension subsidized by menWarren Farrell explains the reasons for the so called pay gap.
  3. In divorce and separation, women will inherit government subsidized real estate property, decrees Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff
  4. Brazil has special laws against domestic violence against women and children 2 3 and special police stations for crimes against women.

One woman among the top 100 chess players. But 40% quotas in management and parliament?

Why would women be chanceless against men even in Chess, Snooker and Darts? It does not involve fighting skills, physical prowess.  The facts are clear, there are almost no women among the top players, even in these non-physical sports.


Judit18bIn Chess there is only one woman in the top 100. Judit Polgar, ranked #32, by far the strongest woman player with a score of 2710, never became woman’s world champion because she chose to only compete in men’s tournaments.  The second rated woman, with a score of 2605 is way below the # 100 ranked man with 2652 points. 

The Women’s World Chess Championship is played to determine the women’s world champion in chess. Like the World Chess Championship, it is administered by FIDE. Unlike most sports, women are able to compete against men in chess, and so some women do not compete for the women’s title. Notably, the world’s top rated female player, Judit Polgar, has never competed for the women’s title      Greatest Women’s World Chess Champion

There are 2300 male Grand Masters and 22 female Grand Masters.

Human-Stupidity Analysis

Maybe this patriarchal discrimination can be repaired by a quota system, by nominating 1500 women grand masters! All of Europe thinks this is a good system to get women into board rooms and political power 0 1 2.3, So why not do this in chess. We are sorry we can not restrain our sarcasm.

Women can not compete against men even in chess, snooker, go and darts. Top 10 women tennis players are chanceless against top 500 male players and can barely compete with male college players. Nevertheless women achieved equal pay for less play in Wimbledon and other top competitions.

Feminism, political correctness and the discredited and debunked blank slate theory interpret all natural, inborn differences as "discrimination" that needs to be corrected by affirmative action. Various countries enacted (or plan to enact) 30% to 50% quotas in parlament and for top executives. Under the guise of counteracting a long debunked "wage gap" such regulations and fear of "discrimination" law suits put women ahead of more qualified male competitors.  And of course there are no female quotas on death row, in prison, among the homeless to equalize the "glass bottom".

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One woman among the top 100 chess players. But 40% quotas in manag…
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In divorce, women will inherit government subsidized real estate property, decrees Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff (a woman)

DILMA-E-LULA-MARCAIn divorce, separation, or dissolution of a common law marriage, the woman will be the one to retain property of the house or apartment acquired with a government funded program "My House, My Life"  that gives millions of low income citizens their first and only real estate property.

She did not determine how to discriminate in same sex Gay and Lesbian stable relationships, which are legal in Brazil.

President Dilma Rousseff will announce later, on public television, changes in the program "My house, my life" that will benefit women

The name "My house, my life" shows the extreme importance of a first hard earned house. And this  will automatically go to the woman! Even in the case of a simple "stable relationship" with no marriage, no children. Even if there is a pre-nup contract determining separation of property. Even if the relationship was short, even if the man exclusively paid for the house. There goes his dream in the name of equality for women

In the case of separation, divorce, or undoing of a stable long term relationship, the ownership title of the real estate acquired through "My House, My Life" will be given to the women, or transferred to her regardless of the marital property regime.

The new rule applies to families with income range of up to three minimum wages that hat 95% of the value of the property financed by the program. […]

In cases where child custody is assigned exclusively to the husband or male partner,  the title of ownership of the property will be registered in his name.

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In divorce, women will inherit government subsidized real estate p…
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EU plans tough quotas to put women in the boardroom. Are politicians too stupid to understand the wage gap lie statistics?

EU plans tough quotas to put women in the boardroom

Justice commissioner Viviane Reding says equality will take another 40 years without tough action

But Reding was adamant that there are plenty of women capable of challenging at the highest level. "It’s very interesting that the major business schools of Europe have united forces because they have seen that often the best MBAs are done by women, but the best positions after the MBA are taken by men. So the business schools decided to pool the talent which is available on the market – that means very qualified women who have a lot of management experience – in order to put this pool at the disposal of those who take the decisions on the fulfilling of the vacant positions on the board. Very often we have heard that the women are not available. They are," she said. "They are."

Reding praised the report published in February 2011 by Lord Davies on the same topic in the UK.

Are politicians too stupid to understand Warren Farrell‘s debunking of the wage gap myth? Or are they misleading on purpose? See reddit about the wage gap quotas


The wage gap myth: Harriet Harman and manipulation of statistics

November 8, 2009 in wage gap myth | 7 comments

Harriet Harman, the feminist Minister for Women and Equality in the UK has been recommended by the Office Of National Statistics to present “gender wage gap” statistics differently in this report in order to give the figures in a fairer light. There is more evidence that her use of statistics are causing consternation in Whitehall. Previously to this, Ms. Harman has claimed that ”on average women are paid 22.6% per hour less than men”. However, this figure is based on total hours worked by both sexes – but does take into account the actual amount of hours worked by women.

From the Office Of National Statistics report (emphasis mine) ;-

The measure for all employees showed a pay difference of 22.5 percent in favour of men and the pay difference for full-timers was 12.8 per cent in April 2008. When looking at part-time employees, the difference was -3.5 per cent, meaning that part-time men were paid less on average than part-time women.

However, Ms. Harman’s own Equality and Human Rights Commission continues unabated with their own investigation on how best to provide the figures for public consumption.

Why not read the report and judge for yourself?


Wage gap is due to individual choices of men and women and to laws of supply and demand

Men choose to earn more, women choose to have more time and a better life. Never married women without children make choices like men, and thus earn more then men.

There is more demand for women engineering graduates, therefor they earn 115% of what men earn. The demand for women engineers is artificially greater due to fears of anti-discrimination lawsuits.  Male models make 20% of what female models make, because there is not much demand for male models. Should affirmative action and "fair pay act"  be applied to get equal pay for models and beauty contestants? Trash collectors (mainly male) make more then Wal-Mart sales persons (mainly female). It is not sexism, but supply and demand.  Women tend to opt out of dangerous unpleasant jobs, long work hours, long commuting, moving to Alaska for job advancement, etc..

Warren Farell: Why men earn more

We may need legislation to help men to earn as much as women, when they make the same decisions.

Feminists seek equal (or more) pay for LESS HOURS AT EASIER JOBS.
comment by WhiteStar11111


Human-Stupidity analysis

Shocking. The entire European Union warps the system in favor of women, discriminating against men. What is interesting, Warren Farrell has debunked the wage gap myth in about 2007.

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EU plans tough quotas to put women in the boardroom. Are politicia…
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